MNN. JAN. 1, 2013. Corporate band and tribal councils are falling. A new day is coming. Out with individualism. In with collectivism. The fraudulent corporations of Canada and the United States of America are duly put on notice that you will be soon dissolved. Your shareholders will be liable for all their crimes. The strategy of corruption, deceit and death through their band and tribal council apparatus is over. They are all going down. There will no longer be a means to apply the genocide program on us and everyone else in the world through this fraudulent corporate business plan.
The band councils job is to help Canada and US kill us, destroy us, buy us and make us give in. Through them we have been attacked militarily, politically, socially and ideologically. Illegal orders violating their own corporate constitutions, to totally exterminate us physically and psychologically, have never been rescinded. The Appropriations Act of l871 and the Indian Act of 1876 are illegal corporate by-laws. Because traditional truths were passed to us by our elders, we are still here. [Sun never sets on Indigenous people].
If Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat dies of hunger, it’s the symbolic death of these councils. Harper and Obama rely on them to control us, our land and resources. When they fall, so do their parent Corporations, Canada and the US.
We shall reclaim Great Turtle Island. No more divide and conquer. Honest people here and the world know we are the land and resource owners. Stealing from us to enrichment themselves is going to stop. Government prison guards patrolling the community cell blocks are sell-out Indian and paramilitary police. Any advance by them is an act of war.
We will protect our communities, improve our living conditions and bring peace to everyone. We are not the enemies or rivals. We did not commit the frauds and attacks that caused centuries of suffering to us and our Mother Earth. Our visitors are welcome to live under the protection of the Guswentha and the Great Law, where our protection comes from. They must come to one mind with us on the original agreements allowing them to live on Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island.
The great natural power designed our ways to give us our instructions, energy and courage. We will set things right without military weapons, death or destruction.
Our Mother wants us to remove you corporate bloodsuckers. You can leave with what you came with. Nothing!
As Wilie Nelson and others sang, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over. They say that all good things must end. Let’s call it a night. The party’s over”.
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