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MNN. Apr. 3. 2023. Canadians are beginning to be haunted by two past issues, murders of indigenous children and their unmarked graves being found. So far many thousands of unmarked graves have been discovered across Canada of children who were taken and disposed of, as well as numbers of children who were sold to colonial settlers for as little as $100. Most bodies are found near the Canadian Government Indian residential schools they were forced to attend. Many were medically experimented upon or died from mistreatment.
They pretend they do not remember but they do. The children were disposed of in horrific ways. All the residential school sites are crime scenes. The archives will soon reveal criminal wrongdoing or orchestrated genocide. The Canadian courts, ‘all admiralty’ want to “reconcile” their criminal actions by paying money. Reconciliation is an accounting term. Their main objective is to put a price on an “Indian child” so they can reconcile their registries. The Canadian courts base their whole existence upon “the Doctrine of Discovery” which the Vatican has now recinded.
We all have to look at the truth. When the invaders arrived to onowarekeh, turtle island, they witnessed our happiness. We welcomed them as our younger brothers. They decided they were going to take over the whole family because they thought they were smarter and get away with it. There is no happy ending for us, especially because our story was once so peaceful. We are a people who have a great love for each other and all living things.
We know that on this earth all living things have the same mother, she is the earth. We all have the same source energy as father. That makes us all brothers and sisters who shall survive and coexist on our mother.
Then a time came and most of us died.
They wrote in their laws of Canada that we are subhuman, the same as a bear or a deer, so they can kill us with impunity. Those running the corporation of ‘Canada’ have no moral conscience and take an oath to the emperor at the Vatican through the King of England. They do not take an oath to the people they apparently represent or to the land known they call ‘Canada’. These are the biggest criminals on our land.
The truth has been revealed while those in power turn their back and pretend they do not not see what is upon their shoulders. We have been in survival mode since October 25, 1924, when reserves were established to kill all the Indians.
The real Indian people have a philosophy called ‘karma’ and they say, there is ‘good karma’ and ‘bad karma’. The Canadian colonial society has much bad karma coming their way.
We are now opening all the boxes of secrets about the dissection and dismemberment of our most precicous children. We will once again know the happy life our grandchildren’s grandchildren deserve til infinity. Today we are going to start to put the pieces of the puzzle back together. Canadians, you will soon be facing more and more of the people you oppressed.
Because you put your private corporation on stolen land and murdered our people Canadians are stateless. We have stopped running away from you. Canada is coming to an end. We will be grateful when we are free. The compass on what we are going to do is in our minds. We are imagining who we are. We will live with creation as we were intended.
The sweet Sarah Maclachan surrenders to the unknown:
It doesn’t mean much
It doesn’t mean anything at all
The life I’ve left behind me is a cold room
I’ve crossed the last line
From where I can’t return
Where every step I took in faith betrayed me
And led me from my home
And sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
Take me in, no question’s asked
You strip away the ugliness that surrounds me
(Who are you?)
Are you an angel?
Am I already that gone?
I only hope that I won’t disappoint you
When I’m down here on my knees
(Who are you?)
And sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
(Who are you?)
And sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
Don’t understand
The touch of your hand
I would be the one to fall
I miss the little things
I miss everything about you. . . . .