MNN. July 22, 2023. Kahionhatatie Cree 13, an Onkwehonwe from the Kanienkehaka territory of Kahnawake, was denied access to play with her soccer team “Eastern Door and the North”, at the North American Indigenous Games in Halifax this week. She trained all year, then a provision was made that athletes required a COVID19 vaccination upon registration in December. I submitted a letter for exemption based on our traditional standing. At 10pm on July 22, six hours before her bus was to depart to Halifax, Jessie Messier, phoned me informing me that my daughter could not go to the games and if she did she would be given a bus ticket and sent home. She then apologized.
When I got the call, I was in Listigui meeting with Indigenous peoples from the surrounding regions of Gespe’gawa’gi. I was heartbroken for her. The time and effort she put into her training and team building was deflated. The excitement for her long awaited, first solo trip with her teammates was crushed. I could not be there to comfort her nor break it to her father, Garrett Cree, who volunteers ALL his free time to kids in sport. we were angry.
The Mi’gmaq at the meeting were in complete disbelief. They reached out and made statements to whomever they could contact. One person stated that North American Indigenous Games is one of the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Another said that the vaccine is no longer mandated. Many thought it was disrespectful to not honor our uses of our medicines. Most were disappointed that they would do this to a child.
The Health Services Manager who called and told me of my daughter’s ineligibility said that it was decided that day in a Halifax court. Lawyers spent five hours pleading for an emergency injunction.
The dorm would not accommodate her, even though there is no vaccine mandate requirement there.
The job and volunteer positions posted on the NAIG 2023 website listed no vaccine requirements.
The HALIFAX Jazz Festival taking place now until Sunday, July 16th showed NO VACCINE MANDATE requirement.
What does Fiona Fitzpatrick Parsons have to say about this fact denying my daughter a right to take part in NAIG?
Was the board involved in this decision? What were their thoughts?
Who are these games really for?
Is NAIG helping the colonial institutions of Canada to continue to deny the existence of the only true natural people of turtle island and our ways?
What was the reason behind Judge Peter Rosinski’s decision to deny the injunction?
Was she singled out? By whom?
My daughter and my people are not invisible. We need answers!
When I returned to Kahnawake, I spoke to my family for guidance. I was reminded that I am Kahnistensera and my duty is to protect and care for my children. She is ALL children.
Kwe’ti:io – Kahnistensera
Deep Purple said it right with “Sweet Child in Time”:
Sweet child in time You’ll see the line The line that’s drawn between Good and bad See the blind man Shooting at the world Bullets flying Oh, taking toll If you’ve been bad Oh, Lord, I bet you have And you’ve not been hit Oh, by flying lead You’d better close your eyes Oh Bow your head Wait for the ricochet
Sweet child in time You’ll see the line The line that’s drawn between Good and bad See the blind man Shooting at the world Bullets flying Oh, taking toll If you’ve been bad Lord, I bet you have And you’ve not been hit Oh, by flying lead You’d better close your eyes Oh Bow your head Wait for the ricochet
MNN. July 8, 2023. Ayonwaehs – War Chief of the Mohawks, Ateronhiatakon – Francis Boots, Snipe Clan, 73, peacefully passed away on July 5th, 2023. He will be presented at the Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonsesne [longhouse] located at 570 Route 37 in Akweswasne, starting on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 2pm, until the funeral service on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 10:00 am. Burial will take place at the Jocks Cemetery on 136B Jock Road in Akwesasne [NYS]. Funeral arrangements are with Donaldson’s Funeral Home. Donations can be made to the Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonsesne.
He was born October 27, 1948 at the home of his maternal grandparents Katie and Paul Caldwell. He grew up on Cornwall Island of Akwesasne. He married Lisa Thomas, and was later in a relationship with Margie Marquis. He is survived by his children, Kawenniiosta (Joe), Teioronhiate (Crystal), Mandaque, Sohahiio, Karatohon (Cheryl), Konwanietawi (Zane), his grandchildren, Kai, Nora, Reese, Lita Jane, Odessa, Mskwaa-desiinh, Cala and Kanerahtine. He is survived by his siblings, John, Diane, Harvey, Anna, Yvonne, Jake, Emily and many nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his siblings, Peter, James (Julia), Joseph (Barbara), Catherine-Lena (Ray), Margaret (Peter), Elizabeth-Betty (Carl), Fredrick, Richard, Angus (Harriet) and Stephen (Beverly) and in-laws, Harriet, Patricia and Beverly.
Ateronhiatakon, attended Cornwall Island Day School, East Front Public School, St. Lawrence High School and Mater Dei College. In the 1960’s he travelled with the “White Roots of Peace”. He was always prepared at a momen’t notice to help the people. He shared his vast knowledge and experience, teaching our language, and officiating ceremonies. He was a true gift to the people. His kindness and his way of communicating made everyone comfortable, even in uneasy situations.
Francis honored all his teachers, people of the Confederacy, elders and community members with whom he shared his deep knowledge of our traditional ways.
Aterionhiatakon was always optimistic, “I’m confident that we will survive. In the future I believe that we will not allow our way of life to be tampered with by the colonial powers. The settler peoples have got to understand they too have these instructions to be kind to Mother Earth, to be kind to the rivers, to be kind to the trees and all life. They seem to have forgotten that, and that’s where the conflict is. They too have to come home now. From”The Mohawk Warrior Society – A Handbook on Sovereignty and Survival, Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall”.
Aterionhiatakon was a great aserakowa whose role at all times is to maintain the peace. Another great Mohawk, Robbie Robertson has something to say about Francis:
The general rode for sixteen days The horses were thirsty and tired On the trail of a renegade chief One he’d come to admire The soldiers hid behind the hills That surrounded the village And he rode down to warn the chief They’d come to conquer and pillage
Lay down your arms Lay down your spear The chief’s eyes were sad But showed no sign of fear
It is a good dayto die (It is a good day to die) Oh my children dry your eyes It is a good day to die
And he spoke of the days before the white man came With his guns and whisky He told of a time long ago Before what you call history The general couldn’t believe his words Nor the look on his face But he knew these people would rather die Then have to live in this disgrace
What law have I broken What wrong have I done That makes you want to bury me Upon this trail of blood
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die) Oh my children don’t you cry It is a good day to die
We cared for the land and the land cared for us And that’s the way it’s always been Never asked for more never asked too much And now you tell me this is the end
I laid down my weapon I laid down my bow Now you want to drive me out With no place left to go
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die) Oh my children don’t you cry It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)
And he turned to his people and said dry your eyes We’ve been blessed and we are thankful Raise your voices to the sky It is a good day to die
Oh my children don’t you cry (don’t you cry) Dry your eyes Raise your voice up to the sky It is a good day to die
MNN. Wed. July 5, 2023. This is a discussion with the men’s fire about standing up to the HCCC [Haudenosaunee Council of Chiefs] and HDI [Haudenosaunee Development Insttute] which are private incorporated companies. This is the intervention by the men’s fire against HDI and HCCC to settle all the Ontario and Canada land claims by Canada. They did not ask the people if they could do this because they know all the land is not for sale. The onkwehonweh [natural people of creation] have been given all the land of Turtle Island. The people discussed the responsibilities under the kaiaerekowa of each and every one of us.
RE: McGill has violated the kaianerekowa great peace and teiohateh two row: through an illegal 1821 British Royal Charter, with no jurisdiction on turtle island, to build an unlawful university on stolen kanienkehaka Mohawk land; stealing Iroquois trust funds in 1850 to construct McGill which has not been repaid; and is conspiring with Canada and Israel to use our native and public funds to develop technologies for arms for the lsraelis to massacre the Palestinians. McGill has shown total disrespect for the original people of turtle island. The kaianerekowa great peace penalty is total banishment. McGill has not denied any of their crimes to the onkwehonweh.
Accusations were made. You did not respond. You are in default. You and your conspirators did not go through proper great peace protocols to get our permission to use or reside on our unceded land. No onkwehonweh sanctioned your actions to build on our land or use our money to construct McGill on turtle island. Our jurisdiction is from ocean to ocean, pole to pole, the Western Hemisphere. More importantly, the onkwehonweh condemn creating any weapons of mass destruction and genocide. This means you, the ‘cana’jon, the “squatters”, are trespassing on tiani tiotiakon [Montreal] land and guilty of mass murder of the Palestinians. All the land and your infrastructure belongs to the kanienkehaka Mohawks.
Your banishment from turtle island begins immediately. Each one of us is a sovereign caretaker to all of turtle island. An injury to one part is an injury to all; your criminality forfeits everything; you cannot benefit in anyway from your crimes; as each of us is sovereign, this injury has damaged all of turtle island. When one is hurt, then the whole suffers.
McGill did not explain why it is circumventing the kainerekowa great peace, the law of turtle island since time immemorial. Only the real natural people can decide all activities on turtle island. The puppets of the invaders, the band council, are fellow ‘cana’jon [squatters] and follow settler colonial directives and take orders only from the canadien/cana’jon colonial government.
Our jurisdiction starts from the beginning of time immemorial. The women are the “progenitors” of the soil of turtle island. The kasatstenera kowa sa oiera, the great natural power , creation, placed the natural people on turtle island as caretakers.
As indigenous sovereigns, “tewatate’wennio” we are of each part of turtle island to care for our mother earth. McGill is a non-sovereign corporation that is designed to shield elected and unelected “leaders”and bureaucrats from any accountability to the original sovereign people of the land. 51% majority rules and 49% without a voice is not a democracy. kaianerekowa is based on censensus among the sovereigns.
According to the great peace and two row, onowarekeh turtle island cannot be conveyed, sold or transferred to anyone. It belongs to the future unborn children and all life natural to turtle island.
THEREFORE in 2015 we demanded that McGill provide us the kanienkehaka Mohawks, ‘the keepers of the eastern door’ of turtle island, valid proof based on the great peace and two row of your claim and use of our land. By your default in not responding to this request, your immediate eviction must happen forthwith.
This notice of jurisdiction applies to all projects and persons from anywhere who are not natural onkwehonweh of onowarekeh, turtle island, in particular McGill University. Anything they do to our land, water and air without our knowledge and consent is criminal and void. Everything over, upon and below turtle island, the Western Hemisphere, continues to remain with the original people. The British Crown cannot legally convey our property to anyone as the Crown never got a proper conveyance from any sovereign indigenous person as this is impossible pursuant to the great peace and two row.
As ‘canadien’ squatters you have conceded that you must be evicted. The eviction will be immediate and final!
We order that you stop all your activities on turtle island and to not interfere with us. No municipal, provincial or federal government has any authority to make any decision about us or turtle island. Creation determines that only we the caretakers have jurisdiction over each and every part of turtle island.
The disrespect shown by McGill University and all its associates to the sovereign onkwehonweh proves that you know that there is no dispute that the land is ours, that you took our trust funds and are developing weapons to kill the Palestinians. You trespassers must leave immediately.
We object to the invasion and occupation of ganiengeh rotinoshonni:onwe territory by the corporations of Canada, Quebec and all canadien/squatters, i.e. McGill University; agents of the Crown of Canada and Quebec must abide by the kaianerekowa and teiohateh; cease and desist immediately the invasion, trespass and exploitation of kanienkehaka/Mohawk of onowarekeh; to respect kaianerekowa and teiohateh as the basis of all relations with the kanienkehaka; and to repay monies forthwith including compound interest.
Your continued support for the American/Canadien holocaust of the original inhabitants of turtle island is criminal.
On behalf of the past, present and future ancestors and descendants of the Mohawk Nation, the great peace and two row will prevail, INFO: Demilitarized McGill: McGill Aerospace Mechatronics Laboratory works with defence contractors through Defence Research Development Canada DND directed by Suffield Research Center’s Autonomous Intelligent Systems Section to ‘enhance soldiers’ through unmanned technology UVGs, weaponized drones; McGill & DND are developing urban warfare strategy using armed “strtikebots”; unmanned ground, air and marine vehicles for surveillance and to make decisions to kill: The war production lab is funded by Bombardier, CAE, Bell Helicoptor Textron; targetting assassinations in Palestine, Afganistan, Yemen & Somalia. McGill Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering works on missile guidance with Lockheed Martin, DRDC, military researchers in Israel from 1999 to 2010, track-before-detect-low-observable-targets; Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank finances construction of new settlements on Palestinian land, 800 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles Ca. 900917; Remax Real Estate 6075 S. Syracuse, Denver, Colorado 80237 303-770-5531, sells land in Israel profiting from transfer of Israeli settlers onto Palestinian territory, violating article 49 of the Geneva Convention (303) 321-0455; McGill – Lockheed Martin-Defence Research Development, – Canada-Technion, – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa Israel, involved with McGill.
Abigail; Palestine Community Action Network, McGill School of Social Work 514-398-6717;; Governor General?, Rideau Hall, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1; Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Canada, Richard Wagner, 301 Wellington St. Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0J1 613-995-4330; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 284 Wellington St., House of Commons, K1A 0H4,, 613-992-421`1, President Putin of Russia,; Pope Francis ; Queen Elizabeth, Royal Communications Office, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA +44 303 123 7300; Assembly of First Nations, 55 Metcalfe St., Suite 1600, Ottawa ON K1P6L5, 613-241-6789; National Congress of American Indians, 202-466-77671616 P St., NW, DC 20005; Quebec Premier Francois Legault, 1-877-644-4545, 835 Rene Levesque E, Quebec City, G1A 1B4; Denis Coderre; Hon Bob Rae, Ambassador, United Nations, 760 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017; World Conference of Indigenous People, President Joe Biden, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20006, Jody Wilson Reybold, M.P., Kamala Harris, Vice President US, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC, 20006, Village Voice, 2151 Dupont Drive, S-240, Irvine CA 92612,;Dominique Anglate, Liberal Party, Quebec, 581-628-1854; South Africa, 1103 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, South Africa; Cuba Gov. Calle 30, Miramar, Habana, +53-204-2516;;Peace Palace, Carnegicplcin 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands +31[0]703022323; Office of Wetsuweten: 250-847-3630;
McGill Daily, Globe & Mail, 35 King, E, Suite 1000, Toronto On. M5A 0N1; New York Times,; Washington Post, 202-334-7454; USA Today, 7050 Janes Branch Drive, McLean Va. 22102, 1-800-872-0001; Los Angeles Times, 2300 E Imperial Highway, El Segundo CA 90245, 213-237-5000; Toronto Star phone 416-869-4300 email; Ottawa Citizen 416-659-8958; , Montreal Gazette 1-800-361-8478;, +7 499 75-00-100; North Korea, [850 2] 18 111 ext. 8536; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ; National Post;
MNN. Aug. 15, 2017. Living in cities did not work for us. Society became large unmanageable and exhausted our resources. City dwellers sent others out to get the resources they needed, which dwindled. Classes, selfishness, greed, crime, corruption and chaos crept in.
People became less willing to share, causing divisions. Crime festered inside the cities.
Smaller groups of onkwe-hon-weh left and returned to the land. They used smaller parcels of land and did not have to travel far from their homes to feed and take care of their families. Every one was equal. People could live in peace and harmony once again.
When the invaders arrived on great turtle island, they found remnants of abandoned great cities. The descendants told them it didn’t work out and people went back to their smaller sustainable communities.
Today in North American cities classes of haves and have-nots have created desperation and chaos. Police forces and prisons are big private businesses. Crime, drug dealers, sex parties, human trafficking, pedophilia and perversions from the European mentality are being glorified.
Crime is a big private business for politicians, lawyers, judges, courts, governments to cage people mostly for stupid reasons. The rich get richer and make the rules.
The young and old want a piece of the American pie. A few profit. The majority live in constant fear and poverty.
The rulers spout that everyone has become evil and demand more policing, standing armies and punishment to control or foment wars between races, gangs and desperate people. Those who disagree are targeted.
Natural guidance to protect ourselves has been almost erased. We walk around like strangers in filthy and dangerous cities and towns on our own land. A veil of concrete has been put over our mother’s face so we can’t recognize her.
It’s one thing to survive but another to live in the natural way. Soon we might exploit our mother too.
We condemn logging, oil drilling, fracking, pipelines, logging, dams, pollution. In the next breath we want to be like them. The corpo band and tribal councils and their cohorts want profit from our resources and to sit in offices trying to scare and control us. They strive to be like their wrongdoing handlers. The almighty dollar is their salvation.
Awareness is the first step. The young are angry. They know they’ve been lied to and cheated. The very essence of who they are has been stolen from them. Those seniors who are near the end should not prevent them from doing what is necessary. It is their time with a whole life ahead of them.
Whoever thought ‘motor city’ Detroit, one of the greatest US cities, would lose its glory. Eminem sings about losing yourself. [Eminem ‘lose yourself’ with lyrics]
MNN. August 14, 2017. Our children are not being taught, they are being educated, ose-ni-kon-ro-hareh, to wash away our natural instincts to protect ourselves. Our children become defencless as they are removed from natural ways designed by creation.
Other people are training their minds to be obedient without question and to live without thanking the land.
We are constantly being ordered to listen and memorize, rather than understand where these ideas come from.
They are being trained to be controlled by the state, church and corporate institutions. We are being removed from the land so the invaders cancontinue to rape and pillage our mother. They are not being taught the skills to survive. We need to help our children take control of their own minds and live with the land to achieve our destiny.
Our seniors have been exposed to residential schools and religion. Their mind has difficulty functioning as creation intended. The residential school mentality continues in mainstream schools.
Our people created a brilliant language and cultural advancements before 1492. The greatest minds in the world were on turtle island that strived towards world peace and true humanity, as we then knew the world.
Today our teachings come from books written by the enemies. Those from our people are based on research from their libraries. Our true scholars are rejected if they write contrary to the ideology of mainstream academia. We are failing both ourselves and our children from learning the natural reality.
There are two ways to fight: change or take a hard line. We are conforming. Those who question everything are blacklisted. We are convinced we have to be part of the enemy’s economy and work for them.
We have been placed on a limited land base to restrict and control our survival.
If the Caucasian disappears from great turtle island, they will leave behind many casualties. They developed a system so that our people fight each other, fight for the colonial settlers and help enforce their will on us.
The Caucasian low sperm count means they will be gone. They can still have seeds but if they don’t have fertile soil, they can’t naturally grow their crops.
Our seeds are forever. Corn, beans and squash can be put away for thousands of years. Our people can take them to the land and leave behind televisions, cars, computers and material things. We will stop crying about what’s happened to us.
Vern Gosdin, sings about the power of true memories: “What would your memories do, If someday they found the door to my mind Had been locked from inside by my heart. What would they do if they couldn’t use you any longer To tear me apart. What would your memories do?..”
MNN. 13 August 2017. The Caucasians and their followers spread themselves throughout the world onto lands to which they have no natural ties and were uninvited. It was always a disaster. Their plan has always been to dominate everything on the planet.
Bears and turtles don’t traverse the world and settle in environments that nature did not design them for. Vegetations and animals stay where they belong. Palm trees cannot survive in the Arctic. They would eventually die out. They would have to be replanted in their natural homeland.
The guiltless destruction by the invaders of land and peoples whose land they occupy attests to their inability to form natural ties and become natural caregivers. Their occupation here was always temporary. Otherwise they would have adopted the kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace, which is meant for everyone in the world. Recent immigrants can return to their mother and experience true peace.
The story of the white, red and black serpents tells us they would come here, create war and destruction. Eventually they would leave never to be seen again by the onkweh-hon-weh again. The tail of the white serpent that has broken off will remain with us in the hills to heal. Only total truth can prevail. Fascist matrix and those living a total lie for generations will fade away.
The world acknowledges that ono-ware-keh, great turtle island, is the land of the true natural people.
Fascism that violates the great peace does not belong in turtle island or anywhere in the world. Profits from exploitation of our land and resources have always gone back to Europe and paid for their wars.
Their system of oppression and domination has to be dismantled here as the hateful republic of war threatens a worldwide holocaust. All reminders of the evil that was committed must be taught to everyone. As Kruschev said at the UN, “You people will be destroyed from within”. The system of murder, lies, theft, oppression and domination will be dismantled. The mind control propaganda that the American empire is great never convinced our strong minds. No dictatorship in the world ever stood permanently.
The values, customs and culture of racism, greed and violence is almost over on turtle island. The shortest lived dictatorship is crumbling.
Emerson, Lake & Palmer sing about their longing to go home: “Show me the way to go home. I’m tired and I want to go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago And it’s gone right to my head. Everywhere I roam, Over land or sea or foam, You can always hear me singing this song, Show me the way to go home”.
MNN. Aug. 12, 2017. Caucasian sperm counts have fallen by 60%. They will be infertile in three generations. We remember being told in that we were soon dying out. By 2024 we would be no more or totally assimilated.
Duncan Campbell Scott, Superintendant of Indian Affairs, was in charge of the “final solution of the Indian problem”. He said in 1924, “Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada”, and to “kill the Indian in the child”.
Their plan for us was complete extermination through various genocide programs.
The present concern over low reproduction has lead to expensive fertility services becoming a massive industry to help conception of those who can afford it.
The universe is protecting us. We are where we’re supposed to be, continuing to follow the original instructions and to survive.
Nature’s payback for genocide, sterilization, pedophilia and other genocide programs. Men have to take Viagra to get it up. Women are on birth control pills or being sterilized. Lots don’t want children at all. Many native women were sterilized without our knowledge.
The war on the human body and reproduction meant for us is backfiring.
Assimilation did not work. The Caucasians have to now mix with people of color to survive. Their offspring will not be white.
Odd sicknesses were brought here. Extensive healthcare and truckloads of psychiatrists are needed to fix their bodies and minds to help them with the adaptation to the idea of going out of existence.
We are not susceptible to their diseases like osteoporosis, alzheimers, and their vaccines are causing syndromes, especially on young boys.
North American society is falling apart. Their infertility will eventually wipe them out never to be seen again by us. They will have no descendants. No heirs.
They have debt ridden lives, sit in offices pretending to be working or planning wars and environmental devastation. They build cities over our graves.
Foreclosures, unemployment, no decent healthcare to keep them alive, no hope, tent cities everywhere, just like the slums they left behind. Vouchers, soup kitchens and food carts feed many.
The US is rotting from the inside. Corporations are designing sicknesses and food with no nutrition or means of fertilization. Fruits and vegetables have no seeds. Pharmacies sell vitamins and minerals to replace dead food.Their weaknesses as a race requires others to take care of them, and heavy duty infra-structure. They use caretakers, maids, nannies, gardeners and slaves that do everything for them.
A Mohawk of kanehsatake has a scientific explanation for the low sperm count, “The rich guys wear those tight expensive pants and we wear loose second hand baggy pants we get at the thrift shop”.
The late Glen Campbell sings about the loneliness of the lights dimming out: “Like a rhinestone cowboy. Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo. Like a rhinestone cowboy. Getting cards and letters from people I don’t even know. And offers comin’ over the phone”.
MNN. Aug. 10, 2017. When the Caucasian race invaded any country for exploitation, they committed horrendous atrocities. They tried to populate the world by implanting their evil seeds through raping native women to create slaves.
Caucasian men have lost 60% of their sperm count in the last 45 years, mostly in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. In three generations they will be sterile.
Men of color remain virile and potent. In modern time mostly toxic Caucasian males carry out threats, torture, massacre, bombings and warfare of non-Caucasians to demonstrate their masculinity and compensate for their sterility.
The invaders set out to murder us followed by programs of genocide like making our women barren, kidnapping and torturing our children. Now its vaccines, new diseases and government sterility programs. Bill Gates with the support of the UN set up depopulation clinics in India. He got kicked out and is being sued.
Trump shows off his kids. In mixtures of white with a person of color, the offspring is not accepted as Caucasian.
Impending sterility of Caucasians could be causing concern to the West. Sperm banks are used to store sperm and provide future fertility. Hitler failed in his attempt to design a perfect Aryan race.
These wheeler dealers and millionaires, trying to run the world, are actually shooting blanks. They’ve massacred people of color throughout history in India, turtle island, South America, Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Nature has no use for genocidal maniacs. People with inferiority complexes always strive to be in positions of authority. They want to control people of color and to enslave them.
They need victims to get their fix, to satisfy their blood lust. It’s called ‘feeding’, like vampires. They get pleasure out of antagonizing, torturing and harassing.
Narcisists don’t murder physically but will murder mentally. It’s all a game. They never accept responsibility for their action and never get charged or punished. Killing us satisfied their buzz. Otherwise they would have stopped themselves, like killing Vietnamese for no reason. Their handlers also have low sperm counts.
MNN. AUGUST 8, 2017. Everybody hates the caged spoiled brat inside the man. Everything is a big business deal based on money. He was more effective when he was fighting little people. Now he’s fighting big people who are circling his wagons, throwing spears and shooting arrows at him. This sociopath deals with it like a brawler.
He’s out of his league. These invaders want to steal the biggest real estate on earth and cut it up between themselves. The corporate matrix teaches them to be above nature and all life. They decide who lives and who dies.
Every morning they put on their two faces. They’re angry, disappointed and hurt. The American Tinsel Dream hides their pain, rage and confusion. He’s got the construction worker mentality. He took off his hard hat, put on a three piece suit and pretended he was educated.
These murderers, rapists and haters constantly apologize but never get punished. They put on their saint’s face but to us they look like dogs that have been whipped.Life is lonely. They always looked the other way when they murdered and robbed us because they’re benefitting.
He represents those who want to keep killing us and our children by limiting our family size or having no babies at all. Some were killed before conception or taken from us at birth.
Their secret societies still run the show. We will stand with the kaia-nere-kowa, great peace. Unification is our power. Our free mind and free will is the basis. They fear freedom.
Their leaders are addicted to power. Control is their high. It’s no place for someone who doesn’t think and just does.
Their healthcare system cannot cure this sickness. Most of their people are permanently programmed to this fear matrix.
Paul Anka knows the suffering of being somebody that nobody loves: “I’m just a lonely boy, lonely and blue. I’m all alone with nothin’ to do. I’ve got everything you could think of, But all I want is someone to love”.
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