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MNN. 27, 2018. The political baby sitters of the world are kicking each other around right left and center. They’re not sure why they’re mad at each other. Liz May of the UK says, “It’s a secret!”. She refuses to produce any evidence about her accusation that the Russians sprayed nerve gas on a former Russian double agent and his daughter. Now some of her gang has jumped into the fray against Russia. They are ready to pull hair [if they have any] and bite the bear. This is not diplomacy. If they’re not careful they might be expelled from their jobs like this child was removed at a local daycare.

Recently an 18 month old baby had a tussle with another child at a daycare. She bit the other one in the head and drew blood. The staff was horrified and kicked the baby out. The child was eventually allowed to return. Then she got into another tussle. This time she grabbed and hung onto a worker’s hair and wouldn’t let go. She was put on probation for a month. The working parents got a talking to. She’s back in. The staff stays out of her way. She’s having a grand time playing with all the other babies. True story. 




There is a way to resolve these kinds of differences between people. We conduct the small condolence ceremony to bring us together.  

A piece of soft doeskin wipes the eyes of each person so they may see issues clearly; an eagle feather wipes around the ears so they may listen and hear what is being said; and a glass of clear water is drunk so their words will be as clear as the water, without sharp edges. This is all evacuated naturally so that our minds, bodies and energy are cleansed. Then we approach matters more clearly, large and small, until we come to an understanding.  



These world leaders need therapy for positive coping skills and anger management, rather than depend on the military style training they have. Who knows! Their toys could be taken away until they learn to share equally and give everybody a voice.   

This could be another false flag scenario to keep everybody scared and confused.


At this time the world could use some humor or a dose of laughing gas.


https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/trump-expulsion-diplomats-does-and-doesnt-unnerve-moscow TRUMP EXPULSION OF RUSSIAN DIPLOMATS

Brenda Norrell@gmail.com CensoredNews