Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Aug. 17, 2015. To get a good education we are told to always ask “why?” and “can you prove it?” about everything. In 1884, Canada, a corporate franchise of Europe, illegally passed the Indian Advancement Act.  [] In 1924 all of our communities were turned into POW camps administered by the military. Kahnawake is #IR 14. Today, violating our sovereignty, illegal secret structures and businesses are flooding kahnawake, without our knowledge or consent. Complaints unheeded.

Chief Joe Norton lost 3 casino referenda.

Get rich quick by scamming your people: Joke Norton.

Get rich quick by scamming your people” by Joke Norton.

It seems he purchased our land to build a casino anyway, using our sovereignty and funds to make himself and his foreign investors rich. A road off the bridge from Montreal leads to a locked gate with the sign “L.A. Hebert” [commercial & industrial projects, possibly military. 450-632-7973].

what's being weighed?

The road leads into the bush to a weigh scale and then to a 300-acre cleared landfill. Along the road are empty poles. Further on electric boxes are attached to the poles with heavy black covered wiring buried into the ground. Further along stands a large empty square structure about the size of a 3-storey Wal-Mart, without windows.

Joke casino in the bush. Ha ha ha!

Ol’ Joke casino in the bush. Ha ha ha!

A 13 ft. high fence with barbed wire at the top surrounds the entire property to keep people out, not in. 10 large cooling systems are on the roof. The property could be a casino, a military installation or a prison/holding pen/labor camp. Warning notices abound. The only security was a monitor on a table inside the front door. Further down the road is a 300-foot tower with huge thick black wires coming from it. 350 Wal-Marts closed.


Until we take direction from the kohtihon'tia:kwenio

Until we take direction from the kohtihon’tia:kwenio.

Strangely no one in Kahnawake seems to know when this structure was built in the center of our territory. Just like in 1994 Joke Norton bought a Jesus toast  for $1.2 million of our funds without our knowledge.

Looks a bit like Joe.

Looks a bit like Joe.

According to Wampum 44 of the Great Peace the kohtihon’tia:kwenio, women titleholders, are responsible for all land and community issues. Each woman has the duty to bring all issues regarding our land before the people. Using Admiralty law to set up corporate businesses and structures on our land is illegal. The colony of Canada and their corporate puppets must immediately cease and desist their violations of our authority. They must deal only deal with us as required under both our law and international law. Anyone wishing to discuss any issues must provide full information through proper diplomatic channels, the Governor General.

Joe's off-shore casino on the S.S. Concordia!

Another option: off-shore casino on Lachine Rapids.

We, the kohtihon’tia:kwennio, of the rotino’shonni:onwe, maintain that violations of our inherent rights and laws, by Canada and its corporations and agents, like the MCK, cannot be tolerated. They violate the Great Peace and Two Row, the first laws of ono’ware:geh. The women titleholders of Kahnawake have full rights to seize all of these structures and businesses that have been illegally built in our community. Govern yourselves accordingly.

Due to the immense secrecy, we are speculating and entitled to full transparency. Alice Cooper sees the CROWN’s role in this Admiralty matrix . the band councillors help the CROWN spin its web: “I’m your lover. I’m your brother. I’m your killer. I’m your friend. I’m your teacher. I’m Your preacher. I’m the reaper. In the end. I am the spider.”



MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0


Joe battles with neighbors.

CROWN agents plan takeover.

CROWN agents MCK plan takeover of Kahnawake.

Mohawk caught doing business.




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 13 May 2015. Red-X, the timeless, far-seeing, many dimensional, worldly ongwe’hon:weh gave an exclusive message to MNN. Before boarding his silver eagle to return to his cave high in the mountain where the sun never sets, he said, “When I leave, the gariwiio pimple will burst! Our great mother will provide no ongwe’hon:weh herbs to save it. Allan McNaughton was deposed in 1966. He always sat  illegally as a passive chief. Captain Aaron Detlor brought in an arsenal of sharp objects to keep Allen  in line.

Aaron, do you have to do it in the longhouse?

Aaron, do you have to do it in the longhouse?

“Those guilty of purposely violating the Great Law will throw themselves into the abys never to be seen again by the ongwe’hon:weh. The tree of peace will stand strong again. Our visitors from other lands will fall on the ground and crawl on board their leaky ships and shaky birds, to be washed away never to be seen again by the ongwe’hon:weh.

Red-X advises, “Follow our true teacher, not false prophets like Skaniatariio and Captain Brant.

“Brant [1743–1807], a prominent Free Mason, was expelled completely from the Confederacy for treasonously selling our land and other malfeasance. Detlor also revealed himself  and no one will give him shelter. He will flee while the going is good. But the Great Law will pursue him forever.

Aaron, you can run, disguise yourself, but the Great Law will find you!

Aaron, you can run, disguise yourself, but the Great Law will find you!


“The white serpent of Free Masonry has always slithered invisibly beneath society, coiled up under our benches waiting to strike. Those who joined need to speak about their affiliation. The Great Peace longhouses have a duty to help reinstate the kaia’nereh:kowa, the true natural law of Ono’ware:geh, Great Turtle Island.

“Dekanawida brought us three things: the good message, which is here on earth; all living things have the same mother and the power to unite our minds; and to create the Peace.

“The instigators need a pretext to bring in the military to commit a treasonous act” just like in Onondaga in 1997. Red-X instructed, “Detlor and his cohorts should be challenged in an open council, using the perimeters of the natural law.

I'll believe anything! We're covering the wrath of the clan mothers & elders!

I’ll believe anything! We’re covering the wrath of the clan mothers & elders!

Red-X reminded us, “When they are ready, they may burn tobacco and call all our communities to come to one mind.” Finally he said, “The sun never sets on the Great Peace. The Eagle on top of the tree will always have a keen eye to see afar.” Then he boarded his silver eagle. Before flying off, Red-X said, “When you need news, who are you gonna call?”  He heads off with the Fifth Dimension singing, “When the moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planet, and love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.


Interesting prophecy.

Roadside checkpoints NYS.

Pam Palmater on C-51.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. MAY 6, 2015.  First Canada passed the Indian Act 1876 to declare us as non-persons and wards of the state.  This was to take control of our Indian Trust Funds. On October 25th 1924 the Indian Advancement Act was implemented by the colony of Canada as the 100-year plan to be rid of the “Indian problem”. Prisoners of war camps POW called “INDIAN reserves”, were set up across Canada by the War Department in 1924. Barbed wire fences, guards, passes and permission to leave and our children removed and placed in residential school death camps. Indian Affairs is run by the Department of Defense to this day. They are now in their 90th year of completing this genocide program.

Peace in shackles.

Corporate peace.

Military planners design the captivity psychosis in POW camps. They determine the standards of behavior. Brutal and unfeeling wardens select subordinates to oversee the camp. Those who do not fit in and the weaker ones are removed. Lack of adequate food, clothing, shelter and poor physical conditions create shame, stunned stupor, deep confusion, anger and death. Inmates suffer from confinement, inactivity and isolation making them inert and silent. Some are allowed to work as hired hands for local settlers. Inmates eventually become scared of being set free.

As Reagan told Gorbachev: "Tear down those walls",

As Reagan told Gorbachev: “Tear down those walls”,

Stress and deliberate misinformation causes loss of identity and pride. They are discouraged from thinking about their past. Tension and disorder are constantly fostered between different groups. Divisive quarrels are created to more easily control the inmates. Movies and games are selected for “barbed wire madness” to create futility. Improper food and long term deterioration breaks down their thinking. Inmates become apathetic and refuse to take part in camp affairs. They can’t concentrate and lose their memory about themselves, their families and the communities they come from.

RCMP walked into the longhouse in Akwesasne, put a gun to the chief’s head and shot him dead. He was immediately replaced by the fake chief and band council system. In 1924 at Tyendinaga all of our farms in Prince Edward County were confiscated. We were arrested and interred in the new 18,000 acre concentration camp and turned into prisoners of war. It was originally 880,000 acres.

In 1990 the military came into Akwesasne, Kahnawake and Kanehsatake because legally we are still prisoners of war which is still un der their jurisdiction. Karonhiaktajeh, told us we are the sleeping lion. The tense hatred, accumulated anger, hopelessness and cynicism created is a military control strategy. He created a “de’INDIANIZATION” strategy based on relearning the philosophy of the Great Peace, Kaia’nereh:kowa.

Is it for real?

Look out! He’s waking up!


Karonhiaktajeh told us that we are the sleeping lion. When we awake, we will be very, very ornery, as the Tokens sing: “Ee-e-e-e oh-mum-mum-oh-weh. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight”. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit


Indian Act.

Indian Trust Fund.

Australia’s Aboriginie genocide plans




Recruitment Ads…


MNN.  Feb. 7, 2013.  Do not join the Canadian or US military.  Europeans have a strategy of putting Indigenous People in the galley of the ships to seek their fortunes and world domination agenda.  You should not help these monsters make holes in the hulls of our ancestral canoes to try to get control over the whole river of life. warrior1First, corporations create poverty and desperation among our people.  The youth have to either commit suicide with drugs and alcohol. Or the government suggests an honorable way out.  “Defend your country”, “Be a hero”. They need cannon fodder for their illegal wars.  

APTN recruitment ads for $DND.

APTN recruitment ads for $DND.

Once you slap on that uniform, you belong to them. They are recruiting  you to commit the same crimes that they committed against us.  Middle Eastern people are not our enemies.  

You will be made to kill dark skinned people and steal their land and resources.  The weapons you fire are designed to kill the victims and to contaminate you so you have an early death.  They want to cut down on medical bills and pensions.  You don’t even know the greedy bankers you are fighting for. 

After centuries of genocide they want you to fill up their armies to die on their sinking ship.  You may be ordered to kill your own people, men, women and babies!  Our mind, body and energy are tied to our land.  You are going to be told lies to make you hate the people you are going to be ordered to slaughter.  Many of you will die.  

US recruitment of Buffalo Soldiers to murder Indians.

US recruitment of Buffalo Soldiers to murder Indians.

The cartels have decided that some of us are meant to die.  We will need you during the hardest times that are coming.  

You are needed at home.  We are helpless without our protectors.  Our nationalism is to care for our families and lands. 

The bankers” motto is: “Your life is yours to give and for us to take”.  

Our grandfather’s said that each boy, inside their minds, has two wolves constantly fighting each other. One black one. One white one. The grandson asks, “Which one wins, grandpa?” The grandfather says, “The one you feed”.  

As Buffy Ste-Marie sang “He’s the Universal Soldier, and he really is the blame.  But his orders come from far away no more.  They come from him and you and me. Oh, brothers, can’t you see, this is not the way we put an end to war”. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0