20.10.2006 15:00:36 |
Deposition of Dave General |
Women Title Holders charge Dave General of the 6 Nations band council with “conspiracy” and “espionage” WOMEN TITLE HOLDERS, P.O. Box 49, Kanatakon of Akwesasne of Mohawk Territory (via Quebec, Canada) H0M 1A0 Tel: 613-575-1550 Fax 450-635-9451 Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com katenies20@yahoo.com Supporting documents http://www.mohawknationnews.com REGISTERED MAIL/EMAIL Oct. 20, 2006. Mr. David General Chief, Band Council NOTICE: CANADIAN GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE, DAVID GENERAL, CHARGED WITH “CONSPIRACY” AND “ESPIONAGE” BY CONSTITUTIONAL WOMEN TITLE HOLDERS OF THE ROTINONHSONNION:WE ACCORDING TO WAMPUM 58 She:kon: As Wampum 44 of our law, the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law, provides, the Women are the “progenitors of the soil” of the Rotinohsonnion:we. We are the caretakers of the land, water and air of Turtle Island. As the trustees we are obligated to preserve and protect the land’s integrity on behalf of all the legal title holders of all Kaianereh’ko:wa territory. It is our obligation to inform you that, according to Wampum 58, you knowingly betrayed and violated the People and the Great Law. We are charging you with conspiracy and espionage because you are working with a foreign entity to dissolve and destroy the title and birthright of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy. As an agent of Canada you have no authority whatsoever to enter into any agreements or contracts for any of our lands or possessions with Canadian Hydro Developers, Enbridge Gas Distributors or any others. You represent no one but yourself. You are aiding these foreign entities to fraudulently use our land as collateral to raise money on the international money market to bring in private projects on our land. Wampum 58 provides: “ANY CHIEF OR OTHER PERSONS WHO SUBMIT TO LAWS OF A FOREIGN PEOPLE ARE ALIENATED AND FORFEIT ALL CLAIMS IN THE IROQUOIS NATIONS There are now the Five Nations League chiefs standing with joined hands in a circle. This signifies and provides that should any of the Chiefs of the League leave the council and the League, his crown or deer’s antlers, the emblem of his chieftainship title, together with his birthright, shall lodge on the arms of the union chiefs and people whose hands are so joined. He forfeits his title and the crown falls from his brow, but it shall remain in the League. A further meaning of this is that if, at any time, any person or any of the chiefs of the League choose to submit to the law of a foreign people, they are no longer in but out of the League and persons of this class shall be called, “They have alienated themselves? (Tehonatonkoton). Likewise, such persons – shall forfeit all birthrights and claims of the League of the Five Nations and Territory. You, the League of the Five Nations People and Chiefs, be firm so that if a tree should fall upon your joined hands, it shall not separate you or weaken your hold. So shall the strength of union be preserved.” The land you are fraudulently pretending to relinquish to outsiders is protected from encroachment by the “Haldimand Proclamation of 1784” which is part of Six Nations land. Your actions are between a foreign municipal level administration (band council), a federal government department and a private corporation. This is not a nation-to-nation relationship between our Peoples. You connections with these foreign entities should be thoroughly investigated immediately as they appear to be for your own self-gain. In our view, you are knowingly working against the best interests of us and our future generations. Furthermore, the Two Row Wampum agreement between us and the United States and Canada does not allow the representatives of colonial governments and their agencies to act on our behalf. The land in question continues to be part of Kaianereh’ko:wa territory. If Canada wishes to enter into any formal agreement with the Confederacy they must do so through proper protocol with the Queen or her representative, the Governor General of Canada. You, the Canadian government and its agencies are now officially informed you that you have no authority to function on behalf of the Rotinonhsonnion:we. We, the Women Title Holders, carry out our duties under the rules and authority of the Kaianereh’ko:wa. Dated: October 20, 2006. Katenies _____________________ Attached: “Mohawk Manifesto” Cc: Confederacy Chiefs, Six Nations of Grand River; Governor General of Canada; Premier of Ontario; Prime Minister of Canada; President of United States; Indian Affairs; Stock Exchanges; European Community; United Nations International Commission for Human Rights; Canadian Hydro Developers; Enbridge Gas Distributors; all media Posted: MNN Mohawk Nation News at http://www.mohawknationnews.com |
poster: Thahoketoteh |