Mohawk Nation News Copyright C 2012
MNN has a group of highly trained workshop facilitators and skilled speakers: Tekarontake. Border, Land, Resources, and traditional law issues Taiotekane. Legal, Criminal Court Issues] Eric Schweig. Inuit.  Front line street outreach worker.    Issues facing Urban Homeless Indigenous and Inuit Peoples. Kaniehtiio. Talent from a Youth Perspective Splitting the Sky.  Writer, Speaker, Activist on court and prison system. John Kane.  Radio show "Native Pride" on trade and commerce, legal, historic and current issues of the Iroquois nations. Aroniakons. History, Contemporary Issues Kakwirakeron. Indigenous Constitutional Jurisdiction Issues, UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights Kahentinetha. Haudenosaunee and Modern Cultural Conflicts Thahoketoteh of Kanekota.  Music and story telling.  These are Some of the Workshops that We Offer: Colonial Goal of Assimilation Indigenous Basis of International Law Media Stereotyping of Indigenous People Haudenosaunee Land Regime Cross Cultural Encounters Impact of Residential School Experience Indigenous People and the Courts Oka/Mohawk Crisis of 1990 Indigenous Health Care Legal Basis of Modern Activism Indigenous Role in Environmental Issues Iroquois Longhouse Philosophy Consensual Decision Making Process
The goals of the Indigenous Awareness Workshops are to promote understanding of Indigenous cultures and values; increase awareness of Indigenous issues; and enhance communication with Indigenous peoples.  They are designed and facilitated by Indigenous professionals.  Delivery includes lectures, group exercises, panel discussions, resource speakers, audio-visuals and group discussions.  Workshops are one to three days.  Example Workshop Outline: Day 1 - Overview of Indigenous Culture.  Content:  Creation Story; Basic Concepts About Indigenous Culture; Diversity Among Peoples; Ceremonies. Day 2 - History of Indigenous and European Relationships.  Content:  Contact and Effects of Contact with Europeans; Treaties, Federal Indian Law, Indian Act, Indian Affairs; Assimilation Policy. Day 3 - Contemporary Indigenous Issues.  Content:  Examination of Current Issues:  Indigenous Rights; Constitution; Self- Determination; What Indigenous People Want.
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