

Please ost & distribute.

MNN. April 27. 2016. When bar lawyer Aaron Detler was physically removed from Six Nations by the men as per the kaia’nere:kowa, it signaled the beginning of the end of colonialism. The ball will roll from Six Nations to every onkwe’hon:weh community on ono’ware:keh. Nobody can stop it! Colonialism is a ‘corporate dictatorship’ backed by the military to privatize all land and resources for a select few.

Is this the local or the express?

Is this the local or the express?

Society must be based on families in the communities to deal with all issues, based on equality and everyone having a voice. All will live by the principles of the original instructions or leave great turtle island.

Our Indian Trust Funds – their weapon to club us to death – will be taken from the corporatists. Our tie to our mother will be nurtured. Our goal is a safe and healthy environment.

US, Canada and other colonial companies will be irrelevant. Corporations based on the exploitation of our resources will be dissolved. All ventures will adhere to the original instructions. Corporate artificial entities will no longer be tolerated. All businesses will be transparent.

The true terrorist called “Indian Affairs” has to go. All people shall be free when this is done.

Spy in HDI Office: "Wow Indian Affairs setting up more honeypots!"

Indian Affairs spy!

Temporary selections of local officials, the economy, finance, banking, transportation, security, public safety and policies related to energy are answerable to the original instructions of our mother. As long as they carrying out her will to survive and coexist with all nature, they are welcome to remain.

Social justice and economic independence will be based on equitable distribution of all of our mother’s resources as per the original instructions. Science and technology has to benefit everyone. So must education, health, the environment, biodiversity, industry, quality of life and security. Financial sectors including banking and insurance, will conform to the original instructions.

We will conduct all relations with other countries. Colonial settlers like Trudeau and Obama will no longer pretend to represent the onkwe’hon:weh to the world at large.

No one can own our mother. We were placed here to carry out the original instructions on our beautiful istah.

Minister Carolyn Bennett & military leave Indian Affairs 'war room' for last time.

Minister Carolyn Bennett & military leave Indian Affairs ‘war room’ for last time.

The decolonization process has begun. The freedom train is on the tracks. As Arrowsmith says: “All aboard, all aboard. All aboard track 19, for the train to freedom. I said the train kept a’rollin all night long. The train kept a rollin, get along. Train kept a’rollin”. [Train kept a’rollin].



MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit



Cap. Detlor sails up Grande.


Another media fraud about bad Mohawks.

Germany Biggest demo against TPP.


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

Secretary of State, John Kerry,

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.

HDI Haudenosaunee Development Institute 519-445-4222





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MNN. Apr. 26, 2016. Today the men went to the HDI office at Six Nations, took bar lawyer Aaron Detler to the edge of the community. He was turned over to the OPP and told to never return. His activities are known as “low intensity warfare”.

Never mind Syracuse. We have to head over to Six Nations.

Never mind Syracuse. We have to head over to Six Nations.

Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO of the 1960s and 1970s was to sabotage our reputations, rights and activities. It was designed to neutralize our potential. Agents are set up to expose, disrupt, misdirect and discredit us. OPPIt is coordinated with local police, prosecutors, media, business, foundation executives,  universities, churches and patriotic organizations. All directed by the military industrial complex from the Indian Affairs “war room” on the 14th floor.

Crookd lawyers graveyard.

Crooked lawyers graveyard.

Political repression is necessary to control the disadvantaged. The government has to look “democratic”. Business and industry rely on them to do unprofitable work like run post offices, airports, roads, job training, pacifying workers and covert operations.

The European state system is based on a monarchical model which is controlled by a small elite. Propaganda and espionage is used to control the people. KKK, skinheads, Nazi Party and other racist groups are a European invention. In the 1930s Germany and Japan set up mass demonstrations to support fascism. Homeland Security now runs this program to go after onkwe’hon:weh communities.

The effort to eliminate our great peace and our blood lines that attach us to our land is necessary to turn great turtle island into an advanced police state.

Indian Affairs in Ottawa is run by the Canadian military. We are being scapegoated as the cause of Canada’s problems.

Could a bar lawyer scumbag be rehabilitated?

Could a bar lawyer scumbag be rehabilitated?

Psychological warfare tactics that were designed include charging us with phony crimes, sending in vigilantes and provocateurs. They maintain strong central control to seize every chance to carry out disruptive activity among us. Their agents make proposals that are divisive, sabotage important activities, squander scarce resources, steal funds, seduce leaders, promote rivalries, provoke jealousy and publicly embarrass their opponents. They lead people into unnecessary dangers and set them up for prosecutions.

'I'm seriously thinking of firing you as my lawyer.'

‘I’m seriously thinking of firing you as my lawyer.’


“Bad jaketing” is calling one of ours a government or police agent to draw attention away from the real rat. It causes confusion, distrust, paranoia, wastes time, splits minds, expulsions and violence.

Canada cannot legally spy on its people. Covert action by foreigners is used by the government. Low intensity operations were practiced on us in Kanehsatake in 1990 when Col. Musgrave of MI-5 was brought in to develop tactics to break us down and ATF was at Caldonia directing the OPP.

The government subsidizes arms, sordid racist and right wing thugs. In our communities we are always supposed to know who everybody is, their grandparents, parents, families and relations. They will never stop repressing until we are all assimilated or eliminated.

Jim Morrison sang about strangers in your community. “People are strange when you’re a stranger. Faces look ugly when you’re alone. Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted. Streets are uneven when you’re down. When you’re strange faces come out of the rain. When you’re strange no one remembers your name. When you’re strange, when you’re strange. When you’re strange”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit slaves


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

Secretary of State, John Kerry,

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.

HDI Haudenosaunee Development Institute 519-445-4222

Nobody went to vote.










Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 3 Jan. 2015. The National Museum in Ottawa is removing the vast Ongwe’hon:weh exhibit. The new theme for the existence of Canada is based on corporate fiction. Education about us is one page in a history book. We are now being forced to sell ourselves as being incorporated INDIANS or being packed and stored with the rest of the original exhibition. CANADA’s corporate policy towards Ongwe’hon:weh business development is: no jobs except for their INDIAN agents, theft of our economy, starving our businesses by harassing our customers, starving us into submission and a disappeared people has no need or right to lands and resources. This is their business plan.

This is Harper's fake colonial history show.

Harper’s has to fit this turkey into his new corporate colonial history story.

The incorporated INDIANS integrate and assimilate for their own profit, while true Ongwe’hon:weh professionals are driven out of our communities. We are betrayed for that government cheque. They make us give up our languages, culture and very identity, while holding the guns that are turned on us.

Strictly maintained records of bloodlines categorize us as “full”, “half” and “quarter” bloods, to tear our communities apart. Blood quantum legislation is apartheid. Incorporated INDIANS facilitate the policy of racial hatred, following a tradition like that of Hitler’s ”judenrats” [collaborators]. We condemn those who willingly take up this foreign identity? Those who do so “under duress” should remember what our Kaia’nere:kowa allows.

Atleo, Mercredi & Fontaine: "Yipeee. "Now we're helping the pipelines screw our people!"

INDIANS Inc. Atleo, Mercredi & Fontaine: “We got to the top of the corporate INDIAN ladder by pow-wowing our own people! And we got off-shore bank accounts. Ha-ha-ha!”


The incorporated INDIANS, recruited to carry out this oligarchic agenda, finger independent thinkers. They spout pro Ongwe’hon:weh rhetoric at us, like “We oppose what Canada is TRYING to do to our people” [?!]. At the same time they are the front line of the state assassination troops. We are being labeled as “subversives” with no trial or due process. The incorporated INDIANS are part of the white serpent that has us squeezed so tight we can’t breathe, trying to steal our life, breath by breath.

The masters study the traitors thoroughly, what makes them tick, their fears and shame. They are paid well for what they do. In the natural world, the law of karma is, number 1. you will reap what you sow. Their masters tell them, “Keep speaking out of the side of your mouth” and “Keep playing those suckers”. It’s a prostitute/pimp relationship. The traitors among us cannot survive, their actions will reveal who they are. The natural law will prevail. As in the forest, if a bear betrays another bear, there will be only one bear left.

Incorporated INDIAN Chief: "I'm here to defend my people"

Incorporated INDIAN Chief: “I sort of look like an INDIAN!”


The life of the quisling is – scared, vulnerable, doomed, uncertain, paranoid, undeserving. Someone will tell on me! The agent councilors and the agent chiefs go on feeding the flow of information right to the War Room at Indian Affairs of Canada Ink.

“I stand up next to a mountain and i chop it down with the edge of my hand. And I pick up all the pieces, make an island, might even raise a little sand. Cause i’m a voo-doo child.”

Hitler’s Jewish soldiers


Mohawk Nation demands $663 billion from city.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit



















MNN. Feb. 24, 2013. Special agents such as the CBSA Canadian Border Services Agents are trained in psychological warfare and state brutality. They wear black fascist uniforms with Kevlar vests. They try to humiliate, demoralize and injure those who question and complain about mistreatment.

Tax dollars at work.

Discussion on how to kill.


According to Wikileaks, PRC methods devised by the US are designed to confuse, destroy and terminate. “Low level psychological warfare” is mixed with high tech violence on target groups, like Indigenous, followed by the homeless, welfare, pensioners and then the general population. 

The US Department of Defense “Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces” manual describes 3 types of insurgency. The third, “Traditional Insurgency”, refers to Indigenous resistance. Onkwehonwe are engaged in centuries of resistance to regain full sovereignty. We are “dangerous criminals” and are harassed at border crossings. 

The  manual allows the suspension of habeas corpus. They can kidnap and disappear us without notice or right. CBSA can force a confession. 

“PRC measures also include curfews, blackouts, travel restrictions, and restricted residential areas such as protected villages or settlements”, like Indigenous communities, refugee camps, detention centers, prisons and FEMA Camps that can hold millions of people.  They maintain “Registration and pass systems and control of resources and critical supplies such as weapons, food and fuel.”

Indigenous internment camps.

Indian reservations!


When we defend our land, the military poiice use: “Checkpoints, searches, roadblocks; surveillance, censorship, and press control; restriction of activity of selected groups [like Indigenous, labor unions, political groups and the like].” We are classed as members of “organized crime” and fake charges are filed against us to create assumptions. When one resists or questions, a profile is created with their background, car model, family and associations. The file is flagged red, green or yellow. Any adherents to the Great Law are classed as “high risk” or “extreme”. Agents are sent to the School of the Americas where “death squads” are trained. 

Another deadly Special Forces strategy is “infiltration” of communities. Agents gather information about individuals and disseminate demoralizing and false information to cause suspicion and divisions. Since the COINTELPRO of the 70s in the US against A.I.M., many have become aware of DISINFORMATION campaigns. 

They get turncoats to train the military and police in their work against us. When we are arrested, we are handed over to the RCMP, CSIS, SQ, CBSA, OPP and the new “Provincial Organized Crime Enforcement Team” POCET set up June 25, 2008. OPP POCET

Knowledge is power!

Knowledge is power!


The integrated enforcement teams of cops, correctional services, parole officers, social services, informants, courts and other controls, are a fine example of state organized crime. They breach peoples’ rights, freedoms and lives. The Indian Act corporate band and tribal councils are part of the hierarchical control grid. They feign resistance but in fact sign over Indigenous jurisdiction to their masters, to get their paycheck. 

As Axel Rose from Guns and Roses sang  : “Look at your young men fighting. Look at your women crying. Look at your young men dying, the way they’ve always done before. Look at the hate we’re breeding. Look at the fear we’re feeding. Look at the lives we’re leading, the way we’ve always done before” Civil War

 PRC Manual D of D , Israeli manual

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0







MNN.  Feb. 21, 2012.  For over 400 years the Vatican, Europe, Britain, Africa and other nations have used Great Turtle island and beyond as the dumping ground for their undesirables.  Through deliberate betrayal and extermination, over 300 million Indigenous became less than 10 million within two generations.  The worst holocaust on earth is still not talked about.

Mathew Kristin Kiel [Reaping the Genetic Whirlwinds] writes that these crimes were to satisfy the lusts of the invaders and their descendants for our sacred land and possessions.

Millions were off-loaded here, Canada, Australia and other Commonwealth nations:  their psychopaths, bastard nobility, unwanted royal sons who were greedy, arrogant and ruthless, violent inmates from prisons and workhouses, flop houses, brothels, thieves, con-artists, ne’do’wells, their unfit and uncivilized. [We apologize if we missed anybody.]

Many psychopaths stayed behind to pull the strings.

African-Americans, they owe you!  The white slave traders profited.  The Black African royalty, village chiefs, elders, warrior societies, shamans and religious leaders did the dirty work.  [Like the colonial Indian tribal and band councils here.] They rounded up their people in exchange for money and weapons to become filthy rich.  They became the rulers and leaders of African society.  Today they sit in the UN [International Department of Indian Affairs] and decide everybody’s fate.  They never stopped the oppression and abuse by the European American psychopaths.

Well, British, French, Dutch, Spanish and others, we survivors have a message for you.

The US junta is your fully-grown ugly, unwanted, dangerous, diseased stepchild.

Their direct descendants are now the wealthy powerful elite rulers of the US and the globe.  Their war economy threatens wholesale annihilation of all, from which Europeans are benefitting.

You profited from the rape, pillage and genocide of our sacred lands, nations and peoples.  Stop your evil spoiled brats.  They need more than a good spanking.

According to WHO, you have the highest rate of sociopathic and psychopathic disorders of any race in the world.  We noticed that right from the beginning.

Take your great-grandchildren home.  Or you will realize your worst fears, “We shall be cast down from whence we came for all eternity”.  Everyone knows that children will follow your example instead of your words.

These great-grandchildren are born of your genetics with human ills inflicted on us to fester like a cancer.

The bills have come due for past and present crimes against humanity.  These must paid until we are satisfied.

Santana sang:  “You’ve got to change your evil ways, baby, before I stop loving you…  and every word I say is true.  You’ve got me running and hiding all over town.  You’ve got me sneaking and peeping and running you down.  This can’t go on.  No, no.  Lord knows you’ve got to change.”




MNN.  Feb. 10, 2012.  What is white culture?  To steal everything the brown and black people have and pretend it’s theirs?  Should failed states and gluttonous culture continue to be forced on us?

Bankers and rulers see our population growth as dangerous to their security? Because they murdered so many of us and now we are coming back!  What are their new plans?

Prince Philip, leader of the World Wildlife Foundation said, “If I were reincarnated, I would return as a killer virus to lower the human population”.  Be careful what you wish for, Phil.  You’ll be returning to England.  Celts will take care of you, you Goethe Nazi.

Mark Steyn in America Alone said, “If you can’t out-breed them, cull them!”.  As they sip their tea, “When will the great culling start, dahling?”.

Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood and the Eugenics Society in 1922 said, “Those who should never have been born should not be maintained”.  The elites want to continue breeding with each other to create idiots who spout such stupidity.

They fear genocide and elimination of their genetic property, even though they still need cheap labor.  Elites are white and ageing.  Careful breeding will be needed to maintain their white ruling bloodline, like sperm banks to force mixed race couples to have white children!

Race problem is being solved by blacks, browns and yellows pouring into their states, where whites are being beiged out.

Whites have the least melanin in their genes.  Other peoples, plants and animals have melanin and relate to each other naturally.  The whites may return to Europe to live among each other, which is becoming an Arctic-type wasteland.

They are crying about becoming victims, trying to make us feel guilty for them.  They need to study REAL victimology.

Between 2000 and 2010 only one out of 10 births in US were white.  90% were Indigenous, Black and Asian.

They claim Black men having sex with white women is sexual aggression.  Why?  Because they killed and raped us when they arrived?

They worry about what will happen to the world when they can’t keep an eye on things.  It will improve!

What happens to the bankers in London?  US is unreliable and unstable economically.  China is implementing a barter system with Iran and other countries, oil for Chinese products.  The UN wants control because they’re losing money worldwide.

International investors are using other currencies.  What happened to all those Ameros they sent to China six years ago?  [].

People of pallor worship death.  In the US political system, as roads crumble, schools close, quality of life collapses, they focus on war and killing.  They love it, are entranced by it, glory in it.  The more horrible, the more orgasmic!

Their morbid fascination with death is fanatical.  Leaders long for the Middle ages to make torture legal and offer our children as living blood sacrifices to their cult.

Indigenous always found native languages and stories provided an understanding of human behavior.

A common Indigenous story is that the brown, black and yellow people were made of clay.  The white race was made from the foam that washed upon the shores. It stayed a while, disappeared as the sun beat down on it and then shrivelled away.

Nature purges what is out of balance.

We must get back to being real human beings, ongwehonwe, who have a normal relationship with the land.

The white race is getting bored, losing their spark of life and withering away, reminding us of the Procol Harum song:  “That her face at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of pale.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.

Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture.

Tags:  North American Indians – Turtle Island – Indian holocaust/genocide – NAU North American Union – History Canada/US – United Nations – Cointelpro – colonialism.





MNN.  Jan. 31, 2012.  “The future ain’t what it used to be” [Yogi Berra].

White bankers being the bosses of the world is coming to an end. Their control and theft of Indigenous resources is over.  Their fortunes are declining.

Salaries, social programs, benefits and pensions are being cut back.  US elders, you may not see your pension until you are over 67 or more, if ever.  Cost of living keeps climbing.

Signs of hysteria!  New private prisons for those who don’t fall into line.  New super duper fighter jets grace the bigger military.  [A temporary fix.]

As Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in effect said in Davos Switzerland, “If we don’t put our act together, we’re in deep doo-doo.  Europe and the West are not important anymore. [They’re going broke and lost their slaves.] Third world peoples have to do all the work cheaply and provide the resources to us. China is bigger.  We have to push emerging economies into debt to us.  We’ll just keep throwing paper money at them!”  [Sounds like a quick fix!]

Indigenous have to be brought into line.  White supremacists oppressing people of color is in peril.

The white race is being absorbed out of existence. In 2023 majority of 18 and under will be people of color in  US and Canada, becoming a majority in 2042, or sooner.

Western nations will become third world countries.  What will it mean to be white?  No one seems to want to preserve them.  They’re not steeped in any cool culture that we want.  They’ve tried to destroy the world for the rest of us.

Four suggested scenarios.

1.  White minority remains in charge.  Bankers continue to rule everybody, keep stealing and pocketing.  US remains the West’s attack dog.

2.  Indigenous majority.  White minority.  Token whites created.  Opportunists claim white grandmother to get jobs and scholarships meant for white minorities.  Every child required to read, “Vanishing Whites”.

3.  Mostly Indigenous. Hardly any whites, who voluntarily set up Department of White Affairs to run their closed communities.  Create white culture villages [‘Touristans’] to show that once upon a time many white people lived on and dominated Great Turtle Island.  Many white volunteers for us to study. Some return to their homeland and find them taken over by people of color.

4.  Remaining Western countries with ‘chihuahua’ military.  We give humanitarian aid and condoms.  They try to continue white supremacy and divide and conquer tactics on their own people.  They don’t know what peace is.

According to an old Indigenous story, a frog was about to cross a river.  A poisonous brown spider asked if he could ride on his back.  The frog said, “No, you’ll bite and kill me”.  The spider said, “I won’t because then we’ll both die”.  The frog said, “Okay”.  As they crossed, the spider bit and poisoned the frog, who asked, “Why?  Now we’re both drowning?”  The spider replied, “Because it’s my nature.”

As our people saw in the beginning, it may be the invaders’ nature, tehotate’wara:ke, to [metaphorically] eat each other’s flesh.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.

Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture.

Tags:  North American Indians – Turtle Island – Indian holocaust/genocide – NAU North American Union – History Canada/US – United Nations – Cointelpro – colonialism.



Sky is Not Falling

Sky is Not Falling

MNN.  Jan. 1, 2012.  No.  The world is not coming to an end.  It’s continuing.  We’re been lead to think that we are heading into a trap to be devoured if we don’t submit.  Terrorized people are afraid to take action.

The dishonorable gang of inbred elites try to run the world.  The upper middle class, their hired guns, have been replaced by machines.  They’re leaving Great Turtle Island.

The people of color are staying.

Republican presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich, boasted, “You don’t have to become a drug dealer, pimp or a prostitute when you can wash our bathroom toilets and floors”.  [Is he referring to his filthy mouth?]


Some colonists want to join the Indigenous.   They know it’s all our land, water, air and resources.   Are they ready to live under the rules of nature?


They could follow the white roots to the source.  If their mind is clean and they agree to obey the laws of the Rotinoshonnionwe, they can take shelter beneath the tree of the long leaves.


The bankers are the pirates.  They invented the Maritime Admiralty Legal system to settle business disputes around the world.  They incorporated states like the US and Canada and illegally put them on Indigenous lands.  People who signed on became their property.  Their official flags can only be placed on buildings, not on Great Turtle Island, which was never surrendered.


The Haldimand Proclamation 1784 is unique.  A track within the vast Haudenosaunee Territory was set aside as a British Protectorate forever for the Mohawks.  Their agents of the crown [federal, provincial, municipal, etc.] that breach their supreme law are guilty of high treason.  The Military Court can punish them by firing squad or hanging.   Encroachers beware!


The bankers fear becoming obsolete should an infinite  free fuel be found.  They are blinding us by warfare.  Their worst is coming as they approach their death throws.


When they say peace, they really mean war.  Peace is uncompromising truth.  Nature is real and true.  They hope everybody is unnatural like them.


Their link to the world is through technology, while they try to disconnect us from the natural world.


Their corporations create supermen, that push the dooms day clock and threaten nuclear war.


The world will survive.  The bankers can’t buy mother earth.


They tried to turn Great Turtle Island into a prison where life and the environment are not precious.   For 500 years we’ve been penned up by these maniacs.  Now they are going, leaving behind our land and life.


Here’s an idea!  The head rulers can sit in a big room inside a bunker.  The walls are covered with hundreds of televisions.  They hold remotes and watch everything that’s going on.  They click, kill and neutralize those who might undo their position and power.

We let them think they are all powerful, while we go about our lives and ignore them.  They can flick all they want.  “Change the channel, honey!”  We’re in charge of the cable and what they seeing!


Their greatest fear is, “They will be cast down from whence they came for all eternity”.

They need to turn money into more money and to continue their illusion.


As Bob Dylan sang in 1963 “Masters of War”:  “Let me ask you one question, is your money that good?  Could it buy you forgiveness, do you think that it could?  I think you will find when your death takes its toll, all the money made will never buy back your soul”.


Their treasure has no real value.  Mother Earth and the great natural power are the dictators.


MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.


Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture.


Tags:  North American Indians – Turtle Island – Indian holocaust/genocide – NAU North American Union – History Canada/US – United Nations – Cointelpro – colonialism.





MNN.  Dec. 29, 2011.  Western society prefers artificial interaction with inanimate objects.     

The globe is the resort of their rulers.  We are all supposedly here for their use.  70% of the people in the Western Hemisphere are not needed by their industrial-war machine.  

Central Control activates their resort. They write the scenario, then act it out and force others to act in it.  

it’s all unnatural. Their script boils down to killing, having sex with androids and outdrawing everybody in a gun fight.  This production is here!   

Animals are kept in cages and zoos. They can be eliminated, like the 65 million buffalo were by Secretary of interior General Sherman after the Civil War. 

The rulers believe they control everything through money and technology, which is unravelling.  

The masses are becoming unmanageable.  The rulers need our minerals and resources to make weaponry to kill, maim, threaten and control the masses.  The James Bay Ring of Fire in northern Ontario is being wrecked to dig up diamonds to reinforce tanks and weapons. 

The rulers’ weapons are operated by members of the masses. The rulers make their weapons and ammunition. It’s a symbiotic relationship.  

Both aren’t sure where they’re going, like ships with full sail and no rudder. 

Some see a growing darkness of extinction.  The control center is being hacked into.  The ruling class occupiers will be gone from Great Turtle Island.  The masses need to get their orders.  From who and how?  They panic.  They are conditioned to be obedient, instructed and submit to hierarchy.  As they don’t know how to work together, share equally or listen to each other, they try to go after each other.  

Batteries turn the power on temporarily.  The greatest fear of secrecy is shining the light on the dark.  

The Indigenous never died out.  We come from the earth and will always be here.   They can’t belong and are uncomfortable with ongwehonwe/natural humans.    

The rulers are escaping the environmental devastation they’ve caused here, taking their international travelling road show with them.  The masses want something new to follow.  Think matriarchy! 

The doors are electrically powered.  The hordes try to follow their rulers, but they’re locked in.  The bunkers need oxygen, workers and managers to tell them what to do.  

The masses try to escape, trampling each other.  

The occupation is over.  The rulers try to plant computer chips in the masses to keep them here.  

Is history repeating itself, reprogramming their people and killing those they don’t want?  

This abnormal scenario was not meant to last.  

Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.  Being out of touch with the natural world, they have no answers and make the same mistakes.  The results look fatal. 

Food is getting scarce.  They’re trapped by the dysfunctional control center.  The masses run crazy.  Their hierarchical masters are gone.    

The rulers’ greatest fear is the masses will find out they are all the same.  They’re beginning to cast down their masters to where they came from.  Some bosses try to continue the illusion.  They need submissive masses, who will do the work, push their wheel chairs and clean their bunkers. 

Rulers need a game plan.  

“We shall deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they have left”.   

Countries are escaping their clutches, starting with Iceland, then Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Europe and now the rest of the world. 

The rulers and their agents leave behind confused technicians, dazed agents and damaged masses.  The air conditioners are off.  They’re melting in the heat.  The elite and agents sit in the hovercraft floating above the ground.  They shoot at and set fire to the land and then float away. 

Yogi Berra said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future”.  

We’re burning tobacco and singing: Just give me a home where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play; where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day.  

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy. 

Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture.  

Tags:  North American Indians,Turtle Island ,Indian holocaust/genocide – NAU North American Union – History Canada/US – United Nations – Cointelpro – colonialism.






MNN  Dec. 16, 2011.  Can civilization based on the violent hierarchical system and the natural world exist side by side?  No! 

How do Indigenous minds, bodies and society continue to live in reality?   What keeps some humans in slavery? 

Hierarchical civilization is unhealthy unnatural crowded living, brought here by the invaders.  They gobble up resources.  People have to decide to either start sharing or stay on the take.   

Capitalist civilization depends on constant violence against people, land, water and wild life.   Today people have to pay to exist on the earth, or armed men will take them and everything they have away.    

Long ago Mohawk artist and writer, Karonhiaktajeh, painted the “Sleeping Lion” with an Ongwehonwe face.  He said we were forced to become invisible to avoid the jaws of the hungry masses.  One day these visitors will be fighting each other.  We would then begin to stir.  Resistance does not have to be violent.  Just make it inconvenient.  

Fascism has taken over the US.  Genocide continues through depriving people of water, shelter, food, medical care and poisoning of the environment.  

Hierarchical ownership is when some individuals have more than they need.  Their control system is like a pyramid with a few bosses sitting at the top.  Without gluttonous ownership hierarchy wouldn’t exist.     

The middle class impose pacifism.  The rulers give them power to make decisions on our behalf. Manufacturing, administration and labor have been moved to other countries.  Their money is in offshore accounts.  Now they are leaving.  Those left behind are losing their masters and destroy their civilization from the inside. 

The war against man and nature is becoming savage.   Humans are being controlled by technology and artificial global markets.    

Can we free ourselves from this Frankenstein culture?  

We Indigenous have web-like relationships of inter-connected independent communities, made up of individuals, like an array of invisible knots.  

Units are equal. Social, political, economic, education and so on are structured circularly.  

Indigenous energy is based on the individual surrounded by family, clans, community and nation.  Strength comes from home and family, the strongest force in the natural world.  

Communication with outsiders is voluntary.  Soon each community must provide its own food, energy and heating.  

Information is power.  

In hierarchy the bosses want all the information.  It flows up and down, controlled by bureaucratic paths.  Bosses are told what they want to hear.  Organization spies report to them.  Collecting information is expensive.  

Small Indigenous networks keep daily information in the hands of the many, with less distortion.    

Like the human brain, connections are nurtured with sister communities to process information and pathways.  

Though Indigenous social, political and economic life are invisible, tribal and band councils’ job is to report us to their colonial overseers.  Yet they know little about us. 

The almost bankrupt US enterprise must mobilize all its resources at great cost to control its people.  

The fast flowing river has its natural destination.  We have to let go of the shore, push off to the middle, keep our eyes open and heads above water.  Some will be afraid and try to hold onto the shore.  

Don’t look outside for leaders.  Be the person you think you are.  

The colonists have created great distress.  Their people are seeking help.  Their suicide phone lines are outsourced to India, where Mohammad listens to their problems. 

They think they can fight nature and live happily ever after.  

An elder advised us, “All we can do at this time is try to hit the all seeing eye on the pyramid with a cream pie!”  

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy. 

Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture.  

Tags:  North American Indians – Turtle Island – Indian holocaust/genocide – NAU North American Union – History Canada/US – United Nations – Cointelpro – colonialism.