Please post & distribute.

MNN. Mar. 28, 2017. The reason we have a hard time to translate kanion’ke’haka’onwe [Mohawk] and English is because onkwe’hon:weh languages are 85% verbs and English is 95% nouns. It is easier to dumb down people using an artificial man-made language based on changeable nouns. The English language is useful for money, commerce and trade, not human interaction. The English language seems to be a patois of all the other languages.


Our natural languages are tones and pictures. They are based on our own observations and interactions of the natural world and all living things. We find answers and insights as we speak.

Westerners hit the wall and cannot go further than their patois. It is not based on the natural world, their ancestors or each other.

In English the mental memorization and chanting are set in the grafted meanings, which constantly change. Deceptive insights are created. The natural will to survive is controlled by written rules and regulations. The goal of English is death, destruction and war.

Our original instruction from creation is to survive by following our instincts. Artificial languages set boundaries within a corporate hierarchical structure. “Murphy’s Law” is the limit set unless the rulers decide otherwise. They can be transferred from slavery to becoming monitors for the rulers. The police and lawyers enforce and protect the corporate control system of the rulers.


We acknowledge everybody’s natural insight.

English is words without natural emotion unless it is demonstrated, which are made up and changed as they go along. The frustration of speakers is directed into anger over these limitations. Feelings and impulses are manipulated according to the meanings decided upon by the corporate matrix, which are repeated until they accept them to be the norm. Their common warped phrase in their interactions with us is, “That’s what we said but that’s not what we meant!”

Pedophiles use the language to manipulate the feelings of their young curious victims. They break down their resistance, natural self-protection, morals and innocence. Then they take advantage of them. Those who resist are annihilated.

In the beginning some invaders learned our natural form of understanding on how to live peacefully. They saw how dangerous it was to their goals of control, theft, murder and war.

We are part of the earth that ties us to our mother.

onkwe’hon:weh languages are sounds and tones of the natural world that evoke our emotions and paint a true picture for us of reality. We and our languages spring from nature.

Bob Dylan had foresight: “Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen. Keep your eyes wide, open as chance won’t come again. Don’t’ speak too soon for the wheel is still in spin. And there’s no telling who that it’s naming. For the loser now will be later to win. For the times they are a’changing.” 

CensoredNews brendanorell@gmail.com

Western Sahara says it all http://www.socialistproject.ca/bullet/1375.php#continue

https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocrats/videos/1173918822701170/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED YOU DON’T LOOK INDIAN TO ME.

http://www.foxnews.com/story/2007/12/20/lakota-indians-withdraw-treaties-signed-with-us-150-years-ago.html LAKOTA WITHDRAW FROM USA

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_wF8rBcQcU western hypocrisy

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-calls-country-company_us_58cc3373e4b0ec9d29dbf949 Trump says USA is a company

http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/46235.htm#.WH-0FbQRx3Q.email WHY STUPID PROPAGANDA WORKS

http://www.activistpost.com/2017/01/private-intelligence-contractors-emerge-influential-force-inside-united-states.html Private intelligence in/outside us

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh












Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sept. 27,2015. Those ongwe’hon:weh who have gone over to the other side are like the INDIAN souvenirs that are sold to tourists with “Made in China” written on the bottom. tehati’natsa’hia:ton means those ongwe’hon:weh who vote in the corporate elections have “made in Canada” written on their behinds. By voting they take an oath to Queenie to support the CROWN’s genocide against us.indian voters

The only way the settler colony of Canada can qualify to be a country is to eliminate us by assimilating or terminating our existence. They have to get us to agree with their system by voting in it. Stephen Harper is horrible so that we will rise up and vote against him. Mulcair and Trudeau will be exactly like Harper. There is no “Canadian” land and no “Canadian” language. Therefore Canada is not a country, just a corporation privately owned by the CROWN. Any ongwe’hon:weh that votes is agreeing that they can kill us, steal everything we have – our land, resources, future children and to destroy our mother.truth

The law of the land is the kaia’nereh:kowa. Those who join a foreign entity violate wampum 58. They lose their birthrights to the land, their mother, name and clan. They join the invader population.

To those voting, the message is: “Voting means you give up being an ongwe’hon:weh. You agree with the system that is oppressing us. You will be owned by the shareholders of the Canadian corporation like the other Canadian voters. The 1924 one-hundred year plan to annihilate us is still in play. You leave the canoe and board the bankers’ Admiralty ship. It cannot dock. You become landless and have no roots to ono’ware:geh. You take an oath to the Queen to help carry out her wishes and become one of her landless orphans. Your mother is no longer ono’ware:geh. grim reaper

If you vote, you go against your ancestors who died for your freedom. You can change your mind. As Bob Dylan sings: “Come gather round, people, wherever you roam. And admit that the waters around you have grown. And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth saving, then you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone. For the times they are a’changing.” 


women interrupt pipeline consultation.

Russian general:


?utm_source=SH&utm_medium=FB&utm_campaign=SustainableHuman Economic Hit Man 2 mins.video

CKUT McGill Radio on seizure notice interview

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com





























MNN. Aug. 2, 2013. When disaster strikes, the first thing to do is to get up out of your chair. Indigenous population is growing at a fast rate, by 50% between 1996 and 2006. The Metis by 33%. Are they “Metis Inc.” or our traditional Indigenous relatives? Incorporated Injuns cannot sign away land and resources to multinational corporate bankers. bouncing_check

Some of our youth get caught in the colonial loser’s game of quick easy money to do their dirty work.  Tribal and band councils inc. and national organizations like AFN Inc. drive the colonial covered wagon and let the horses try to pull us over the cliff. They help create the social destitution that forces us to take handouts of our own money. 

Our traditional Indigenous youth refuse to become part of the grid set up by the corporations. These pseudo signatories are created to meet international law requirements of “consultation and informed consent”. 

And all these criminals are going to the prisons in the Fatherland!

And all these criminals are going to the prisons in the Fatherland!

The incorporated chiefs are allowing construction of the pipeline across Canada to carry flammable crude oil to the world market. They are paid for their treachery. On June 6 a runaway train rammed into Lac Megantic [Quebec] killing over 50 mostly young people. Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway declared bankruptcy. Their checks are bouncing. A ‘rubber’ check is when a promise is made and then not kept. Non-sufficient funds (NSF) means a check cannot be cashed because the money’s gone. The banker shareholders are always paid first leaving none to cover the costs of deaths, destruction and damages. The same banking families shareholders own 51% of all the railways. Corporations bankrupt one corporation. Another of their corporations buy it for pennies on the dollar. Canada gave permission to operate as before.     

Our continued existence blocks the bankers from completely owning Great Turtle Island. They want to leave the environmental calamity to us. 

The long road home to the Fatherland.

The long road home to the Fatherland.

Big business is trying to weaken our ever-growing educated and capable youth who have to be twice as good, hard working and qualified to get a job. Our youth want to assert our right to live in natural integrity with each other and with the world around us. 

“Die Broke” author, Stephen Pollan, 1997, advised, “Spend as much as possible. Make sure that last check you write is to the undertaker and it bounces”. Let’s remind the corporate world that things are a-changin every day.Bob Dylan: “The Times they are a-changin.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada J0L 1B0]