MNN. FEB. 20, 2025. Thank you, Brenda Norrell of Censored News, for your longtime coverage of one of the most important stories that has faced indigenous people since the arrival of the invaders to turtle island. Leonard Peltier seems to infer that it is not over! 


Redbone song “We were all wounded at wounded knee” became a hit in Europe but was not released in the US:

Redbone - We were all wouded at Wounded Knee lyrics



kahentinetha2@protonmail.com box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


 MNN. Feb. 17, 2025. This is about events at Gustafsson Lake BC when native sundancers were attacked by the military in the summer of 1995. Canada went to war with nature and the indigenous people who are the custodians of turtle island. The Gustafsson Lake Defenders were sun dancing on their unceded original land. Indigenous are the most endangered humans on earth who continue to struggle for survival and peace. Our spiritual ties to our mother earth cannot be broken. These are some of the RCMP ‘training tapes’ of the war declared by Canada against the Tsepeten of the land now called British Columbia. Karma is on its way.  

Jimi Hendrix tells us to ‘remember’ moments in time like us fighting for justice. We can’t forget our struggle against the structures that are in place so that people will forget us. 

Oh, rememberThe mocking bird, my baby boughtHe used to sing for his supper, babyYes, he used to sing for his dinner, babyHe used to sing so sweetBut, uh, since my baby left meHe ain’t sang a tune all day
Oh, rememberThe bluebirds and the honey-beesThey used to sing for the sunshineYes, they used to sing for the honey, babyThey used to sing so sweetBut, uh, since my baby left meAin’t sang a tune all dayAh, baby
Hey, pretty babyCome on back to meMake everybodyHappy as can be, yeah!
So, babyIf you please come home againYou know I’ll kiss you for my supper, yeahYou know I’ll kiss you for my dinner, baby, nowBut, uh, if you don’t come backYou know I’ll have to starve to death‘Cause I ain’t had a kiss all day, nowAll day
Please rememberGot to rememberYeah! Got to remember our loveCome on back, uhCome on back in my armsMake everything back together
Ah, baby, hurry up nowCan you hear my calling you back again, now?Come on, babyStop jiving aroundHurry home, hurry home
Jimi sings . . . .
See the happenings of 30 years ago:

ABOVE THE LAW pt 2 Ts’peten Gustufsen Lake Defenders




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MNN.  Feb. 13, 2025.

Leonard Peltier is one of the most targeted men in the world. What does that represent? To our enemies he is a very special man. He could be captured by our enemies but could not be killed. He could be hidden and mistreated up to a point. He was presented to the world in one piece with no bruises. Why? The circumstances were very very special. He lived as a prisoner of a war brought on by the white man. His mind remained intact. They could break his body but not his spirit. His reasons for never giving into illegal confinement never changed. He was standing next to nature that was protecting him. He stood up to whatever was coming.  He stared at all the forces of evil that were ganging up against one man to show us what was happening to all of us. He was used as an example of what would happen to other indigenous people who stood up. It was our natural warrior spirit. When president Bill Clinton said, “Just say you did it and I will let you go!” Leonard replied, “I can’t because I did not kill them”. Nothing could make him lie. He remained in prison paying for a crime that they knew he diid not commit. He showed and lived the warrior spirit, a strength that we all have. We cannot go against nature. US presidents are just guys we do not put on a pedestal. It is against our way to elevate anyone above us. We know how thoroughly we think about every move we make. All past, present and future spirits were with him. Our enemies refuse to accept peace as you cannot hate and have peace. Peace is what we have amongst ourselves. That is what Leonard personified. It is normal for our enemies to try to destroy us and our people. Those driving us from our land are running away from their truth. The message is: If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. 

Leonard,  we’re so happy to see you continuing your freedom with us. 
Freedom, this is what I call freedom
Well, I wanna say, I wanna tell youI wanna say when you can do what you wanna doAnd go where you wanna goAnd live where you wanna liveAnd love who you wanna love
And be what you wanna beJoin what you wanna joinWell, well, well, that’s freedomYeah, yeah, freedom, yes sir
When you can learn what you wanna learnAnd read what you wanna read(Free, free, free)
And write what you wanna write(Free, free, free)Do what you feel is right(Free, free, free)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, freedom, freedomOh yeah, freedom, freedom, freedomOh yeah, freedom, oh that’s freedom, freedomFreedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, oh yeah
Free, free, freeFree, free, freeFree, free, freeFree, free, free
When you can eat what you wanna eatAnd sleep where you wanna sleepAnd say what you wanna sayI like the children play what they wanna play
And work when you wanna workFlirt when you wanna flirtOh, that’s freedom, freedom, freedom, freedomFreedom, freedom, freedom, freedom
When you can laugh when you wanna laughAnd cry when you wanna cry(Free, free, free)
And don’t have to feel ashamed(Free, free, free)Sing the song you wanna sing(Free, free, free)
When you can buy what you wanna buy(Free, free, free)When no one to ask you why(Free, free, free)
Dress the way you wanna dress(Free, free, free)Just because you feel the space(Free, free, free)
Rock the way you wanna rock(Free, free, free)Talk the way you wanna talk(Free, free, free)
Shake the way you wanna shake(Free, free, free)No one to put you at(Free, free, free)
Oh, that’s freedom, freedomFreedom, freedom, oh yeahFreedom, that’s freedom, freedom, freedomFreedom, freedom, freedom, freedom
Freedom, oh, freedom, freedom, freedomFreedom, freedom, freedom


MNN Mark Carney MNN Series

A History of the Indian Trust Fund

BACKGROUND ON INDIAN TRUST FUNDS: In 1951 an amendment to the Indian Act moved the Indian Trust Funds to the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. The  trust funds were no longer held separately from general Canadian Funds. The funds came from leases, royalties, rental, loans to non-natives, revenues from natural resources of the land, which could not be sold, from mining of gold, silver, diamonds, hydro-electricity. Laws were passed to turn natives into “wards” of the state with no rights over their funds and lives. The government designated new status and registration rules to increase control of indigenous life and monies and to eventually erase reference to the existence of natives. Indian Funds became connected to government designated status and band membership instead of monies to descendants of traditional people of the land. The following MNN articles are about how penniless intruders set up the theft of indigenous possessions and carried out the genocide of the original peoples to create the colony of Canada. 





















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MNN:  Jan. 24, 2013.  Mark Carney, the former Governor of the Bank of Canada, shielded Canada from the effects of the recent financial crisis.  He used our Indian Trust Funds to bolster the Bank of Canada. This is the secret Indigenous Trust Fund that the Canada banking system and economy is built upon. In 2012 he was appointed Governor of the Bank of England, to begin on July 2013.


Queenie: "$3 trillion for a BJ!!j [bank job]. Come on over."

Queenie: “$3 trillion for a BJ!j [bank job]. Come on over, Mark. Let’s have tea.”

Carney went to Harvard and worked at Goldman Sachs. In 1998 he advised Russians and at the same time bet against their ability to pay back their debt.

In 2004 Carney worked under the current Canada Finance Minister, Jim “Austerity Measure” Flaherty. He provided additional liquidity to the Canadian finance system using our Indian Trust Funds.  The Corporation of Canada is thriving in comparison to the other G8 countries. 

In 2009 Canada was capitalized with our money to take advantage of the US and European financial crisis. In 2010 Carney was chairman of the Bank for International Settlements, member of the Group of 30, World Economic Forum and Bilderberg Group [Rothschild entities].

Carney, on the road.

Carney, on the run with Indian Trust Funds.

Carney is now going to the UK with our $3 trillion. The Bank of England can’t steal this money without him. They need the banker who knows these secret bank deals.  Carney and the bankers are playing with the world’s economy. They invest worldwide using our money to extract Indigenous resources from our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.

Britain is leaving the European Union in 2017 so that our money [natural resources] will finance their economy. The bankers need to turn the settlers here against us so they can be a party to the fraud without their knowledge. Their media constantly vilifies us.  

By design their corporate band councils mismanage our money, stash it away and keep us in dire living conditions. Indian Affairs sends in the bankers. Multinational corporations then have free reign over our natural resources, for example, Attawapiskat. If there are no longer any Indigenous, then they don’t have to pay into the Indian Trust Fund from the exploration of our resources. 100% will go to the bankers through Mark Carney. 

In the Iroquois consensus decision making process those issues that affect everyone goes into the Well for discussion and direction.  Everyone has a duty to add their thoughts to the solutions [Onigonra].  The Council is divided into three parties [Clans]. The Well Keeper of the Turtle Clan brings the issue out of the Well, explaining the question. He passes it over the Council Fire to the Wolf Clan, who deliberate. They pass their decision back to the Turtle Clan. They deliberate. If the decision is the same, the Bear Clan confirms the decision. In case of disagreement, deliberations start over, revealing new information.  If disagreement continues, the Bear Clan cast their ‘vote’, for a two-thirds vote. The minority then agrees with it, making it a unanimous decision.  The War Chief and his Men make sure proper protocol is followed.

Issue for deliberation:  Should we stop the bankers from committing the biggest heist in banking history, the theft of $3 trillion from the proceeds of the Indigenous natural resources and from all future extraction. 

As Patsy Cline reminds those who fiddle with the Indian Trust Fund:

Oh! We ain`t got a barrel of moneyMaybe we`re ragged and funnyBut we`ll travel alongSinging a songSide by sideI don`t know what`s a-comin` tomorrowMaybe it`s trouble and sorrowBut we`ll travel the roadSharing our loadSide by sidethrough all kinds of weatherWhat if the sky should fallJust as long as we`re togetherIt really doesn`t matter at allWhen they`ve all had their quarrels and partedWe`ll be the same as we startedJust traveling alongSinging a songSide by side(Repeat last two verses)
SONG: “Side by Side”.
Patsy Cline -  Side by Side

We're waiting for you, Mark.

“We’re waiting for you, Mark.”

Note: In 2013 The Mohawks reported this to Interpol to investigate the heist. We are still awaiting the results of their investigation.   




box 991 kahnawake quebec canada. J0L 1B0


White Pine the great tree of peace

MNN. Jan. 25, 2024.

Their society is hateful and vengeful which they have been trained to not notice. Their motive is to exterminate an entire race because they want our possessions. The teiohateh Two Row Agreement is the law of turtle island. We know of their unremorseful cunning to kill us without guilt. They live in their self created fantasy world called “pop culture”. They tell themselves they are nice people and they sure love their guns. We onkwehonweh buried our weapons of war under the tree of peace so that war does not continue. The intruders made up their own image of themselves as great heroic leaders because of their great killing skills. When they chopped down the tree of peace at onondaga, they were cursed. They will be forever at war until real peace returns. In fact they are known as some of the cruelest blood thirsty tyrants to ever walk the earth. They are proud of this acknowledgement and even joke about it. Their crimes are so contemptuous, calculated, malignant and devastating which the world continues to tolerate. They are aware that their man-made class system is over. For the sake of humanity their malicious acts cannot be repeated or go unpunished. 

Albany Plan of Union

The natural world is always in motion. We will never fear.  The only fear is fear itself. Otherwise we will realize our fear. We are in the time of the black serpent. Soon the serpents will be gone from onowarekeh turtle island.     

The truth of their crimes is known. We are victims of despair because they want something we have, our mother, turtle island. Europeans helped design the genocide so they would never get caught or punished. The law of North America is based on the Papal Bull which declares we are not human so they can hunt us down like deer. The settlers did this. They are guilty of the atrocities from which colonists are all benefitting from our people’s death.

The intruders used militarism though we were a peaceful people and not their enemies. There was no battle. They attacked and massacred innocent men, women and children while they were sleeping in their villages. For Canada it was like hunting for deer. They were paid to carry out the murders. The Canadians were excited when they set out to kill us. To them it was like a big fun sport event. Men signed up so they did not miss out on the adventure. The Canadian psyche was stimulated. They were thrilled to kill us. Their killing spree was glorious to them. Canada got a purpose to exist. “Wow, we’re killing off a whole race. We’re going to destroy human flesh”, they screamed. 

The church and the state were so proud of the carnage they designed together. Canada tells themselves they won! But Canada was defeated by us as we are still here. They are presently hiding all knowledge about this under their dirty carpets. The colony of Canada could collapse or abdicate. Creation placed the indigenous people on turtle island to take care of the land from time immemorial to infinity. Rematriation of every part of turtle island will always be the duty of the natural caregivers. So we are here to stay.

They continue to promote anti-indigenous propaganda to continue the biggest holocast in all humanity. They don’t want to stop until it is complete. They know how to kill us, destroy the earth and then hide what they have doing. They want to continue racial hatred, terrorism, violence, arrogance and cruelty. Canada has hundreds of tons of secret documents on their foul deeds which will be seized by or voluntarily turned over to us.  


Listen to the words of the Rolling Stones on the “Hand of Fate” for such shenanigans:

The hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and knock me downI’m on the run, I’m prison boundThe hand of fate is heavy nowI killed a man, I’m highway boundThe wheel of fortune keeps turning roundTurning round, turning roundI should have known it was a one horse town
My sweet girl was once his wifeHe had papers the judge had signedThe wind blew hard, it was stormy nightHe shot me once, but I shot him twiceThe hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and it kicked me right downKicked me right downKicked me right down
I had to save her lifeYeah, I gunned him twiceYeah, and I watched him die, watch out boyYeah, I watched him die
He was a barroom man, the violent kindHe had no love for that gal of mineThen one day in a drinking boutHe swore he’d throw me right of townThe hand of fate is on me nowI shot that man I put him undergroundI put him undergroundYes I did
I’m on the run, I hear the houndsMy luck is up, my chips are downSo goodbye baby, so long nowWish me luck, I’m going to need it childThe hand of fate is on me nowYeah it’s too lateToo late baby, too late nowThe hand of fate is on me nowThe hand of fate is heavy now
It pick you up and knock you down
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Mick Jagger / Keith Richards






#991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


MNN. Jan. 22, 2025. They run on fear to create chaos to implement the order they desire for their mind control program. Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s rhetoric are  fear mongering, forgetting about the people who pay taxes and don’t get the services they paid for. Their pop culture lifestyle has been imposed on onowarekeh turtle island, which comes from a group of foreign oligarchic families who have illegally come here to exploit us and onowarekeh. They take everything they desire with no regard for the natural law or the health and welfare of mother earth and the people. People are speeding to box stores to fulfill the man made “culture of possession”. The forthcoming economic system creates more problems because of the out of control plastic lifestyle. More people are becoming homeless, living on the streets, killing each other, with out-of-hand personal problems, failing infrastructures and inadequate public services and disgarded people. The oligarchic wasteland of which 99% are finding that none are more enslaved than those who believe they are free. 

We have to change our value system back to the one determined by creation, not one mainly benefitting the oligarchy. Food sovereignty means independence and living within our means. Replacing our champagne tastes when all we can have is beer. Living in cities run by robots with no place to park and high fines for parking on the street. Experts are always finding new ways to gouge people. Some poor even live in boxes on streets and in alleyways.  

This politics is not for us. Trump and Trudeau are front runners of the corporate self serving governments. Now they are genociding their own people as they did to us. They are fighting over our land and resources where creation placed us to be caregivers. The intruders’ deathly war machines are stealing from each other everything that belongs naturally to the people of the world. The intruders arrived on turtle island and started planting potatoes called corporate states, provinces, municipalities, cities, band and tribal councils. Many of those squatting on our land are used to being poor. Now the rich are hurting. They cannot do what is right because they turn away from the truth. The oligarchs are the 1%. They try to kill the remaining indigenous people through corporate skullduggery so they can tell the world we no longer exist and then incorporate all our possessions and steal everything in sight. “Mine, mine, mine. Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie”, they yell. They shove their tactics in our faces and we still don’t see it, whlle they smile and continue their program of mass destruction of indigenous people. The people wanted to learn about the true democracy we tried to teach them in 1754 at Albany. It’s time to remind them of their broken promises. 

US two row flag represents the 13 colonies. Red for the “red man” and white for the white man.

The US founding fathers went to Albany in 1754 to learn about confederation and union from us. This became known as the “Albany Plan of Union”. The British overlords shot it down because of the power of its Council of Women and Council of Men. The British owned their women and did not want them to know about this. Their flag represents the 13 colonies, red for the red man and white for the white man. Blue for everyone living in peace under the sky on turtle island. 

All oligarchs are criminals who run their program through terror and fear. The figureheads exonerate their criminals and victimize the resisters. Trump dropped all charges against his puppet army without explanation. Like the Mohawk Mothers’ case of genocide against the indigenous children by McGill University and Quebec.  A hearing was denied by the Supreme Court of Canada without explanation. Their man-made courts are run by those who made the artificial reality culture of today to carry out the genocide.   

 International criminals are partners in crime who exonerate each other. Their system will not allow us to have anything but misery and death. We just have to keep presenting the truth and fight the gangsterism of Canada and US. The truth is the truth. Oo hide their genocide of our children and land, they have made their extermination policies the laws of the land and covering them up with lies. They give false hope to victims they are destroying, calling their directives “natural” and best for their victims.  

The Mohawks persevered by carrying out the kaianerekowa great peace and the teiohateh two row. We departed from Albany in 1794 with the truth. It was up to them to do the right thing. We are still here to remind them.  

Anapanetchy reminds all that we are still here because the earth is still our mother. One does not sell the earth we walk upon. We are the land:





box 991 kanawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


Ralliers march in the streets, some holding a large painting of Leonard Peltier.

MNN. JAN. 20, 2025. Joe Biden is the best President in the history of the United States. From 1976 to 2025, there were Gerald Ford, Jmmy Carter, Ronald Reagen, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George, Bush Jr., Barak Obama and Donald Trump. No one did it. A president can be judged upon what he does upon leaving the presidency. None released Leonard Peltier when they could have. In 1993 Leonard was eligible for parole and none would let him out. They let that indigenous man languish in jail. 

Leonard knew he was going to be free. Mr. Biden, we honor you!

Jimi Hendrix is a brother to Leonard Peltier though he thought about this song before Leonard was arrested. It sounds like this song “Freedom” was for him.  
You got my prideHanging out of my bedYou’re messin’ with my lifeSo I brought my leadYou even mess with my childrenAnd you’re screamin’ at my wife, babyGet off my back,If you want to get outta here alive
Freedom,That’s what I want nowFreedom, that’s what I need nowFreedom to liveFreedom, so I can give
You got my heartSpeak electric waterYou got my soulScreamin’ and howlin’You know you hook my girlfriendYou know the drugstore manWhen I don’t need it nowI was trying to slap it out of her head
Freedom, so I can liveFreedom, so I can giveFreedom, yeahFreedom, that’s what I need
You don’t have to say that you loveIf you don’t mean itYou’d better believeIf you need meOr you just want to bleed meYou’d better stick in your dagger in someone elseSo I can leaveSet me free(Yeah)
Right on, straight aheadStay up and straight aheadFreedom, so I can live itFreedom, ’cause I’ve got lotta to give, babyFreedom, so I can live, freedom(Keep on pushin’, straight ahead)







THE MOHAWK MOTHERS ARE CONSIDERING OTHER OPTIONS. DESTRUCTION OF CORPSES, COVER UPS OF CRIMES, MURDERS AND NO ACCOUNTABILITY BY CHURCH AND STATE MUST BE KNOWN TO THE WORLD AND THEY MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.Remember that anything based upon a lie will always be a lie, no matter how much time or how many other lies are used to bolster the original lie. 

The kahnistensers, Mohawk Mothers, have a duty to seek justice for the murders of indigenous children which the intruders carried out upon their arrival onto onowarekeh turtle island. The church and state are the architects of this problem. The Mothers went to the SCC to seek justice. They decided not to discuss the truth that was placed before them about the disappearances of indigenous children into the hands of the state and church.  The Mohawk Mothers’ duty is to find their children and to punish the perpetrators. This is the largest holocaust in all humanity of the original people of turtle island. “We must all come together to stop the ongoing desecration of turtle island and its original people”.  

The church and state have chosen a painful life for themselves, their victims and creation and have left a giant wound within the people. It is time to heal. No more band aids or lies.  Lies are bandages. 

Same old. Same old. Our ancestors went through this many times. This is the latest lie to back the original sin. “We see that the Canadian state does not want to investigate its own wrongdoing so that we indigenous peoples people can never hold them accountable for their crimes. Decolonization has not started on turtle island. In Africa it is for real. They are becoming free of these colonial invaders. 

The court fears the kaianerekowa, the great peace, which is the law of turtle island. The indigenous people since time immemorial are each sovereign natural people. According to the teiohateh Two Row Agreement, the SCC must deal with the kanienkehaka the ‘people of the flint, according to the agreed upon rules. This is indigenous land.  The 1701 wampum that created the settler colony of Canada allowed the bbritish entrance into Canada in peace. They arrived in August 1701 at Kingston with the two row wampum in their hands and we greeted them. But they did not follow our ways  and should have left. 

The indigenous caretakers of the land cannot give up or sell what creation placed here. No one speaks for the indigenous. Each is sovereign and must follow nature’s laws according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, as everyone must or leave.  


Teiohateh is the only valid treaty which WAS accepted by all the coloniak invaders in 1701 and affirmed in 1710 upon our visit to London. 

The Mohawk Mothers are not surprised by the SCC refusal to hear this case as the SCC has rejected other claims of indigenous people who tried to discuss their differences. The two row agreement exists and is the basis of the relations between indigenous and the intruders. The hope was that SCC on behalf of Canada was finally ready to start honouring the pledges they made with the original people, would visit this issue and that the right decision based on the total truth would have been made.  


Pink Floyd - Mother (Lyrics)

***Read Montreal Gazette coverage:


box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


MNN. Dec. 7, 2024. The ‘salad bowl effect’ is to bring all kinds of people to onowarekeh turtle island with different mindsets and ways and  putting them into a “mixing bowl” with all their clashing ideologies. In order to populate turtle island, the perpetrators emptied prisons, insane asylums, poor houses, orphanages, gathered prostitutes, debtors, mail order brides now called white collar workers, and anyone they wanted to get rid of. The resulting population of out-of-place people is lost imported people who don’t belong here in the land of peace. Many even call themselves “Heinz 57 Variety”. It is a sordid history. They are all descendants and beneficiaries of the atrocities started by the Vatican. To stay these people agreed to follow the kaianerekowa great peace. As most now know they broke all the agreements made with us. 

Canada and the Pope have admitted the role of church and state in committing genocide on the original people of turtle island because of their indigenous group membership, race, ethnicity, religion, language and their desire to own beautiful onowarekeh turtle island. Politicide is murder of any person by a government for a political purpose. Mass murder is the indiscriminate and targeted killing of any person or people by a government or institution. This is how war is created by these intruder governments for power, greed and corruption. They came here to take over. Their plan was to surround the natural people, destroy nature and all life on our land to annihilate and take over all of turtle island. They poisoned our water, animals, people and all our natural world so they could build their artificial system and commercial empire to benefit themselves.

One time we had all the necessities of life. The kaianerekowa great peace tells us that we do not fight until we die. We must fight until we win! The invaders continue their genocide plan. Our lives were made miserable so as to make us want to die. Today many of us feel more alone among whites than if we had been left on our land to care for our people and our mother earth. Everything we do is twisted to mean something else and then penalized us for thinking otherwise. Our voices are not heard. What is said about us is false.  

These intruders brought some very bad spirits with them to our land. They forced us to live on small plots of land, hardly enough space for us to live the way creation intended  with less animals to feed us, toxic water to make us sick and kill us and hardly enough trees to heat our homes. 

We try to understand the intruders. Many people like to watch tv shows about serial killers. Maybe these could  provide us some clues. The serial killers enjoy what they do or they wouldn’t do it. They have no regrets about it and spend their time covering up their crimes. The police have a hard time catching these serial killers, so we’re lead to believe. In our situation where the church and state admit the mass murders by the intruders, few have been charged for these crimes because their institutions made cover-up laws allowing them to murder or disappear us until eventually there would be none of us left. The killers made plans on how to cover up what they did to us. It seems to be a game between the killers and the police who pretend they are looking for them but rarely find them. They called us “savages” which is the beginning of fake news and misinformation. This is one way Canada empowers themselves  in a sick way. They don’t understand why we cannot reconcile with serial killers.  

These shows are popular because the benefitters of the genocide are learning how to get away with it. They don’t feel guilty, only fear getting caught. The serial killers get ideas on how to do it again with better ways on getting away with it.

Such killings could be a mental illlness or a symptom of psychopathy. It certainly isn’t natural to us. To them it is a necessity and they set up institutions and people to run the annihilation and theft program with impunity. They lack remorse and guilt otherwise they would not do it on such a grand scale. Criminologists and policing authorities surmise it could be impulsiveness and difficulty in controlling something so random. It could be predatory behaviour on the part of a few where, in our case, the intruders searched out and studied us and then wrote out an extensive plan of action to murder us out of existence. The intruders have no empathy for us for murdering our children and babies from which they are benefitting.  They are unconcerned that they kidnapped our children and sent them to state and church run slaughterhouses known as ‘Indian Residential Schools’. 

The intruders keep bringing people over here to run their abattoir system. The intruders’ laws continue to allow them to kill us, to hide us, to build on top of our bodies in order to steal our land and carry on the degradation of our mother earth. They have a severe thirst for violence. 

In the United States 82% of serial killers are of the white race [99% are males], known as “hunters of humans”, 15% are black and 2.5% are Hispanic. The US has the most serial killers, the total surpassing the next ten countries combined. Canada is in the top 10. When the intruders first arrived there were massive murders because there were more of us to kill then. They put bounties on the men, women and children. They have not stopped. They have no regard for our rights and feelings. All these people and their so-called government have no authority on turtle island. They need full true knowledge about the original people of onowarekeh. When anyone comes to our land we need to meet them upon their arrival to teach them the truth about turtle island and their duties to us. 

In the beginning they sat with us in council. The kaianerekowa great peace was explained to them to learn and understand the existing laws of turtle island and the two row agreement which they agreed to abide by. Ownership of the land was not a concept of the indigenous people. They were given a choice to accept the kaianerekowa or return to where they came from, just like every country in the world today. When they saw the resources that existed here they decided to stay and start the extermination process to make money from exporting our resources, which continues today. The order to totally exterminate us was never rescinded in the entire Western Hemisphere. It is still the order. Their laws to murder us and steal all our possessions and resources are criminal acts in their imported legal system. If the intruders/benefitters don’t vote against these laws, then they too are perpetrators.  

The late Mohawk singer, Robbie Robinson, sings about a call to kill the original people of onowarehke turtle island: “What law have I broken, What wrong have I done, That makes you want to bury me. . . 

The general rode for sixteen daysThe horses were thirsty and tiredOn the trail of a renegade chiefOne he’d come to admireThe soldiers hid behind the hillsThat surrounded the villageAnd he rode down to warn the chiefThey’d come to conquer and pillage
Lay down your armsLay down your spearThe chief’s eyes were sadBut showed no sign of fear
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children dry your eyesIt is a good day to die
And he spoke of the days before the white man cameWith his guns and whiskyHe told of a time long agoBefore what you call historyThe general couldn’t believe his wordsNor the look on his faceBut he knew these people would rather dieThen have to live in this disgrace
What law have I brokenWhat wrong have I doneThat makes you want to bury meUpon this trail of blood
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children don’t you cryIt is a good day to die
We cared for the land and the land cared for usAnd that’s the way it’s always beenNever asked for more never asked too muchAnd now you tell me this is the end
I laid down my weaponI laid down my bowNow you want to drive me outWith no place left to go
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children don’t you cryIt is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)
And he turned to his people and said dry your eyesWe’ve been blessed and we are thankfulRaise your voices to the skyIt is a good day to die
Oh my children don’t you cry (don’t you cry)Dry your eyesRaise your voice up to the skyIt is a good day to die
It's A Good Day To Die




