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MNN. July 21, 2021. The cowards are coming out of the woodwork openly demonstrating the colonial “kill the kids”, “murder the blood” program! ka-tsi-non-wak-son. [invasive species with no shame] . They invaded our land, there was never a declaration of war and no surrender by us. In 1701 the Indian Trust Fund show there was never a conquest. Treaties were all for peace only.

Mary Simon, you may not be qualified to be a Governor General because you don’t speak one of the two foreign languages of the invaders to turtle island. It’s about your oath to the Queen and not to us and creation that concerns us. You no longer work for our interest. You need to know more about our true history.

You speak one of our natural languages of turrle island, inuktituk. Of course, you could be coached to mimmick French perfectly without being able to speak it. Or you could be dubbed like in the movies where your lips and words don’t match. That is if you want the job of helping our enemies carry out “the final solution to the Indian problem”.


The new Manitoba minister of Indian affairs, Andre Lagimodiere, in effect, said, “What we did to the Indians was for their own good. We were assimilating them to become like us” [liars, thieves, cheats and murderers!” [kariwaksen]. Very dangerous is that AFN President Roseann Archibald accepts without comment the hate speeches of Lagimodiere and Premier Pallister of Manitoba.  

In the 1940s the government hired World War II vets to work as teachers in our day schools. Mr. R. was assigned to kahnawake. He wanted every kanionkehaka child to sing “God Save the King” every morning. He would herd all the children into a small classroom. The pianist would bang on the piano and Mr. R. would lead the singing while the children mumbled. This particular morning two boys stood there, pursed their lips and refused to even mumble. He yelled, “When she starts playing and I start singing, you will ALL sing “God Save the King”. Once again the two boys refused to sing. He became furious and jumped to physically assault the two small defenceless 10 year olds. The two small boys grabbed Mr. R. and pinned him and smashed his head into the wall while he yelled and screamed. We heard all the little kids laughed. The local constable was called in and sent the kids home. He told the parents the repercussions could be serious like being sent to foster homes or residential schools. The parents couldn’t understand what the fuss was, that they could lose their kids for not singing “God save the king”!

Today politicians, like new Indian Affairs Minister Andre Lagimodiere in Manitoba, are yelling at us telling us that Indian Day and residential schools were for our own good. The Manitoba Premier Pallister nervously remarked that colonialism is a good program. Local natives responded with total disgust and anger.  

Speaking at us in Manitoba is white supremacy and old stolen Indian money. They were insulting and demeaning our experience of genocide and murder at their hands. They showed no shame. The outrage from the indigenous in Winnipeg was from all of us.  There was no condemnation of their remarks from Trudeau or Archibald of the AFN. 

The majority of band councils and Indian organizations stand with the govAudioernment. They are ready to accept apologies and money to forgive the unforgivable. From 1924 to the present they have assisted in the genocide. They represent only the few people who take part in their corporate elections. Almost 99% of us true indigenous have no voice at all in their corporate business system called government.  

The higher ups made the plan, you carried it out and everybody except us benefitted.  You carefully selected your victims, our babies and small children. It was premeditated murder and genocide. You are mercenaries. The school death camps were put where we could not watch and care for our children. So many were murdered so there would be no witnesses.The Truth & Reconciliation Commission did not give names of the perpetrators to stand trial like the Nazis did at Nuremburg.

Invasive species: As the story goes, they came from across the big pond to turtle island, on scraps of wood, without invitation, then became a menace & now have to leave or dissolve.

The government and churches picked on our children because you are cowards [ronatasehton]. You can’t backtrack the carefully planned genocide you do and benefit from.

Old school racism is saying colonization is not bad. In effect Premier Pallister of Manitoba said, “All these horrors being exposed are for the good of the original people”. He’d do it again today if he could. Not having us around could give you title to turtle island. The Crown, churches and government will not get away with murder of millions of us. 

kaianerekowa does not forgive. We are here to take care of this wondrous land. Canada means “squatters” and flows from a lawyer’s pen who studied Admiralty law with limited liability. It’s a glorified piece of paper. 

We may have to take some drastic action to stop our children disappearing. In the last few days in kahnawake white men with tinted windows wait outside of homes watching kids playing and gesturing for them to come and get in their cars. Our children cannot be left alone for one second even in their own yards. They need to learn “help me” tactics. We take pictures of the cars and plates if we can. A while back a white stranger followed a young girl talking to her. She ran into a cigarette shop. They saw him jump into a white van and take off. The same happened in another part of kahnawake. Pallister’s and Lagimodiere’s remarks trigger and gives permission to sick people or agents to try and kidnap indigenous children.

Politicians saying colonialism, residential schools and kidnapping our children and women from the family is a “good thing” means they want this practice to continue. From our experience, when children and women go missing it is part of the continuing genocide without any investigation by the government. The government is the Crown at the Vatican. They also own the United States of America and Canada. The Mafia works for the Vatican. 

Keith and Mick are gross in their description. But what the Crown did to our children is grosser: “But you knifed me in my dirty filthy basement. With that jaded, faded, junky nurse oh what pleasant company. Though, we all need someone we can feel on. Yeah and if you want it, you can feel on me, hey
Take my arm, take my leg. Oh baby don’t you take my head.” As you can see, the rabbit hole goes deep but we will find out everything.

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0 kahentinetha2@protonmail.com mohawknationnews.com

SIX NATIONS MOHAWK REZ. SCHOOL FINDINGS https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=826390074713037&ref=watch_permalink

MINISTER BACKS PREMIERS COMMENTS https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/brian-pallister-manitoba-chiefs-colonialism-first-nations-1.6094834

ON PREMIER PALLISTER’S COMMENTS https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/brian-pallister-manitoba-chiefs-colonialism-first-nations-1.6094834

Gianni Russo Full Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azCTVn2oUvQ


MNN. Jan. 9, 2021. TEWAARATON. Lacrosse is more than just a game where some lose and some win. This game is played for medicine for all life and it’s played for creation. Today sports reflects Western society as a battle to beat one another and to be rewarded with money.  



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MNN. This story was originally posted on May 25, 2013. Lacrosse [TEWAARATON] was created before the arrival of people on Mother Earth. The first game was played between the winged ones and the four-legged ones. In the end the winged ones won because they understood that every mind is important to the whole, no matter how small. The capitalist two party system of majority rules means almost half have no voice. The great peace system is created so that 100% either totally agree or understand the decision. When a final decision in the consensus process is at a stalemate, tewaaraton, the game of creation, is played to resolve the issue and replace war.  

iroquois nationals

Rotino’shonni Lacrosse has been using the Haudenosaunee passports since 1990. In 2010 The UK Border Agency of the British Government refused to accept the legitimate Haudenosaunee issued passport and travel identity. The sovereign rotino’shonni can only compete as the original people of turtle island. The other competitors are corporate states. Germany stepped aside so the eira’kwah, Iroquois could play in the top 6 teams.

The U19 team defeated Team USA in July 2012. In January 2013 a decision was made to deny the Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse a position in the top division at the 2014 World Championships in Denver on Onowaregeh/Great Turtle Island because they were denied entrance into England. It was appealed to the Federation of International Lacrosse which upheld it. A second appeal was launched to the General Assembly. 2/3 majority is needed to overturn it.  it was not overturned because you can’t get justice from the enemy which is the problem. 

It’s an “in your face” violation of our rights. The colonists, US and Canada, want to control us. Should we exercise our right to use our own identification, they want to control that. The military are in charge of the global intelligence system of ID and access to information about us and everybody else.

control freakPresently these “control freaks” have no legal rights to our personal information. When we cross any corporate border, we tell them our name and nation. When we agree to let US and Canadian corporate entities issue us their IDs, they will have access to all data from our computers, pocket PCs, networks, phones, social security, social insurance, medical records, financial information, credit cards, our property, our family relations, and so on.

With this information US and Canada can manage, control and enhance their genocidal policies against us. We have every right to resist it. We have to be contained while the capitalists steal and destroy the natural world, which includes us. We are targeted for unequal opportunity, unequal dignity and unequal quality of life because we are the titleholders of Great Turtle Island.show me your papers Today’s collapse of the democratic system is based on the mistaken 51% majority rules concensus process which leaves 49% without a voice. The collapse of the capitalist money system is starting now! The nature of capitalism is to forever grow, is toxic and unsustainable with the natural law.

The Western Roman Society [Papacy] needs to learn about the tewaaraton and its proper role in the social consensus process. 

As John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band sing: “Power to the people. Power to the people. Power to the people, right on! Say you want a revolution. We better get on right away. While you get on your feet and out on the street. Singing, power to the people!


Lacrosse Magazine article

TEWAARATON https://indigenouspeoplesatlasofcanada.ca/article/sport/

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

TRUMP’S ROUSING PRE-COUP PARTY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXM6h9elyTY&fbclid=IwAR2w7yZpygQ3j4I3zGCcvBRC4-INgKqMh7Q1R8M-2QWDAsTFomXE26DDE9Q



 NOTE: To dispel the lies of the serpents trying to ‘Reset’ Mohawk kanienkehaka land as a New World Order Center on tsiani tiotiake [Montreal island] without permission of creation and the original people and natural world., a report of the constant work of our “Myth Busters” was made in 2006. This is being republished. The excavators are disturbing spirits that are not meant to resurface.  



Originally published on Nov. 9, 2006.


Please post & distribute worldwide. Nov. 27, 2020. Please confirm you received this.




At the last minute on Tuesday, November 7, we Iroquois found out there was an exhibit opening at the Calliere Museum in Old Montreal. It was on the “Mysterious Disappearance of the St. Lawrence Valley Iroquois”. They wish! Four of us from Kahnawake, Kanehsatake and Tyendinaga decided to go and look it over.

We were curious as to how they got the idea that we had “disappeared” or that there was any mystery to be solved. How would anyone feel if their so-called demise was advertised and put on exhibit? It’s like finding yourself invited to your own funeral when you’re not dead. It really bugged us. Can you understand? It felt like a death threat. It reminded us of the way we were all told at school that our moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, everyone were all going to die out. We cried. By now we know a terrorist threat when we see one.

We arrived around noon in Old Montreal. The banner outside indicated that this was sponsored by a whole bunch of Quebec, Canadian and international corporations. We were almost the first visitors there. Instead of welcoming us as the long lost Iroquois, they treated US as though we were spoiling their party. The man at the front desk told us we had to pay $12 to go into the wake. We suggested that since we had disappeared and were ghosts in their eyes, we should be allowed in for free. Suddenly he started to speak only French to us. This is when we started to talk only in Mohawk to him. He got mad and started punching the cash register. Eventually, after arguing about the taxes on the ticket, we could see the only way to get around this extortionist was to pay him off. Then we went up to the second floor.

What we saw was a gross rip off not just for us but for the ignorant public that they hoped to ensnare with their fake account of Mohawk Iroquois history.

Some of the corporate conspirators of these deceptions were the National Archives of Canada, the Birmingham Public Library, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, some patrimonie organization from Sorel Quebec, the Quebec Conservation Department, the National Archives of France, the National Capital Commission of Quebec, the ghost longhouse at remade tourist town of St. Anicet, the Gilcrease Museum of Tulsa Oklahoma, the Huntington Library of San Marino California, Jefferson County Historical Society of Watertown NY, McCord Museum of Montreal, McGill University Osler Library, Michel Crepeau of France, Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications, MODIS Rapid Response Project of NASA, Montreal Botanical Gardens, Quebec Museum of Civilization, National Science Foundation of North Arlington Virginia, New York State Museum of Albany, Point-de-Buisson Archaeological Park, State Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg Russia, Trustees of the British Museum, Department of Agriculture in Washington and the University of Montreal. Yep, there you go! A whole bunch of people want us dead. Here we are, raining on their parade.

Why was NASA involved? Maybe they think we came from outer space! Or maybe that’s where they want to send us. Each of these entities must have had one little item to show that we had disappeared. Somebody had a big travel budget to visit all these bastions of colonial tradition.

The museum had the cash to rack up record numbers of air miles. Somehow they just couldn’t find the time to stop in Kahnawake or Kanehesatake on their way to the airport. Of course, the hour’s drive to Akwesasne would have been out of their way. When we asked why, they said they did speak to one young fella in Kahnawake about this, by phone! It wasn’t long distance so that was in their budget. They couldn’t ask us because, in their minds, we had mysteriously disappeared. Their tour guide told us, “You are different Iroquois”, and “our scientists have archaeological evidence that backs up our claims”.

“Yes”, we said, “lots of people used to think the earth was flat”.

So, there! Apparently, even though we had disappeared, our horticulture lives on in the “descendants”! Isn’t this a contradiction?

On Sunday Oct. 3rd 1535 Cartier visited Hochelaga at the foot of what they call Mount Royal. He drew longhouses, a central square like in Spain, with avenues and maybe even street signs. There was a shaman’s house who lived apart from the “mere mortals”. Lol!

We apparently left Montreal before Cartier arrived for his second visit and were gone for good by the time Champlain came. Don’t they know we have relatives all over turtle island,  the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence Valley, New York State and every where. We loved to travel too and go visiting. Myth busted! Another reason we left temporarily for 75 to 100 years was to leave the ground to fallow. Our idea was to use the ground and when it was getting depleted of minerals and nourishment, we would plant orchards, take down our villages and then move to our next site for 20 or so years. We had 4 to 5 regular sites. It would take us 80 to 100 years to complete a rotation. By the time we returned, the earth would have regained its nourishment. We don’t put down hundreds of thousands of pounds of potassium nitrate to mock what the earth does naturally. This modern practice is destroying the earth. We certainly didn’t expect a bunch of foreigners to move in and defile it with asphalt and all the other pollution that has made this once beautiful place now toxic and infertile for agriculture or man.

We were here when Champlain came in 1607. “I won’t look at them so I can say I didn’t see them’, said Champlain. They suggested we were the victims of diseases or a “Little Ice Age” that began around 1450? Then they said, “It was “intertribal warfare”. Their evidence for this is that we built “defensive palisades” around our villages. Well, we did grow our medicines right next to our longhouses and we erected these fences to keep out the creatures who might want to come and disturb them. We also had 3000 years or more peace until the settler colonists brought their incessant warfare here.

We notice they sprinkled words throughout their texts like “appeared”, “might have”, “may be”, “probably” and “it would appear”. Their lawyers advised them to do this so we can’t sue the pants off them for lying about us. They don’t want to acknowledge us because they say that the land was for the taking because nobody was here. This is coming from a culture that has no stewardship for the land. So where did we come from, under some rocks?

One exhibit entitled “To Pop or Not to Pop” is about pop corn, corn soup and all the cooking skills we had. They did not mention that corn, beans and squash, the Three Sisters”, provided all the nutrition one needed to live a healthy life. We got these at the beginning according to our creation story. They found we iera’kwah Iroquois were in the Bay of Gaspe and elsewhere. Cartier found us with corn like he had seen in Brazil. He said that this had convinced us to give up our nomadic life and settle down. [The invaders are nomads. This exhibit shows no sign that they were invited here.]

Most of the articles on display were about little pieces from pipes, pots and who knows what. They were tiny and under glass with texts on a red or white background in French first and then English. Nothing in Mohawk! Maybe they think that our communication with creation is not relevant. After all, it’s their theory that we disappeared.

Really misleading was info that the clan mothers led the families and selected the chiefs. The people tell the clan mothers and chiefs what to do and say. The power is with the people. A true democracy! Their sham democracy doesn’t want to say that.

They refer to the “Creator”, implying we believed in their god. Our philosophy is based on our knowledge of the natural world and creation. Gariwiio is the perfect reality which is nature. The kasatstenera kowa sa oiera is the great natural power which we can see and know exists. We have many symbols for the stories that we passed down to remind us of our history, who we are and where we belong. Here.

They minimize our culture down to making offerings of tobacco and sacrificing dogs and eating them. [They sacrificed people and ate them.] In the glass were the bones of a dog. We did not use shamans to contact any forces. Each of us made our relationships with and respect for the natural world and developed our awareness ourselves. 

The shaman did not suck out the evil or sickness from a person. There was no evil when everything was part of the natural equilibrium. Holy hell! This is completely manufactured probably by a bunch of priests who are trying to hit up people for money. “The shaman would gaze into the fire and go into a trance by dancing, chanting, fasting or sitting in a sweat lodge”. We did not have shamans or sweat lodges. Where did this come from? It’s one of those phony Indian Affairs healing programs being used to pacify us? We were almost tempted to ask where the brown Baby Jesus in the cradle was.

Cartier said we loved games and gambling. Is that why they built the Montreal casino nearby? They found a lot of different colored potsherds in their digs, which they think might be ripped up off-track betting slips or one armed bandit claim chits. We did have the peach pit game in a wooden bowl played by clans to decide who was going to win the gifts and do all the work until the next festival.

They definitely found no evidence that we played lacrosse. They want to steal this as a Canadian invented game just like hockey. Hockey comes from the expression “a-kee”, which means “ouch” when they hit each other with their sticks. It was played between villages as it is today.

As for fashion, they said that we ran around naked except for small skins to cover our privates! In the cold! Are they kidding? If we went naked, we bared it all. Afterwards, we did cover ourselves to protect us from European perverts.

We made necklaces from recycled pipe stems [that we got from the second hand stores in Old Montreal?] They said that wampum beads were the most precious item we possessed in the whole wide world. All Iroquois men smoked. Did they examine our lungs? We burnt tobacco for ceremonial purposes apparently until Cartier arrived. They say we started to smoke like chimneys like those French Canadians who drive over to our communities today. They’re all pale and desperate to buy cheap native cigarettes. It states that ‘native’ tobacco appeared in the new world in 800 AD and in Montreal in 1300. They know this because they found a whole lot of pipes dating from that time. Was this on one of the pipe stems they found? How do they know it was tobacco being smoked? Who was Cartier trying to impress. He just wanted to raise money to make another trip over here in his search for gold, the fool!

This is a pitiful exhibit. Cartier said that Iroquois women were industrious and the men were lazy. He called us “nomadic”. How would he know? He hung around the women and didn’t go with the men into the forests or on trading, hunting and diplomatic expeditions. Who’s the lazy lewd bugger here?

We wondered what all this was leading up to? Yep! The colonists found a new archaeological site at Cap Rouge River – “the remains of the very first French settlement in America”. Hoo-ray! Lots of money for diggers! It was apparently the fort built by Cartier in 1541 where he spent that winter. This is where the king had ordered a white colony be built. They found sherds of Italian faience. Wow! The public can see all this in 2006. This is how long it will take to manufacture the ancient artifacts they will put on display and celebrate 400 years of settler colonization.

We complained to the guide that we had not disappeared, that he was not staring at ghosts, that this whole exhibit was misleading and that we are definitely still here. In other words, we were unconvinced by the story of our death. Excited and anxious, security was summoned. We were followed around for a bit. Then a short little women sergeant appeared and told us that the museum would refund our money [but no lunch].

We’d prefer they shut down this travesty. Or if the public sees it, they should be told it’s a fictional representation meant to mislead the public and justify settler colonization. Cartier was just a hack explorer like the heroes of the Harlequin romances. There were lots of Europeans over here before him. But they didn’t try to scam the nobility at home into financing their misadventures.

For sure the myth of the disappearing Iroquois has been busted. 

Humble Pie dedicates “30 Days in the Hole”, to those in the current days in these lockdown events who don’t care about wearing masks: “All right. All right. All right. 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. Check green. Talking about Lebanese. A dirty room and a silver spoon. Give me my release. Black Nepalese. It gets you weak in the knees. Sneeze some dust that you got bust on. You know it’s hard to be 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. That is what they give you. 30 days in the hole.” 

niawen kowa.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com  For, books, workshops, and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 



Is Montreal Transit Overheating?

2]MCGILL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ROTINOSHONNI LAND https://www.mcgill.ca/circ/land-acknowledgement

3]BIDEN PART OF ‘GREAT RESET’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-bidens-presidency-already-has-its-first-conspiracy-theory-the-great-reset



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MNN. Nov. 19, 2018. In 1911 the last Yahi emerged from the wilderness at Oroville California, near San Francisco. The Americans thought they had massacred all the Yahi and that he was the last “wild Indian”. The completely decimated city of Paradise stands on Yahi land, about 125 miles north of Sacramento, where the fire started and spread. The current fires are the largest in the history of California. Paradise will be uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. 

Americans had placed the survivors of the genocide of over 100 million in the Western Hemisphere in prison camps called “reservations”. The Yahi were thought to have all been killed in the California genocide in the 19th century. This is the story of “Ishi, the Last Yahi” who appeared out of the wildeness in 1911 and died in captivity five years later: 




ISHI FROM WIKIPEDIA:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishi

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.  

It appears the drones are causing the fires:



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MNN. Oct. 28, 2018. Invaders are suffering from mass colonial alzheimers, ia-te-tse-ni-kon-ra-io-ten. Their brain feeds on lies. The USA [United States of Alzheimers] is eating itself from the inside. The world is finding out about the horrors they inflicted on us and our mother. It will stop. Everything has to be made right. INFO BELOW ON GATHERING AT 6 NATIONS, NOV. 19-23:  https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2018/10/04/gathering-6-nations-ohswekon-nov-19-23-2018/


To save themselves, the corporate world will continue to lie and try to force everyone to fear them and continue to believe their lies. Natives know creation, our mother and nature are based on total truth of our past, present and future. The truth is coming out about the mass slaughter of almost all life on turtle island.


The few who know will ask what they can do to makes things right. The rest will pretend to or have alzheimers to avoid guilt, responsibility or even knowledge of their atrocities.      

tio-kwan-hok-sta is the circle of the families, the love that underlies native societies. All families are combined, to always work together, never to take up arms against each other and to survive together. te-kari-wa-ien-na-wakon means that we would link arms and always hold each other.

A gathering is happening in Oswego from November 19 to 23, 2018, to talk about our concerns on kanonshononni’onwe, the way of the people of the longhouse. Come with your thoughts, questions and ask for clarity. Your presence will make the agenda. 

The world is invited. Let us stand together to stop the injustice and untruth.


Buffy Sainte Marie sings about counterbalancing environmental greed: “Got Mother Nature on a luncheon plate. They carve her up and call it real estate. Want all the resources and all of the land. They make a war over it; they blow things up for it. ” 

www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page. 






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MNN. March 18, 2018. In the 1970s karonhiaktajeh Louis Hall wrote “The Warrior’s Hand Book” and “Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy” to help us realize that we must never take off our combat moccasins and always have our survival equipment ready. They have become classics in the native world.  MNN is posting the Warrior’s Hand Book for your enjoyment. Your comments would be appreciated. [kahentinetha2@yahoo.com]: 

“INTRODUCTION. WHO MADE YOU? OR HOW SCIENTISTS CREATED THE RED RACE. The white man says Indians came from Asia by way of the Bering Strait. If they were Indians maybe. An Indian being a native of India. The particular Indian we’re talking about is the onkwehonweh, you know, the native American. They say the red man crossed over from Asia on a “land bridge” or stepping islands [like stepping stones]. Our mighty ancestors took mighty strides. The master story tellers say the time of this migration was 12,000 years ago. Since it’s a scientific estimation, therefore, it’s impressive. They came to the conclusion by “reading the rocks”. Now, you guys, you wanna watch out and avoid rocks. They can betray your passage even if you passed 12,000 years ago. The scientists can even detect, if slightly, your ancient fragrance that you left behind as you passed the rocks.

[Let’s read a little more…] “Another set of scientists, after much reading and smelling the rocks, said that many moons ago, there was an Ice Age that lasted about one million years and it covered the north American continent with a sheet of ice four miles high half way down to Mexico from the Canadian border. They estimated that the ice receded 10,000 years ago. If that’s so, then simple arithmetic tells us that the Ice Age had 2,000 years to go when the scientists say our ancestors crossed the Arctic waste and ice bound Canada over ice four miles thick. Let us envision the ancestors coming over in the rarefied air, four miles high and refrigerated atmosphere at least 100 below zero. In thermal suits and space helmets with bottles of oxygen strapped to their backs. It was a tremendous trip of thousands of miles. …


louis hall Warrior’s hand book (1)

For 500 years we resist to defend our lives.  


Mohawk Nation News. Send comments to kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 


THESE ARE THE TEN ILLEGAL “SELL-OUT” AGREEMENTS SIGNED BETWEEN KAHNAWAKE MCK Inc. AND QUÉBEC March 30, 1999 – http://www.autochtones.gouv.qc.ca/centre_de_presse/communiques/1999/saa_com19990330_en.htm 


2017 KGB FILES DECLASSIFIED: Did Churchill kill Stalin?



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MNN. Jan. 29, 2018. We are political prisoners of war on our own land, victims of the perennial war of burning, terrorizing, shooting and killing, by alien predators who refuses to leave our land. Their rape and sexual harassment strategy is now exposed.


Corporate rape strategy took away our lives, identity and possessions. Our women were targeted. [“Moccasin Makers War Breakers”]  http://www.fire.or.cr/feb03/notas/moccasin.htm

Peace will come when these foreigners get a conscience and go. We are being tortured for loving our people and our land and for our deep and unquenchable desire for freedom. 


The invaders are proud of killing life. They are constantly improving their weapons of mass destruction and military training to kill people. Now they are hitting a brick wall. Half are attacking the other half. The sexual harassment strategy is over. Corpses of sexual predators are lying everywhere. Their corporate control system based on abuse of women and children is turning on itself, leaving behind a field of monsters who should be castrated for their crimes against children.  



The natural world continues. Our families, clans and people are one. Our way is enduring. It is here forever, knows no bounds, no space. We look beyond the eyes of tyrants – because creation’s way is right!  


This disgraceful dictatorship will die. onwe means we are the people of the way forever. Creation showed us self-preservation based on the earth and all life. wasase means to bring life back to what is right.  



Torturing the tortured for protecting life and nature. The late Miriam Makeba and Hugh Masekela sing about the suffering of the children: “The children got a letter from the master. It said: No more Xhosa, Sotho, no more Zulu. Refusing to comply they sent an answer. That’s when the policemen came to the rescue. Children were flying, bullets dying. The mothers screaming and crying. The fathers were working in the cities The evening news brought out all the publicity: Chorus: “Just a little atrocity, deep in the city” Soweto blues. Soweto blues. Soweto blues. Soweto blues.”



Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

TIME TO LERN THE GREAT PEACE KAIANEREKOWA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnM3vIlG_8oPZ8Knxa1ljYQ/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd






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MNN. July 30, 2016. Crime and its offshoots are the economic base of corporate America, starting with genocide and theft of our lands and resources. US minds have been readjusted from the natural instinct to survive, to everything being monetized. The rules for the values, life and direction are designed and implemented by the miseducation, religious and mass media system, which are readjustment camps. Americans have “trainers” who give them the core commands. They are told their boss will love them if they do what they’re told. Otherwise they will insult, threaten, punish and even kill them.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

American INDIAN Brainwashing Schools.

People in key positions in government, backed by the law enforcement and court systems, constantly illustrate how Americans are to act and do. The mind control program is so effective that people are screaming for more. hitler-youth

Like the crime syndicates, enforcers gravitate around the government, incorporating those who are good at beating, killing, collecting money and putting on the muscle to perpetuate the control matrix. They carry out fear, intimidation and the hit if they aren’t obeyed or paid. Their home, bank account, kids, car or anything of value will be taken.

Recently a man robbed a restaurant with a knife. No one resisted. People are conditioned to wait for someone to give them the order to do so. If they injure the robber, they might be charged. Corporate rules and regulations discouraged anyone from getting involved.

Loose lips sink ships.

[Closed minds stop thought crimes].

Guns are being taken away so only the oppressors have them. Resisters can be jailed or shot. Some carry guns behind their car seat. They tell the cops they have a permit to carry it. Millions don’t have permits. Chicago cops took guns from people, then gave them to cops in Detroit, who sold them.

onkwe’hon:weh will stand together. The cops want to know how many warriors and guns we have, to gauge our natural instinct to survive. Americans were not satisfied to kill us one bullet at a time. Gatling guns were used to mow down millions of our men, women and children. 0b4aee4a6d687ca3823de2d3be6e661c

Martial law may be declared without resistance. The US military is being reinforced by UN soldiers from around the world. Provocation is being promoted to start a civil war. Fully armed street gangs outnumber the cops in most major and small cities.

The new world order has plans and programs on how to control and kill people, not to save them. With satellites and computers this organized force can control and eliminate their targets more effectively. Legal remedies to help people are disappearing.

Life is make-believe until we get the command. The “Indian Ring” described how ordinary people were deputized and given the command to mass murder us and take everything we had. spy vs.

Most Americans are conditioned to submit to martial law. Like the pacified Handsome Lake religions in our communities, they are under the illusion that a super hero will save them. We are being taught not to think for ourselves or to use common sense.

Jim Morrison sings about waiting for the command: “Ashen lady, ashen lady, Give up your vows, give up your vows. Save our city, save our city, Right now. … The future’s uncertain and the end is always near. Let it roll, baby roll”. [Roadhouse Blues]


ALERT: PayPal has taken all of MNN’s funds [$165] without explanation. They are asking for payment to close down account. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

onkwehonwe’neha natural language of the land https://www.facebook.com/939040346108969/videos/1225521134127554/

kahehtiio: Achieving rotinonhshonni liberation.

Know your enemy:

CNN/CIA The Big Lie.






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June 26, 2016. Watch this video first.

Once everything reverts to our natural languages and ways, the corporate matrix imposed on us will be gone. Our visitors will have to learn our language to communicate and live our natural ways. We have over 30 million colonial settlers in Canada who are not natural to this part of our mother earth. They will have to be unplugged from the matrix.

Happy onkwe'hon:weh kids!

Happy onkwe’hon:weh kids!


Justin Trudeau will be the last prime minister of Canada, an ancient useless relic. The parliamentary system is nothing more than an illusion of freedom. By the time the next election comes around, it will be over. Their whole neo-colonial play will end. morpheusandneo

Their ancestors came in search of freedom from their masters in Europe.  crazy horse-1

They found out everyone is a slave to the banker. We are the only species who have to pay money to live on earth.  babylon

Fake foreign place names will revert to the original onkwe’hon:weh names that our mother earth naturally answers to. The corporation of Canada has a British language, stolen land and an artificial culture of which the bankers are the gatekeepers.

The politicians are agents of the bankers, No one gets out of the matrix if the bankers have their way.

The UK Brexit vote shows the people are trying to unplug from the matrix.

The bankers will “be cast down from whence they came for all eternity”.

In the end everyone will bow down to the truth. All the agents will be defeated. Brexit is akin to Neo going into the core of the matrix to end the war. We will have free will to chose love and peace. Brexit is the beginning of the end of the war on our minds.


As Pink Floyd laments: “Us and them”.  “Black and blue. Who knows which is which and who is who. Up and down and in the end it’s only round and round and round. Down and out, it can’t be helped that there’s a lot of it about. With, without, and who’ll deny it’s what the fighting is all about.”


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$165] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. thahoketoteh@ntk.com Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, minister@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.caSally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,press@royalcollection.org.uk(National Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau j.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234

Fidel   http://yournewswire.com/castro-compares-nato-to-nazi-ss-slams-us-israel-for-creating-isis/





CLAIM OUR MINDS – tsinion’kwarihoten



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MNN. APRIL 4, 2016. “Land claim” means “Here’s some pieces of paper. Give up your minds”, “Stop following the natural path to survival”. “Turn away from your natural instincts”. “Speak this newly created INDIAN language that doesn’t connect you to your mother”. “Don’t worry about anybody else. Just think of you and your immediate family”. In other words, die!last tree2

Our birthright is to live our lives naturally by following our instincts. No one can claim what creation provided to each of us. We can’t sell her. We are to have free use of creation part of it. She gives us a path, kaia’nereh:kowa, that was passed down to us by our ancestors. Our language reveals the journey to that path into our past, present and future.

Our language is our connection to our land and our mother earth. She holds the rotikonsatatie, the faces of the unborn who are still beneath the earth. Several years ago Microsoft tried to buy our language and store it as their intellectual property. They wanted the right to modify its meaning to break our natural guide to survival.indians inc

When someone tries to pay us for a land claim, do they doubt that we are of this land? “owista’ dominated  band and tribal council corporations operate by rote programming designed by the matrix. They do not travel in the natural direction in harmony with nature, sa oiera. Tsiniion’kwarihoten is to steal away who we are as nature designed us, so that we would become unnatural as well.

When the corporate visitors try to make a claim to our land, they try to convince us we don’t know she is our mother. We know we have DNA of this land. They say we have to take a maternity test to prove this. A baby’s bonds with their mother cannot ever be taken away.fate

The corporate matrix makes rules to steal our mind and connection. We don’t have amnesia. We know who we are and who our mother is.



The Rolling Stones sing about those who are pulling away from nature and getting  so lonely.

[Rolling Stones – 2000 Light Years From Home

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Earth Guardians: our kids are taking on the challenge.

YouTube player

Gina Deer of Mohawk Council of Kahnawake


Oren Lyons recently learned about Doctrine of Discovery.

Venezuelan Ambassador in kanteke.

Fake Brussels Attack.

ISIS is not funded by our legitimate tobacco trade –


Get over it!


Tobacco Bust Hoax!

Rez 3rd world living conditions.