MNN. Nov. 5. 2024. The key components of the Crime of the Century by survivors as living witness has been documented by Kimberly Murray of Kanehsatakeh Mohawk Territory and head of the Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children & Unmarked Graves & Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools. The astounding report released on November 30, 2024 in Ottawa Canada documents the “Plan for the Indigenous-Led Reparations Framework for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children in Canada”. 

To Find and Protect the Truth and Counter Settler Amnesty by Expanding the Truth, the key components are: Upholding International Obligations; Amending Canadian Laws; Establishing a National Commission of Investigations; Exercising Indigenous Sovereignty and Rights; Applying Indigenous Laws; Supporting Indigenous Approaches to Healing.


  • Fully implement TRC Calls to Action 71-76 and expand the scope to include cemeteries and burial sites associated with other institutions,
  • Provide long-term, sufficient and flexible funding for indigenous-led investigations and support Survivor Gatherings and the recording if Survivor Truths. 
  • Amend or enact legislation to establish an Indigenous Burial Site designation to protect burial sites and include robust enforcement mechanisms.
  • Enact federal Right to Truth legislation requiring all records relating to Indigenous Peoples to be registered in a National Records Registry and establish moratorium on the destruction of government records.
  • Review, amend and modernize federal access to information system to align with UN Declaration Joinet-Orenlicher Principles, and the right to truth, and ensure no records are destroyed without the free, prior and informed consent ofo indigenous Peoples.


  • Establish a National Commission of Investigation tha adapt the human rights-based forensics guiding principles of tge UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances.
  • Publicly acknowledge Indigenous children as victims of enforced disappearance and provide full reparations, including compensation to families and communities. 
  • Sign and ratify the American Convention on Human Rights and accept the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court on Human Rights. 
  • Sign and ratify the International Convention for the Protection of all persons from Enforced Disappearance; Codify Enforced Disappearance as a crime under the Criminal Code and Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.
  • Refer the enforced disapearance of Indigenous children to the International Criminal Court. 


  • Uphold Indigenous Peoples’ human rights, including the right to reparations for genocide and mass human rights violations by fullu implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 
  • Support and respect Indigenous Peoples’ inherent right of self-determination including the right to apply Indigenous laws and legal systems.
  • Establish a National Indigenous Data Sovereignty Strategy  Action Plan. 
  • Appoint an independent panel of experts to investigate the history and legality of land transfers of burial sites and rematriate these lands.
  • Enact an Indigenous Repatriation Act and develop an Action Plan for implementation. 
  • Establish ethical guidelines, and a certification process for archaeologists, anthropologists, and other professionals, asnd include powers of investigation and enforcement for breaches of regulatory requirements.


  • Establish healing lodges and centres in Indigenous communities and provide sufficient health and wellness supports.
  • Issue apologies for the harms of genocide , colonization, and mass human rights violations. 
  • Enact commemoration laws to protect against historical negatism and the spread of hatred and regulate educational curricula. 
  • Include provisions in Bill C-63: An Act to Enact Online Harms, to address forms of denialism and amend the Criminal Code, making it an offence to promote hatred against Indigenous Peoples. 
  • Universities, media, medical organizations and professional associations investigate their past complicity in mass human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples, including their knowledge and involvement in human experimentation on Indigenous children.

Supertramp sings about the crime of the century asking the same questions about who are the perpetrators:

Crime Of The Century  - Supertramp - with lyrics


Contact: mohawknationnews.com



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Sites of Truth, Sites of Conscience Unmarked Burials and Mass Graves of Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children in Canada

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

1.OSI-Sites of Truth Sites of Conscience

______________________________________________________________________Upholding Sacred Obligations Reparations for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada Volume 1

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

2a.OSI-Upholding Sacred Obligations-VOLUME 1


Upholding Sacred Obligations Reparations for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada Volume 2

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

2b.OSI-Upholding Sacred Obligations-VOLUME 2


Executive Summary Final Report on the Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

3.OSI-Executive Summary

______________________________________________________________________FRENCH VERSION

Lieux de vérité, Lieux de conscience

Sépultures et fosses communes anonymes et enfants autochtones disparus au Canada

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

1.BIS-Lieux de verite Lieux de conscience


Faire respecter les obligations sacrées Réparations pour les enfants autochtones disparus et les sépultures anonymes au Canada Volume 1

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

2a.BIS-Faire respecter les obligations sacrees-VOLUME 1


Faire respecter les obligations sacrées Réparations pour les enfants autochtones disparus et les sépultures anonymes au Canada Volume 2

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

2b.BIS-Faire respecter les obligations sacrees-VOLUME 2


Résumé Exécutif Rapport final sur les enfants autochtones disparus et les sépultures anonymes au Canada

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

3.BIS-Resume Executif
