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MNN. April 2, 2017. It wasn’t negligence. The corporation planned and carried out the biggest holocaust in history. We descendants can’t let bygones be bygones. It was brutal without regard for our men, women, children, babies, all life. Now what happens to those who did this to us and enjoy the benefits?


For 500 years beneficiaries kept silent about the murder of over 100 million of our people throughout the western hemisphere and the destruction of our mother that continues to this day. Their main war has always been against our minds. They want to continue with their same old same old colonial policy to kill the INDIAN and steal the land. They can’t beat the murder rap because there is no statute of limitations for murder.


The invaders still want to rape and murder our mother. They want to steal from us to make weapons to kill us.

They lie to their children. They and their cohorts have no choice but to face the consequences because the settlers are starting to wake up to the lie they are living.

The mass murders will never be forgotten. They were deliberate.

Our language and ceremonies connect us to the sky and the earth. Our rights come from creation. We have the right to use our minds to think, ask questions, disagree. ka-neh-ron-kwa-stera, nature made us so that we love our families and all natural life. We give the direction to our children because no one loves them more than us.

We know who and what they are. wa-seh-wat-ket-sko. Many have awakened and are hit by the truth. Sorry is nothing more than a confession. Now the guilty parties need to be convicted of their crimes.

Our 49 rotino’shonni families of the iera-kwa [the sun shines on all of us] are of the same blood, with one mind, one direction, one cause – to end all war.

John Trudel reminds us of the history Americans prefer to forget: “Crazy Horse. We hear what you say, “One Earth, One Mother. One does not sell the Earth the People walk upon”. We are the Land. How do we sell our Mother? How do we sell the Stars? How do we sell the Air? Crazy Horse. We hear what you say. Too many people standing their ground. Standing the wrong crowd. Brother’s face. He possessed a race. Possession, A war that doesn’t end. Children of God feed on Children of Earth’.

John Trudel “Crazy Horse.



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MNN. MAR. 30, 2017. Threats that World War 3 is coming abound in MSM, to keep everybody in fear. The US economy is breaking down. Police forces have all been militarized with “to serve and protect” on their cars. They dash to protect the elite and corporations, not the public, as seen at Standing Rock.

Trump comes from a business background, which corrupts differently from the politicians. He steals millions. They steal billions. They all have in common that whoever makes the most money makes the rules. “Money talks and bullshit walks”.

Trump is supposed to be commander-in-chief of the US armed forces. When Obama gave the order to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline construction at Standing Rock for further investigation, the corporation that controls the military and police forces ignored the presidential order. 

Trump promised to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington DC. He is now the swamp master covered in swamp mites. He is an actor following the script given to him by the puppet masters.

The reality is that the White House is controlled by the corporation through the military. The Federal Reserve prints the money and controls the interest rates. The Federal Reserve could turn his billions into worthless pieces of paper overnight and he could do nothing about it. That is the real swamp that needs to be drained.



Don’t believe anything that comes out of the corporation. They want ownership of the world and everything in it.

This billionaire boys clubs writes and subverts all the countries’ histories. They believe, “He who controls the past, controls the future”. They put themselves above everyone else which shows how advanced the “owistah” [money] disease infects their minds.

The corporation continues on its destructive path trying to destroy mother earth. As they say, “Criminals come with a mask, a badge, a smile and a wave”.

As the Man in Black sings: “You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, sooner or later, god’ll cut you down. Tellthat long tongued liar, go and tell that midnight rider, tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter, tell them god’s gonna cut them down”.

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Paul Hellyer disturbing message to US



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MNN. Mar. 29, 2017. The United States was so happy when everybody prayed to stop the DAPL pipeline at Standing Rock.

In 1974 American Indian Movement became famous throughout the world for its stand on corruption.


The Red Power movement started in Minneapolis in early 1970s when onkwe’hon:weh men started voluntarily patrolling the streets, fulfilling their responsibility to keep their people safe. This evolved into the American Indian Movement AIM.

Depravity and killings at Pine Ridge reached epic proportions. AIM was called in by the traditional people. AIM invited their allies and supporters. Then one of the men was killed by a government agent. The US and the corporations pushed for Pine Ridge Tribal CEO Bill Wilson and the Council to kick AIM out for exposing the depravity and corruption.

AIM was weakened because saboteurs infiltrated the movement. Doug Durham, close to the leaders, was an FBI agent.

Ward Churchill wrote “Agents of Repression” on how the US infiltrated and destroyed AIM, the Blacks and anyone trying to rightfully defend themselves.

Churchill was drummed out of University of Colorado and his reputation was slandered for criticizing the official US government story about the detonation of the Twin Towers in 2001.

Today our men wear the symbols of resistance. Some are even acting like the white man by killing, assaulting and robbing our own people.

Once again in 2016 the allies and supporters were invited to Standing Rock to stop the pipeline. Over 10,000 arrived.

People throughout the world became aware of the perils facing the Lakota. Again the tribal council at Standing Rock of the US government kicked out all the supporters.

With all this awareness, what did the water protectors protect? Prayers did not change anything. They wanted praise for something they did not do. Some wanted photo ops for being there.

Pipelines are being built. More prayers are being lined up. The earth is not being protected.

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sing about “Stardust”: “Well I came upon a child of god. He was walking along the road. And I asked him, ”Tell me where you are going?” And this he told me, “I’m going down to Yasgur’s Farm. Gonna join in a rock and roll band. Got to get back to the land and set my soul free. We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, and we got to get ourselves back to the garden.”

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit 2017/03/norway-women-of- standing-rock-to-speak.html WOUNDED KNEE OCCUPATION WARD CHURCHILL WARD CHURCHILL

Elite meeting

Doug Durham AIM infiltrator. DOUG DURHAM INFILTRATOR



















Assange: Forget Russia. The real threat to America comes from Israel


Trump’s One Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Boondoggle. Handing Over Public Assets to Private Corporations



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MNN. Mar. 28, 2017. The reason we have a hard time to translate kanion’ke’haka’onwe [Mohawk] and English is because onkwe’hon:weh languages are 85% verbs and English is 95% nouns. It is easier to dumb down people using an artificial man-made language based on changeable nouns. The English language is useful for money, commerce and trade, not human interaction. The English language seems to be a patois of all the other languages.


Our natural languages are tones and pictures. They are based on our own observations and interactions of the natural world and all living things. We find answers and insights as we speak.

Westerners hit the wall and cannot go further than their patois. It is not based on the natural world, their ancestors or each other.

In English the mental memorization and chanting are set in the grafted meanings, which constantly change. Deceptive insights are created. The natural will to survive is controlled by written rules and regulations. The goal of English is death, destruction and war.

Our original instruction from creation is to survive by following our instincts. Artificial languages set boundaries within a corporate hierarchical structure. “Murphy’s Law” is the limit set unless the rulers decide otherwise. They can be transferred from slavery to becoming monitors for the rulers. The police and lawyers enforce and protect the corporate control system of the rulers.


We acknowledge everybody’s natural insight.

English is words without natural emotion unless it is demonstrated, which are made up and changed as they go along. The frustration of speakers is directed into anger over these limitations. Feelings and impulses are manipulated according to the meanings decided upon by the corporate matrix, which are repeated until they accept them to be the norm. Their common warped phrase in their interactions with us is, “That’s what we said but that’s not what we meant!”

Pedophiles use the language to manipulate the feelings of their young curious victims. They break down their resistance, natural self-protection, morals and innocence. Then they take advantage of them. Those who resist are annihilated.

In the beginning some invaders learned our natural form of understanding on how to live peacefully. They saw how dangerous it was to their goals of control, theft, murder and war.

We are part of the earth that ties us to our mother.

onkwe’hon:weh languages are sounds and tones of the natural world that evoke our emotions and paint a true picture for us of reality. We and our languages spring from nature.

Bob Dylan had foresight: “Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen. Keep your eyes wide, open as chance won’t come again. Don’t’ speak too soon for the wheel is still in spin. And there’s no telling who that it’s naming. For the loser now will be later to win. For the times they are a’changing.” 


Western Sahara says it all YOU DON’T LOOK INDIAN TO ME. LAKOTA WITHDRAW FROM USA western hypocrisy Trump says USA is a company WHY STUPID PROPAGANDA WORKS Private intelligence in/outside us

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MNN Mar. 27, 2017. The true power of the United States is run by the Pentagon. Just like Canada is run by the military from the 14th Floor of Indian Affairs. Trump is nothing more than a corporate front man for the military occupation of great turtle island. The corporate owners pay for each vote in Congress in the pretend democracy.

SEE VIDEO of a settler speaking about true reconciliation. [settler alternatives]

Trump is losing to China in the trade war and wants a hot war. Nothing has changed since the invaders landed on our shores.


We the victims of genocide have always raised this issue. They have to be charged for the genocide they knowingly committed.  


Benjamin Fletcher, English Governor at Albany speaking to Haudenosaunee, 1696: “We are become a small people and much lessened by the war. If the people of Virginia, Maryland, Pensilvania, the Jerseys, Connecticutt and New-England who have all put their hand to the Covenant Chain will joyn with the inhabitants of this place we are ready to go and root out the French and all our enemyes out of Canada…. We renew the covenant chain in behalfe of the whole House, the Mohaques, Oneydes, Onondages Cayouges & Sinnekes.” — 

Speak, the truth is still alive.

Def Leppard describes the end of the American corporate experiment: [When the walls came tumpling down]: “But we understood the grand finale, fulilment of a prophecy told many years before. So all that was left was “All the women were captured and chained and national suicide was proclaimed. An new America fell to the ground, and all the children lay crippled lame. But all the nation came together in fear of the thought of the end. No more would we fight in the streets. No courage had we to defend, when the walls came tumpling down, when the walls came tumbling down, everybody ran as they screamed at the sound”.


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We are ready:

Price of 450 years of genocide

Dr. Phil exposes pedophile ring.

David Icke in Iceland

Privatising great turtle island.




Trying to wipe out our memory.


US Is ‘Still A Colony’:





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MNN. Mar. 23, 2017. US President Trump is posturing for a war with China over North Korea. In effect, he said, “ We owe China $1.7 trillion and we are not paying any of it. We have power over them and will force them to do our bidding in North Korea. They will do as they are told, or we will nuke them”. See Trump posture war with China.

When the “Americans” came to great turtle island they made a deal to have a relationship with our ancestors to live in perpetual peace forever, based on the guswentha, two row wampum. They set up a trust account for the onkwe’hon:weh, which is now over $999 trillion. The corporation stole all our money and resources and reneged on that agreement. They murdered over100 million of us while doing this.

The US has reneged on every agreement they made with us. They owe us everything they ever made from ono’ware:keh, great turtle island. They owe us more money than the world has. They want to continue with their warring and destruction of mother earth in the process.

The rest of the people of the world need to stand up against the big bully called the USA before they destroy all mother earth. Borders, governments, power, money are illusions. People are born into this man-made slavery of the mind system.

UK marshall law timed with Trump outburst.

The private corporation called USA got its existence through an illegal war on great turtle island and the genocide of 100 million to get our land mass as their base. It is not theirs, it is the land of the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people. What the American bankers did to us they are now doing to Palestine. They will continue following this business plan until they enslave everyone on earth, or until the world stands up against them.


As Black Sabbath describes perfectly in “War Pigs”: “Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses. Evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of death’s construction. In the fields the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning. Death and hatred to mankind poisoning their brainwashed minds”. [War Pigs].

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit Russia ready for WW3 Is Merkel the daughter of Hitler? China ready China, Iran ready for USA attack Russia ready Russia’s new weapon China missile  China can hit u.s. in 30 minutes [from Nantucket!]  China’s anti ship missile

Censored News



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MNN Mar. 7, 2017. Malcolm X said, “If you want a garden that will thrive and produce, you have to weed it out”. In the corporate money-murder system, lies are backed with violence that constantly attacks natural life.


This is better than the suit and tie that all the other stooges wear to DC. The corporation rewards and protects the sell-out INDIANS. The kangeroo court looks the other way. The star spangled INDIANS revere and obey their head mouthpiece. They are trained to act like they don’t know what’s going on. They are trained to look the other way while our people are being violated.


They should be very ashamed of of their role in the continuing genocide. The corporation rewards them, they go to swanky parties, dances, travel, art shows and huge offshore bank accounts. When they learn “to forget about the people and only think about you and your family” they flee to their not-so-secret mansions in Florida.

They are being put on trial in the minds of the people right now. 

The corporation reminds them “This is war!” The winner is the one who can tell the most lies and commit the most treacheries against their people. As time goes on frauds become easier and more fraudulent.

What will these traitors do? They exclaim, “What! I never committed genocide against my people!” Taking $200,000 a year is their pay for their role in the genocide. They turn their back on the atrocities that were created in ourr communities. The other tribal band council members claim they do not know what is going on, they point fingers at each other in community meetings to divide and conquer the people, as per their script.


The laws of nature cannot be stopped. The insanity pushes them to be more insane and try to overcome nature. Each cohort of the cabal, is going along for the ride and stashing away their own booty.

Serious psychotic breakdowns and mega disasters are around the corner. kaia’nere:kowa, the truth, will always win in the end, as Bobby Bear sings to the tribal and band councillors and other traitors: “Now you remind me a lot of my young days with your knuckles clenchin’ white. But, boy, I’m going to sit right here and sip this beer all night. And if there’s something that you gotta gain to prove by winning some silly fight, well, okay, I quit, I lose, you’re the winner. So I stumbled from that bar room, not so tall and no so proud. And behind me I still hear the hoots and laughter from the crowd. But my eyes still see, and my nose still works, and my teeth are all still in my mouth. And you know, I guess that makes me the winner”.

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Hitler/trump speeches

brendanorrell censored



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MNN. Mar. 3, 2017. This is a reminder to the errant illegal tribal and band council chiefs and traitors who are found to have committed treason, conspiracy and espionage against the people.

WAMPUMS 58 and 59 of the great peace of the rotino’shonni:onwe, [Iroquois Confederacy] provide for dealing with traitors who betray us by following foreign laws and threatening our existence. They have alienated themselves from their people [tekonatonkoton], are out of the rotino’shonni:onwe and forfeit all birthrights and claims.


The rotino’shonni:onwe executed chiefs for treason and becoming allies of the enemy. Today’s corporate tribal and band councils and traitors follow the corporation laws of the enemy. Their job is to hand us over to the enemy, to help steal our resources, to keep us silent and to murder us.

Today the US, Canada, Britain and other colonizers go to foreign lands. They encourage people to become spies, traitors and conspirators against their own. They protect them by abolishing the people’s laws that should be appllied against these criminals. Those who try to protect themselves from them are charged by the colonizers with terrorism and other degradations of humanity. It is forbidden for us is to maintain who we are while tribal and band councils are protected and rewarded.

To betray the kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace, which is the binding tie between creation and all living things, is to do the work of the enemy. Internal treason is to raise conflict among their own people, to help the foreign aggressors by openly or secretly making fraudulent agreements that helps them steal the people’s possessions and rights. They help the foreign aggressors to carry out the program of genocide.

Traitors are given one chance to correct their error for the crimes of consipiracy, treason and espionage. Should they refuse, the law deposes the violator. The men will club them to death with the war club.

The War Chief shall order his men to enter the Council, take positions beside the errant chief or traitor sitting between them. The war chief holding in his outstretched hand a string of black wampum beads shall say to the erring chief or traitor:

“You do not heed the kaia’nere:kowa, which determines everyone’s fate. Since you are determined to betray and to withhold justice from your people, there is only one course for us to adopt”. the black wampum is dropped.



At this point the war chief shall drop the black wampum. If the errant chief does not grab it before it hits the ground, the men shall spring to their feet and club the erring chief or traitor to death. [tehonwatisokwariteh].

Any erring chief or traitor may become submissive before the war chief lets fall the black wampum. The black wampum symbolizes the last offer or hope for someone to comply with our way.

The law in all lands is that when someone commits an act that could cause the downfall of a people through conspiracy, treason and espionage calls for the the death penalty.

Eminem knows about watching your back: “Dealing with back stabbers, there’s one thing I learned. They’re only powerful when you got your back turned. I yearned for the day that we finally meet again, so I can give him a taste of his own medicine. He shed his skin, and he promised to come clean. I took his butcher knife and jabbed it into his spleen. Cuffed him at the scene, then dragged the fellow home, beatin’ him over the head with the telephone”.


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit kahentinetha interview vermont U.

http://www.operatio nmorningstar. org/why_hitler_ loved_america. htm




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MNN. Mar. 2, 2017. The immigrants to the US called “Americans” created a false portrait of themselves to us and the world. Outwardly they looked beautiful and perfect. Inside they were rotten and evil. They cause suffering of all mankind and life. They set up a republic of war on our land. The inner picture is now exposed.

The narcissistic personality of the American leaders underlie the amorality of the real United States and Canada. The CEO is the leader of the “corporation” that constantly needs war for its existence. They falsely claim to have victory after victory. They never won any.

These invaders invented and brag about the many ways they have developed to torture, kill and mutilate humans and all life on earth.

When their leader speaks, the followers clap like seals. They want to run the world and take as much as they can from everybody.

They hate us onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people, or any one else who does not believe that whoever has the most money makes the rules. Everyone now sees their open and ugly naked bigotry.

Their end time has come for them here on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island. They can no longer steal our lives, resources and enslave us.

It appears the end time is coming for the corporation. We have to stop the poison from being thrown over us and all life.

Dekanawida told us that a bright light many times brighter than the sun will come from the east. When the black serpent sees it, he will be fearful. The black serpent will swim to the south never again to be seen by the onkwe:hon;weh.

They pray to a cruel “creator”, apologize for their viciousness and ask for forgiveness. They never fix the horrific messes they cause.

Praying and crying time is over. When our families are on the front line being beaten, attacked and killed, our men have a natural duty to protect them. It’s time for us to stop waving flags, getting tattooed and neglecting our responsibility to protect the people and our birthright.

The sun puts light on the earth so that we can see the truth. Many chose to live in darkness and avoid it.

Nature designed every species with an instinct for self-preservation. The unnatural invaders abused and disrespected us because we still follow the original instructions which is to survive and coexist with each other and nature.

We refuse to throw our children into their fire of oil and filth.

Our young are ready to stand up, to carry out the original instructions. They know it is right to do something. They all have powerful minds.

Our children expect us to exercise our mind, to look at everything and dissect it. Everything in the inside of our minds shows us what is happening on the outside. We have to put the best forward for them to have a good life. Our children were disgusted with submissive behavior they witnessed of many at Standing Rock.

These abusive invaders do not belong here. They will leave great turtle island. We will establish a “Truth Park” where we can show our children what these invaders did to us and to make sure it never happens again.

Johnny Cash tells it like it is: “Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down. I think you only live to see the lights up town. I wasted my time when I would try, try, try. Cause when the lights have lost their glow, you’ll cry, cry, cry. Soon your sugar daddies will all be gone. You’ll wake up some cold day and find you’re alone. You’ll call for me, but ’m gonna tell you: bye, bye, bye. When I turn around and walk away, you’ll cry, cry, cry. “

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MNN. FEB. 25, 2017. It’s Oscar time. The cowboys and Indians films were fascist propaganda to promote the corporate political agenda. The invaders feared us. Our existence was to be annihilated and forgotten to make way for the theft of our continent. The movie industry framed a barbarian image of us. Those films that met the regime’s needs were given prestigious award like the Oscars.


Film is a political instrument. The Nazi regime realized that the public is mentally inert. They don’t have a natural language from which to develop thinking. They read that which confirms their pre-established beliefs which are created for them. Moving pictures were found to have better prospects to condition them.

Hollywood continues to promote the lone gunman, “just passin’ through,” and the solitary cop. Cowboys killing INDIANS is the image that was created of the West. We are suppose to be their subordinates. This long established false image has recently been destroyed.

Hollywood created and perpetuated the illusion of manliness as a killer of INDIAN men, women children and babies. The American dream is the corporation annihilating the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people of great turtle island and beyond. It did not work. We’re still here.

Hollywood has to tell the truth about the greatest holocaust in all mankind, the murder of over 100 million onkwe’hon:weh, natural people of the Western Hemisphere. Unarmed Indians were killed for our land and possessions, hiding our bodies in mass graves and building cities and towns over them.

The enemy programmed “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” into their minds. Our people were put on public display in Wild West Shows before the cinema.

Movie personalities sell the product of passing false stories to the world about us. The public were made to believe it was alright to eliminate us.

Hollywood sells pedophilia, pederasty, incest, perverted sex, all forms of mental problems, murders, torture, killing nature and other perversions as being normal and to weaken our defences.


Hollywood elevated and made role models of evil gangsters like Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson, Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, the Mafia, Machine Gun Kelly, Custer and many other mobsters.

We onkwe’hon:weh are part of the natural world which had to be eliminated through developing complex ways to kill and torture us, which were glorified in the movies.

Hollywood created superheroes and now military heroes to save them. The people are scared, pacified and can’t defend themselves from the truth. They are waiting to be told what to do as they are trained to be obedient. At Standing Rock they show fear because we stood up to them.

Hollywood made Americans into heroes that won World War 1 and 2. The Russians won both. Americans fear anyone who stands up to them. Their strategy is to intimidate. Hollywood creates the scenario of a rough and tough street gang bully. They are actually cowards with guns.

US policy decides what will be destroyed that goes against their fascist agenda. Fascist art and culture installs the fear, blinds the public, stirs up patriotism and keeps them silent. A few brave celebrities have spoken out and stood with us.

Hollywood thrives on making war propaganda movies. The message of the song “We are Still Here”is: “missionize, christianize, socialize, minimize, legislate, assimilate, economize, genocide: 

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