New York land?

New NYS Governor Eliot Spitzer is about to sign our land into “trust” to build a casino. It is illegal. We would appreciate as many of our native brothers and sisters and our friends and allies registering our opposition on his site before he signs it into “law” on Jan. 1, 2007. Thank you.
Kahentinetha Horn
To: Mr. Eliott Spitzer, Governor of New York State

December 29, 2006.

Before you became Governor of New York State, you were the Attorney General of New York State. At that time you fought against fraud, crime and corruption at all levels. We are now asking you to abide by the laws of the land.

The department of the Interiors’ Bureau of Indian Affairs has just signed off on the environmental assessment. You, Governor Eliot Spitzer, are about to sign off on January 1, 2007 to illegally change our land into “federal trust”. This is a major fraud. Now the proposed St. Regis Mohawk “Tribe’s” casino can go ahead at Monticello Raceway in New York State on our land without our consent. This violates international law. We oppose this. New York State law does not supersede the U.S. Constitution, which you would be violating. As you know, this is treason.

We the Women Title Holders of the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk Nation are informing you of the following objections to this project:

1) to the usurpation of our jurisdiction over “New York State” and beyond by the U.S., New York State, non-Indigenous entities, corporations, foreign federal, state, county, boards, state tribal “governance” agencies and all other “outsiders”.

2) to the illegal placing of our sovereign territory into federal trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including lands known as “Monticello” and “Sullivan County” to build casinos on or to do any development.

3) to enforcing “Federal Indian law” which violates the nation-to-nation relationship worked out between our constitutions, the Kaianereh’ko:wa, and the U.S. Constitution. As you will recall, in 2005 New York State failed to fraudulently claim our lands. You know very well that the signing in Albany on Feb. 1, 2005, with the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs Inc. and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc. to settle so-called land claims was fraudulent and fell. Your concurrent transactions such as taxation, casinos, developments, revenue sharing and other ploys are all illegal and scandalous.

4) to foreign government and corporate entities usurping jurisdiction over us and our unsurrendered land that is respected by Article II of the U.S. Constitution. We Indigenous people still own outright all the land and resources of Turtle Island (that you call North America). These foreign corporations cannot legally put up our land as collateral to solicit public funds for their developments on our land. This is fraud.

Only the Rotinonhsonnion:we/Longhouse People, who abide by the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Iroquois Constitution, are the legitimate voice of our nation. All land, commerce and Kanion’ke:haka Nation issues are the responsibility of the People and not that of outside corporations such as those you have set up like the “tribal” and “band” councils. Any agreements entered into under federal Indian law or state law with the St. Regis Mohawk Council Inc. or any of it’s affiliated departments for the sale, purchase or transfer of our lands under the guise of the Mohawk Nation is illegal, null and void.

The U.S. must abide by the international law principle that there can be no development on Indigenous land without consulting and getting the consent of the true Title Holders.

Our objections to this illegal assumption of jurisdiction by United States, New York State and St. Regis Mohawk Tribe have been registered in the United States Supreme Court case No. 05-165: 2005.

We require you to intervene in the theft of our jurisdiction over our Indigenous territory now called “New York State” and beyond. Do not sign this fraudulent transfer of our land into federal trust and all its attendant underhanded business deals. You vowed as the former Attorney General to stop all corruption. Now that you are the Governor you cannot now knowingly break the law.

Signed: Kahentinetha Horn /s/ ________________ Kanionkeke’ha:ka/Mohawk Nation, P.O. Box 418, Akwesasne (New York) 13655 1-613-575-1550

Please register your objection by going to, click the yellow box “participate”; click “ideas for NY”; to “please click here”. Nia:wen/thank you.

poster: Thahoketoteh