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MNN. January 13, 2020. UK Prince Harry and his family want to in live in onowarekeh, turtle island. Whatever nation receives them will bestow names on them which are “hung around the neck”. They should learn to speak a native language and follow the kaianerekowa, the great peace.

Dual citizenship is illegal in the great law. They can only follow the kaianerekowa or they cannot survive here. 

Kayoni tsata niwasen: 

“Onen kati, tsonkwehonwheson ne onkwenakerasera, sehwateryentarak ne rahosenna, rahotiwatsirah tokani ratiwatsiresonha wahonterisen ne ahonsahontatenatonkwen ne ahosenna ne tsinon totinakeraton tanon wahatiyatetah nahkon ohwentsokon. Ken enskahawiteh, tosa onka ne onkwanakerasera ne enkatroyat nahosenna tsinon tatinakeraton. Ne tonayetowayrehreh ne tenkasterihateh ne enwatokten ne skennen.”

Translation: … such a family or families [who want to live on turtle island] shall have ceased forever to bear their birth nation’s name and have buried it in the depth of the earth. Henceforth let no one of our nation ever mention the original name or nation of their birth. To do so will hasten the end of our peace. 

Otherwise they are colonial settlers squatting on stolen native land like all the other ‘Cana’jon’ squatters.

Our role is to spread the great peace throughout the world. We went to Europe in 1710 to do that. In 1923 we went again by sending Deskahe to the League of Nations to spread the great peace.

The Queen is a shareholder of the Crown which ‘claims’ ownership of onowarekeh. The Crown is the Vatican. Iontonheton, creation, set us the natural people and all natural life on turtle island. “onwe” means we are the people of the forever. The Indian interest can never be removed.

Harry mentioned wanting to live in the United States, which is also a company owned by the Crown. Harry wants to become a businessman. If he conducts his business the Iroquois way where he has 100% concensus on all decisions made in his company, he would be showing the proper way to do business.

When he comes he will begin the decolonization process of turtle island.

Donovan singing to Saffron could be Harry singing to Megan. Them leaving their royal duties behind could be considered very “mellow yellow”:

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

GUSTAFSEN LAKE B.C. IN 5 MINUTES 1995 https://www.straight.com/news/1345776/wetsuweten-hereditary-chiefs-pose-monumental-challenge-40-billion-lng-project-and-bc

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