MNN. Jan, 1, 2025. The great law will never allow it. HAPPY FUTURE FOR EVERYBODY!
Canada tried to establish our unworthiness in every way. It was cruel. When they targeted us to be killed off, Hollywood cowboys and Indian movies had to win by giving us derogatory names such as; squaw, injun, redskin, wagon burners and savage. They had propaganda such as “The only good Indian is a dead Indian”. Our response is, “Many have tried and many have died”. Well, murderers never change. These killers live in upscale houses and are in our sight. They try to make us think they are dead and gone. We are kanienkehaka kahnistensera, Mohawk Mothers, and costing them time, money and thoughts. They can’t hide their hideous crimes against us. Also, “Canada” comes from the Mohawk word “canadien” for “squatters”, an apt description for the intruders.
We indigenous can make peace with kaianerekowa. How can their system make things right? They need to dispel their hatred for us. We could swear at each other but that is not our way. We could take their weapons and throw them away. They cannot argue any rightness for their crimes against humanity. Time is running out for them. They can take their “I’m sorry” and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine for every day they are on the land they stole from us.
National leaders involved in the coverup should be tried by an international tribunal for crimes against humanity. They continue to violate mother earth and she will respond to their violence against her. All their many fake statutes they change at will can’t answer for their crimes. Their military industrial complex will lie in ruins. They can no longer be war mongers and conspirators who refuse peace. They butchered our people and plundered most of our race. They are child murderers and slave traders. Look at what they did to Sudbury Ontario, which supplies 80% of the world’s nickel that makes all of the stainless steel worldwide for warfare. Steel cannot be made without nickel.
They must now answer for their crimes. If we can’t be forced to obey the government, we would not be surprised if they brought out their holocaust plans from their “war room” to try to annihilate us again. Their official war plan against us started on October 25th 1924 which was to put all the ‘Indians’ into prisoner of war camps which they called “reserves/reservations”, to indoctrinate our children into enforced assimilation. They called it their “100 year plan for the final solution of the Indian problem” which shows how long and brutal this war was. We were all placed under heavy duress. Their extermination policies have never been rescinded. They believe they just have to say sorry and it is all good because we are not real people. The government gave hunting licences to kill us. Once again they will fail because kaianerekowa, mother earth, the great law, will not allow it. This is the rise and fall of one of the bloodiest regimes in human history. Like the rise and fall of the roman empire, all dictatorships fall. In the end the kaianerekowa holds them responsible for their wrong doings. The perpetrators will run the gauntlet according to the great law!
When they arrived they started to kill us and build their houses over our dead bodies. One solution is they can all leave, get on the boat and go home. Or they can follow the ‘White Roots of Peace” to the source and take on the mission of spreading peace to the entire world like we do. Mother earth is in tune with spreading this to the world. Everybody has choices and the ability to reason. To stay here they have to fully accept the kaianerekowa.
Their hideous nightmare must end. One of the biggest destroyers of mother earth is the corporation known as Canada. They have rendered every piece of land, sand, tree, water with financial value and divided up their corporation Canada into land lots and concessions. Canadians are paying taxes to a new foreign king. Canadians have never been given the vote on the way they want to be governed. When the people finally start to heal with their mother earth and stop this corporate plunder, there will be no more war.
As Stomping Tom Connors reminds the people of Sudbury how ridiculous the world has become. “The girls are out to bingo and the boys are getting stinko and there ain’t no need for INCO on a Sudbury saturday night”:
box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0