MNN. JAN. 20, 2025. Joe Biden is the best President in the history of the United States. From 1976 to 2025, there were Gerald Ford, Jmmy Carter, Ronald Reagen, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George, Bush Jr., Barak Obama and Donald Trump. No one did it. A president can be judged upon what he does upon leaving the presidency. None released Leonard Peltier when they could have. In 1993 Leonard was eligible for parole and none would let him out. They let that indigenous man languish in jail.
Leonard knew he was going to be free. Mr. Biden, we honor you!
Jimi Hendrix is a brother to Leonard Peltier though he thought about this song before Leonard was arrested. It sounds like this song “Freedom” was for him.
You got my pride Hanging out of my bed You’re messin’ with my life So I brought my lead You even mess with my children And you’re screamin’ at my wife, baby Get off my back, If you want to get outta here alive
Freedom, That’s what I want now Freedom, that’s what I need now Freedom to live Freedom, so I can give
You got my heart Speak electric water You got my soul Screamin’ and howlin’ You know you hook my girlfriend You know the drugstore man When I don’t need it now I was trying to slap it out of her head
Freedom, so I can live Freedom, so I can give Freedom, yeah Freedom, that’s what I need
You don’t have to say that you love If you don’t mean it You’d better believe If you need me Or you just want to bleed me You’d better stick in your dagger in someone else So I can leave Set me free (Yeah)
Right on, straight ahead Stay up and straight ahead Freedom, so I can live it Freedom, ’cause I’ve got lotta to give, baby Freedom, so I can live, freedom (Keep on pushin’, straight ahead)
MNN. June 26/24. The aim of real archeology is to try to understand the future. To find what happened in the past to help us interpret the present. To find what we have forgotten. Something makes us want to see what is going on around us and what happened to us. Our ancient language is about hidden knowledge, such as, for example, what happened to the Duplessis orphans when the colonial settlers decided to develop a super liquor warehouse on top of a graveyard of children who died at the nearby hospital. It was called the ‘pig sty cemetary’. A lot of the secrets about this sordid event are now coming out into the open. The orphans saw things and were told it was in their imagination. They want to remember who they are. The more they seek and find the truth, the less angry they will be for the disappearances they witnessed of their friends. SEE THE APTN COVERAGE:
“I am honoured to have been entrusted with being the Special Interlocutor… to support the work of Survivors and Indigenous communities to protect, locate, identify, repatriate, and commemorate the children who died while being forced to attend Indian Residential Schools”.
She was appointed for two years as Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools. She is a member of the Kahnesatake Mohawk Nation.
THIS IS THE PODCAST of Ms. Murray presenting the Interim Report, “Sacred Responsibiility: Searching for the Missing Children & Unmarked Burials”.
Part 6 of the report begins to lay the foundation for a new Reparations Framework to address the gaps and barriers within Canada’s current legal system, which is ill-equipped to provide accountability and justice for Indigenous Peoples in the face of genocide, colonial violence, and mass human rights violations. It defines an Indigenous-led process and explains why such a process is essential to the search and recovery of the missing children and unmarked burials. It concludes by outlining ten elements of reparations that will form the basis of the Final Report. Summaries are included throughout to illustrate the barriers communities are facing, as well as emerging Indigenous-led practices that have been applied to advance search and recovery work in accordance with Indigenous law and protocols.
Helen Reddy knows the energy of someone like Kimberly Murray:
I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore And I know too much to go back an’ pretend ‘Cause I’ve heard it all before And I’ve been down there on the floor And no one’s ever gonna keep me down again
Yes, I am wise But it’s wisdom born of pain Yes, I’ve paid the price But look how much I’ve gained If I have to, I can do anything I am strong (strong) I am invincible (invincible) I am woman
Indigenous guardians of the ancestral territories of the Innu, Atikamekw and Mohawk are demanding a moratorium on logging in Quebec.
This coalition is made up of the Innu collective Mashk Assi, which defends the unceded territory of Nitassinan; the Ekoni Aci movement, which brings together defenders of the Atikamekw territory of Manawan and Wemotaci; and the Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera, better known as the Mohawk Mothers.
Due to the “ecological disaster caused by the forest fires”, a coalition of traditionalist Innu, Atikamekw and Mohawk indigenous peoples demands a moratorium on logging and mining activities north of the St. Lawrence River by the end of 2023.
Innu and Atikamekw activists block logging roads to oppose logging on their unceded ancestral territory.
These First Nations activists recall that the millions of hectares burned affect not only the habitat of wildlife that is crucial to their culture, but also the health of many Aboriginal communities.
With what is happening concerning the quality of the air which is unbreathable in several places, we think that it is really important to put a brake at the moment , specified Michael Paul of the Mashk Assi collective.
In addition to the moratorium, the Aboriginal people who present themselves as holders of ancestral title to their respective territories are asking for an inquiry into the causes of the forest fires.
“ The government, through its mismanagement of the forest, has created this situation of extreme danger for which it is responsible. By prioritizing profitability, the government has created monoculture coniferous forests that turn into veritable powder kegs in dry and hot weather, at the risk of public health. »
This forest management is based on cutting potential, industrial development and immediate profit. The priority place of the forest industry in forest management is too great and has created a situation of unprecedented danger. We must act immediately to break this impasse , continue the Aboriginal traditionalists.
The Chibougamau forest fire (File photo)
The coalition also calls for an independent environmental impact study to be carried out in collaboration with the United Nations Special Rapporteur and that it be chaired by the indigenous guardians of the territory. We are the custodians of ancestral knowledge that has allowed the boreal forest to survive until today. We know every corner of our territory and the families of animals with whom we share it. As recognized by a UN report, Indigenous peoples are by far the best guardians of the natural territory and the environment, everywhere on the planet , supports the coalition.
The blockage maintained in the Laurentides wildlife reserve
Three weeks ago, before the forest fires broke out and restrictions came into effect, Indigenous people from the Mashk Assi collective forced the closure of several logging sites located in the Laurentides wildlife reserve. They denounce the destruction of the forests south of Lake Kénogami.
This blockage is still in effect on Nitassinan. In particular, a permanent camp has been set up at kilometer 216 of Route 175 to monitor the comings and goings in the forest.
Since May 29, indigenous activists have been regularly patrolling Nitassinan to ensure that there are no loggings.
We are ready to go to court if it is not respected , mentioned the committed artist Michael Paul.
Innus have set up a permanent camp along the logging road located at kilometer 216 of the Laurentides wildlife reserve.
The Lignarex Group, which qualifies this file as delicate , is one of the manufacturers who complied by withdrawing their forestry machinery from certain construction sites. From the outset, the leaders of Lignarex said they were ready to negotiate with the Innus .
The collective has also authorized the logging company to recover the trees already felled to avoid wasting wood.
Innu artist Michael Paul Kuekuarsheu sings of the resistance of his people:
Recently the Kahnistenseras of Kahnawake were invited to Hart House of University of Toronto to speak about current indigenous issues.
Globe & Mail 1964 republication of Feb. 11, 1965. ProQuest Historical Newspapers : “Self-Support Indian Goal“
Kahentinetha Horn, a lissum Indian, forecast an Indian in the future of every University of Toronto student who jammed Hart House art gallery yesterday to hear her talk on the arts and culture of contemporary Indians. Miss Horn prophesied that in 35 years, Canada’s Indian population would be 1,800,000 – or roughly one out of every 25 persons. would be an Indian, she said. “You are the privileged of the privileged”, she told the students. “You are the 82 per cent of the future leaders of Canada” – I represent the despairing 1 per cent who are multiplying rapidly in Canada. Now is the time you must learn about Indians to help us achieve our main goal.” The first goal of Indians is to be able to support themselves, she said. On each Wall of Hart House gallery hung paintings by Norval Morrisseau, Ojibway Indian from Beardmore, Ont. “They conveyed a message of the past”, Miss Horn said. “Such art flows through the blood of my brothers and sisters – but most of the benefits reaches the white man’s salons?” While Indian culture certainly encompasses significant art form, the arts of Indians have leaned more to warfare and politics, Miss Horn said. “For 20,000 years, the Indians have had a struggle to survive the forces of nature. The cultural arts come only with leisure – after survival.” The greats of her ancestors, the Iroquois, were related to politics and warfare. The United Nations concepts are modelled on the Iroquois Confederacy, for example. Their arts of warfare are the reasons the students speak English today instead of French, she said. That’s why you have Prime Minister Pearson as leader instead of President de Gaulle”. Most Indians, Miss Horn said, are unemployable. “I’m afraid technical sciences will keep Indians unemployable. We haven’t time to think about our arts. We have to keep our people alive. How to keep our women alive, for example, past the age of 45. Why does one out of 10 of our babies die before the age of 4? Don’t ask me why; nobody has ever researched the reason. It’s just a statistic. We need housing, medical care, community planning, training and education. We need an interest in welfare – there’ll be one of us in thec future for every one of you.
Note to readers: The population of indigenous people in Canada today is 1.800,000.
We are due in quebec superior court at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 for our attempt to get an injunction to stop the excavation of McGill’s Allen Memorial Institute and other areas of tionni tiotialkon and tekanontak, now called Mount Royal, where there are serious suspicions of unmarked graves of our indigenous children.
This is a book about Louis Karonhiaktajeh Hall of Kahnawake and other areas of kanienkehaka’onwe. Niawen’kowa.
The Mohawk Warrior Society Book Launch and Screenings on Indigenous Sovereignty and Survival Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 4TH SPACE J.W. McConnell Building, Concordia University 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal The Mohawk Warrior Society: Book Launch and Screenings on Indigenous Sovereignty and Survival
Join us for the launch of an unprecedented book, a public roundtable with members of the Kanien’keha:ka Rotiskenrakete of the Men’s Fire and Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera, an activist group of Mohawk women from Kahnawake, and film screenings in celebration of Indigenous culture and resilience.
THE MOHAWK WARRIOR SOCIETY: A HANDBOOK ON SOVEREIGNTY AND SURVIVAL, is the centrepiece of our events. Containing new oral history by key figures of the Rotisken’rhakéhte revival in the 1970s, this compilation tells the story of the Warriors’ famous flag and other art, their armed occupation of Ganienkeh in 1974, and the role of their constitution, the Great Peace. This book launch is part of a two-day series of events and film screenings that foreground Kanien’kehá:ka activism, culture, and current issues within the broader rubric of Indigenous sovereignty.
See below for the full schedule:
October 18 11:00am – 4:00pm Round Table and Book Launch
October 19 1:00pm – 1:15pm
Welcome and Introduction 1:15pm – 2:00pm Film Screening: “Mohawk Nation” (1978) 2:00pm – 2:15pm
Short Break 2:15pm – 2:40pm Film Screening: “Rose” (2022) 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Open Discussion How can you participate? Join us in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.
MNN. SEP. 22, 2021.The election computers won again! Using up money. Stopping parliament. Parliament closed for a year during covid. Candidates are not to be trusted. They all want to keep things going the way they are, another 4 years of resource extortion from turtle island. During the campaign none dared to mention the biggest secret of the Queen, the horrific unmarked graves of the murdered native children. Their true allegiance is to maintain their power. How do the natives that voted feel now? They gave up the fight and joined the oppressors against us.
Not coincidental is appointing Inuit Mary Simon as Governor General to stand for the Crown. None talked about the orange shirts. She was the cleaning lady sweeping it under the carpet forever. The Canadian public has already forgotten about that. The settlers did all the murdering and benefitted.
The rulers want us to continue suffering. By 2024 they hope we won’t exist as onkwehonweh, the original people of turtle island, that we will all be assimilated into the body politic of the colony of Canada by the stroke of Mary’s pen. They will never become a country because we will always be here as creation intended. They all campaigned for ‘canadiens’. We are not shareholders of the corporation of the government of Canada. We original onkwehonwe were never mentioned. They represent only the incorporated Metis, Inuit land first nations.
The house Indians who work for the government are not mentally rotinoshonni’onwe. They work to extinguish us according to the Indian Lands Act of Oct. 25, 1924. Their mind has been genocided. Some even sit in parliament to exterminate us. They love their white masters and being their pet dog. They have huge salaries, better houses, cars and vacations than their families. They might get a pat in the head and a bone if they obey. Like Jody. who got kicked down the basement stairs by Trudeau, where are they going to stay if they don’t bark and cower? Bad dog! When the master gets sick, they hold the master’s hand until he gets better, like a good dog should. A few favorites on the rez have all the businesses and jobs. They look like cardboard cut-outs of their masters, wearing ties, three piece suits, ribbon shirts with bolo ties and a metis sash for the good government Indian photos. The master even puts on a headdress and poses with them.
None can get a ’real’ job where they do nothing The only jobs are smoke and pot shops or the band council. Their mind is always on the next fixed election where the corporation is allowed another 4 years of unimpeded resource extraction of our wealth. 99% of the true indigenous refuse to take part in this exercise.
They want a $40 to $50 an hour job with all the benefits, which works out to $65 an hour. 2% of the people vote. When the master’s country is on fire, the house Indians run out and try to put it out. Back on the rez people in the trenches are stabbed in the back and blacklisted. kaianerekowa must be reasserted over all of turtle island. In the meantime we burn tobacco and wear that ‘original homeland security fighting terrorism since 1492’ T-shirt. to reinstate our true onkwehonweh jurisdiction on our homeland.
The field warriors are the real sovereigns. We are given dirty water to drink, toxic waste dumped up to our front door, and get leftovers so we can get sick and die. We have survived through the harshest economic sanctions of any people on earth. Everytime we try to make money in their fake economy we are arrested. We can’t work for ourselves. The government wants taxes and have numerous penalties for not having a GST or some other number or colonial id. We get pretend invoices and threats. They have the most stringent economic sanctions since 1924 when the put us on the reserves. They beat and threatened us from morning to night. We despise the master. The puppets love their master.
The ‘uncle tomahawks’ are well paid and trained to keep us in line, passive, peaceful, non-violent. It is like being sent to an Indian Affairs dentist, getting our teeth pulled with no pain killer. They want us to feel the pain so we suffer and say nothing because Indian Affairs pays for it from our Indian Trust Fund.
The great peace tells us not to fight until you die, but to fight until you win. The kaianerekowa, great peace philosophy teaches us to never suffer the enemies. We learn to be intelligent, courteous and respectful of others. When someone puts his hand on us, we defend ourselves. The white monster tried to kill the kaianerekowa, great peace, to make us into sheep. The band and tribal puppets are traitors. The uncle toms mimic the white monster. An Indian and inuit women are made prominent. celebrities with fake prestige and influence, appointed by the government to speak for us without our consent. The field warriors have no voice on mainstream media. Those who criticize them are unknown unheard of idols.
The sell out local band tribal leaders falsely speak for the grass roots at every turn. They help keep us in the rez mentality of hopelessnes and helplessness. Any onkwehonweh, true native, rising up must be approved by the rulers, otherwise they are punished and blacklisted for opposing the white monsters.
When the unmarked graves of our children were found, they jumped up and took over the agenda to help Canadien squatters forget about it.
A ‘revolution is coming’, making the corporate power structure of systemic injustice, racism and hatred concerned. The brown steamroller of peace is on its way. The field warriors have no leaders to buy off and control. The state’s Indian puppets are ordered to cool us down. Historically, 1% of the people can wake up the 99%.
The puppets are ordered to not fight each other but make it look like they are cooperating with us. They get the top position in the movement and get the grassroots to fight each other using 51% majority rules. The appointed ‘leaders’ raise funds in our name, which we never see. The chairman is a prominent House Indian and the backroom co-chair we never see communicates with the government and gets the money. Top public relations experts put the mainstream media at their disposal. Corporate civil rights organizations join the movement. Invited to join the “revolution” are priests, rabbis, old white preachers, labor, catholics, jews, liberals and protestants who march at the front pretending to be with the people, but they steer the revolution.
When you have strong hot brown coffee, you put cream in it to weaken it. It becomes a white drink and cools down. It woke you up one time and now it puts you to sleep. It’s called infiltration. We grassroots are hot and uncompromising.
The white monsters act like they love natives and fool a lot of us. The public don’t see what’s genuinely going on. They use the ancient Roman tactic of bread and circus to pacify the people. They hope we field natives are controlled so tight that we are told where to come, how to stop, what sign to carry, what to say. The Indian leaders get the award for best supporting cast. Then they are told to get out of town by sundown and lay low until their master calls them back.
Just like a dog listening to his master, the band councils love this song about dogs: “Woke up this morning, my dog was dead. Someone disliked him and shot him through the head. Woke up this morning, my cat had died. I know I’ll miss her, sat down and cried. Came home this evening, my hog was gone. People here don’t like me, I think I’ll soon move on. Now somethings happened, that would make a saint frown. I turned my back and my house burned down”.
LAST QUEEN, LAST POPE was first posted on Feb. 28, 2014. The knock out blow to “dump the queen” gained momentum when Prince Harry and Meghan thrashed the monarchy, its racism, no concern for the people, genocide and general nastiness.
Harry & Meghan. spilling the beans.
The Queen is the main mask of the Crown as head of the Company/corporation called “Canada’, a Mohawk word for “squatters”. She is the major shareholder of the Crown based in the VatIcan which has false claims to own our mother, the earth. All mainstream media of the “Five Eyes” is through the Queen’s intelligence service MI5, “operation mockingbird”. We saw classy Meghan professionally take down the British aristocratic amateurs of “the firm”. Meghan gave the Nazi House of Windsor a good beating. Like the French Revolution the only way to be free is “off with their heads”.
MNN. Feb. 28, 2014. Soon the British monarch, her family, and her minions, as per the Magna Carta, will be removed by the people of England. When that happens, all her corporate assets – Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand – will revert to the true natural owners placed by creation. The “Crown” based in the Vatican and all their banking tentacles throughout the world will fall. The Pope is the Emperor of Rome. Everyone who takes an oath to a criminal is a criminal. They will be dealt with.
Queen: “No. We won’t trade jobs. Mine is to kill & pillage. Yours is to pacify & salt away the money!”
The Kaianerekowa will then be applied on Great Turtle Island. The Onkwehonwe will deal with the “masters of war” using our law and new technology, to make them clean up their mess. These criminals will answer to the people for each one of the over 100 million Indigenous they murdered here.
The oligarchy teaches that whoever has the most money makes the rules. The revolution has begun in each person’s mind. We are each sovereign in our own mind. Anyone can tell us what they think, not what to think. The spiritual frequency changes that will occur on our Mother Earth will cause everyone to remember everything from every past life. We’re not sure who said this:
The waters of truth will clean everything. The oligarchy will be washed away. Once the earth begins her cleansing, there will be no more lies, murder or destruction.
We Onkwehonwe were to teach them to love and take care of each other and every living thing attached to the earth in our communities. The weapons of war will be buried under the Tree of Peace for all time.
The Black Wampum will be applied to all the criminals.
The black wampum hits the floor. Then the warrior smashes the criminal’s head, tehonwatisokwariton, to smash out evil from the brain where it starts. The reason that the head is emptied to the ground is because that is where the evil exists and will be purified by the earth.
They will have one last chance to become of one mind with us. When the War Chief drops the black wampum they can grab it before it hits the floor. If they do not grasp it, the men will bash in their heads with war clubs. Their brains will be on the floor next to the black wampum. This will happen in all Great Turtle Island communities. Genocide has always been their plan for us. The DNA memory of those who did the genocide will be erased from mankind. They and their weapons will be buried, never to be seen again.
Elizabeth and Francis will be the last Monarch and the last Pope. Good riddance!
As Johnny Cash foretold, the oligarchs will be cast into a burning ring of fire, and they will go down, down, down, and the flames will shoot higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire! Johnny Cash. “Ring of Fire”.
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