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MNN. Jan. 31, 2015. Paper currency is fiat and based on nothing. Ongwe’hon:weh land is the only real asset. The following Objection to the fraudulent attempt of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. to usurp Kanion’ke:haka land known as the “Seigneury Sault St. Louis” was on January 29th 2015.

Great law of peace

Five people met with Mike Delisle of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. [MCK Inc.] to affirm Kaia’nereh:kowa and Teio’hateh [Guswentha]. We objected to the attempted uprooting of all Kanion’ke:haka interests by selling the tract known as the “Seigneury” to the Corporation of Canada. Teio’ha:teh [Two Row Agreement] is the colonial settlers’ passport to live here in peace with us on our land.


1.The Great Peace affirms that our land and line of descent are vested in the women.

MCK Inc. Chiefs: "We want more for our Mother in our off-shore accounts?"

MCK Inc. Chiefs: “It’s do or die!?”


2.MCK Inc. are INDIANS, not Ongwe’hon:weh. They act for the CROWN and are overseen by the Privy Council. Christine Deom of MCK Inc., who directs communications with the Privy Council, was absent by design. Their mission is to remove us and our interest by selling our land for money. Those who accept a foreign process alienate themselves. MCK Inc. has no authority to discuss land with our oppressors. They have forfeited their Ongwe’hon:weh birthright, name, clan, voice and right to live among us. Their actions constitute espionage, conspiracy and complicity in genocide.

3.The US genocide model is to remove our ties to each other and to our land. Kahnawake is to be made unlivable through pipelines, highways, canals and railroads to transport stolen resources from the West.

4.Our land belongs to the faces beneath the earth. Kahnawake is part of the vast unceded territory of Ono’ware:geh [Great Turtle Island]. Parliament, the Queen, corporations, bankers and their followers are all foreigners.

5.Small private meetings are being held to falsely represent the consent of the majority. Such meetings as December 2, 2014 at the Golden Agers of 26 people are meant to finalize the murder of over 100 million Ongwe:hon:weh and the theft of hundreds of trillions from our trust funds. They win when we Kanion’ke:haka put a dollar value on our land. This allows Obama to trade Ono’ware:geh for the US bankers’ debt to China. Read: Obama: Ongwe’hon:weh land to pay debt to China We owe China nothing. Any interference with our title must answer to all 49 families, our friends and allies throughout Ono’ware:geh. MCK Inc’s one-page summary to it’s masters on behalf of all Kanion’ke:haka is fraudulent and illegal.

6.Should MCK Inc. continue its treachery, the fire shall continue to burn. Only a duly convened public meeting of the people can deal with all threats.

7.Haudenosaunee and our friends and allies can only conduct political relations through diplomatic channels, prescribed in Teio’ha:teh.

8.The following information is demanded: [a] The exact names, addresses of and all communiques with MCK Inc’s Indian Affairs and Privy Council handlers who are directing this genocide. [b] Why are discussions limited to the monetization and payment for our Mother, and our relocation and fraudulent removal of our interest to all our land. These all constitute complicity in genocide.

9.Kayoni #85 wa’ton: Nen’nen kat’ke ne ti’honon’wen’tsateh tsi’ni’yoreh tsi wahon’wati’senni kwa’toha yahon’wa’tih’sateh, sotsi ya’te’honton’tats ne aha’tiriwa’yenah ne Kaia’nereh:kowa, tohka tih’ken kana’kerasera en’honteh’riyo tsini’yoreh akwe’kon en’honni’heyeh, tsi’na’hoten roti’yen’takwe tahnon ne ra’honon’wentsa, akwe’kon Wisk Nihon’onwen’tsakeh raho’na’wen enwaton.

THEREFORE the Kaia’nereh:kowa and Teio’ha:teh affirm that:




10]Jurisdiction to our territory belongs to the Rotino’shonni. Iimposition or usurpation is treasonable, fraudulent, unconstitutional and punishable by death. [Tehon’watisokwa:riteh]

11]Rotino’shonni have jurisdiction to Kahnawake and the lands called the “Seigneury of Sault St. Louis” and beyond.

12]Breach of the 1701 Teio’ha’teh agreement with the Rotino’shonni constitutes genocide [Article 3 of the Convention on the Crime and Punishment of Genocide].

Send your objections to: Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc.

As Frank Zappa describes the MCK Inc. sales pitch: “The mystery man came over and he said, I’m out of sight. He said for a nominal service charge I could reach nirvana tonight. If I was ready, willing and able to pay him his regular fee, he would drop all the rest of his pressing affairs and devote his attention to me. And I said, look here, brother, who you jiving with that cosmik debris.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Read. Bob Rae on trillion dollar exchange.

Read. Harper’s new terror bill.

Read. Canada loses Bank of Canada law suit [Galati]










UN Big Bully




MNN. Apr. 23, 2013. The truth about Canada is coming out Is Big Bully Canada also writing the “anti-bully” legislation currently at the UN? In 1998 the National Archives of the University of Quebec, revealed that John Humphreys of McGill University wrote the 48 articles in the UN draft declaration. He was the first UN Commissioner of Human Rights. A strenuous conscious strategy by the Canadian government tried to stop the declaration. Canadian Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, said “We don’t like it and we’re going to stop it”.  Canada played a subversive role with little regard for human rights. The document boldly stated everybody is equal before the law. They had an abiding fear of economic and social rights for people, especially Indigenous. 

Canada, liar pants on fire!

Canada, liar, liar pants on fire!

Canada refuses to respect Indigenous jurisdiction and our true traditional governments. It criticizes human rights violations overseas and refuses to deal with human rights violations here. 

Stolen property, no matter how many times it is resold, is still stolen property. Canada is wealthy because they steal, extract and sell our resources. They made themselves the illegal trustees of our ever growing $70 trillion Indian Trust Fund, the biggest trust fund in the world. They criticize China, Indonesia, Syria, Iran and others for what they have been doing all along. Canada has been questioned about its human rights violations and genocidal policies. It always sidesteps the question internationally and in its own courts. 

Canada refuses to acknowledge the real Onkwehonwe. The first principle of the rule of law is a right to an impartial neutral party to mediate disputes. Canada refuses to subject their criminal relationship with Indigenous nations to a third party. 

Canada disdain for UN.

Any nation that questions Canada’s genocidal policies is threatened through the UN and other corporate structures. They will use whatever it takes, to protect the bankers’ hegemony over the people and the land.  

Canada’s system is a plutocracy, whoever has the most money makes the rules. Canada was designed and built as a corporation that sits on stolen land, without the permission of the Indigenous people. That is the reason for Canada’s disregard for all international agreements that protect the environment. 

Truth and justice will light the “Red Road” back to legality. Corporation of Canada is nearing the end.   As Joni Mitchell sings: “They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum. Then they charged the people a dollar and a half just to see them. Don’t it always go to show, that you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. They paved paradise. They put up a parking lot.” Big Yellow Taxi

What happened to parking lots?

Alberta’s future.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com   thahoketoteh@hotmail.com    For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0