The state took and murdered us and our children to steal our land. They set up a system of wrongdoing that is entrenched in the Canadian legal system, which must be sustained by force, repression, lies. and death. The old life is over.  The system against us is no more.  Our way can battle our adversary. The state is our merciless enemy. Peacetime rules cannot be applied until we have peace. So far we have yet to experience peace since the white man invaded onowaregeh turtle island. They were never invited to turtle island. Every judge, lawyer, cop and politician swear an oath of personal allegiance to the British Crown. In a colony where crime is officially sanctioned, there is no regret, no justice. Indigenous people cannot stand before the enemy and expect justice. Rarihokwats left a legacy of truth and justice for the indigenous people.  

Helen Hunt Jackson stated in “CENTURY OF DISHONOR”, “No atrocities were ever performed that weren’t done to the Indians first”. 


The late great singer,  Peggy Lee, sang with Benny Goodman, this wonderful song which brings to mind how no one was suppose to remember us and the genocide but creation. The genocide plan was to forget that we know each other, laughed together before and loved before. The memory was planted in our mind by creation to seek and find those thoughts:


"Where Or When" (Official Video) - Peggy Lee


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