JUNE 29TH CREATED TO ARREST AND DECLARE MARTIAL LAW MNN. June 20, 2007. Phil Fontaine is the hired Fascist who is doing what any “quisling” does. He works in cooperation with the occupying forces and leads them to kill or capture the resisters. Is there a coup in the works? The three largest police forces in Canada are working together. All three have been investigated recently for corruption and criminality – where heads rolled. They’re all looking for something to take public attention off their misdeeds. The new heads appear to be mostly handpicked by the oligarchy. Now they’re setting a trap to arrest the only people who dare to resist their goose stepping march toward totalitarianism, the Indigenous people.June 29th is being planned and financed by the Canadian government at the behest of their “masters”. This is a “set up” to create a situation to justify the declaring of martial law across the country. Yesterday the colonizer’s hired “saboteur”, Phil Fontaine, got together with Interim RCMP Commissioner, Bev Busson , Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Julian “Little Mouselini” Fantino, the head of the Quebec Police and who knows who else [maybe some U.S. intelligence agents?] They signed an “anti-violence agreement”. [Remember Orwell’s 1984 where all ministries were named the exact opposite of what they were doing?]. The newspapers report this as a “Joint AFN/RCMP Response Team”. Fantino reported we are lumped in with “no fly lists” and “terrorists”. Oh-oh!! Here we go again. Remember Joint Task Force 2? What’s this, JTF3? Phil, we don’t know what kind of a trap you’re helping Canada to set for us. Someone said that maybe you’re trying to help them “smoke out” our leaders. They don’t understand our system. We don’t have any leaders. We know we are all equal. Nevertheless, the alarm bells are screaming for all of us who know a bit about international law and the history of Indigenous relations with Canada . At best this “Tree house gang” is ignorant. More likely they are puppets of the “cabal” that is establishing the police state. These kids in the tree house are signing accords among themselves and planning how and when they’re going to sic the JTF3 on us? They’re dangerous. They may be acting like a bunch of 9-years olds, but the guns are real and we’re in the cross hairs. Let’s not forget, these are cops, not politicians who have to answer to the public. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. These snot-nosed Machiavelli’s say they’re worried that things will [they hope] turn “ugly”. Look at what we already have – the holocaust, the rape, pillage and poisoning of our land by multinational mining and oil companies, the pollution, the murders, the starlight tours, the missing 500 women, the scandalous residential schools genocide strategy, the destruction of the caribou, fish stocks and other traditional sources of food, desperate poverty, millions spent on communications strategies to demonize us, the tainted water, the suicides, the despair and the third world living conditions. How bad do things have to get to call things ugly? Canada has it upside down and backwards. They haven’t established THEIR claims to our lands. We don’t have a thing to prove. The land is ours. Their the ones with unsettled claims to our lands. Phil. This is about our “jurisdiction”. Bev better brush up on international law and democracy 101. 1. We are not part of Canada : International law has determined that no people can be absorbed into a foreign state unless the majority have given their informed consent through a free and fair vote. We never voted to become part of Canada or the British Empire . We were never conquered. We never gave up gave our sovereignty or jurisdiction. It’s still here and it’s still the law. We took no part in that BNA Act 1867 that was passed by Britain ’s parliament to set up the Dominion of Canada . That’s a law for Canadians, not for us. Section 91(24) gives Canada the right only to negotiate WITH us on behalf of the British Empire . That’s all! Canada has no right to make laws for us. It doesn’t now and it never has, except in someone’s fantasy. [Check your archives]. 2. The AFN does not represent us. The Indian Act was illegally passed by Canada ’s Parliament and does not govern us, just as Mexican and U.S. legislation does not apply to Canadians. We’re not part of Canada . The AFN is a colonial office invented by Canada . It’s not legal. 3. Our relations with Canada are nation-to-nation. The AFN, RCMP, OPP and the SQ have no authority to conduct diplomatic relations on behalf of Canada . Their attempts constitute international aggression. We hear that Canada is passing an “endangered species” act that protects every form of nature that was here before colonization, except us. Let’s get back to June 29th. It’s a day of peaceful mourning for the unrecognized holocaust, the pillage of us and our land. The rail lines, roads, bridges, cities, dams are all trespassing on our territories. They were put there without our permission. The Supreme Court of Canada is just beginning to recognize that our consent is required to do anything on our jurisdiction. That means Onowarekeh/Turtle Island . Before you freak out, take a step back and think. Despite the tragedies you have inflicted on us, we have never attacked your right to live. By contrast you have always attacked our right to live. Your colonial government has always defended the theft of our land and resources by both foreign corporations and private individuals. As Garry Kasparov, the former Russian Chess World Champion, told the Empire Club of Toronto , “Every system will contain a problem that cannot be solved within the system itself”. One of the problems that cannot be solved within the existing Canadian system is the ugly colonial legacy of how Canada continues to illegally occupy our land and exploit our resources. Canada cannot solve its problem with us internally because it’s not an internal problem. Our resources are not even benefiting Canadians. They’re being sent out to foreign countries. More than anything else, June 29th is a day of mourning. Bev Busson, we’d like you to join us by carrying a placard that says, “Respect international law”. Mr. Fantino could carry one that says, “Respect the rights of Indigenous people”, and Phil could carry one that says, “Down with Traitors”. The Quebec Police could carry one saying, “Respect Mohawk Jurisdiction”. No guns. No arrest. No pepper sprays. If you can’t be peaceful, stay away. Get out of our jurisdiction, which is all of Canada . Leave us alone. Phil, stop pretending you represent us. We are not your flock. You are their colonial flunkie. Everything will be peaceful if you stay with your colonial masters. Get some psychological help with your delusions of grandeur. Julian, stop sucking up to the oligarchy and stop threatening us. If Canada is setting up the JTF3 to engage in civil disobedience against us, then they should be prepared to accept the consequences. Meanwhile, we are asking the world community to recognize Canada for what it is, one of the most ruthless undemocratic states in the world. Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News SEE: Fontaines’ lynching party with RCMP, OPP & SQ |