Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Jan. 8, 2015. Someone out there besides Stephen Harper and the Board of Directors for the Corporation of Canada has seen the “100-year business plan to be rid of the INDIAN problem”. We are now in the 9th decade. This genocide plan needs to be published for the world to see what Canada really is.

Harper to the handlers at Kahnawake: “This is where you want to put the Mohawks? It’s more than cool! It’s cold!”
The attached Notice to Implement the Peace was sent to the incorporated Mohawk Council of Kahnawake by the Ah’sera:kowa of the Mohawk Nation at Kanekota. The incorporated INDIAN band councils are the front line for the scheme to sell our land and resources and relocate us. It’s time for all Iroquois Confederacy Ah’sera:kowa to be involved with ending the illegal occupation of our territories by foreign corporations known as band and tribal councils.
The incorporated INDIANS are holding secret meetings to sell the Mohawk land at Kahnawake known as the “Seigneury of Sault St. Louis”. We have two questions which need answers: one, where did incorporated INDIANS, Mike Delisle and Christine Deom, get authority to represent us in this criminal land negotiation where one hand of the CROWN is paying the other hand for our land? The issue goes first to the natural people who decide if negotiations are necessary. Our land is not for sale. Second, we want the names of those representing the Corporation of Canada in this swindle.; T. 450-635-7500.
A NOTICE OF PAST DUE RENT AND TAXES was sent to the mayors and councils of the cities situated on the land of Kahnawake: “You are living on Kanion’ke:haka. As in all landlord tenant relations, when the landlord does not receive the rent cheque, the tenants will be evicted. If you are paying taxes to any entity other than us, it does not count. Inform your citizenry that from this day forward, each will be responsible for their debt to us. Your municipal council is responsible for all back rent. You must all deal directly with the Kahtihon’tia:kwenio about your arrears. Kahentinetha, Bear Clan, Kanion’ke:haka.
As Frank Zappa serenades the band and tribal councils: “Hey! Do you know what you are? You’re an asshole! ASSHOLE!”
canary effect
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