Please Post and Circulate.

She:kon everyone. We are bracing for the hearing tomorrow at the Quebec Superior Court while the excavators and backhoe are already digging up our land at the Royal Victoria Hospital. We want to thank everyone that supported us in our struggle to protect our land and children. We will post updates shortly. Stay tuned.


p.s.: I have been notified that I have made a factual mistake at a recent speech at Concordia by stating that the minister of Crown Indigenous Relations Mark Miller had served in the Canadian military in the Oka crisis. While Miller was effectively an infantry commander in the Canadian Army Primary Reserve, he was not present in Oka as he was 17 years old and his military duty was allegedly peeling potatoes. I was misinformed, and if the Prime Minister and the Pope can apologize, so can I. kahentinetha

As Late Kurt Cobain apologized for leaving this world, 

What else should I be?
All apologies
What else could I say?
Everyone is gay
What else could I write?
I don’t have the right
What else should I be?
All apologies


kahentinetha2@protonmail. com