MNN. Sep. 24, 2024. THE TAKER’S PLANS. These are the plans of the takers from the ashes of the ruins they made here on great turtle island for us and all life. They set up artificial boundaries to separate us from each other and hide our existence to commit their genocide of indigenous people, our mother earth and all life.  After the major devastation they started a new society of themselves as equals with each other without us. The foreign church and state made the rules to do away with those they did not want or need, us. We were in the way because they can’t have our land if we are here. They wanted to say, “A long time ago there once were indigenous people here.” So until we were disappeared they became “Canadien”, “squatters”.  The canadien colony wanted to form a country, but we inhabited it since time immemorial and will until there is not one of us left. The Canadien are a corporate entity registered in the Vatican of the white people of Europe. They set out to steal the riches of onowarekeh turtle island. They committed the biggest genocide on earth of the indigenous people and all life of the western hemisphere from ocean to ocean, pole to pole. They made rules to set up a white ‘nation’ by “disappearing” us and hiding us and bringing in foreigners to help them make an indigenous-free nation based upon everybody trying to get rich here on turtle island. They never stopped. Now the world will know of this. 


We were kidnapped from our people because we were different and had to be eliminated. We were forced to use non-indigenous names to break our ties to our mother earth and to each other. Our native names are motion verbs which the takers tried to change to non-active noun names that we were ordered to answer to. Speaking these simple limited European languages slowed down our minds and split us from our relationship with mother earth. No matter the horrors, we remained onkwehonweh indigenous. Our people were given numbers and white names so we ended up in the ‘lost and not found’. We started to wonder, “Who am I?” Our names now are mostly non-indigenous which are psychologically diminishing our culture. They demand us to be like the whites who made themelves the masters with their many different non onkwehonweh racial ancestries and feelings and no connection to who we are! Forcing their noun names on us was to re-engineer our minds and our families, for their grand experiment.  

We were ordered to be like the intruders. But we just did not fit in. We became lost in a no man’s land with names and a foreign language with no natural meanings or sounds, meanings we were forced to memorize, not understand. The elders and babies were eliminated. We could not even sing or dance as we were told “they are of the long dead past”. This training is meant to make us forget who we are so they could put what they want in us. Within our culture and language our people possess intelligence, integrity and courage to see the truth passed down from our ancestors. Today the forked tongued intruders do not want us to know where we come from. They want us to be receivers of selected lies they made up to make us accept everything they told us.  They don’t want us to speak of peace and question the failures of their meaningless thoughts made up by their gurus like McGill and Harvard, etc. to shove into us. They designed and selected our memory for us and even tested us to see if we swallowed their lies. These entities twist everything for us. We have to use our own way of understanding.

We see beyond. The elite lie for personal amusement. They tell us what to remember, think and talk about with each other, which is mostly a mundane shallow waste of time, about what we see on their made up press and media messages. The truth is very heavy. They write everything in books and put it on shelves for their higher ups. They even try to corporately own our newly made languages. So they tried to make us abandon our original memory system. We have ways to receive memory of our ancestors when they come from their mothers at birth. The hospital culture takes away this light from our eyes. The young and old were killed. We do know what death is. If we cannot feel anything then what is the point? Their artificial white languages are brainwashing created by their ‘linguists’ to guide theirs and our thinking, just like calling everybody “guys” to remove the female attributes and minimize the women. Rebels like us who speak the old way are being ignored until we die out. The old voices in our minds can still talk to us. One way to try to destroy us is by giving us bad sickening memories, to take away the nice warm feelings that our mothers give us.  


If they don’t want anyone to see the truth, then they must keep everybody’s eyes closed. They lost the way to love somebody. We know. We cry. We feel sorrow. Today we see children starving and suffering. Killed. Men blown up. So they cannot see the possibility of love or hope. We want to dance. Feel real joy. People at the top are weak, selfish and in pain. They hear no music. The Settler people’s lives are shadows. Their rules are lies. Faint distant echoes are keeping us real. Freedom. The memories now returning to us are the truth. We hold the feather in our hands – if you can’t follow the kaianerekowa great peace, then you must leave.

Robbie Robertson takes us home with this version of the Stomp Dance featuring the Six Nations Women Singers with Rita Coolidge and Joanne Shenandoha: “Together we dance, all the first nations. There is no chance we’re ever going to give up. Beating hearts beat as one. You are in Indian country . . .”




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