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MNN. Apr. 12, 2016. We are a free people, living free, having a say in our lives and equal with everything in the natural world. We are surrounded by those who have never experienced natural freedom, who are bred to be captives. Any living entity can only take so much crushing oppression.

Creation designed every living thing to exist free as a bird.

Creation designed every living thing to exist free. 

Come inside the cage with us”, they say. We are hated because we refuse to be captives.

Keeping Leonard Peltier in jail for over 40 years for a crime the FBI knows he did not commit, is their threat to the rest of us. When the colonial enforcers enter our territories and shoot us, it is natural to fight back to survive. We evolved out of nature. All animals will defend themselves according to the natural order of survival. We are fighting an unnatural order.

They are born in bondage for thousands of years. They see us free. They want to take away our freedom or kill us for resisting. They envy and hate those who refuse to be enslaved like them. We have a bond with creation to survive using our instincts.years ago

Luther Standing Bear: “The white man…does not understand America. He is too far removed from it’s formative processes. The roots of the tree of his life have not yet grasped the rock and the soil. The white man is still troubled by primitive fears; he still has in his consciousness the perils of this frontier continent; some of its vastnesses not yet having yielded to his questing footsteps and inquiring eyes. … The man from Europe is still a foreigner and an alien. And he still hates the man who questioned his path across the continent. But in the onkwe’hon:weh [Indian] the spirit of the land is still vested; it will be until other men are able to divine and meet its rhythm. Men must be born and reborn to belong. Their bodies must be formed of the dust of their forefathers’ bones.”

Mistress of the Matrix: "Let's get 'em back in the cage".

Mistress of the Matrix: “When are we going to strt the culling?”

The white man wants us to be programmed like them. The George Washington Belt 1794 and other programs are orders for our total extermination. We stand now on our mother’s belly with artificial barriers placed around us.

As Tina Turner sings: “Out of the ruin, out from the wreckage. Can’t make the same mistake this time. We are the children, that last generation. We are the ones they left behind. I wonder when we are ever gonna change? Living under the fear, til nothing else remains. We don’t need another hero. We don’t need to know the way home. All we want is life beyond the Thunder Dome”. [We don’t need another hero]

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Attawapiskat suicide.

Attawapiskat manager stole funds.

Women Water Song

Eagle lands on condor.










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MNN. 10 APRIL 2016. Protest in solidarity with Lac Simon Anishnabeg community on Monday in Montreal. We are presently mourning the April 6 murder of Jean-Pierre Bony, killed by a plastic bullet from the SPVM in Montreal North. Jean Pierre Bony murder. natives matter

On April 7 the police struck again. That night, Sandy Michel, 25 year old, died. He was brutally assassinated by the anishnabeg reserve corporate police in Lac-Simon Quebec, near Val-d’or. He allegedly showed an objet that law enforcement officers thought looked like a weapon. The police crushed him with their car then shot him dead. The police killed his older brother in 2009. The murders of onkwe’hon:weh youth in northern Quebec, like the murders of black people in northern Montreal, is institutional racism. Non-white lives are being liquidated without trial.trudeau:martin

In the wake of this tragedy, the people of Lac-Simon, after years of police harassment, immediately assembled and asked the police to leave their territory. The Quebec police immediately intervened. Media was forbidden to go to the killing area during the investigation. Media black-outs have become routine. After the recent revelations of sexual atrocities committed by Surete du Quebec police officers around Val-d’Or, the SQ is desperate to hide their systemic violence against our men, women and children. The so-called «aboriginal police» had just returned to Lac-Simon, which they were forced to desert after the death of one of their officers in February 2016. Anthony Raymond Papatie, 22 yo, shot him before he himself committed suicide.

SQ shit has to stop!

SQ shit has to stop!

The police refuse to see the nature of the people to survive. The police actions on reservations are part of the genocide plan. In solidarity with Sandy Michel’s family and the community of Lac-Simon, a demonstration of solidarity will take place on Monday April 11th, at 19h [7.00 pm], metro Saint-Laurent in Montreal. Indigenous Lives Matter! Contact for info. 

Let's stand together.

Let’s stand together.

As the band Muse points out poignantly, it’s time for an uprising, people: “Paranoia is in bloom. The p.r. transmissions will resume. They’ll try to push drugs to keep us all dumbed-down and hope that we will never see the truth around. Another promise, another scene, another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed. And all the green belts wrapped around our minds and endless red tape to keep the truth confined. They will not force us.They will stop degrading us. They will not control us. We will be victorious. … rise up and take the power back. I’s time the fat cats had a heart attack!” [The Muse]


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Lac Simon man shot dead.

SQ kill Sandy Tarzan Michel.

If you can’t go to demo, gives these politicians a piece of your mind:

Surete du Quebec, 514-598-4141

Quebec Minister of Justice Stephane Valee, 418-643-5140, 1-800-536-5140

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 

RCMP HQ 613-993-7267

CSIS 613-993-9620

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Bureau of Indian Affairs 202-208-5116 Washington DC





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MNN. APR. 9, 2016. The Cuban diplomats came to see the kanion’ke:haka in kahnawake to exchange thoughts . It reminds us of the ancient Incan prophecy about the condor and the eagle joining again to rule the skies.cubans corner diner

The Cubans, Venezuelans and Bolivians have recently visited our territories in northern ono’ware:geh, great turtle island, to reestablish or learn about our connection with the great peace and our clan based law. We all want to return to our family based system of governance. It is the natural system that protects our people. Women worldwide will be tracing the white roots of peace to take their natural place in the decision making process or their people.cuban 5

Thankfully the Cuban 5 recently walked out alive from the US prison after unjustly serving 16 years.warrior at gate


The Cuban delegation that came to Kahnawake reminds us of the late great Merle Haggard singing his death song: “The warden lead a prisoner down the hallway to his doom. So I stood up to say goodbye like all the rest. I heard him tell the warden just before he reached my cell, let my guitar playing friend do my request. Let him sing me back home with a song I used to hear. Make my old memories come alive. Take me away and turn back the years. Sing me back home before I die”. The corporatists pretend to run the world. We are not hoodwinked. We are all finding our way to the great peace.

Cuban 5.

Crimea for dummies

Racial interbreeding

what you need to know about Panama Papers.

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CLAIM OUR MINDS – tsinion’kwarihoten



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MNN. APRIL 4, 2016. “Land claim” means “Here’s some pieces of paper. Give up your minds”, “Stop following the natural path to survival”. “Turn away from your natural instincts”. “Speak this newly created INDIAN language that doesn’t connect you to your mother”. “Don’t worry about anybody else. Just think of you and your immediate family”. In other words, die!last tree2

Our birthright is to live our lives naturally by following our instincts. No one can claim what creation provided to each of us. We can’t sell her. We are to have free use of creation part of it. She gives us a path, kaia’nereh:kowa, that was passed down to us by our ancestors. Our language reveals the journey to that path into our past, present and future.

Our language is our connection to our land and our mother earth. She holds the rotikonsatatie, the faces of the unborn who are still beneath the earth. Several years ago Microsoft tried to buy our language and store it as their intellectual property. They wanted the right to modify its meaning to break our natural guide to survival.indians inc

When someone tries to pay us for a land claim, do they doubt that we are of this land? “owista’ dominated  band and tribal council corporations operate by rote programming designed by the matrix. They do not travel in the natural direction in harmony with nature, sa oiera. Tsiniion’kwarihoten is to steal away who we are as nature designed us, so that we would become unnatural as well.

When the corporate visitors try to make a claim to our land, they try to convince us we don’t know she is our mother. We know we have DNA of this land. They say we have to take a maternity test to prove this. A baby’s bonds with their mother cannot ever be taken away.fate

The corporate matrix makes rules to steal our mind and connection. We don’t have amnesia. We know who we are and who our mother is.



The Rolling Stones sing about those who are pulling away from nature and getting  so lonely.

[Rolling Stones – 2000 Light Years From Home

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Earth Guardians: our kids are taking on the challenge.

YouTube player

Gina Deer of Mohawk Council of Kahnawake


Oren Lyons recently learned about Doctrine of Discovery.

Venezuelan Ambassador in kanteke.

Fake Brussels Attack.

ISIS is not funded by our legitimate tobacco trade –

Get over it!


Tobacco Bust Hoax!

Rez 3rd world living conditions.





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MNN. Mar. 31, 2016. On October 30, 2016, mainstream media published worldwide a fake story about contraband, weapons and organized crime to try to link us with terrorists ISIS, Hezbollah and Alqaeda. The bankers use the ‘Mohawk’ mask as a diversion to continue terrorism worldwide. Our Indian Trust Fund already pays for the biggest terrorists on earth, the United States of America. We onkwe’hon:weh have been fighting terrorism since 1492 when Columbus arrived.wisdom

Will the next propaganda ploy be a picture of an ISIS terrorist wearing an INDIAN headdress over in Syria? We’ll be accused of backing ISIS. Then the army will come in and redeclare the War Measures Act of 1970 like they did in 1990 when the army invaded kanesatake/Oka, Kahnawake and Akwesasne.

No outside cop set foot on Kahnawake or Six Nations. It’s a media hoax. They hope to create fear and anxiety with their false narrative to get the people to surrender to taxation by a foreign entity. [6 nations picture]six nation council

Tobacco is our plant. The City of London bankers are always trying to extinguish us and our right to sustain ourselves.

The Surete du Quebec advertised the raid worldwide. The bankers in the City of London collect $10 on every pack of cigarettes bought in Canada right now. We kanion’ke:haka give them nothing. So we’re targeted.

The corporate Mohawk Council of Kahnawake works with Quebec and Canada, along with the 207 Longhouse, a religious organization run out of Onondaga NYS. They don’t represent the people.

207 has given an ultimatum to MCK Inc. on jurisdiction over citizenship, membership, land management and taxation. MCK Inc. is a private corporation that was set up by Andrew Delisle Sr. as first director, with headquarters in Arlington VA, the same address as Homeland Security.

207 spokespersons Joe Deom, Kenneth Deer, Lynn Norton, Tommy Deer, kenentokon and kanentiio Hemlock and Judy Jacobs are the main players. Tommy Deer drafts the paperwork under the direction of the Onondaga Council Inc. This is 207 Longhouse’s 8 points plan to be rid of the kia’nereh:kowa: 1991 redrafted in 2006. 

The conflict between them is over who will control the money. The push for taxation is directed from Onondaga.

godfather negotiator“Aboriginal organized crime” is not original. It is set up by the outsiders. 207 and MCK want to be the godfathers and make us all “an offer they can’t refuse”. MCK Inc. says if they make the regulations it is not organized crime. In 2004 the RCMP set up the Aboriginal Combined Special Enforcement Unit to seize and stop our commerce.

Onondaga tried to take control of tobacco throughout NYS. They shut down and burned Onondaga businesses and then banished the businessmen and their families.

Then the corporate thugs met at Onondaga longhouse and made the rules. They issue licenses to everyone to sell cigarettes or gas or fuel. 207 is part of this effort to centralize control of Handsome Lake incorporated longhouses.

The Indian Act is meant to confine us with limited access to funding. They did not foresee a time when we would be out of their grasp. We want our freedom and independence. indian wisdom

When someone asked the Privy Council why government doesn’t recognize us, they said, “Because we can’t control you!” The kaia’nere:kowa is our only protection and the oldest constitution on earth promoting freedom and democracy.

The Canada East pipeline project is the underlying issue. Corporate leaders are being bribed to sign right now.

In 2008 Mike Delisle said that something needs to be done to control the tobacco “free-for-all”. “Anybody can open a smoke shack and sell cigarettes”. He wants rules to be enforced by the Aboriginals themselves [like him]. MCK and 207 are working together to issue licenses costing $5,000! Read the small print.

Golden Earring sings: “Help, I’m stepping into the twilight zone. This is a mad house. Feels like being cloned. My beacons been moved under moon and star. Where am I to go now that I’ve gone too far. Soon you will come to know when the bullet hit’s the bone”.

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Canada’s flourishing contraband tobacco market helps fund overseas terrorism: report

SQ statement.

Israel Condemned.bernie




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MNN. Mar. 30, 2016. tehontie’ronions’kweh are INDIAN actors portraying negative images of onkwe’hon:weh. In the 1880s Buffalo Bill Wild West shows in cooperation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, were wildly popular among white Americans and Europeans. We were paraded around the world as fierce killers without empathy.

The flock!

The flock!


The Wild West portrayed the white men as defending his stolen homestead, fighting off wagon train attacks and robberies by INDIANS, killing bisons, reenacting war battles that never happened, INDIANS attacking and burning down their cabins, scalping and murdering their women and children. It was all fiction. It’s what they did to us. The good guys were cowboys, scouts, military and government agents. The INDIANS and Mexicans were evil.

The flock in Ottawa!

The flock in Ottawa!


The BIA Great Father selected some onkwe’hon:weh to go among the whites “When it best for Indians to leave their reservations, he will grant them permission and notify their Agent.” We onkwe’hon:weh rode, shot, and whooped our way around the arena, slithering in the background to get a pass to leave the concentration camp called the “reservation”. The Agent was the warden.  

Today corporate INDIAN tribal and band councilors and government agents, at the drop of their handler’s hat, will jump into their “INDIAN” costumes to pose with a politician. tsinihatiierha is not us. They are rotinonkwenti’sereh, they are low and crawl like a serpent on their bellies, who won’t expose themselves but we know who they are. In the 1970’s the rotiskenrakete [men] exposed these theatrical treasonous sell-outs.

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

The Washington Belt Flock, guess where!

Sitting Bull said of his time with Buffalo Bill that he was sick of the houses, noise, and multitudes of people. In the cities, he saw poor people begging on the streets. He was shocked to realize that the Americans did not take care of people in need. He gave away much of the money he earned to street beggars. What he saw never changed. Today’s corporate INDIANS are fraudulently pocketing what belongs to us. The other term is “Hang around the fort INDIANS’ who are fed and paid off by the white man.

Hollywood continued to portray us as evil warring savages of a vanishing people to justify their theft of our land and genocide of our people.

Today these “Museum INDIANS” are cowards with power. They are the “Step and fetch it” for the white man of the incorporated Iroquois Confederacy, with no regard for the generations to come. There are two kinds of INDIANS, the “House Indians” and the “Field Warriors”.

Obama: "I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!"

Obama: “I was asked to wear an INDIAN headdress!”

Today in ono’ware:geh the pow wows are the evolution of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show! It’s easy to recognize Buffalo Bill INDIANS today. When they are summoned by their political masters in Ottawa and Washington for photo ops, they dress up like Christmas Trees, with feathers and beads as their decorations.

Will Smith plays a Black Buffalo Bill. When he sings “Once upon a time in the West, madman lost his damn mind in the West. We goin’ straight to the Wild Wild West. When I stroll into the Wild Wild West”.

lyrics: wild wild west.

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being black cartoon




EAGLES The Real Flock

eagles the real flock

Stolen $650 trillion Indian Trust Fund.

How Wolves Change Rivers:

Wild west, Australia Style.




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MNN. Mar. 29, 2016. It is designed by nature, not man-made. The natural world goes in the direction of nature, sa oieri. We humans travel in the natural direction, like the sun, moon, land, plants, animals… Those going contrary create chaos, war, pollution, and suffering for all life. The original instruction to all life is a natural code designed by creation to use our instincts to survive.

"We all know, ion kwe ta hetken!"

“We all know, ion kwetahetken!




Onwana’kaion is the language of earth that teaches us our relationship to creation. We belong to the family and the children coming to us. Ia ne wenton ta kari wa taneh, it shall never end. Our mind must always be exposed to creation. Connecting to natural reality eliminates confusion. Ion’heh is the life spirit. fire freedom

Fire is the spirit to be free, not to be harnessed by anyone or institution. kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, encourages us to use creation’s energy. Onon’ton:tsra, your mind makes your decision for you.

Teio’hateh, two row agreement, is the original covenant between us and creation.

Upon arrival, as hospitable people, we welcomed the visitors. We never invited to live here selfish, greedy, brutal people who followed a life contrary to kaia’nereh:koa, the ways of this land. They imposed themselves and decided to grab our birthright and dispose of us. otio’kwan’haxta, the binding of the families, was violated. illegal immigration

The following are illegitimate American treaties, not of the onkwe’hon:weh. George Washington sued for peace in 1784 Treaty of Fort Stanwix which the Americans violated. Again Washington angered the rotino’shonni and others and in 1789 he sued for peace in the Treaty of Fort Harmer, which they violated. In 1794 he sued for peace in the Treaty of Canadaigua. Every treaty was violated, making them all null and void.

Article 7 of Canadaigua explains the process between two sovereigns. Neither side could adjudicate over the other’s citizens or people. Complaints were to be formally submitted to the nation or rotino’shonni [confederacy]. When our people were guilty, we would compensate the US. We would lodge a complaint to the US and, if they are guilty, they would compensate us. Each side would investigate, adjudicate and decide. enkari’watakwen, the peace is kept.

Moose Patrol.

Moose Patrol.

In May 13 1974 when we repossessed our land at Moss Lake, NYS could not use the Canadaigua Treaty because we and the Senecas rejected it. The Americans would not let our people read the agreement though we had formally educated people. We wanted the same words in our wampums as on their paper. They refused. Today they are illegal occupiers!

Guns n’ Roses sings about what our women foresaw and tried to stop: “You know where your are? You’re down in the jungle baby, you’re gonna die”. [Welcome to the Jungle].

Wolves of Yellowstone

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Voice of Russia: K.Horn on Indian Trust Fund.

Time may not exist

Immigration like great turtle island

We are one movement

Gustafssen lake

Corpo constitution.

Attack of Mohawk statues.


GEORGE WASHINGTON BELT 1794 *[Clarification]

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Mar. 22, 2016. We thought the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. and the Saint Regis Council of Akwesasne Inc. went to Washington DC recently to belt George Washington for what he did to us. Instead they’re all smiling and commemorating the 1794 George Washington Belt, otherwise called the Canadaigua Treaty. This belt honors the doctrine of discovery and set up the genocidal master-slave relationship known as Federal Indian Law. They have the paper and our land and we have the belt hanging in their Capital.

These 'chiefs' need ahonwatiko'roti:weh!

These ‘chiefs’ need ahonwatikorotiweh!

The belt is 6 ft. long. 13 big men stand along each side of the belt representing the 13 bloodlines. The White House is depicted with a small longhouse inside. Two little guys, a Mohawk and Seneca, stand alongside the longhouse. Arms are stretched over them suggesting we have become wards of the state and are being protected by them. The Mohawk and the Seneca were never part of this agreement. It’s a fraud! Washington_Wampum_Belt

George Washington carried the belt around to give it to those who accepted his arrangement to sit on top of us and tell us what to do. The belt never went through the Grand Council of the rotin’shonni, therefore it is illegitimate. Anyone honoring this belt shows us that they have left the canoe and gone to the other side of their own free will. Remember what happened to traitor Joseph Brant in 1804!

fidelOren Lyons, Sid Hill, Jake Edwards, Sam George, Leo Henry and others from Onondaga corporate council and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal corporation celebrated this belt as if it’s legitimate. At this recent commemoration a few Senecas attended but the double crossers did not put them in the ‘official’ picture with the belt. The Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga and Tuscarora know it’s illegitimate without their elder brothers present at all councils.

Now is the time we onkwe’hon:weh have to stop honoring any treaty belts. They have not ever honored their side. Everytime we put on our gustowas and ribbon shirts, and march arm in arm with the feds, we are celebrating their dishonoring of their side of every belt they agreed to.

Waiting for decision.


Frank Zappa must have intuitively known the kaia’nere:kowa as he knew we can be absolutely free if we want to be: “Unbind your mind. There is no time to lick your stamps and paste them in, discorporate. You’ll be absolutely free, only if you want to be. Discorporate.”–io1CBDY


*Clarification: On Mar. 23, 2016, John Kane made the following relevant comment:

*”… the bellt is meaningless. Whatever those images are intended to depict means nothing. There are no terms to an agreement. There is no recorded narrative to its meaning. Washington had the belt made. He commissioned an Oneida to craft it two years before “Canandaigua”. His men may have carried it around with them at Canandaigua, but there is really no connection between this insulting set of images and the so-called “Treaty of 1794.” As shitty as that lopping off of land was, there is nothing that asks for protection or suggests subjugation in it. Three times in “Canandaigua” the US clearly states that they recognize our land as OURS and that the US will never claim it (in spite of the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and what the Marshal court would say 40 years later). Article 7 makes clear that NO authority by the US would be imposed even in the event of wrong-doing by individuals. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a shitty document and it was never lawfully ratified by either side. But NONE of the language of “Canandaigua” matches the images of the “Ranatakaias”, our name for George Washington.  

Ranatakaias means: “He is like a rabid dog who runs into the village and starts attacking, biting, tearing at and killing everything, without discretion”.

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John Kane on George Washington Belt farce.

kaia’nere:kowa philosophy:


Concise history of US by Bob & Ray

Home to me, Grassy Narrows:

N'we Jinan Artists - "HOME TO ME" // Grassy Narrows First Nation