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CALL TO ACTION: ONE YEAR TO GO!                




99 years ago on Oct. 25, 1924, the Indian Lands Act was enacted as part of the Indian Advancement Act called the “100 year business plan”. Next year is the 100th year when Canada plans to eliminate the Indian problem forever by killing us and taking our land. According to the “Admiralty Law of the Seas” we are supposed to be signed away.  But it might be the perpetrators and their beneficiaries who will be eliminated. Not us. 

Historically the slaughter of us was wholesale. Those laws passed by the colonists to genocide us are part of Canadian colonial law, which is legalized murder to take everything from us, particularly our lives. The formation of Canada is based on genocide, therefore Canada is illegal. The genocidal policies and laws are made to look legal, but they are not!  They cannot be punished for squatting on our land, their ‘blood quantum” laws, stealing our land, creating POW camps called “reserves”, kidnapping our children, doing experiments on them and then murdering and burying them. Our languages and culture were outlawed.!

2024 will be the 100th year of their insidious plan for the corporation of Canada to be rid of the “Indian problem” to  incorporate us into the Canadian body politic. Duncan Campbell Scott, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, called it the ‘final solution to the Indian problem’. it’s a corporate “business plan” disguised as law. The prime minister enforces that law on behalf of the people of Canada. The first remedy may be to have the body of John A. Macdonald disinterred from his grave and shipped back to Scotland where he belongs. All statues and monuments of him can be shipped back home. The onkwehonweh will take our proper seat at the table of nations. 

Canada thought it was right on target with the “Framework Agreement” to finalize the annihilation of the indigenous people. With the stroke of their colonial pen, there would have been no more Indians. They think they can force us to become Canadians. But they did not factor in the internet in their planning. Now everyone in the world is watching while this colonial enterprise called “Canada” is coming to an end. The whole colonial system will be gone forever. Back to where they came from. The Dominion of Canada will end next year. All our land and resources will be returned to us.  Canadians can make this right by becoming a model for the world by adopting the kaianerekowa, the great peace, as the basis for their constitution. 

Canada is a Nazi project. 700 top Nazis were brought to Canada through “Operation Paperclip” and placed in high positions within the bureaucracy.  

Canada recently showed its hand by presenting one of its Operation Paperclip heroes, Nazi war criminal Yaroslav Hunka Vet. of Waffen S.S. Every Member of Parliament stood up and gave him several rousing standing ovations, while the world watched. The applause was akin to giving the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute. Welcome to Canada! Parliamentarians showed their love and allegiance for the Nazis when the world watched them giving accolades to Hunka.

Department of Indian Affairs is a department of the army. Some of us have seen the “War Room” on the 14th floor of the DIA in Hull/Ottawa. Their job is to keep the indigenous as prisoners of war because the war for our land has never ended. We want them out of our land. We live under military law which is enforced by the army. The government hopes that we will die out. Our people continue to be disappeared.

Those who take an oath to the foreign autocrat King Charles and his corporations [Canada}, ancestors and heirs forever  can either leave on the ship with their masters or they can rescind that oath and take a new one to the onkwehonweh. It is still legal for the government to kill indigenous people. Canadians need to follow the natural law also known as the great peace of this land. Their Admiralty Laws are enacted to protect them from their crimes so the perpetrators will never be held responsible.

Canadians want to celebrate the end of the Indian problem which is that they occupy Indian land free of indigenous occupation. They rely on the ‘Doctrine of Discovery ‘ for their false occupation of our land.  

The first Prime Minister John A. Macdonald wanted to make us ‘white’. He failed so he set up the “Indian Plan”. Now it is in the hands of prime minister Trudeau and his gaggle and are now the biggest criminals in Canada. They have never condemned these criminal laws and policies. In 2024 they will do it.

Mr. Trudeau, I invite you to explain how is it possible to have these genocide laws on the books? You are just another prime minister criminal that we have to deal with. Aren’t you and everyone who gets a benefit from the murders of and theft from our people embarrassed by this legislation enacted to kill us?  You and everyone who benefits from these murders is guilty.

And then to bring in and praise a Nazi to remind us of who owns the corporation/dominion of Canada. The Admiralty Law and all of their courts are no longer valid because they get their right to exist from the Doctrine of Discovery which never existed in the first place. Canadians got away with murder by classifying us as non human beings with only the rights of an animal. 

We cannot reconcile with murderers. 2024 will be the best year for us and the worst year for the corporate entity called Canada.


Nobel Laureate, Bob Dylan, hammers the message home: “Come, you Masters of War. You that build the big guns. You that build the death planes. You that hide behind walls. You that hide behind deaths. I want you to know I can see through your masks… I hope that you die and your death will come soon. I’ll follow your casket in the pale afternoon. I’ll watch while you’re lowered onto your death bed and i’ll stand over your grave till i’m sure that your’re dead. 



“RECONCILIATION” @ PSAC Oct. 19, 2023.





MNN. On Oct. 19, 2023, at Montreal these words were spoken by the kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers at the Public Service Alliance of Canada National Gathering on Reconciliation. 

Before I, kahentinetha of Kahnawake, begin let me tell you that the Public Alliance of Canada PSAC stood by me in 1990 when I was fired from my job at Indian Affairs in Ottawa for being a Mohawk during the Mohawk Oka crisis.

WHAT IS ‘RECONCILIATION’? Before you can have reconciliation you must have the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Right now we are uncovering the truth of the genocide that Canada planned  to execute on the indigenous people. 

Nothing stays hidden. Reconciliation is the act of Canadian society accepting and enshrining their ‘truths’ into the Canadian consciousness. We need allies to uncover these truths. We don’t want our future generations to suffer as we have, for our children to have to deal with this 50 years from now. Now is the time!

Let us work together so that we can start on that act of ‘reconciliation’. So far over 10,000  indigenous children have been found in unmarked graves. They were murdered but they were never forgotten in our minds. This act on us was profound. We have spent our lives trying to find balance with creation again.

We were told stories of  what happened. We were called “liars ‘and were told, “You have to prove it !”But it was so carefully planned that the perpetrators thought they had left no traces of evidence. 

We have and continue to tell our truth. They keep saying, “Have you got any proof?” We were told that Canadian society is based only on ‘hard facts’. But those memories could not be erased from our minds. We have thousands of stories of the atrocities in a big data base. Something has to be done. Prime Minister Harper said, “Then take us to court”. We must investigate it. 

If a child you loved went missing, what would you do? How long and how far would you go to find your child, sister, brother, mother, father, grandfather, cousin, friend. I am a great grandmother and I will never stop looking.

Truth is hard work. We constantly face cover ups by politicians and bureaucrats of one of the most horrific crimes in humanity, the almost complete annihilation of our race. But if nothing is done, your children will carry the shame.

What do you need to do: Reconciliation is actually an accounting procedure. To finalize the theft of our land so Canada can become a country. 1867 was the first Indian act which still imprisons us. October 25, 1924 is the year of the ‘Indian Lands Act’, of each province, which has been removed from the internet. It is now the 99th year of Duncan Campbell Scott’s 100 year plan to do away with us and take over our land. But we are still here. The biggest hoax is your constitution is actually a corporate charter of a company owned by the royal family. 51% Is not democracy, it is corporatism.

This is your oath, “I do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, the king of Canada, his heirs and successors. So help me god.” In fact, you are taking an oath to his corporations, which goes against anything we know as we are free. 

Do you understood what your constitution ls that rules your life, which you sign onto and vote for? The only way Canadians can heal is to have your own constitution that you ratify which is based on the natural law of kaianerekowa of great turtle island and the two row agreement.

Some of what we endured is in the lyrics of thahoketoteh:

I speak to you now, proud and brave.

Remembering the lessons our ancestors gave

About acknowledgements and respect, as the four races intersect.

From the path behind us, to the one that lies ahead.

Let us walk softly on the road we tread.

But hold our heads, high, as we move along thinking with one mind.

As we sing our song.

We’re glad to say, and we say it loud and clear, through all the sadness

"We Are Still Here" by Project for Peace

WE ARE STILL HERE. Missionise, christianize, socialize, minimise, legislate, assimilate, economise, genocide through all the madness…WE ARE STILL HERE.

PSAC Ottawa 1-888-604-7722, 613-560-4200, 

RÉCONCILIATION – AFPC – 19 octobre 2023

Avant de commencer, je veux vous que vous sachiez que l’AFPC a pris ma défense en 1990. Je travaillais aux Affaires indiennes à Ottawa et on m’a congédiée durant la crise d’Oka parce que j’étais mohawk.

C’EST QUOI, LA RÉCONCILIATION? La réconciliation vient après la vérité, toute la vérité et rien que la vérité. En ce moment, on commence à découvrir ce qui nous est réellement arrivé. Le génocide planifié de notre peuple.

Rien ne reste caché à jamais. La réconciliation, c’est ce qui se produit quand ces vérités sont acceptées par la société et laissent une marque indélébile dans la conscience collective. On a besoin d’alliés pour faire sortir ces vérités. On ne veut pas que les générations futures souffrent comme on a souffert. On ne veut pas que les enfants vivent encore ces souffrances dans 50 ans. L’heure est venue d’agir.

Oui, l’heure est venue de nous unir pour entamer la réconciliation. On a déjà trouvé les dépouilles de plus de 10 000 enfants autochtones. Ils les ont tués, mais ils sont toujours dans nos cœurs. Cet acte barbare nous a anéantis. On a passé nos vies à retisser nos liens avec la création.

On a raconté ce qu’on a vu. Ils nous ont traités de menteurs. Ils nous ont dit que c’était à nous de le prouver. Ils avaient si bien planifié leur coup qu’ils étaient certains de ne pas avoir laissé de traces.

On n’a jamais cessé d’affirmer la vérité et eux, d’exiger des preuves. On nous a dit que la société canadienne reposait sur des faits concrets. Mais nos souvenirs sont restés intacts. On a une gigantesque banque de données pleine de récits des atrocités qu’on a vécues. Il faut faire quelque chose. Le premier ministre Harper nous avait mis au défi de traîner le gouvernement en cour. Ce n’est peut-être pas une mauvaise idée.

Si un enfant que vous chérissez disparaissait, que feriez-vous? Jusqu’où iriez-vous pour le retrouver, pour retrouver votre sœur, frère, mère, père, grand-père, cousin, amie? Je suis une arrière-grand-mère et je n’arrêterai jamais de chercher. 

Révéler la vérité n’est pas une mince affaire. Les politiciens et les fonctionnaires ont trouvé mille moyens de camoufler l’un des pires crimes contre l’humanité, l’annihilation quasi totale de notre race. S’ils ne se réveillent pas, leurs enfants vivront dans la honte.

À vous de jouer. La réconciliation, pour le gouvernement, c’est mettre enfin la main sur toutes nos terres. La première loi sur les Indiens de 1867 nous emprisonne toujours. Le 25 octobre 1925, le gouvernement adopte la Indian Lands Act. On en est à la 99e année du plan de 100 ans de Duncan Campbell Scott visant à nous faire disparaître et à voler nos terres. Mais nous sommes encore ici. La plus grosse blague, c’est votre constitution qui n’est que la charte d’une société appartenant à la famille royale : 51 %, ce n’est pas la démocratie, c’est du corporatisme.

Lorsque vous dites : « Je jure que je serai fidèle et porterai sincère allégeance à Sa Majesté le roi Charles Trois, Roi du Canada, à ses héritiers et successeurs », c’est en fait à une société que vous portez allégeance. On n’en a rien à cirer, parce qu’on est libres.

Comprenez-vous vraiment dans quoi vous vous êtes embarqués? Quelle est cette constitution qui régit votre vie? La seule façon pour vous de guérir est de ratifier une nouvelle constitution fondée sur Kaianerekowa, la Grande Loi de la Paix, et le traité des voies parallèles.

Paroles de la chanson We are still here de Thahoketoteh

Ces paroles font écho à des souffrances qu’on a endurées.

Je vous parle aujourd’hui, fier et brave.

Avec, dans le cœur, les enseignements de mes ancêtres.

Au sujet de la reconnaissance et du respect, là où se rencontrent nos quatre races.

Du chemin parcouru et de celui à parcourir.

Marchons d’un pas léger, mais la tête haute.

Que nous puissions avancer du même pas.

En chantant la même chanson.

Nous disons haut et fort, d’une voix qui perce notre tristesse,


Vous avez beau nous évangéliser, nous socialiser, nous minimiser, nous réglementer, nous assimiler, économiser, nous massacrer. Malgré toute cette folie, NOUS SOMMES ENCORE ICI.



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MNN. Oct. 15, 2023. This information comes from Demilitarize McGil and elsewherel.


TO THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD: We are all sovereign members of the world.  This is about MILITARY RESEARCH AT MCGILL UNIVERSITY [MONTREAL]. Onowarekeh, turtle island, is a Land of peace and shall remain so. 

Demilitarize McGill explains, “Conventional weapons kill people and demolish structures by creating an enormous amount of explosive force containing sharp and deadly fragments. Thermobaric weapons produce a blast wave that is of longer duration. Fuel-air explosives first saturates the air with fuel, creating a cloud that expands in many directions and flows around objects. A second charge ignites this oxygen-fuel mix creating a very large explosion and pressure that can knock down structures, destroy equipment and goods and incinerate people. The US developed these weapons for Vietnam and works with the Canadian military. McGill also works with the police and intelligence agencies through their Network Dynamics Lab. They research social responses to sudden and rapidly evolving social conditions, both terror and otherwise. 

McGill’s School of Computer Sciences’ researchers are building computers [Artificial Intelligence AI] on how different segments of the population respond to perceived crises. Its school creates an “assessment system” on how different segments of the population are thinking and acting. Also being developed is “mapping the distribution of features of communities of concern. An “incident-specific” tweet collection system is created for the government. 


At least 6 labs are at McGill University carrying  out research on behalf of weapons monopolies: particularly for drone warfare, missile guidance, domestic surveillance, explosives and air combat. The university has been fighting an Access to Information requested by members of Demilitarize McGill for internal communications on McGill military research since 2102. On June 21, 2016 McGill released 600 pages of documents related to the mechanical engineering laboratory’s association with defence contractors. 90 per cent of the request for information has yet to be fulfilled. Below is information on some of the military initiatives and connections that activists have uncovered over the past several years.


McGill’s Mechatronics Lab is involved in both developing of ground and airborne robots for combat operations through contracts with Defence Research Development Canada DRDC, an agency of the Department of National Defence DND. With Suffield Research Centre, they aim to “study the enhancement of soldiers’ actions in combat missions” through unmanned technology. 

Their interest is to develop technology for “autonomous landing systems for unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs” “for decisive operations in the urban battle space”. “McGill could contribute to weaponized drone technology so that drones will make their own decisions to kill and execute them. 


CFD receives funding from Bombardier and Bell Textron, which are involved in war production. Obama used these weapons for targeting assassinations in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. 

Demilitarize McGill stated that simulation software FENSAP-ICE was sold to Lockheed Martin in the early 2000s through a company owned and operated by the lab’s director. Lockheed Martin used the technology for the F-35 fighter jet. 


McGill’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering collaborated on missile guidance systems with Lockheed Martin, DRDC, and military researchers in Israel from 1999 to 2010 on projects such as “Decision Aids for Airborne Surveillance”, “guidance laws for the stabilization of missile trajectories”, “lethality and lethal radiuses to determine how many were killed by missile strikes”, “track or detect methods in tracking low-observable targets”, and “problems of detecting multiple targets”. 

Lockheed Martin, and. McGill researchers are often private partner. They sell at least 21 distinct guided missile products – including the shoulder fired Javelin and air-to-ground Hellfire. The US and its allies use guided missiles developed by Lockheed Martin in such military campaigns as Iraq and Afghanistan. US military uses Hellfire missiles from Predator drones to deliver thermobaric payload targets.


The McGill Dept. of Mechanical Engineering’s Shock Wave Physics Group is the longest standing military research lab at McGill. Particularly air-breathing propulsion for hypersonic weapons and thermobaric explosives. This is a system for propelling aircraft and missiles through continuous intake of air from the atmosphere during flight and composition creates combustion when the air reacts with the fuel. 

McGill’s military-related research collaborate with DRDC’s Valcartier Research Centre on “solid fuel projectiles with long-range, shorter time-to-target and increased kinetic energy  for higher kill probability. This is part of the US development of Prompt Global Strike. This gives the US military the capability to strike anywhere in the world with a non-nuclear weapon within one hour of permission to launch.

What strikes us is that if we look at all military expenditures all legitimate needs of human kind are ignored. Instead the expenditure is on military whose major aim is to kill humanity. University students do not know what their academics are doing.  

Buffy Sainte Marie agrees that we have to stop greed, corporate laws and fear from running and ruining the world. 

“He’s five foot-two and he’s six feet-four. He fights with missiles and with spears. He’s all of 31 and he’s only 17. Been a soldier for a thousand years. He’a a Catholic, a Hindu, an Atheist, a Jain. A Buddhist, and a Baptist, and a Jew. And he knows he shouldn’t kill. And he knows he always will. Kill you for me, my friend, and me for you. And he’s fighting for Canada. He’s fighting for France. He’s fighting for the U.S.A. And he’s fighting for the Russians. And he’s fighting for Japan. And he thinks we’ll put an end to war this way. And he’s fighting for Democracy. He’s fighting for the Reds. He says it’s for the peace of all. He’s the one who must decide, Who’s to live and who’s to die. And he never sees the writing on the wall. But without him How would Hitler have condemned them at Labau? Without him Caesar would have stood alone. He’s the one who gives his body as a weapon of the war. And without him all this killing can’t go on. He’s the Universal Soldier and he really is to blame. His orders come from far away no more. They come from here and there and you and me. And brothers, can’t you see? This is not the way we put the end to war”

Buffy Sainte-Marie - Universal Soldier

THE WORLD STANDS WITH PALESTINE: box 991, kahnawake, que. canada. J0L 1B0


Mohawk Mothers unveil ongoing genocide of indigenous people of Canada



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MNN.  Aug. 8/23.

The Proximate Aspect; Mohawk Mothers unveil ongoing genocide against indigenous people.

 KAHENTINETHA-and-KARENNATHA-and-KARAKWINE-and-KWETIO-and-OTSITSATAKEN-and-KARONHIATE                         Plaintiffs
ATTORNEY GENERAL OF QUEBEC                Mis-en-cause
As the story goes, the first land out of the water was turtle island. All four races were created here on turtle island. All living things have the same mother. She is the earth. We all have the same source energy as father who shall survive and co-exist as brothers and sisters living on our mother. In each of our minds is a piece of the source energy which makes each of us a sovereign creator being. The peace comes when all of us put our minds together based on the good message that we are all earthlings. All you people who are just opening your eyes and seeing the true horror story called ‘Canada’ listen to Rod Stewart and Jeff Back sing “People Get Ready”. 
People get readyThere’s a train a-coming . . .  .

 MNN Court Reporter

box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0



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kahnistensera tanon rotiskenrakete ronteiakwanekiakeh

eso kahnistensera wakontenhetsteh skaiatariowano

MNN. Aug. 7, 2023. On the “Indigenous lead” site where the unmarked burial of indigenous children are being sought at the New Vic site, McGill and SQI Security are refusing to hire a professional Indigenous security firm. The “cultural monitors” and elders working alongside the archaeological work crew were attacked by SQI & McGill security and now the indigenous refuse to return to work until their safety is guaranteed.  Also, SQI wants to interpret the GPR Report that found ‘anomalies’ of remains in the GEOSCAN Report, a private company. SQI & McGill have terminated the Tripartite Panel that was set up by Quebec Superior Court to oversee the search for the children, so they could start working on the Royal Vic Project. The court needs to uphold its orders. 

Remembr, no guards wwre there when our children were being murdered and buried.

SQI & McGill do not have the expertise to interpret the findings, which needs to be done by trained archaeological forensic experts. One of the members of the Panel has quit and another states that the anomaly found by GEOSCAN is a burial site and SQI office technocrats cannot determine that. This could prejudice all GPR searches that are carried out in Canada by indigenous people.

SQI & McGill have given us no choice but to consider enforcing the Settlement Agreement that we signed in April.

Many experts find this extremely damaging to the whole investigation. Canada is allowing SQI to act above the law and above a court order. It appears that international human rights organizations will now be needed. Canada continues on its criminal path while Quebec acts as a cheerleader rooting for the colonizer.

Quebec spends public money in their fight against us the Mohawk Mothers. Once again they are trying to silence us about their murder of our children whose spirit is at our side right now.  They reject professional expertise. The public has to now ask the question, “What the f… is really going on?” 

The Mohawk security group in Kahnawake has a right and is qualified to work anywhere on turtle island. McGill University, Royal Victoria Hospital, Allan Memorial Hospital and the City of Montreal all squat on unceded Kanienkehaka Mohawk land, which they must acknowledge by law before every meeting so they never forget. They are rejecting an indigenous company from providing security to the “Indigenous lead” process taking place to find indigenous children that may be buried on Mohawk land. We wonder if this was part of Prime Minister Duncan Campbel Scott’s “100 year plan” to be rid of the “Indian problem” permanently. We are reminded of a song which Sinead O’Connor sang during the well known “Pope-incident” in Saturday Night Live in 1992, when she shouted, “Children, children. Fight! Fight!”. 

SQI is our message to Quebec: It’s time for you to “STOP & QUIT IMMEDIATELY” 
Until the philosophy,
Which holds one race superior
And another inferior,
Is finally and permanently
Discredited and abandoned,
Everywhere is war.
Until there is no longer first class
Or second class citizens of any nation.
Until the color of a man抯 skin,
Is of no more significance then
The color of his eyes,
I e got to say “war”.
That until the basic human rights,
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race,
I e got to say “war”
Until that day the dream of lasting peace,
World-citizenship and the rule of
International morality will remain
Just a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never obtained.
And everywhere is war.
Until the ignoble and unhappy regime
Which holds all of us through,
Child-abuse, yeah, child-abuse yeah,
Sub-human bondage has been toppled,
Utterly destroyed,
Everywhere is war.
War in the east,
War in the west,
War up north,
War down south,
There is war,
And the rumors of war.
Until that day,
There is no continent,
Which will know peace.
Children, children.
We find it necessary.
We know we will win.
We have confidence in the victory
Of good over evil
FIGHT THE REAL ENEMY ! court reporter





MNN. August 4th, 2023. Major developments on search for unmarked graves at Royal Victoria Hospital RVH.

 The Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) are deeply concerned about the recent actions of McGill University and the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures’ (SQI) in the archaeological search for unmarked burials at the New Vic site. Despite publicly stating their support for the court ordered process and commitment to reconciliation, McGill and SQI have unilaterally terminated the panel’s ordered mandate. They also did not follow through on several recommendations in the Settlement Agreement signed in April 2023 and homologated in the Quebec Superior Court.

McGill and SQI recently rejected recommendations from the Panel to include a forensics expert to oversee the ‘chain of custody’ of artefacts, an essential part of a credible investigation. The Settlement Agreement was part of an injunction won by the Mohawk Mothers in October 2022. The New Vic construction project was halted in order to allow for an “Indigenous-led” investigation of unmarked graves. This process is constantly being interfered with by the SQI and McGill to try to control the whole process, reducing the role of Indigenous people to performing ceremonies on the site.

One panel member resigned during these troubling developments. Mohawk Mother Kahentinetha declared the turn of events “deplorable”.  Mohawk Mother Kwetiio stated that “it is very unfortunate that the SQI, as a Quebec public institution, appears to prefer waste public funds and time to keep Indigenous elders from revealing the truth about the fate of their children. We wanted an open dialogue to resolve the disagreements over implementing the Settlement Agreement. It is unacceptable that Quebec and McGill forcefully violate a court ordered ‘indigenous lead’ search for the unmarked graves of potential victims of their institutions.”

False Narratives: On August 3rd, 2023, McGill University and the SQI published newsletters disclosing part of the results of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey performed by Geoscan on July 24, 2023, which we received the day before on August 2nd, 2023. See attached newsletters. The SQI and McGill did not consult the Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) before making it public. These newsletters contain misleading information that must be corrected.

The SQI’s newsletter suggests that “to date, no burials have been found”, while in reality excavations are underway to find the human remains detected by search dogs in front of the Hersey Pavilion, and where important evidence was found in the soil, including a young woman’s dress and an old pair of children’s leather shoes. The SQI’s newsletter failed to mention the verbal attack last week of Mohawk cultural monitors and elders on the site, who were evicted and verbally aggressed by unidentified security guards under the direction of the SQI. Someone’s phone was illegally grabbed and the video content was erased. In the GPR report, the SQI and McGill’s newsletters mislead the public into believing that only nine (9) anomalies were found in the small “priority zone”, where construction work was started. A far greater number of “unknown” targets were detected by the GPR team, who suggest that, “It is possible that some of the unknown features may be unmarked graves, particularly in the case of older burials without coffins and also possibly child-size graves.”

The burials now being searched follow the testimonies of survivors of medical experiments at the former hospital. They could be children who may have been clandestinely buried without coffins. For more information write at Consult Donate at

The Archives!!!! WOO-o-o-o!!!


Mother do you think they’ll drop the bomb
Mother do you think they’ll like the song
Mother do you think they’ll try to break my balls
Ooooh aah, Mother should I build a wall
Mother should I run for president
Mother should I trust the government
Mother will they put me in the firing line
Ooooh aah, is it just a waste of time
Hush now baby don’t you cry
Mama’s gonna make all of yourNightmares come trueMama’s gonna put all of her fears into youMama’s gonna keep you right hereUnder her wingShe won’t let you fly but she might let you singMama will keep baby cosy and warm
Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh BabeOf course Mama’s gonna help build the wall
Mother do think she’s good enough for me
Mother do think she’s dangerous to me
Mother will she tear your little boy apart
Oooh aah, mother will she break my heart
Hush now baby, baby don’t you cry
Mama’s gonna check out all your girl friends for youMama won’t let anyone dirty get throughMama’s gonna wait up till you come inMama will always find out whereYou’ve beenMamma’s gonna keep baby healthy and cleanOoooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh BabeYou’ll always be a baby to me
Mother, did it need to be so high
Songwriters: George Roger Waters


SOME MORE INFORMATION IN LEDEVOIR: further excavations needed at the Royal Victoria – Court Communication box 991, kahentinetha [quebec, canada] J0L 1B0 



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Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) demand that the Pope must leave our land and take the cross and all of the symbols of their atrocities with him. Indigenous people see it as how the Jewish people see the swastika. McGill must stop bulldozing alleged unmarked graves before any investigation.


“The pope must leave and take the cross with him”, demand the Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers), who are carrying out their duties under the direction of the great peace kaianerekowa, and to stop the unmarked graves from being bulldozed by McGill University, which is now in Quebec’s Superior Court. They are trying to desecrate a crime scene, which violates their own law.

Tiohtiàke/Montreal, July 28, 2022. The Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) joined by their 50+ supporters had a rally and press conference to share updates on their attempt to stop McGill University from conducting excavation work on the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital, regardless of allegations of unmarked graves of Indigenous children. The rally and the press conference took place yesterday at the Mordecai Richler Gazebo at the foot of the unceded kanien’kehà:ka homeland of tekanontak (Mount-Royal), which all parties concede is all indigenous land as caretakers for future people.

On July 26th, 2022, a case management conference at the Quebec Superior Court in Montreal confirmed that McGill University intends to start building its “New Vic” campus in October 2022, in an area adjacent to McGill’s psychiatry department, the Allan Memorial Institute, where infamous CIA-funded Mk-Ultra “mind control” experiments were conducted in the 1950s and 1960s. The kahnistensera fear that forensic evidence of criminal research activities will be destroyed if the land is excavated before a thorough investigation is made to their satisfaction. The Superior Court will hear the kahnistensera’s demand for an interlocutory injunction against the construction project on October 26th 2022.

Meanwhile, the Société québécoise des infrastructures (the alleged owner of the Allan Memorial Institute), McGill University, the government of Canada and the City of Montreal are encouraging the desecration of the unmarked Indigenous graves situated on the former Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial sites, unceded land traditionally known as tekanontak, “two mountains” (Mount Royal). McGill University is being permitted to go forth with their $700 million “New Vic” project in the guise of furthering public policy and sustainability research.

Out of “common decency”, the kahnistensera ask a commitment from McGill university to not desecrate the bodies of their ancestors and children before the truth is known about the medical crimes committed on those lands. Instead, they demand McGill to provide access to archives so that proof of the graves can be ascertained. Furthermore, it is unceded Indigenous territory and its stewardship should remain in Indigenous hands. All permits for any construction can only be provided by the kanionkehaka, the rightful owners of the land.

The kahnistensera, as Mohawk women traditionally vested with the responsibility of caretaking the land, also denounced the visit of Pope Francis to Turtle Island. “He did not apply for permission from the true indigenous people to enter turtle island. He is not welcome and not wanted. He is just another trespasser,” said the kahnistensera. The legacy of the Catholic church on turtle Island is indisputably tied up in the genocide of Indigenous Peoples through residential schools and other oppressive and assimilationist practices evidenced in the thousands of unmarked graves discovered across the country to date. Millions more expected to be found. Canada hired the churches to carry out the genocide.

According to the Mothers, confronting the reality of these unspeakable crimes involves more than just words —it requires tangible action, particularly the dismantlement of the colonial oppressive apparatus called “Canada”. Apologies are unacceptable. Real action starts by “canceling the ‘doctrine of discovery’. No one can discover something that was not lost! [Mad Bear Anderson]. This is the only argument they use to justify their genocide”, said kahentinetha at the Rally and press conference. This goes for all of the indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere. There is no statute of limitation on such crimes against humanity. 

Real action means taking accountability for what has been done which can never be rectified by “giving back” something they never owned. The churches and Canada still exist and are responsible for their crimes. This stands in stark contrast to the Pope’s slap in the face to all indigenous people, such as “prayers’, phoney apologies, empty promises and continuing genocide. These cannot heal or help the countless lives taken and harmed by the Catholic church and other evil denominations. “The Pope doesn’t have any business coming over here. And all of these people, that were involved in the biggest genocide/holocaust in world history, are walking around free as a bird and being glorified by the state, the politicians the banks” and the sheep, emphasized kahentinetha. They should join in finding these graves. “The cross must come down” was one of the main demands of the kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera, referring to the 31 meters tall cross on top of Mount Royal. “It’s a symbol of murder, rape, violence, oppression and abuse of genocide power”, said karakwiné, one of the Mohawk Mothers, as she felt the pain of so many of her ancestors. The cross as a symbol of human cruelty was also highlighted by the Duplessis Orphans who were present and recounted the stories of sexual abuse and oppression they experienced at the hands of the priests.

This demonstrated an alliance between peoples who suffered inhuman and cruel treatment under the stewardship of the church. “The cross is a symbol of power that was used to abuse children”, said Hervé Bertrand of the Duplessis Orphans. The kahnistensera invite all people in solidarity with the cause to help them prevent the desecration of the graves of Indigenous children and ancestors before their next hearing, on October 26th. -30- Contact: 514-825-4001 Source: [1] Milton Parc Citizens Committee (statement [2]) Links: —— [1] [2]



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See Notice Below of Press Conference @ 3.00 PM Wed. July 27, 2022 Mordecai Richler Gazebo at Park and Duluth, the Plateau near Mount Royal. 

He did not apply for permission from the true indigenous people to enter turtle island.  He is not welcome and not wanted. He is just another trespasser. The godfather of the Roman Catholic cult sent his henchmen here to cause death and destruction across turtle island. Now he us coming here to see if the genocide is proceeding as planned. All indigenous land was usurped by the Vatican. Indigenous languages were taken to control information so that history can be invented. Speaking our languages gives us more incentive to take back our land, culture and ways. He’s plead guilty to all these crimes against us.   

North Amercans have no land, no culture and no natural language, which gives them no common ground to exist. They rely on government to tell them who and what they are. They have no historical, social or cultural roots because of the genocide they committed. All our history exists though evidence has been destroyed.  

Invaders of all turtle Island tried to destroy every facet of our existence. The kaianerekowa and creation will never allow it. Canada continues to try to ethnic cleanse us. The apology, framework agreement and reconciliation are meant to stamp out the truth. Only we belong where creation placed us.  

The kahnistensera, mohawk mothers, of turtle island [onowarekeh] want a great peace revolution. We are sanctioned by the great peace, creation, to exist as the true caretakers of the land.

The invaders came uninvited to turtle island 500 years ago and attempted to exterminate us.  

All traditional indigenous people throughout the world must live by their own natural ways to save the earth.

Settler colonialists have and continue to try to extinguish our natural life. We would prefer to have the settlers as strategic partners but they have to remain on their own homeland. 

Presently the world is unravelling as revolutions, rebellions, insurrection and protests break out. There is hunger, heat and cold. We want alliances and talks between real people, not with leaders who want to take off their shirts and skirts [like at the G7 conference] so private power and money remain in the hands of a few. We must stop these colonial victimizers from killing us and our children and raping the land as they have done for 500 years. These rampages must end.


In our way they would get the same treatment they gave us. The trespassers came here with a plan to stamp us out of creation, that we never existed. Oct. 25 2024 is the culmination of the 100 years business plan to annihilate us. It is “indigenous holocaust memorial day”. Our message is if you don’t know your true history, you have no future.

Why are these murderers not in prison for what they did and are still doing to us. They brought killing and suffering on millions and yet are roaming above the earth freely without answering for their crimes. They are under the protection of the Roman Catholic cartel. 

The past has caught up with the hangman. The wrongs they committed cannot ever be righted. Even admitting guilt and disclosing the truth to humanity isn’t going change what happened. “Sorry I murdered your kids, raped, starved your children and tried to steal all your land with the help of my military, politicians, lawyers, bankers and  misfits”. So sorry.  Wink. Wink. 

The cross on tekanontak [mount royal Montreal] is on a historic communication centre of our people throughout turtle island. We want access and jurisdiction to all our land. We want full reconciliation with our people everywhere without hindrance by invaders.


All this land and resources belong to the unborn natural indigenous people. The invaders can stay only until they die by following the great peace. They cannot sell, transfer or do anything to our land. Everything below, on and above the land is that of the caretakers placed here by creation. Upon their death everything reverts to us as we are the only heirs. With our permission the trespassers may use our land only until they die and cannot turn our property over to anybody. 

The admiralty law of the seas and their courts are private foreign corporations and sit illegally on our land. They and everything that violates indigenous natural law have no force or effect. We are in the process of stopping McGill University from extracting our land so we cannot investigate the unmarked graves of our murdered children.

Anyone who contradicts or sides with the invaders violate the great peace. Ignorance of the great peace is no excuse. Traitors will be dealt with according to the kaianerekowa, great peace, the law of the land. 

The Pope is coming to Canada to acknowledge what everyone in the world knows, that turtle island is the land of the indigenous people since time immemorial. Now’s the time for the Pope to ride in his Popemobile to Kahnawake and then to McGill University to acknowledge all this. And over the radio in his Popemobile he should have playing Led Zepellin’s masterful “Gallows Pole”: Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while. Think I see my friends coming Riding a many mile. Friends did you get some silver? Did you get a little gold? What did you bring me my dear friends To keep me from the gallows pole? What did you bring me to keep me from the gallows pole? I couldn’t get no silver, I couldn’t get no gold. You know that we’re too damn poor To keep you from the gallows pole. The Pope is still collecting money from the dead and murdered children.

Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while. I think I see my brother coming Riding a many mile. Brother, did you get me some silver? Did you get a little gold? What did you bring me, my brother To keep me from the gallows pole? Brother, I brought you some silver. I brought a little gold,I brought a little of everything To keep you from the gallows pole. . . . .’

Box 991, kahnawake quebec caada J0L 1B0

*Rally and press conference

with the kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) Join us at 3 pm on Wednesday, July 27th for a rally at the foot of the unceded kanien’kehà:ka homeland of tekanontak (Mount-Royal), to let Pope Francis know that his evil Church is unwanted on Turtle Island. The cross must come down now! This week is marked by the visit of Pope Francis as representative of the most genocidal corporation in history, the Catholic church. His 6-day “penitential” swan song holiday on Turtle Island will not be allowed. It is not enough to “acknowledge” the genocide, abuse and massacre of innumerable Indigenous children discovered (and yet to be discovered) in mass graves all around Turtle Island. In the Iroquoian language spoken by the original inhabitants of the St. Lawrence Valley, there is no word for saying “I am sorry”, only “I will make it right”. Rather than apologies for forcefully attempting to wipe Indigenous peoples off the globe, we want what we have never ceded: our land! We will not accept the Vatican whitewashing its barbaric history in Canada while still being the largest private landowner in the world. The kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera will also share the latest updates on the lawsuit through which they are seeking to block the upcoming profanation of Indigenous graves on Mount Royal for McGill University’s ominous “New Vic” project, on the sites of the former Royal Victoria Hospital and the Allan Memorial Institute. Stand by Indigenous peoples to save Mother Earth from destruction. #Takebacktekanondak









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Kateri Hospital of Kahnawake is run by the band council on behalf of the Canadian government. People have complained for years and those in charge don'[t hear.   

AUDIO in four parts. Kateri Hospital Under Fire

STEVE BONSPIEL, The Eastern Door, Kahnawake, vol. 31 no. 28 Fri. July 15, 2022.ed8ae9b4-c773-4dbd-a0a5-44a828690486







The Beatles explain “a day in the life” of a Kahnawake kanienkehaka Mohawk: “I read the news today, old boy, about a lucky man who make the grade. All thought the news was rather sad, while i just had to laugh. I saw the photograph. He blew his mind out in a car. He didn’t notice that the lights had changed. A crowd of people stood and stared. They’d seen his face before. Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords.Ii saw a film today, old boy. The English army had just won the war. A crowd of people turned away. But I just had to look, having read the book. I’d love to turn you you on. Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. Found my way dowmstairs and drank a cup  and looking at my notice I was late. Found my cap, grabbed my hat, made the bus in seconds flat. Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, and somebody spoke and I went into a dream. .. ah.. ah.. ah…ah

Box 991, kahnawake, Quebec J0L 1B0 Canada




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MNN. Thahoketoteh, Mohawk Nation News court reporter: This is a republication of the Aljazeera article on the kahnistensera, Mohawk Mothers, May 31, 2022.



Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. [Lydia Yakonowsky/National Trust for Canada]

By Theo Malhotra

In recent years, more North American colleges have begun to perform land acknowledgements, which recognize the Indigenous people on whose unceded land their campuses were built centuries ago. But recent events show that talk is cheap.

A group of Mohawk women from the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation outside Montreal has taken legal action to prevent the expansion of two McGill University buildings on historically Mohawk land. This is also the site where the CIA’s MK-Ultra psychological experiments took place, in which unwilling test subjects were used in dystopian brainwashing and mind control experiments. The Mohawk group claims that the unmarked graves of children – victims of these experiments – lie beneath both the Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute.

The Kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera, or Mohawk Mothers, presented their case to the Quebec Superior Court on May 30. They’re demanding a thorough investigation of the sites to collect evidence of unmarked graves. We spoke with Mother, activist and Mohawk Nation News founder kahentinetha about McGill’s refusal to return stolen Iroquois funds and why Canada’s “whole system will fall” when the Mothers’ case is heard in court.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.


We are the progenitors of the land, and all decisions that are made about it have to go through the women. We work together with the men, but the women are the ones that select those at the higher levels of power, for example, the chiefs.


We have had many children taken from us, murdered and buried. This was based on the 1924 Indian Lands Act, which turned our resources over to the provinces and put us on reservations, which were actually death camps. They took our children and set up residential schools. Now we’re finding these children, and they’re everywhere in Canada, in unmarked graves. [Ed. Note: 1,800 confirmed or suspected unmarked graves have been identified to date, while a Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report estimates that 3,200 exist.]

We’ve done a lot of research. We went to the McGill library archive, and now we’ve seen with our own eyes the proof of what was done, and it’s boxes and boxes. There’s so much.

After World War II, McGill got a lot of money from the military, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Canadian government to do mind control and all kinds of gross experiments on our children.

But the main scientist working with the CIA and the Canadian military on MK-Ultra was Dr. Ewen Cameron, who led the Allan Memorial Institute [a psychiatric hospital and research institute that led the CIA’s MK-Ultra experiments from 1957 to 1964]. We also have some people who lived through it and are willing to come and testify at our trial about the Native children that were brought in there and were buried. They saw shovels and everything. I personally know of somebody who was taken there because he was “unruly.” They did a lobotomy on him and sent him back. And for 40 years, his family took care of him.

My two uncles and my aunt were sent to one of the residential schools near the Six Nations reserve, and they came back and told us about it. They said to my father, whatever you do, don’t ever go to that place. So that’s how I heard about it. We knew about it. Our grandparents knew about this. It was just that nobody ever believed us. But people talked about it, and now it’s coming out.


 [Ed. Note: In Canada, band councils are composed of and elected by Indigenous tribal members, and are responsible for administering education, community housing and other services. However, council election turnout is very low, and the band councils are accountable to the federal government.]

Well, they don’t get much support from the people because they work so much against us. We call them “paid killers” because they were right there from the beginning in 1924, when Canada set the reservations up.

The band council ran the reservations and helped the government to carry out the genocide. They helped select the children that were sent to these schools and were never seen again. The genocide’s purpose was to rid Canada of the Indigenous people, because all the land is Indigenous land, and there is no way to sell or transfer it because it belongs to the unborn children. So the only way they could get it would be to kill off all the children and sterilize the mothers, which they did.

I was young at the time, so I experienced quite a bit of it. The band council would point out who was considered to be unruly. They would suggest that they get tested, and then who knows what would happen to them after that. That’s how people disappeared. We didn’t see them again, and we couldn’t find out what happened to them.


I started in 2015 by writing a letter to McGill in which I took a seizure of the university, reminding them that we continue to have jurisdiction over all Mohawk land. I informed them that it was built without my knowledge or consent, and that this land belongs to us.

McGill University was built in 1821 with money from the Iroquois trust fund, which had been seized by the Canadian government, because they had decided that we were “wards of the state.” They took the money and loaned it to James McGill, a slave owner, to create a military college. Then they borrowed more money from the same fund when they turned it into a university, which has never been returned. And we’ve asked for it back in this court case, because there’s more than enough evidence.

One of the things I asked McGill for was proof that any of this land was ever transferred from the Native people. On McGill’s own website, it says very clearly there that this is Kahnawake land since time immemorial and it has never been ceded. Everybody has to say that now, before they start any meeting.

I also asked McGill to discontinue its war labs, which fund military research. I said this violates the Haudenosaunee Great Peace. This is our university, it’s on our land and we will not allow that.


I waited for a response and I didn’t get one. So I wrote back to them and I said, the time has come. When you don’t answer, that means you’re in default, you have admitted every allegation that I have made.

We went to the Federal Court of Canada and they were swamping us with protocols. We decided to drop out because they were going to do that to us for years to come. So we took it to the Superior Court of Quebec. They knew they were going to lose the case because their constitution says pretty plainly that all of the laws that have come here do not supersede Indigenous law. Anything that conflicts with that is of no force or effect. Canada has never allowed anybody to challenge it in court because that would prove it, and their whole system would fall.

We’re just doing what we know from our own way, by ourselves. We have no lawyers. The other party, well, they have their law. We have many, many lawyers working against us. They’re going to use hundreds of thousands of laws foreign to Turtle Island. Go ahead, use your law. See if any of it supersedes our way. None of it does. Their own constitution says that Indigenous law is still the law of the land. Read sections 52 and 35 yourself. But nobody’s challenged it up until now.


The McGill library would be a good beginning, but the files are also hidden in the Department of Indian Affairs and hospitals like Brandon Sanatorium in Manitoba.

What we want to do is we want to get all that information, all of the proof that we have, and put it on the court records and have it there for people to look at. We want the truth out there and we want it posted in their own system.

— Theo Malhotra (@theo_malhotra)

Contact Mohawk Nations News,,, PO Box 991, kahnawake, Quebec, Canada J0L 1B0.