MNN. Dec.29/24

Every source  of power is based on true facts, such as the philosophy of the Kaianerekowa great peace.

The teiohateh two row wampum affirms we are a separate from the invaders. Do these intruders to onowarekeh turtle island think they are better than us? We are different. Most people are good. Sometimes they do something they know is bad. Some are bad and they struggle every day to keep it under control. Others are corrupt to the core and just don’t give a damn. Evil is actions they justify. They knowingly separate violence from their conscience. They are unconscionable, no matter what toll it takes. These uninvited entities are always disguising the truth and at the same time adding up their evil actions.  

We want peace. We cannot have it as long as the evil doers are out there and have not fixed the harm they did from their genocide and theft which continue to this day. Such information can be found in the Indian Affairs ‘war room’. 

Circle of the families.


We are forced to be obedient to those foreigners who put us in POW camps called reserves. Trust is eliminated to turn us over to the power of the state and so-called religious orders, who make their man-made power structure’. First they try to indoctrinate the youth who are now either dead or survivors. They forced  us to read and write in a foreign language so as to be obedient to the power structure or face further genocidal punishment. We are forced to learn French, English and Spanish, to have menial jobs, pay taxes to the state to produce money for the dictatorship. The enslavers do not want well educated people to become their rivals. Basic literacy and propaganda is taught to ensure there is no challenge to their unbending dictatorship. Everything is through deception and hate. True history is not taught in their so-called education system about the real way the invaders landed on turtle island and saw everything there was to steal. That is why our culture of peace, truth and justice is so threatening to their existence. No geography for us to look around the rest of the world. No foreign languages to talk to each other. Women are put in minor roles in the hierarchical system to serve the men because sovereign women are seen as very dangerous to.them. Everything is run by the military occupying force.  If there is peace, there is no need for military. 


Canada supports the set up separatist , colonial  and apartheid regimes in Canada and elsewhere in the world. Our resources are illegally extracted to make weapons and train armies to kill people worldwide.   

THEY WANT IMMORTALITY AND ABSOLUTE POWER TROUGH THEIR ELITE CULT ALLIANCES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD such as NATO, United Nations, International Court of Justice in The Hague, all government institutions, health agencies, police and spy agencies, swat teams, and national guards trained to help keep dictatorships go unchallenged. These are totally unnatural with no wisdom or virtue to help indigenous people or anybody of like mind.


Kahnistensera – Women’s Nomination Belt

The indigenous people have the duty to caretake all land throughout the world. We cannot ever give up our inherent responsibilities. These intruders travelling about destroying our mother earth must return to where they came from. Creation never wanted our lands to be taken from the original natural inhabitants. 

For the intruders stating the truth is inconvenient because truth invites debate. In Canada the military used arms to execute unarmed indigenous people. A total false claim for onowarekeh turtle island was made by declaring we were “savages” and wards of the state to so they can destroy us with impunity and to take our possessions. The state justified their right to attack us and claim our lands. In the future these trespassers will be on the run. They cannot win the fight they started with us because they do not have the truth. Their decisions and actions are based on lies. Their information is based on disinformation, continuous propagandizing of propaganda and other tricks. Their homeland is thousands of miles away where they belong. If soldiers were not sent by the state to fight their power wars, there would be nothing but peace.


Canada constantly rewrites their so-called foreign laws and history. He who controls the info controls the future, except for the natural knowledge of creation. The military establishment enforces their laws. Our culture is based on peace which cannot allow a foreign military industrial complex to exist in a culture of peace. The military establishment that is forced on us is counter to our culture of peace. This costs trillions of our Indian trust funds and the invaders’ taxpayer dollars. Also taken are our lives, property, and hope of peace. Our ways are imposed by nature. Canada and US are Republics of War imposed by fear. Canada constantly wages a war to control the truth, by controlling the channels of information and pushing their own narrative.  

Outsiders minds are seduced. Censorship constantly advances the political agenda. Science is corrupted.    


The church and state oversee the murders and never face penalties. They select scapegoats, such as refugees, to work for them. Almost all businesses in Canada are owned by the intruders on the land of the indigenous. They evade taxes, funnel money out of turtle island, and work against the original people by weaponizing their law to keep us in line. There is no justification. They run colonial state power. The law is made against the scapegoats, us. The judiciary pass decrees. These intruders must return everything they took from us and vacate our land which is all of turtle island. Their system is of no use to us. There shall be no economy for them here on turtle island.  

There shall be no violation of the kaianerekowa.  

The intruders and their beneficiaries who run the “regime of death” must go. 


Dish with one spoon wanpum

Indigenous shall:

  1. Declare that all of turtle island is sovereign only to the indigenous people who adhere to kaianerekowa, the natural order since time immemorial to infinity.
  2. Karonhiatajeh’s “Manifesto” shall be published in Mohawk Nation News.
  3. Those who wish to stay on turtle island must follow the great peace.  
  4. The great peace is the supreme law of the land.
  5. All foreign laws and military conflict shall be eradicated.

The horror of slaughtering the indigenous people is over. Everything about these crimes shall be revealed. True indigenous sovereignty bows to no one. Canada’s plan has always been to keep us afraid. Chiefs, elders and clan mothers never let us live in fear. We knew the intruders were murdering us to build their empire by exploiting our land and resources. Their cover-up is over.   

Anyone who wants power will have to get on the ship and return to where they came from. No more kleptocracy, stealing the resources of our mother earth. Creation decides what’s right. 

Spirit asks the questions we want answers to:

box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0