TURN ON THE TV – to see what those crazy white people are up to?
MNN. MAR. 19, 2012. Our visitors are constantly depicting themselves as murdering and killing each other to set things as they want without compromise. They plan and scheme the murders and atrocities. They say “Sorry” for what they’ve done to us while violating us until they think they’ve got us.
Shadows and voices are in their minds. They fear opening up their perverse minds for others to see, while showing their hand anyway.
They look for ghosts which are themselves. Their invented ideology is based on who they are and where they come from [from who knows where!].
They create their history and write ours to conform to their fables. What is their Achilles heel? The truth. That is why it’s burn, burn, burn. Out of the ashes rewrite history. Get rid of the evidence, quick!
They walk alone because they are alone, to avoid being found out.
They must fight and win against those who disagree with them, right or wrong. Their brain is constructed so they cannot compromise or see the other’s view, but pretend to do so.
They see us as different and want to hurt us. For our protection we’re usually not alone. Mohawks always go with three to corroborate what we see or hear or give different insights.
Guilt over what they’ve done is in their minds. They know they violated our psyche, our being and our lives. Many of their stories are based on sexual violations or stealing something or someone he or she thought was theirs.
Our visitors who committed and benefitted from the wrongs are suffering because the cover-up is based on half truths and lies, which they celebrate.
When we die, we return to our mother, the earth.
When our visitors die, they are consecrated to our ground and send their souls to heaven above where they came from. Their atrocities are not buried. Ghosts remain forever. A wrong goes on and on in their descendents. Is that why they are not having children to pass their evil guilt onto? It won’t be over until they go. That’s why they’re going.
If it’s not on tv, they don’t believe it. Dire Straits said it in Money for Nothing: “Now look at them yo-yos, that’s the way you do it. You play the guitar on the MTV. That ain’t working, that’s the way you do it. Money for nothing and chicks for free.”
MNN Mohawk Nation News Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0