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MNN. Mar. 2, 2017. The immigrants to the US called “Americans” created a false portrait of themselves to us and the world. Outwardly they looked beautiful and perfect. Inside they were rotten and evil. They cause suffering of all mankind and life. They set up a republic of war on our land. The inner picture is now exposed.

The narcissistic personality of the American leaders underlie the amorality of the real United States and Canada. The CEO is the leader of the “corporation” that constantly needs war for its existence. They falsely claim to have victory after victory. They never won any.

These invaders invented and brag about the many ways they have developed to torture, kill and mutilate humans and all life on earth.

When their leader speaks, the followers clap like seals. They want to run the world and take as much as they can from everybody.

They hate us onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people, or any one else who does not believe that whoever has the most money makes the rules. Everyone now sees their open and ugly naked bigotry.

Their end time has come for them here on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island. They can no longer steal our lives, resources and enslave us.

It appears the end time is coming for the corporation. We have to stop the poison from being thrown over us and all life.

Dekanawida told us that a bright light many times brighter than the sun will come from the east. When the black serpent sees it, he will be fearful. The black serpent will swim to the south never again to be seen by the onkwe:hon;weh.

They pray to a cruel “creator”, apologize for their viciousness and ask for forgiveness. They never fix the horrific messes they cause.

Praying and crying time is over. When our families are on the front line being beaten, attacked and killed, our men have a natural duty to protect them. It’s time for us to stop waving flags, getting tattooed and neglecting our responsibility to protect the people and our birthright.

The sun puts light on the earth so that we can see the truth. Many chose to live in darkness and avoid it.

Nature designed every species with an instinct for self-preservation. The unnatural invaders abused and disrespected us because we still follow the original instructions which is to survive and coexist with each other and nature.

We refuse to throw our children into their fire of oil and filth.

Our young are ready to stand up, to carry out the original instructions. They know it is right to do something. They all have powerful minds.

Our children expect us to exercise our mind, to look at everything and dissect it. Everything in the inside of our minds shows us what is happening on the outside. We have to put the best forward for them to have a good life. Our children were disgusted with submissive behavior they witnessed of many at Standing Rock.

These abusive invaders do not belong here. They will leave great turtle island. We will establish a “Truth Park” where we can show our children what these invaders did to us and to make sure it never happens again.

Johnny Cash tells it like it is: “Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down. I think you only live to see the lights up town. I wasted my time when I would try, try, try. Cause when the lights have lost their glow, you’ll cry, cry, cry. Soon your sugar daddies will all be gone. You’ll wake up some cold day and find you’re alone. You’ll call for me, but ’m gonna tell you: bye, bye, bye. When I turn around and walk away, you’ll cry, cry, cry. “

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