By Rastia’ta’non:ha MNN. May 27, 2008. This is a notice to the counterfeit Algonquins to immediately quit their claim to Haudenosaunee Territory and their claim to be Algonquins. They are “visitors”, not the “owners” either historically or culturally. By their swindling actions they are dissolving the treaty rights of the real Algonquins. They are also interfering with the treaty rights of other nations who are part of the 1701 “Peace of Montreal” with the French that set out trade and commerce relations; and the 1701 “Nan-Fan Treaty” with the British which respects the sovereignty of all the signatories.Some help is needed on how to file an international complaint to stop these con artists. The “sting operation” is being committed by Ontario, Canada, the mining-military-industrial-banking complex and archeologists against the Haudenosaunee for the part of our traditional territory that is south of the Ottawa River. Mother Joan Holmes, has been hired to create “Algonquins” out of thin air. That’s why we call them “No’gonquins”. She has helped them set up nine “Algonquin” Disneylands. They are about to illegally sell Haudenosaunee land and resources they have no claim to. Fronting this scam are Algonquin “pretenders”, “Chief” Doreen Davis, “chief” Paula Sherman, “chief” Harold Perry, former “chief” Robert Lovelace, “chief” Chris Nahrgang and numerous “Algonquin Negotiation Representatives” under the control of ambulance chasers, Robert Potts and Chris Reid and Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Michael Bryant. Brian Laforme, a Mississauga of New Credit, is also working on selling the Haudenosaunee land of Toronto. [See contacts at end] Who are the “real” Algonquins and who are these fake “No’gonquins” that are giving the real ones a bad rap! In 8,000 BC there were people known as the “Plano Paleo”. They hunted large animals with non-fluted spear points on the plains west of the Mississippi River. They lived there until 4,500 BC. As the climate warmed up and the glaciers melted, they began to move into the area known today as “Manitoba”, the “Lake of the Woods” and the northern plains of “Canada”. They remained west of the Mississippi River. As they moved into the Canadian Shield area, they developed into the “Shield Archaic” and continued their “paleo” ways of life, as hunters, fishers and gatherers. They traveled and set up temporary camps and shelters. They were not an agricultural people. Like their Plano Paleo ancestors, they cremated their dead because the land was rocky and had little soil. Unlike the Iroquoian, the Algonquoians did not build burial mounds. Just before 1,000 BC, there was another glacial age. They were forced to migrate back onto the plains, following the Missouri River to its source in present day Montana. After spending many years there, they decided to get further away from the cold by crossing over the “Great River”, the Mississippi, to the east and make their way to the other side of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. They followed the Missouri River down to the Mississippi River convergence. At that point they found a race of “Giants” known as the “Alleghans”, the ancestors of the Iroquois, living on the east side of the Great River. They built mounds for burials and ceremonials. According to the Algonquoians, known as the “Lenape”, they had to get permission from the Alleghans to pass through THEIR land!! Just like they have to get OUR permission to stay on our land today! The Alleghans allowed them to cross until they saw the large numbers of Lenape crossing over. They had taken advantage of our goodwill. The Alleghans became concerned they would be overtaken. Then a 100 year war broke out. It took the Lenape 700 years to pass through the Land of the Alleghans, which was from the Mississippi River to the East Coast. Finally the Lenape reached the mouth of the Susquehanna River at Chesapeake Bay, where they “settled”. From the Lenape “settlers” sprang other Algonquian speaking people who continued their migration northward up the east coast homeward bound. Once again they returned to the Canadian Shield from where they had migrated westward so long ago. They finally arrived home. From the attached maps the Lenape (Algonquians) never occupied any land in the Southeast, Southwest, Great Basin near the West Coast, Northwest Coast and the Arctic areas. They originated from the Great Plains, migrated to the Sub-Artic and to a very limited degree to the Plateau and some areas in California. The Algonquian Language Family is known as the “Macro-Algonquian Phylum”. [Phylum means a member or tradition from a certain language family]. [See below for the list of Algonquoian language groups]. The attached maps and list of linguistic families prove that the Algonquians did not occupy the large areas being promoted by twistorians, anthro’apologists, and grave robbers [archaeologists]. Also the Algonquoians (Lenape) are not the “Alleghans” or “Ancient Mound Builders”. Anthropologists have referred to the ancient “Mound Builders” by different names, such as “Adena”, “Hopewell”, “Lamoka”, “Cahokia” and “Mississippi, etc. We called ourselves the “Alleghans” or “Alligewi”. None of these names have any connection to the Lenape or the Algonquians. DNA sampling of the “Serpent Mounds”, near Peterborough, Ontario, determined irrefutably that the “mound builders” are Iroquois. The petroglyphs at “Petroglyphs Park” in Peterborough are not Ojibway or Algonquian. The symbols on the rock are from the “Hokan-Siouan” linguistic family of which the Iroquois are a part. These are the same at Safe Harbour in Pennsylvania, Black Hand Gorge in Ohio and near the Circle Mounds in Newark. The maps also show the correlation with our evolution as Hokan-Siouan which includes numerous nations, beginning with the “Clovis-Folsum Paleo” and the “Laurentian Archaic”, the ancestors of the Alleghans, to the present day “Haudenosaunee”. We were never Algonquian, and never will be!! The Laurentian Archaic [Iroquois], who existed below the Canadian Shield from 8,000 BC, were the first to begin burying their dead using red ochre. We continued this practice up to 100 AD. Our ancestors placed these mounds in the care of the Six Nations Confederacy. This is an old agreement under the KAIANEREH’KO:WA, GREAT LAW OF PEACE, between the Erie/Neutral/Susquehanna/Wenro and the Five Nations, later Six Nations Confederacy. No caretaking agreement was ever made with the Algonquians because they weren’t here. The land in question is under the trusteeship of the Six Nations Confederacy and governed by our law. Under the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal, the Algonquians had no leadership status. They had to abide by the KAIANEREH’KO:WA. The Six Nations Confederacy has exclusive trusteeship over the entire “Beaver Hunting Grounds”, also known as the “Nan-Fan Treaty” of 1701. [See MNN April 28, 2008 article] The imposter Algonquins and the real ones have no sole treaty rights to the territory south of the Ottawa River or the Ottawa River basin since this land is part of the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal. There are over 30 nations who share this treaty. Each has to consult all the other nations and the Six Nations Confederacy as the leaders to make any claim. Otherwise their claims are fraudulent. It also dissolves any rights they have under the 1701 Peace Treaty of Montreal because they are trying to violate the rights of the other nations. These claims to our land are, in our view, invalid. Rastia’ta:nonha,
Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News ALGONQUIAN LANGUAGE FAMILY Macro-Algonquian Phylum- Northeast:
Abenaki, Algonkin, Chippewa ( Ojibway), Chowanoc, Conoy, Coree, Fox (Mesquaki), Hatteras, Illinois, Kickapoo, Lenni Lenape ( Delaware), Machapunga, Mahican, Maliseet (Malecite), Massachuset, Menominee, Miami, Micmac, Mohegan, Montauk, Moratok, Nanticoke, Narraganset, Nauset, Niantic, Nipmuc, Noquet, Ottawa, Pamlico (Pomeiak), Passamaquoddy,Paugussett, Penacook, Penobscot, Pocomtuc, Potowatomi, Powhatan, Roanoke, Quinnipiac, Sac (Sauk), Sakonnet, Secotan, Shawnee,Wampanoag, Wappinger, Weapemeoc
None in the Southeast Area- All are from Hokan-Siouan Linguistic Family
**Note: All Muskogean Nations of this language family belong to Hokan-Siouan, not Algonquian, and all Natchesan Nations belong to the Hokan-Siouan and not Algonquian, therefore leaving the southeast without any nations of any Algonquian linguistic stock. **Note on Southwest Area, No Nations of Algonquian Linguistic family has lived there. **Note on Great Basin Area, No Nations of Algonquian Linguistic family has lived there.
Plateau Culture Area- Kutenai Language Isolate-Macro Algonquian Phylum-Kootenai
Northwest Coast Culture Area- No Nations that have any definite Algonquian connection or phylum determination.
California Culture Area- Algonquian Language Family- Macro Algonquian Phylum Wiyot, Yurok
Great Plains Culture Area- Algonquian Language Family, Macro-Algonquian Phylum:
Arapaho, Blackfeet, Blood, Cheyenne , Atsina, Piegan, Plains Cree, Plains Ojibway (Chippewa), Tonkawa
Subartic Culture Area- Algonquian Language Family-Macro-Algonquian Phylum-
Chippewa (Ojibway), Cree, Montagnais (Innu), Naskapi, Beothuk
Artic Culture Area- No Algonquian Nations living in area. [Map of Algonquian Language Family attached] The Hokan-Siouan Family is divided into 6 Divisions: 1.) Iroquoian – Neutral/Susquehannock/ Erie, Huron/Wendat,Cherokee, Tobacco Nation aka Petun, Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, Tuscarora, Meherrin, Honnniasont, Neusiak, Nottoway, Wenro 2.) Siouan- Kansa, Sioux, Dakota, Lakota, Wahpekute, Mdewakantonwan, Wahpetonwan, Sisitonwan (who together formed the Santee or Eastern division, sometimes referred to as the Dakota), the Ihanktonwan, or Yankton, and the Ihanktonwana, or Yanktonai (who form the Middle division, sometimes referred to as the Nakota), and the Titonwan, or Teton (who form the Western division, sometimes referred to as the Lakota). The Tetons, originally a single band, divided into seven sub-bands after the move to the plains, these seven including the Hunkpapa, Sihasapa, Oglala, Hidasta aka Minitari and the Gros Ventre, Crow, Washo, Acoma and Leguna Pueblo,Tutelo, Saponi, Monacan, Eno, Woccon, Sugeree, Yuchi, Cheraw, Wateree, Waccamaw, Pee Dee, Ioway (Iowa), Kaw(Kansa), Missouria(Missouri), Omaha, Osage, Otoe(Oto),Ponca, Ofo, Yazoo Tunica, Biloxi, Ofos (Mosopeleas), Quapaw (Arkansa), Omaha, Catawba, Ponca, Winnebago, Iowa, Mandan, Assinboin, Cape Fear, Cheraw, Congaree, Keyauwee, Lumbee, Manahoac, Monacan, Moneton, Nahyssan, Occaneechi, Sante ( Issati), Sewee, Shakori, Sississpahaw, Waccamaw, Waxhaw, Winyaw, Yadkin, Opelousa, Patiri 3.) Muskogean-Choctaw,Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw, Coushatta, Cusabo, Tuskegee, Chakchiuma, Alabama, Yamasee, Apalachee, Taensa, Natchez, Houma, Chitimacha, Pensacola, Chatot, Tohome, Napochi, Chiaha, Hitchiti, Timuccua, Ais, Calusa, Tekesta, Caparuz, Ibitoupa, Jeaga, Kaskinampo, Miccosuke, Muklasa, Napochi, Oconee, Okelousa, Okmulgee, Osochi, Pascagoula, Pawokti, Quinipissa, Sawolkli, Tamathli,Tanggipahoa, Taposa, Tawasa, Tekesya, Chine, Chiaha (Chehaw), Guacata, Guale, Hitchiti, Ibitoupa, Jeaga, Kaskinamp, Acolapissa, Amacano, Apalachee, Apalachicola, Avoyel, Bayogoula, Calusa, Caparuz. SEE HOW MANY THE COLONISTS KILLED OFF! 4.) Caddoan-Caddo, Arikara, Pawnee, Wichita, Bidai, Atakapa, Kichai, Tawakoni, Tawehash, Waco, Yascani, Adai, Eyeish 5.) Yuman-Marricopa, Yuma, Mohave, Cocopah, Havasupai, Halchidhoma, Halyikwamai, Hualapai (Walapai),Kohuana, Kamia, Maricopa, Yavapaí, Quechan 6.) Hokan-Pomo, Akwaala, Diegueno, Kamia, Konoomihu, Okwanuchu, Shasta, Salinas, Achomawi, Atsugewi, Karok, Esselen, Chumash, Chimariko, Coahuiltec, Send your comments to: QUEEN ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace, LONDON UK; M. MICHAELLE JEAN, Governor General of CANADA, 1 Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; Hon. STEPHEN HARPER, PRIME MINISTER, CANADA, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO; Hon. DALTON McGUINTY, PREMIER, ONTARIO, Queen’s park, TORONTO, ONTARIO; Chief Doreen Davis, 3102-RR #2, Sharbot Lake, ONTARIO K0H 2P0 ONTARIO MINISTRY of NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT & MINES, Whitney Block, Room 5630, 99 Wellesley West, TORONTO M7A 1W3; RICHARD MOORE, MDR Associates, 201-280 Albert St., OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1P 5b8 613-230-8671; CHRISTOPHER M. REID, 154 Monarch Park Ave., TORONTO ONTARIO M4J 4R6; STEVE REYNOLDS, 18 Byward Market Square, OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1N 7A1, 613-244-4488
Hokan -Siouan Language Family Lenape & Alligewi
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