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MNN. OCT. 18, 2019. Have we got an international revelation for you about Canada! Finally the invaders will learn where the words “Canadian” and “Canadien” come from.

Some historic background first. Each of our communities had three or more settlements. We would move to another location so our land could rebirth to its natural condition. Eventually we would return to the original village.

wahatinatsoton. To rebuild our community, we bend the poles and bind them to make beams to hold up our roofs. wasenatsoton. kanata comes from kanatsoteh which means it is ‘imbedded’ in our land. We connected the side poles to the others and used cross members so they would stand firmly. Then the outer skin was put on.

wahetiskwaron. The invaders were called kanakonronen. Without permission they ‘imbedded’ themselves in our homeland. They did not intend to leave. They put the poles deep into the native ground. We called them ”kanatien” [pronounced ga na jon] the “squatters”. Now they call themselves Canadian and Canadien, from “canatienton”.

When the invaders say, “I am Canadian” or Canadien”, they are saying “I am a squatter on kanastoteh”. Be careful of the words you use. Know where they come from and what they means. Canadians have a problem defining who they are.  And now we’re telling them. They’ve been using the word long enough. It is time we told them what it means. 

Natives should be excused from singing “O Canada”. Here’s a suggested replacement that everybody knows! Hockey is a rotinoshonni [Iroquois] game. It comes from the Mohawk expression, “ahkee”. Stompin’ Tom Connors sings: “Hello, out there, we’re on the air, it’s hockey night tonight. Tension grows, the whistle blows, and the puck drops down the ice. The goalie jumps, the players bump, and the fans all go insane. Someone roars “Bobby scores!”, at the good old hockey game. Oh, the good old hockey game is the best game you can name. And the best game you can name is the good old hockey game.” box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact 



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MNN. 13, 2019. Protect the poppies says Don Cherry, the loud mouthpiece for “Hockey Night in Canada”.  Heroin is made from poppies. Wearing the poppy means you celebrate, glorify and want more war and drugs. This UK tradition started after World War I. The bankers will not stay wealthy from peace. 

Don Cherry, a European immigrant, scolds everybody, in effect, for not supporting the war, “You have benefitted from the genocide of the Indians here”. Many told him to shit in his hat. The bankers sent the youth to die for them on Flanders Field. Their families got nothing but heartaches and headaches. Poppies being made into heroin is to addict the world for more war. The bankers get rich through war! 

Just because the invaders militarily occupied turtle island and claim it as their own, doesn’t mean it is their property. There is no statute of limitations on theft and murder. 

Every war is a banker’s war. The invaders to turtle island are rich because they murdered almost all of the natives. We are heroes because we defended all life on onowarekeh turtle island against the barbaric invaders. 

ateriwanensken. Less settlers are enlisting to go murder people in far off lands. The illegal settlers came to our community in trucks to kidnap our youth to be trained to become blood thirsty killers for them. enswateninikonwaseroni. The invaders constantly work at twisting the minds of our men to think, “I wanna be a soldier!” to help them kill anyone who gets in the way of the bankers.

Today they train through mind control their attack dogs known as the “band council” to continue the slaughter of their own people so we will be dead and gone, out of the way. They are not mindful of the disastrous deeds. A psychopath is unempathetic and has no remorse. They don’t take any blame for their unconscionable behavior. 

We will rejoin our peace, our earth and all our relations. 

All politicians and their pawns are icons for hire who divert us from seeing the ther plan to totally annihilate us. Cynics and Critics get it: “If you’re happy and you know it, then there might be something wrong with you. What’s the point in holding on, when all of us don’t want you to. It’d make us feel better, knowing you’d be stuck forever. Sick minds stick together, we can stay sick forever”. [Icon for hire] box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact HOW THE POPPY FLOWER IS TRANSFORMED INTO HERON