MNN.  Jan. 31, 2012.  “The future ain’t what it used to be” [Yogi Berra].

White bankers being the bosses of the world is coming to an end. Their control and theft of Indigenous resources is over.  Their fortunes are declining.

Salaries, social programs, benefits and pensions are being cut back.  US elders, you may not see your pension until you are over 67 or more, if ever.  Cost of living keeps climbing.

Signs of hysteria!  New private prisons for those who don’t fall into line.  New super duper fighter jets grace the bigger military.  [A temporary fix.]

As Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in effect said in Davos Switzerland, “If we don’t put our act together, we’re in deep doo-doo.  Europe and the West are not important anymore. [They’re going broke and lost their slaves.] Third world peoples have to do all the work cheaply and provide the resources to us. China is bigger.  We have to push emerging economies into debt to us.  We’ll just keep throwing paper money at them!”  [Sounds like a quick fix!]

Indigenous have to be brought into line.  White supremacists oppressing people of color is in peril.

The white race is being absorbed out of existence. In 2023 majority of 18 and under will be people of color in  US and Canada, becoming a majority in 2042, or sooner.

Western nations will become third world countries.  What will it mean to be white?  No one seems to want to preserve them.  They’re not steeped in any cool culture that we want.  They’ve tried to destroy the world for the rest of us.

Four suggested scenarios.

1.  White minority remains in charge.  Bankers continue to rule everybody, keep stealing and pocketing.  US remains the West’s attack dog.

2.  Indigenous majority.  White minority.  Token whites created.  Opportunists claim white grandmother to get jobs and scholarships meant for white minorities.  Every child required to read, “Vanishing Whites”.

3.  Mostly Indigenous. Hardly any whites, who voluntarily set up Department of White Affairs to run their closed communities.  Create white culture villages [‘Touristans’] to show that once upon a time many white people lived on and dominated Great Turtle Island.  Many white volunteers for us to study. Some return to their homeland and find them taken over by people of color.

4.  Remaining Western countries with ‘chihuahua’ military.  We give humanitarian aid and condoms.  They try to continue white supremacy and divide and conquer tactics on their own people.  They don’t know what peace is.

According to an old Indigenous story, a frog was about to cross a river.  A poisonous brown spider asked if he could ride on his back.  The frog said, “No, you’ll bite and kill me”.  The spider said, “I won’t because then we’ll both die”.  The frog said, “Okay”.  As they crossed, the spider bit and poisoned the frog, who asked, “Why?  Now we’re both drowning?”  The spider replied, “Because it’s my nature.”

As our people saw in the beginning, it may be the invaders’ nature, tehotate’wara:ke, to [metaphorically] eat each other’s flesh.

MNN Mohawk Nation News Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.

Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture.

Tags:  North American Indians – Turtle Island – Indian holocaust/genocide – NAU North American Union – History Canada/US – United Nations – Cointelpro – colonialism.