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Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News


mohawk-warrior-book-launchImage by Kanien’kehá:a artist, author, and activist, Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall, 1918-1993

https://www.facebook.com/events/839055253794046 https://www.concordia.ca/cuevents/offices/provost/fourth-space/programming/2022/10/18/mohawk-warrior-society-publication-launch.html

The Mohawk Warrior Society Book Launch and Screenings on Indigenous Sovereignty and Survival Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 4TH SPACE J.W. McConnell Building, Concordia University 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal The Mohawk Warrior Society: Book Launch and Screenings on Indigenous Sovereignty and Survival

Join us for the launch of an unprecedented book, a public roundtable with members of the Kanien’keha:ka Rotiskenrakete of the Men’s Fire and Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera, an activist group of Mohawk women from Kahnawake, and film screenings in celebration of Indigenous culture and resilience.

THE MOHAWK WARRIOR SOCIETY: A HANDBOOK ON SOVEREIGNTY AND SURVIVAL, is the centrepiece of our events. Containing new oral history by key figures of the Rotisken’rhakéhte revival in the 1970s, this compilation tells the story of the Warriors’ famous flag and other art, their armed occupation of Ganienkeh in 1974, and the role of their constitution, the Great Peace. This book launch is part of a two-day series of events and film screenings that foreground Kanien’kehá:ka activism, culture, and current issues within the broader rubric of Indigenous sovereignty.

See below for the full schedule:

October 18 11:00am – 4:00pm Round Table and Book Launch

October 19 1:00pm – 1:15pm

Welcome and Introduction 1:15pm – 2:00pm Film Screening: “Mohawk Nation” (1978) 2:00pm – 2:15pm

Short Break 2:15pm – 2:40pm Film Screening: “Rose” (2022) 2:45pm – 4:00pm

Open Discussion How can you participate? Join us in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.

Have questions? Send them to info.4@concordia.ca




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MNN: 20 Jan. 2020. Note. The black serpent is the Corporation. Today one has fled turtle island with the booty so he could not be served with warrants for his criminality. The other rich and famous black serpents are staying behind conducting a ceremony [Inauguration] to divert the attention of the world of their atrocities. These vultures are staying behind to fight over the spoils and ‘clean the bones’.  In the meantime the rest of us are imprisoned in our rooms and can’t have visitors. With Trump’s world collapsing around him, he might find solace, asylum and comfort in Russia. 



19 Dec. 2011.  Because we aren’t like the colonial invaders, how many thought we were crazy?  They tried to make us imitate and look like them.  We’re not taking it anymore!  Look what’s happening.


The US and European economies are falling like the WTC.   

European Union EU is a non-military empire, run by the IMF, EU and Central Bank.  Spain, Greece, Portugal and Ireland are staying in the EU prison, to help tear it down from inside. 

The US was never going to be an empire.  Their job was to create wars for the bankers.

Millions of US rulers and their middle class agents are fleeing Great Turtle Island with the cashbox that contains the country’s resources and riches, to deposit into the City of London [central bank].

Political, financial and crime bosses will follow the money.  Those left behind will suffer without leaders to tell them what to do.  They will tear the US apart from within.  

Technology is creating fabricated information leading to decisions full of error.    

Government wages unending war on innocent foreigners and now there’s payback on their own people.  The masses are being threatened with austerity, fuel blockages, riot police, checkpoints, drones, limited mobility, an economic collapse, draconian controls, health emergencies, no political and legal order, starvation and death.Their moral compass is based on property, thrill seeking, addiction and kleptomania.  Their politicians and CEOs steal millions, so they emulate them.  


President Obama signed the Defense Authorization Act to bring in martial law.  Any US citizen can be arrested and detained without any criminal charges.  50 FEMA camps are ready to accept prisoners.  Millions of family-size plastic coffins await. 

The ex-pats are moving to Australia, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, South Africa, Spain, Brazil, Czechoslavakia, Thailand, Buenos Aires and Argentina, where English is spoken.  Japan, France, Italy and UK are out.  Too expensive.  

Americans can’t easily learn other languages.  These unilingualists can’t see the perceptions of others.   

Their brain patterns are being technologically altered to numb the creative side.  Their culture short circuits their thinking, causing a bipolar like behavior.  They fantasize and blind themselves to reality. 


The Western mind has been conditioned to be weak, shallow, blood thirsty and guiltless.  They suffer from anxiety and depend on medications.  Pharmaceuticals create diseases and addictive poison cures. 

Their artists are like Indigenous whose intuition and intellect work together to see reality. Many scientists and artists are politically persecuted or murdered.  They could have been the voice of truth. 

Information at the top of the pyramid will always be incomplete.  Voices below are varied, as they should be, with more insights.  The rulers are confused and have lost control of the masses.   

The old Soviet Union locked away its critics.  The United States expels them. Blacklists and restricted employment often work as effectively as the Soviet gulag system. 

We indigenous are staying out of their way but won’t let them trample us. 

We don’t have technology.  Yet our way is infiltrating their system.

In the song, London Bridge, “Take the key and lock them up, lock them up, lock them up.  Take the key and lock them up, my fair lady”.  Remember, nothing artificial can last.  Nature tears down all walls [the water].

Sam Cooke said it well: “A change is gonna come”. Watch his great video.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@proteinmail.com  For more news and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

PIERRE POILEVRE EXPLAINS HOW RICH GET RICH, POOR GET POOR DURING COVID https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=810012882882619

DAVID ICKE PREDICTED U.S. POLICE STATE 10 YEARS AGO https://banned.video/watch?id=5ff6e13fde2e203348966ba1



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TRUTHFUL WORDS: “o cana’jon, you squat on native land. with greedy minds you do the banks command. you pay them tax and shop around on onowarekeh. on turtle island the land of our birth. no more TRAPS TRICKS OR GENOCIDE. the great peace is the only way. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth.”

Let’s all sing : https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2019/12/14/canajon-the-revised-anthem/

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0



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MNN.  Sept. 2, 2019. 


Wampum 72 of the kaianerekowa provides that the soil of the earth from one end to the other [pole to pole, ocean to ocean] is the birthright of the original people who naturally occupy it. No foreign people have the right to take over the land of the inherent people. The so-called “conquest of America” is a bare-faced robbery of onkwehonweh land.


The power of the kaianerekowa great peace is in the mind of the original people. The power originates from our DNA which is stimulated by creation through our memory. The kaianerekowa has the tools to spread peace among mankind. Here it is no longer possible for the white demons and their followers to walk with us in peace with creation. They destroy turtle island without guilt or responsibility. They will perish or return to their motherland.  The white demons came to turtle island by following the artificial route to turtle island in a clockwise direction.


Our original natural karenna, the sound known as language that connects us to our mother provides the natural direction of our mind, energy and body. These elements are balanced. Fallen minds dissolve. We do our ceremonies and give thanks in a counter clockwise direction, which is the direction of the spinning of the earth. We reject control by the clockwise directed corporations. This consciousness push us toward our natural objectives.  

These private corporations called governments go clockwise, against nature. They set up systems to make people go against nature and to control them. Even foreign trees planted here are dying because they do not belong on turtle island. The 1% and their followers build walls, armies and weapons to protect themselves from the natural reality.  

The corporations and the United Nations stand at the apex of it all. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, is their demonic plan for the world for us to study. The white demons called band council, AFN, chiefs, first nations and other made up names work together to try to annihilate us, to remove our inherent native title and to help assert the white demons on turtle island and the world.   

We naturally belong to everything as part of the fields of energy of turtle island. The invaders cannot imagine what we will do for our children.  

Fear is for those who have a lot to lose. Power is their worst addiction.

Cosmic energy enters the body of the original people through the medulla and then to the cerebrum, where the energy is stored. We are like musical instruments, each playing our own tune. Some of us play in harmony with others, creating beautiful music. Some play solo in a different key to the rest. We work to together to exist in harmony. Our psychic energy never leaves. The women are nurtured by the earth, they create life and we go back to our mother.  


We reject fictional rules and ways. Those who help their demon masters try to control us. This will come to an end. Of that we are very very sure. 

Jim Morrison of the Doors said, “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is”. Politicians and corporatists need artificial vibrations and excitement. The white demons and their followers have no regrets about massacring and brutalizing unarmed native people, babies, women and people who did nothing to them.  

kasatstensera kowa sa oiera, the great natural power, gives us everything we need, medicine, food, support to build our families, ideas for our minds to fight the genocide and water to survive. Everything within and on the earth gives of itself, winds, seasons, temperatures. We communicate with the grandfather thunderers, hatowi, medicines. We clean our houses and keep sicknesses away. The sun settles in the west. The moon pulls the waters. Stars provide direction when we need it. We are told stories of how we got here.



 mohawknationnews.com box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact kahentinetha2@protonmail.com 







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MNN. Jan. 14, 2019. We shall soon return to the state we were in before the Europeans arrived on great turtle island, to a sustainable world with acknowledgment and respect for all life with our relations on our mother earth. 


In Kamloops BC the invading immigrant, Prime Minister Trudeau, admitted that, “We have a long history that is terrible.” All original life on turtle island will live by the kaianerekowa and teiohateh, based upon the power of our minds. The illegal Corporation known as Canada shall no longer exist, Indian Act, band councils, the Indian Lands Acts of 1924, all colonial courts on turtle island, fiat currency, the POW camps called “reserves”, residential schools, christianity, treaties, immigration laws and immigrants, the entire horse shit called the Canadian constitution which has never been ratified by the Canadian people who presume to stand above us, all crown deeds from the beginning, everything that is connected to the colony of Canada in any way, however slight, are null and void.   


Prime Minister Trudeau at Kamloops on January 9, 2019 he pled guilty to all of Canada’s crimes against all life on turtle island.  He will be held accountable for his words. When they do not follow the kaianerekowa and teiohate they are to leave turtle island forthwith. We natives can now carry out our duties and responsibilities as determined by creation. Justin Trudeau has no self-determination to give to anyone. He admits that Canada violated kaianerekowa and teiohate.  


lTrudeau wants 1 million new immigrants to come to Canada. Every immigrant must pass a test administered by the true natural natives. We will decide who comes and who goes onto our territories. Those who don’t know the kaianerekowa and teiohateh and pledge to this personally cannot remain here. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the following comments at the Town Hall meeting at Kamloops, British Columbia, on January 9, 2019: At 45:43 to -51:29 remaining.

Prime Minister: “You in the striped scarf, yes”.

Question: “Hello, my name is Tilly. I come from the Stl’atl’lmx Nation, and I come here with my prayers and I come here with my ancestors, and today I want to ask you, what are you going to do to stop oppressing and holding our people under your colonization? When are you going to give us our rights back? When are you going to start giving a shit about who we are and not seen just for our land?”

Answer by Prime Minister: “Thank you for your question, Tilly. Canada has a long and terrible history in regards to indigenous peoples. We have consistently failed as a country to live up to the original word and intent of the treaties. We have not treated indigenous peoples as partners and stewards of this land. We have marginalized – behaved in paternalistic colonialistic ways that has lacked respect for the first peoples as the stewards of the land. We have much to apologize for and much to work forward on together in respect. [There’s the guilty plea].

“Okay. So yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity of sitting down in Ottawa with the leaders of self- governing and modern treaty first nations. Nations that had made their way out from under the colonial relic that is the Indian Act. [Those “leaders” are paid Canadian Indian Act band people that speak for Canada and cannot speak for the original people of turtle island. Legitimate decisions must be made by every native on great turtle island.] And we are working with them on full self-government and we are working with them to be able to make their own determinations about their land, how they care for their people, how they serve their people, how they move forward in responsible ways that are their choices. And that is why we are working on two levels on this issue. . . . [He’s talking to himself as they are his paid Canadian underlings. Their plans are to balkanize the western native people by creating unending conflict between us].

[response from audience) Prime Minister says: “I appreciate that. I am trying to answer your her question, am I allowed to answer her question M’am? Thank you.] . . . . So, Tilly, the two streams we are working on: 1. Indigenous services, and 2. Indigenous relationships. On relationships, we know we have to get out from under this Indian Act. [We will go back to before October 25, 1924 when we controlled all the land. We’ll start there.] We need to move to a place where you are in control of your communities, control of your territories, control of your future, control of your children once again, control of your destinies that has been through generations and centuries in Canada taken away from you. [He admits the crime and will do the time!]


And that is the work of, it took decades and centuries to break this relationship. It will take time to improve it, but we are making significant progress right now in self-governance, in new relationships, in support that is moving in the right direction. [The genocide can stop immediately when the women take their place as the kanistensera among our people protected by the men.] On the other side of things, there is a question of services. There is still far too many indigenous communities in this country that are existing under boil water advisories, that are not going, not having schools to go to, not getting parity in terms of the money we invest in young people in non-indigenous communities versus indigenous communities. . . .” [lHe asdmits Canada committed all these crimes]. 

Stopping the genocide and theft or our land and resources will be in an instant when you get off our backs.   

Corporate Canada’s new deal is to turn our communities into municipalities and make the original natural people placed here by creation into corporate tax paying serfs for the scavenging corporation of Canada. The new proposed deal called the “Framework Agreement” is presently on the floor of the House of Commons. They have no intention of honoring the teiohateh, the kanianerekowa, or the Great Peace of Montreal 1701. 

[Statement from Tilly]: ”. . . . everything you benefit from our oppression and our suffering. You are afraid to lose your comfort”. 

Prime Minister: “No I am not, Tilly. I am ready to walk in partnership with you in building the future. And that is what we have been doing over the past 3 years in renewing this relationship. . . . [indecipherable response from Tilly] . . . . I can understand your impatience. . . .” 

The new relationship is to put in the pipelines and rape and pillage our mother.

[Statement from Tilly]: . . . Why are they in our face. Why are you not putting those officers up to protect us? You are protecting a dirty pipeline. It is not honourable. . . . “ (indecipherable) [The RCMP arrested the wetsuweten people, not the pipeline lawbreakers and trespassers, not far from the Highway of Tears]. 

Prime Minister: “I understand the anger and passion that you have around this issue of protecting your land, absolutely to be heard. I respect that and I understand that. [The court judgment of Coastal GasLink Pipelines v. Huson says that we were not heard]. I also know that there are a number of indigenous leaders who have worked with and supported that pipeline project . . . .” 

Indian Act band councils and national “Indian” organizations are on 51% majority corporate election rules. A handful of Indians vote and falsely speak for us. 

[Tilly: “those are sellouts”] . . . .  

Prime Minister; “Now the question is, it is not for the federal government to decide who speaks for you. That’s not my job. My job is to try and work with everyone, work with all of you to make sure that you are taking back control of your land, your future, your people, your destiny. And that partnership is what we are working on. And it’s difficult. And it is difficult”.

These are the words of the leader of a convicted felon known as Canada. The BC government provided permits to cull the wolves who are the natural guardians of the forest for the security of the pipeline workers. 

[Statement from Tilly]: . . . . “You are not allowed to stand there and say this person gets to be the leader and talk on behalf of this nation . . . . You are going about it the wrong way. You actually come upon these lands and respect us. . . .” 

Prime Minister: “Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your questions. Thank you for sharing that. I understand your passion and your anger. I acknowledge it and I say to you that we will work together to resolve these issues. If there was – I can understand your impatience. I can understand your frustration. But at the same time I do want to talk about the indigenous – okay . . . . I am listening”. 

This is his version of fuddle duddle,.

[throughout indecipherable comments from Tilly]

Tilly: . . . .”I demand it on behalf of all my people. I want an ???. . . . I don’t want to see your crocodile tears. I don’t want to see you apologizing, I don’t want to hear you say sorry. I want to see that you are sorry. And I want you to start making better choices on behalf of everybody living on this land. That means those that don’t have a voice. I am talking on behalf of all the fish that are going through the stream and all the life that depends on the fish that go up that stream. I’m talking about entire systems that you want to break down and see as a little piece and that is not the way it works. You guys need to start understanding, we are living in a collective world, not a singularity, we live in a very safe connected world and you guys are breaking, you guys are … You guys are breaking so many laws, you have no idea what natural law is.”

[Other comments from Tilly and others in audience.] 

Prime Minister: “Okay. Okay. Tilly, I thank you for what you have said. I listened to what you have said. I would respectfully submit that perhaps you haven’t been listening to what I am saying. Okay. You haven’t . . . Tilly. We are working . . . Tilly, I am going to have to ask you . . . . please, we need to be respectful to everyone that came out tonight to engage in this conversation. That is not true. They have actually just removed the barricade. They did that this afternoon. That was a sign of respect right there. [!!!] They’ve removed the barricade. This is how this is supposed to work. Now, I think we are going to take a step back here. I’m going to take a step back here. [Force and intimidation.  ]

It was an act of belligerence, criminality, defiance. You plead guilty. We challenge you to meet us at the International Court of Justice at The Hague so we can place on the record that Canada was and is null and void from the beginning. Canada has no standing anywhere on turtle island. The corporation of Canada will soon be out of business! 

Prime Minister: “100 years ago, when the railroads were laid down. Nobody checked with indigenous peoples. Nobody checked with the people who had lived here for millennia, whether or not we could throw a railroad down in a given place. That is not the way we need to do things any more. That is not how we will continue to do things any more. We need to figure out a new and better way to do things. A way that is based on respect and dialogue and engagement. And that is exactly what we are working on. And there is going to be turbulence along the way which we are seeing. But we are also going to work very, very hard to get to a place of respect and trust as we do listen, as we do figure out what the best way forward according for you and your communities. So thank you very much for your question and your bringing this forward tonight. I very much appreciate your words. Thank you. I will take another question. . . . 

See the militarized attack at the westuweten check point. Remember October 25, 1924 when Canada unlawfully enacted  all of the Indian Land Acts that stole our land, gave our resources to the provinces, created the POW camps called “reserves”, the residential school killing machines, blood quantum, kidnapping our children known as the “60s scoop”, and other acts of genocide. 

As the prophet, Jimi Hendrix, says:”Well, I asked my friend, wheres that black smoke coming from? He just coughed and changed the subject, and said, Oh I think it might snow some. So I left him sipping his tea, sisters and brothers, daddies, mothers stand around crying. When I reached the scene, the flames were making a ghostly whine. So I stood on my horses back and I screamed without a crack, Oh, baby, why you burn your brother’s house down?”

www.mohawknationnews.com  kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      

TRUDEAU’S IMMIGRATION OF ONE MILLION MEANS THEY HAVE TO KILL OFF ONE MILLION NATIVES   https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/malcolm-trudeaus-immigration-numbers-boost-poses-many-challenges

Progressive RCMP policy requires officers to recite land acknowledgement before seizing indigenous land


MORE THAN 100 ‘INDIAN ACT’ CORPORATIONS OF CANADA First Nations could purchase the Trans Mountain expansion pipeline. THIS IS A HOSTILE TAKEOVER BID OF OUR LAND AND RESOURCES.


HARSH COLONIAL TRUTHS REVEALED IN PARLIAMENT: HANSARD  http://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/house/sitting-264/hansard




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MNN. Dec. 17, 2018. Canada again tries to remove our true natural identity as the original peoples placed on onowarekeh, turtle island, by creation.  

Canada and US have designated us as  “domestic matters” to remove themselves from international scrutiny. They warn other countries not to interfere with their genocide program, which they call a “domestic matter”! The Indian Act band councils and Indian police are Canada’s version of Nazi Germany’s Gestapo. [Read “Policing Indigenous Movements. Dissent and the Security State” by Andrew Crosby and Jeffrey Monaghan 2018.]  


When we use corporate terms “Indian”, “First Nations”, “Aboriginal”, “bands”, “indigenous” people, “tribes”, “nations” and any of their artificial names, we give Canada and its band councils jurisdiction. They want us in their ship and we are left with no canoe of our own. Under duress we are forced to submit to their system. The corporation of Canada forces us all to acquire banking names in all capital letters, which infers a corporation. This makes us into corporate artificial entities rather than peoples who have no protection by international human rights or any constitution.  


Land claims agreements are setting corporate limits to our identity through removal of our original names, place names and words that connect us to our mother and violate the original contract between us and the fraud artists. We are onkwehonwe, nishnawbe, dene, lakota, cree, migmag and so on. We are kanionkehaka’onwe and our territory is kanienkeh, forever. We all have original natural names and all of turtle island is our territory. 

The whole land claims process is a complete and utter fraud. In their Access to Information Act notice [Indian & Northern Affairs, A-2011-01840/LD2]: “Provide all documents held by gov’t pertaining to a declaration by the Governor in Council that the “Registry Group” “Mohawk Council of Akwesasne” are a Band within the meaning of the Indian Act”. They are making contracts that are made to look like they are between the onkwehonweh and Canada. The Dundee land claim was signed by the corporation of Canada and their employees, not by the onkwehonweh, which goes against the true way of this land, kanaierekowa, great peace, forever. 


The abusers agreed to survive and coexist with all life as brothers and sisters on this our mother earth, until the end of their time here. They broke the agreement when they created the first false flag war known as the American Revolution. 

As Canada and US scheme to be rid of the “Indian” problem, CCR nails it: “I bet you’re wondering how I knew about your plans to make me blue, with some other guy you knew before. Between the two of us guys, you know I loved you more. It took me by surprise, I must say, when I found out yesterday. Don’t you know I heard it through the grape vine. Not much longer would you be mine”. 

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.      










https://vimeo.com/291182141?fbclid=IwAR0CfO4vY57Q94m4SPPkwkOOfiDOltz2kg_2OQ7wZnHMagEFkuv4Mp53TVM https://vimeo.com/291182141?fbclid=IwAR0CfO4vY57Q94m4SPPkwkOOfiDOltz2kg_2OQ7wZnHMagEFkuv4Mp53TVM













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MNN. Nov. 19, 2018. In 1911 the last Yahi emerged from the wilderness at Oroville California, near San Francisco. The Americans thought they had massacred all the Yahi and that he was the last “wild Indian”. The completely decimated city of Paradise stands on Yahi land, about 125 miles north of Sacramento, where the fire started and spread. The current fires are the largest in the history of California. Paradise will be uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. 

Americans had placed the survivors of the genocide of over 100 million in the Western Hemisphere in prison camps called “reservations”. The Yahi were thought to have all been killed in the California genocide in the 19th century. This is the story of “Ishi, the Last Yahi” who appeared out of the wildeness in 1911 and died in captivity five years later: 




ISHI FROM WIKIPEDIA:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishi

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.  

It appears the drones are causing the fires:



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MNN. April 9, 2018. Boys and girls, heres some historic truth! Joseph Goebbels was the Reich Minister of [Evil] Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. 


Concoction of our history began before the invaders washed upon our shores. The politicians and the banks had a strategic ‘business’ plan called genocide. 


After brutally murdering of over 100 million natives throughout the Americas, they deleted us from history. 

The invaders grab anything they can get their hands on. 


The psychology of authority and abuse of power is the 1% creating  psychowarriors to control everything they stole. 



Academics and the military scientifically researched and enhanced super forms of cruelty towards other human beings, how to mess with our heads to more easily punish or kill those who break their fascist rules. We have no way to protect ourselves. These monsters condition us to not question their authority.



Existence is resistence.

Teachers and parents sing this song to their children to stick the message in their heads. “One little Indian left all alone. He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.” [Rene Clair]

Mohawk Nation News. Send comments to kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

VIDEO OF NATIVES ON RACE.   https://www.nytimes.com/video/opinion/100000005352074/a-conversation-with-native-americans-on-race.html?

SASKATCHEWAN POLICE KILL MOSTLY NATIVES   http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/most-people-who-died-in-police-encounters-in-sask-were-indigenous-1.4599366?cmp=rss

ISRAELI GENOCIDE   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/03/israeli-forces-kill-3-palestinians-land-day-protests-180330100034136.html

Montreal Peace Treaty Fraud ? – Google Search

NATIVE CARAVAN  https://www.yahoo.com/news/migrant-caravan-heading-u-border-puts-mexico-tough-003954777.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=ma

BP SAYS ECOLOGICAL DISASTER CREATES JOBS   https://sputniknews.com/business/201804081063326893-BP-says-ecological-catastrophe-good/

USING LOADED GUN TO WIN ELECTION . https://sputniknews.com/us/201804071063325647-us-lawmaker-draws-loaded-gun-at-speech/ VOTE FOR ME OR ELSE


SOUTH AFRICA LAND SEIZURE   https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/south-africa-white-farms-land-seizure-anc-race-relations-a8234461.html



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MNN. OCT. 22, 2017. In 1946 on the first day of school the class in Kahnawake was told by the missionary that the INDIANS would soon disappear. A blue booklet with white letters was handed out called “The Vanishing American” to take home to their families. One father yelled, “It’s a lie. But you have to go to school or I’ll be put in jail. Just pass but don’t learn”. They told us about this fake god they invented. He said, “All life is god according to creation”. 


The patriarchal system is a cruel hoax based on an angry blood thirsty entity called god. 

As time went on, we learned that the oppressors were controlling both sides of disputes.  

The women are the kohti-hontia-kwennio, ‘title holders’ of the land as creation designed. The immigrants have to kill or disappear the women to take control of ono-ware-keh, great turtle island.

These white invaders made up stories about the genocide to fool their people. Our way of learning about ourselves is based on the images we create in our mind invoked by our language. The real truth about our existence is described so we can see it in our minds. 

The fake history suppressed our very existence. 

So US and Canada could carry out the heist, the true natural people had to all be killed of. The biggest murder spree in all humanity was carefully planned and carried out.

Secret societies keep these lies in webs of deceit. The US directs wars worldwide. Groups are hired and trained to slaughter us. Their grotesque actions lead to 150 million people being annihilated.   


The occupation of our lands violates international law. We are in Prison of War camps called “reserves” on our own land. While corporate entities control all sides of wars, the UN is the referee.  

Corporations called band and tribal councils and their heavily armed military cops are the bogey men who do the dirty work. They are equipped to try to carry out martial law if ordered. The colonists cannot legitimately conduct negotiations because they have nothing to negotiate. The products they want are all owned by the true natural people, who they call terrorists.

With the white race’s sperm count down by 60%, who is vanishing? We’re hardly anywhere near our original numbers. Give us time.

Jerry Lee Lewis keeps the fun going: “Well, come on over baby. Whole lot of shakin’ goin’ on. I said come on over baby. Baby, you can’t go wrong. We ain’t fakin’. Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on”. 

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

CHIEF SEATTLES LAST SPEECH http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/chiefsea.html

https://theintercept.com/2017/05/27/leaked-documents-reveal-security-firms-counterterrorism-tactics-at-standing-rock-to-defeat-pipeline-insurgencies/ TIGERSWAN MERCS AT STANDING ROCK

SPERM COUNT OF ‘WEST’ DOWN BY 60% http://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/sperm-counts-falling-men-extinction-human-species-scientists-hagai-levine-worried-future-modern-life-a7860636.html

ONKWE-HON-WEH POPULATION SOARING  http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/aboriginal-population-soaring-getting-younger-survey-1.1272166



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MNN. Oct. 8, 2017. Columbia means United States. British Columbia means the United States in British territory. The legal name of the United States is Columbia. Anything with that name has nothing to do with great turtle island. Yet immigrants celebrate the lie every year to appease their epigenetic past memories. They are reminded of the mass murder, theft, atrocities and criminal behavior committed against all life on great turtle island.   

Our epigenetic memories are the ohenton kari-wa-tekwen, the original instructions we have with creation. We got our clans and protocol on how to live in peace with all natural life. Our wampum system reminds us of our genetic memory for thousands of years, just like all life. 

Except for a few, the immigrants don’t remember back one past life. They follow a religious faith based on no facts at all. Their reincarnation trap never frees them, making them slaves forever. 

The Parliamentary Rage Room is designed to promote the win or lose, black and white dualism of the corporate slave system which creates conflict. They have been programmed that the corporate majority rules. The true natural way is to come to a consensus. 

Christopher Columbus is a non-explorer who never set foot on great turtle island. This and other fantasies are coming down.  

Columbus and his supporters stand for mass murder. People have to be told the whole truth, to stop living a lie. The criminals must be charged. Everything has to be made right.

Our smart young people are taking over. We tried to expose many of the secrets of the immigrants. Any statue or statute that glorifies the genocide of our people has to be destroyed. All momentos of war heroes like Lincoln, Washington especially, John A. MacDonald and Mount Rushmore should be imploded. Anything that honors these monsters must be dissolved.   

The Columbus statues that are going down are all singing the Rolling Stones song, “Hand of Fate”: “The hand of fate is on me now. It knocked me right down. I’m on the run. I’m prison bound. The hand of fate is heavy. I killed a man. I’m highway bound. The wheel of fortune keeps on turning round. Turnin round. Turnin round. I should have known it was a one horse town. My sweet girl, once his wife. They had papers that the judge had signed. The wind blew hard. It was a stormy night. He shot me once. But I shot him twice. The hand of fate is on me now. It picked up and kicked me right down. Kicked me right down.” 

Wow | River gauges/pics show the Mighty Mississippi River going dry! - NEW Tropical Storms

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Quebec says Trudeau’s rhetoric on First Nations relationship doesn’t match Constitutional reality

TRUDEAU BERATES GATHERING https://ca.news.yahoo.com/justin-trudeau-berated-hill-gathering-184426863.html

NYC MAYOR CONSIDERS REMOVING COLUMBUS CIRCLE CENTREPIECE  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/25/new-york-mayor-bill-de-blasio-considers-removing-christopher/

MEANING OF “COLUMBIA”  https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Columbia

FILM TAKE-OFF ON TORONTO MAYOR https://fmovies.is/film/filth-city.0rpn7/k4z656 “Filth City” is every municipality.