

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Dec. 19, 2014. Thahoketoteh arrived in 2000 in Kanekota, which is at the head of the Grand River. It is part of the 1784 Haldimand Proclamation British protectorate. Accordingly, he is guaranteed “by royal proclamation any Mohawk Indians as wish to settle in that quarter and take possession of, and settle upon the banks of the river commonly called Ouse or Grand River, running into Lake Erie, allotting for that purpose six miles deep from each side of the river, beginning at Lake Erie, and extending in that proportion to the head of the said river, which them and their posterity shall enjoy forever”. The rank Captain General has the power to make royal procalamations like the king, which supercedes all Admiralty statutes. The Kanion’ke:haka family made a claim to one lot, which equals 360 acres, lot 1 concession 11, Nottawasaga Township.

The late Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, ignored the Royal Proclamation and the claim. He built a home on one half of the claim. He was informed by MP Garth Turner prior to the construction about the Mohawk interest. He chose to ignored it. The Mohawk family is following the Guswentha and the Kaianerekowa, the law of the land.

Kanekota Lot 1 Concession 11

Kanekota Lot 1 Concession 11


The time has come for the Ongwehonwe to move to the hilly country according to our ancient instruction. The Kanion’ke:haka family would like to occupy Lot 1 Concession 11 now. They are asking the Royaner and Iotiyaner to have a meeting with Mrs. Flaherty at the property to resolve this issue according to the law. All the children need a permanent place to live and grow.

Thahoketoteh has taken this matter to the top General in the British military, Sir Peter Wall. He has been reminded of the order left for him by the top ranking British General ever.

Thahoketoteh took the case and all related Kanekota issues to the Admiralty court in 2012 [FCC T1396-12]. It ruled that it had no jurisdiction to grant the relief requested.

Thahoketoteh & family.

Thahoketoteh & family looking at the Flaherty mansion on their land.

Mrs. Flaherty is illegally occupying a big house on this land. She received the following letter on December 10, 2014 at her office in Whitby Ontario. Since she has not responded we publish this to put it on the public record. Please forward your comments to Mrs. Flaherty/Christine Elliott, 101 – 114 Dundas St. , Whitby, ON L1N 2H7 Christine.elliottco@pc.ola.org 905-430-1141

Everyone would like to resolve this properly. As Grand Funk tells us: “Everybody listen to me, and return me my ship. I’m your Captain. Though I’m feeling mighty sick. If you return me to my home port, I will kiss you, Mother Earth. Take me back now. Take me back now, to the port of my birth.” I’m your Captain/Closer to home.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Kanekota archives.

“Thahoketoteh, Bear Clan, Kanionkehaka, 325 Robert St., Unit 4, Shelburne inside Kanekota, ON L9V 3B8 519-925-9695, thahoketoteh@hotmail.com

REGISTERED MAIL – Dec. 12, 2014

Mrs. Christine Elliott101 – 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby, ON L1N 2H7 Christine.elliottco@pc.ola.org 905-430-1141

Regarding your home: on Lot 1 Concession 11 Nottawasaga ON

She:kon. As you are probably aware, we went to see Garth Turner MP in 2005 to help us lodge our land claim as per the Haldimand Proclamation 1784. The Captain General designates the power of the king to issue royal procalamations, which supercede all Admiralty statutes in this monarchical democracy. Your husband decided to ignore the Royal Proclamation and build a home on our claim. We let him know before a shovel was put in the ground. I came to Kanekota in 2000 to find my claim as per the Royal Proclamation for my family as per Kaianerekowa. I rented a place for 3 years at $1500 a month, specifically to find the proper claim for me and my family to settle on. Lot 1 Concession 11 the site of Etobicoke Education Center which was being abandoned and I thought there would be no problems.

The property next door is where I lived for 3 years while choosing a suitable spot. Then I claimed the school property which is on half of lot 1 concession 11, the whole lot is was the perfect claim. It is 360 acres, enough for my growing family. All this was done according to the Kaianerekowa and the Two Row Wampum, which your government is legally required to honor.

The time for  the Ongwehonwe to move to the hilly country as per our ancient instruction is now. I would like to occupy my Lot 1 Concession 11 and start preparing for the arrival of my 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I now ask for your help in attaining this.

Your home is built on one half of Lot 1 Concession 11. I would like to have a meeting with you at the property. I will bring our chiefs and clan mothers so we can resolve this issue once and for all, in everyone’s best interest.

Just know that Lot 1 Concession 11 is part of the earth and going nowhere. The Mohawk claim will always be there even though your husband illegally built a house there. We would like to have the meeting at your house on Lot 1 Concession 11. Please inform us when if we can have this meeting. Our preference is before the winter solstice this year.

The real issue is the children. Like all children, they need a permanent place to live and grow. We would appreciate working with you on this issue. Please let me know as soon as possible upon receipt of my letter.Thahoketoteh of Kanekota thahoketoteh@hotmail.com cc. Royaner & Otiyaner.”







Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Dec. 17, 2014. Today is the first day of the solstice. The natural variety of languages will enhance the spreading of the Great Peace throughout the world. Everyone wants to see a world without war for our children. Mohawk Nation News is being translated into many languages. We are grateful for this encouragement. Attached are two articles that were translated into French and German, and an historic Vancouver city council video

French: Getting to know you.

“They are always very well read throughout the French speaking communities. French language alternative medias are growing in interest with the territorial and colonial issues brought by the western civilization. We are pleased to think that somehow we have been part of the trigger in the boost of interest, for these essential questions…”

This group in France has translated the 117 wampums of Kaianere’ko:wa into French. Soon it will be on the Mohawk Nation News home page for anyone to print out. The Great Peace definitely has a major role for creating a better world.

This MNN article is translated into German and Dutch.

German reader, a friend of Censored, said the new translator’s German is perfect. The Dutch is by a longtime translator Alice Holemans. Here’s the MNN article with translations at Censored News:

German: Sun setting on British Empire.

Vancouver mayor and council submit to historic First Nations’ natural ceremony, the “brushing off” ritual, the small condolence ceremony.

Youtube: Vancouver historic ceremony.

John Lennon asked us to: “Imagine there no heaven. Its easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today”.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. DEC. 16, 2014. This letter was send to the Governor General of Canada, Hon. David Johnson, on December 16: ”I write to you today about how Canada is trying to implement the disastrous US Indian Termination Policy of 1945 to 1965. At the December 2 “negotiation” meeting held by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. we were informed that an illegal settlement is being finalized between them and Ottawa. We would get some of our own money and then be removed.

Corpo INDIANS waiting for instructions from the CROWN.

Corpo INDIANS waiting for instructions from the CROWN.

The US wanted to remove the Indian interest on all land in order to have complete sovereignty over Ono’ware:geh. Ongwe’hon:we were to be assimilated into mainstream American society. Congress ended their sovereignty and obligations to them. They got a one-way ticket to a city. Their communities were municipalized or privatized. Those with resources were taken over by development corporations. Many died in the streets. Some tried to return to their homelands. They lost everything, all their property, exemptions, education, health and economic benefits were ended. Some resisted and had some of their rights and lands restored.

The attempted theft of our territory called the “Seigneury of Sault Louis” has been going on forever. In 1975 Chief Andrew Delisle tried to secretly remove our rights to our land through a Band Council Resolution he submitted to Indian Affairs. We fought it successfully. Now they are trying again.

The illegally imposed INDIAN Act councilors and their 200 or so voters are Canadians of INDIAN descent . They have relinquished their claims to all Rotino’shonni territory. The federal, provincial and band council governments cannot legally negotiate anything on our behalf.

This false ‘claim’ is based on a 1680 land grant by Louis XIV to the Jesuits, who control Admiralty court. We have lived here since the beginning of human time on earth. We will work out the terms for the settlers who wish to stay.

The 1701 Great Peace of Montreal was a “peace” treaty, not a land surrender. The Jesuits illegally gave our ‘seigneury’ land to French settlers. In 1762 British General Gage reconfirmed Mohawk title.

Kanion’ke:haka land extends south to the Mohawk River Valley, the Finger Lakes, west to the Ohio, north to Lake Superior and back to Lake St. Louis. There is speculation that a new wide deeper St. Lawrence Seaway channel will be built around the south of Kahnawake. A cross-Canada pipeline is coming through. Our community will be uninhabitable. Lands of other Ongwe’hon:we are apparently being set aside for us in the north to cut our roots from our land.

Rotis'kenra:kete: "How do you like me now, soldier boy?"

Rotis’kenra:kete: “How do you like me now, soldier boy?”

We never became British subjects or Canadian citizens. Sir William Johnson, the first Superintendent of Indian Affairs and the Crown’s representative in North America, knew how things stood. In 1767, five years after the conquest of the French, he wrote to Earl Shelburne, “One who would call the Six Nations our subjects needs a good army at his back!” In 1767 Governor Simcoe wrote that the Ongwe’hon:we consider their nations as “entirely independent”. In 1796 the Attorney General of Canada noted that, “The Six Nations do not acknowledge the sovereignty of the King. They call themselves allies.”

The 1763 Royal Proclamation affirmed this position. Colonial governors could not make grants or purchases throughout Ono’ware:geh.

The Guswentha [Two Row Wampum] is our basic relationship with the settlers. They are international “peace and trade” agreements that originated between us and the Dutch, English and French.

Kahtihon’tia:kwenio, the “progenitors of the soil”, are the holders of the land for the coming generations. The CROWN’s representatives cannot negotiate for us.

The Seigneury fraud is being worked out between lawyers under Admiralty court rules which implements the genocide program. This issue does not belong in your Admiralty court. We will be seeking redress at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. This is the only court where we might get a fair trial based on natural law. Govern yourselves accordingly.

As the Canadian band, Steppenwolf, explain about the Mohawk; “Like a true nature’s child, we were born to be wild. We can climb so high we never want to die. Born to be wild. Born to be wild. Born to be wild”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

GG is old time corporatism.

Obama 50 wounded knees.

Address: Governor General, Rideau Hall, 1 Sussex Drive, Ottawa Canada K1A -0A1,613-993-8200.

Cc: US President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Premier, Province of Quebec, City of Montreal, President of France, Progressive Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Parti Quebecois, UN High Commission for Human Rights, Governor of New York State, Mohawk communities: St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc., Kanio’ke:haka Kaianereh’kowa Kanon’ses:neh, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., Mohawk Trail Longhouse, 207 Longhouse, Up-the-Hill Longhouse, Ganiengeh Mohawk Territory, Tyendinaga Mohawks, Kanekota Mohawks, Wahta Mohawks, Kanatsiohareke,     Minister, Department of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington DC.

Note: Please forward this notice to all Ongwehonwe nations throughout the western hemisphere and to our allies worldwide. Send your comments to the Governor General and MCK communications@mck.ca