

Please post & distribute. Nia:wn.

MNN. 1 Oct. 2015.  The pope is a fading rock star. He promised to have over a million people flock to his concert/mass in Philadelphia. CNN says only thousands showed up. His handlers kept moving him around to make it look like he had a lot of followers. He did not tour the ghettoes or see the poor in Appalacia. The Pope could get huge crowds by giving away all that money he stole from us.

Francis needs heavy duty prayers.

“Francis, you need heavy duty prayers”.

Obama is a pop star getting ready to fade. His handlers are starting to promote the next popstar Prez. Nobody wants him on their campaign or to even have their picture taken with them.

Putin appears to be the genuine rock star. On his world tour, he does not speak with a forked tongue. He told Obama, “It’s easy to get rid of ISIS. They always go to the highest bidder. Knowing that, we can form a true coalition to defeat the terrorists!”

Obama was speechless as he doesn’t want to kill his military cash cow. On his world tour Putin told Netanyahu he can’t support his desire to help him  deal with Israel’s enemies, saying, “You can’t make money if all your customers are dead!”putin forgives pope

We are sending a request to Putin’s  booking agent for him to stop in Kahnawake in his current world tour. We rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois Confederacy] would like to continue the discussion we started in 1710 with Peter the Great. The belts recording this treaty between us and Russia are in the St. Petersburg Museum of Archaeology. We would like to remind him that the kaia’nere:kowa, our great law, is the formula for world peace. Putin on Obama 2013. Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board, and then struts around like it won the game. #1ab

The current intercourse between Putin and Obama on mainstream media reminds us of the guitar battle in “Crossroads”. Steve Vai is Obama and represents Luciferians. Ralph Macchio represents Putin working for the true Christians.



http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/26-06-2012/121487-putin_middle_east-0/ Putin takes Netanyahu to the wood shed.


Putin. We know for sure US helped overthrow Yanukovych.

Putin-Obama, etc.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws









Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sept. 28, 2015. The CROWN is the VATICAN, which is the first corporation on the planet. All other corporations get their authority to do banking from them.francis handsign

Francis: "Thank goodness! It happened again."

Francis: “Thank goodness! It happened again.”


In 910 AD 500 priests broke away from the Roman Christian Church based in Kiev Russia. They set up shop in Rome. The first corporation, the CROWN, had the authority of the 13 bloodlines families of the Western European monarchies. Russia had no part in their colonial misadventures. This split the Roman Empire. We had to deal with these invaders to ono’ware:geh, Great Turtle Island.

"They're back here again spreading lies around...".

“They’re back here again spreading lies around…”.

The Pope has come to our land to present his new International law known as “sustainable development”. The law of the land here is the Council of the Great Peace, kaia’nere:kowa, which cannot be superceded by any corporate Admiralty laws. Our law refers to all living things within our communities.

The CROWN sent Jesuits to commit the genocide of over 100 million of us in the Western Hemisphere. The Pope admitted this holocaust by asking for forgiveness. Now he must answer to the people for these crimes. He called the UN, who got their ISO number from the Vatican, to a meeting in May 2014 to discuss the sustainable development agenda. The UN was already working on their “AGENDA 21”. The Vatican already calls all of Canada CROWN land. This man and all his partners need to run the gauntlet here on Great Turtle Island for what they did to us. pope mobile

His message is that everyone will have to give up their land, resources and possessions so that the CROWN corporation can distribute it ‘equality’ to the world. Do we trust these pedophile priests to do take care of all our money? The Catholic Church is supposed to be the world’s largest landowners, which they stole from us and never paid tax ever to anyone. Another scam is the US Cemetary Fund where they get $200 Billion a year to take care of the departed souls. Catholicism replaced Jesus with dollars.

So Pope Benedict , who’s in for life, appointed his head general, Jesuit Jorge Bergolio, to carry out a worldwide public relations mission because their congregation “believers” azre disappearing.

Desperation! To get a benefit from his agenda, the Pope announced that by 2017 everyone must have a microchip implanted in their heads or wherever, which he says is “blessed by God”. Once people are phylogenetically categorized, they will get the right chip especially created for them. They assume the faithful will do as they are told. catholic peds

Pope Francis seems to be on a rock star type mission. We think he should listen to The Eagles, “Desperado, why don’t you come to your sense. You’ve been out riding fences for so long now. Oh, you’re a hard one. But I know you got your reasons. These things that are pleasin’ can hurt you somehow. Don’t you draw the Queen of Diamonds, boy! She’ll beat you if she’s able. You know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet. Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table. But you only want the things you can’t get.” [Desperado].


Microchip for faithful.

Who are the INDIANS?

Pope apologizes for holocaust atrocities against ongwe’hon:weh.

Obama orders brain microchips for military.

Pope at UN inc.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0Lthahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws












Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Nov. 20, 2014. At a recent meeting the Rotinoshonni/Iroquois discussed the residential school holocaust perpetrated on us by the CROWN/Vatican. They became of one mind that the CROWN/Vatican should be charged and forced to answer for the crime of genocide before the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Nowhere to go! No rock to hide under!

Nowhere to go! No rock to hide under!

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC headed by Chief Judge Murray Sinclair, has already gathered evidence and proven the crime of genocide. He announced his Commission has no mandate to charge the CROWN, only to provide the truth of what happened, and to develop a reconciliation strategy. Since he cannot charge the CROWN, all his evidence on behalf of the 80,000 murdered Onkwehonwe children can be taken and filed.

The law of Onowaregeh is the Great Peace/Kaianerekowa. No Admiralty statute has any jurisdiction over us on Onowaregeh. Only the Guswenth/Two Row Wampum is the basis of all of our interaction. The corporations’ only basis for their claim on our land are the Doctrines of Discovery, terra nullius, etc. which are legal fiction. These doctrines have been condemned as socially unjust, racist and in violation of basic and fundamental human rights. These papal bulls have been the basis of the murders of 150 million Ongwehonwe in the Western Hemisphere.

As everybody knows, anything based on a lie is a lie. Admiralty Law [CROWN law] is for banks and corporations. We Rotinoshonni are the ongwehonwe of the land. We are not a corporation and not a bank. It is illegal to trade our land for money. All Admiralty [CROWN] statutes are based on this lie.

Our children wait.

On October 25, 1924, the genocidal Indian Lands Acts were imposed upon us by the CROWN colony of Canada. They were to be deemed as binding on the provinces as if they were acts of the legislatures. They are by-laws of the corporation [CROWN]. At this time ‘reserves’ were set up forcing the ‘Indians’ into captivity. Then they snatched our children and inserted them into their residential school death camps. The Palestinians can expect a version of the residential school holocaust to be imposed upon them. We are going to stop this from happening to anyone else ever.

Background: In 324 AD Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire set up Christianity as the official religion of the empire. The capital of Rome was Constantinople and the capital of the church was Kiev Russia. In 910 five hundred priests broke away from the Christian Church and set up their syndicate in Rome Italy at the Vatican. They called their new religion “Roman Catholicism”. The monarchs of Western Europe were behind the creation and day-to-day operations of the corporate entity, the CROWN/Vatican. Each monarch had a turn to place their Pope in the Vatican for life. Roman Catholicism is “corporatism”. All corporations get their ISO number from the Vatican. Canada is ISO #1366-2:CA 1867 and USA is ISO #3166-2:US Feb. 21, 1871. The CROWN/ [Vatican] is listed as the majority shareholder in both of these corporations.

Through Admiralty Law all admiralty courts are also private corporations owned by the CROWN. All Canadian, US and British courts are Admiralty courts. There is no way for us to get a fair hearing in any Admiralty court because the owners of the courts are guilty of the genocide that we are charging them with.

Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague. No Admiralty CROWN Court.

Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague. Not Admiralty CROWN Court.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague was set up in 1899 by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia as the first international court for world peace. It is not an Admiralty court. It is designed for cases like ours. He and previous Tsars saw the genocide occurring in the Western Hemisphere due to the Catholic Bulls. Russia was never a part of the Western Hemisphere genocide. Let us all stand together as one earth family, the roots going in all directions, plant a tree of peace and bury all the weapons of war.

Sing & dance for those past and coming.

Sing & dance for those past and coming.

We do this for our children, as Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sing about all children: “You, who are on the road, must have a code that you can live by. And so become yourself because the past is just a good-bye. Teach your children well, their father’s hell did slowly go by, and feed them on your dreams, the one they fix, the one you’ll know by. And don’t you ever ask them why. If they told you, you would cry. So just look at them and sigh, and know they love you”. Teach your children well.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada,

1500-360 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3Z3, Toll Free: 1-888-872-5554 (1-888-TRC-5554) Telephone: (204) 984-5885 Fax: (204) 984-5915Email: info@trc.ca

Read MNN “Fatally Flawed Decision”.

Permanent Court of Arbitration, Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands T:+31 70 302 4165, F:+31 70 302 4167 E:bureau@pca-cpa.org

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws





















MNN. Feb. 28, 2014. Soon the British monarch, her family, and her minions, as per the Magna Carta, will be removed by the people of England. When that happens, all her corporate assets – Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand – will revert to the true owners. The “Crown” based in the Vatican and all their banking tentacles throughout the world will fall.  The Pope is the Emperor of Rome. Everyone who takes an oath to a criminal is a criminal. They will be dealt with.

Queen: "No. We wont trade jobs. Mine is to kill and pillage. Yours is to put away the money!"

Queen: “No. We won’t trade jobs. Mine is to kill & pillage. Yours is to pacify & salt away the money!”


The Kaianerekowa will then be applied on Great Turtle Island. The Onkwehonwe will deal with the “masters of war” using our law and new technology, to clean up their mess. These criminals will answer to the people for each one of the 100 million Indigenous they murdered.

The oligarchy teaches that whoever has the most money makes the rules. The revolution has begun in each person’s mind. We are each sovereign in our own mind. Anyone can tell us what they think, not what to think. The spiritual frequency changes that will occur on our Mother Earth will cause everyone to remember everything from every past life.  

The waters of truth will clean everything. The oligarchy will be washed away. Once the earth begins her cleansing, there will be no more lies, murder or destruction.

We Onkwehonwe were to teach them to love and take care of each other and every living thing attached to the earth in our communities. The weapons of war will be buried under the Tree of Peace for all time.

The Black Wampum will be applied to all the criminals.

The black beads hit the floor. Then warrior smashes criminal's head.

The black wampum hits the floor. Then warrior smashes criminal’s head.

They will have one last chance to become of one mind with us. When the War Chief drops the black wampum they can grab it before it hits the floor. If they do not grasp it, the men will bash in their heads with war clubs. Their brains will be on the floor next to the black wampum. This will happen in all Great Turtle Island communities. The cleansing will include their entire family. Genocide has always been their plan for us. The DNA memory of those who did the genocide  will be erased from mankind. They and their weapons will be buried, never to be seen again.

 Elizabeth and Francis will be the last Monarch and the last Pope. Good riddance!




As Johnny Cash foretold, the oligarchs will be cast into a burning ring of fire, and they will go down, down, down, and the flames will shoot higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire! Johnny Cash. “Ring of Fire”.


Family names of Crown and Its Minions. The Crown & Its Minions. Wall Street.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws





MNN. Mar. 14, 2013. The Catholic Church is the first male hierarchical corporation. The Pope is the CEO of this corporation. All other corporations in the world follow this model. One guy orders everybody what to do and think.new godfather

Jesuit Italian immigrant, Jorge Bergoglio, has become Pope Frances. He is a Jesuit who are the intelligence and military arm of the Catholic Church. They came to Western Hemisphere to spread small pox, not Christianity. They got rid of 100 million of us for their CEO. Now one of them becomes the CEO. The hierarchy will soon be eliminated because it goes against natural law. 

Jesuit: "We've got these nice warm blankets for you."

Jesuit: “We’ve got these nice warm blankets for you.”


He acts like a man of the poor, living in a flat in the ghetto, so he can be near the young children who run in the streets. Is he sacrificing to satisfy his esoteric agenda?   

He’s suppose to make drastic changes before the whole house burns down. Sex abuse, financial corruption, gay mafia, young priests refusing to join the house of ill repute and women left completely out. No charges or imprisonment has come yet of their criminal activities. It‘s coming boys! 

He apologizes for discrimination against Jews, homosexuals and women, as if they have the ultimate authority. No one can talk to God unless they pay and direct their message through him. 

He says, “It’s important to believe, to have faith”, so he can stay on top. 

Loves street kids.

Loves street kids.

In Argentina he did not stand up to the abuses of the military junta. He refused to speak up for priests and thousands rounded up during Argentina’s “dirty wars” from 1976-1983. He criticized the leftist guerillas. He refused to baptize children of single mothers. What a hypocrite! 

How is the Catholic Church going to stay in business? There’s feuding, corruption and cronyism throughout. The Masonic P2 Lodge is running money laundering out of the Vatican. 

Apparently he has the least dirt on him compared to the rest of the bunch. We can only imagine how their dossier look.  

Why is the Pope important? He is the top CEO of all the corporations worldwide. 65 churches have closed in Montreal. No one goes because they are tired of being abused. They say there are 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world, because they need a “really big” number! 

Last ride?!

Last ride?!

His job is to make as much money as possible for Vatican Corporation. He sits as head of state, carries on diplomatic relationships with more than 100 nations, conducts church business and appoints new bishops, which all takes a few days. Once in a while he puts on a dress, prays and waves to people from the Popemobile. 

What Frances will find is he is going to be the last Pope during the dismantling of this evil corporation.  As Jeff Beck Group sings: “I’m goin’ down. I’m goin’ down, down, down down. Yes, I’ve got my feet in the window, and I’ve got my head on the ground.” Going Down

Black Robe    Jesuits in Ontario in 1645-49

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0