MNN. Sep. 22, 2024. It’s time for us to bloom again like a flower. Our enemies don’t want to be caught for their planned extermination of us. Everyone is noticing.  Their edicts can’t sink us into obscurity to be forgotten. The time will come for us to l judge the genociders and their benefitters. We all cannot  the church, state and benefitters escape justice.

Our memories go back to the beginning of time. We don’t trust their band council “mules” and other loyal cronies who do the bidding of the church and state. Our history is being written and told by the killers. They call themselves gods who run a big military industrial corporate complex to control the world.  Our role is to save ourselves on the land that we love thereby saving the entire world.  They can’t win a war unless their soldiers are following their orders”.  

Their plan to steal all our possessions was by killing all the “savages” whom they declared are not human. Turtle island started out as their ‘trading post’ to keep the produce frim our land all to themselves. They say it is poor form for them to negotiate with us from a position of weakness. So the “100 year business plan” called the Indian Lands Act of Oct. 25, 1924, created the scheme of reservations, Indian residential schools, blood quantum legislation and the missing and murdered Indians. We want the world to know about the atrocities they committed on us to annihilated all our people. We need to be heard and for people to listen. 

Somebody ordered them to brutally butcher us so they could get our land, make their report, file it and forget the killings they carried out? They think they won’t suffer if they nicely say to us, “I’m sorry”. At the same time we are being trained by the church and state to forgive them. We will directly face them anytime even after the horrors we’ve been through.  They cannot get away with mass murder.

The Republic of War came to our land and set out to annihilate us.  They committed the biggest holocaust in the history of the world, the elimination of 150 million indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere, from pole to pole, ocean to ocean. 

Murdered were our mothers, fathers, babies, grandparents, great-grandparents, teachers, families, friends, our beautiful children, our waters, lakes, rivers, our vegetation, our animals, our sky, air and soil. We never heard of anyone stopping the intruder ancestors from chopping up our children and feeding them to the pigs and then cooking the pigs to feed the other children. Were your forefathers watching the trains, wagons, buses and cars going by as the RCMP, band councils, Indian agents, miners, as they took us to the POW camps, hospitals and schools, never to be seen or heard of again by our people? We must find them! 

We cannot have died in vain. When the person in the hospital said to me, “Just sign here . We have a nice home for her”, moments after she was born. I screamed and fought for her. There is no justice for all the people stolen from us. We are still worthless to the church and state and to all those who benefitted from the genocide. Why have the colonists not removed all those genocide laws they dutifully go to the polls and vote for. 

Though the truth is known, these killers will just get in their cars and go home, to their family and have a nice dinner without a thought of what they did to us. They have worn out your welcome here. The only fair and just trial would be under the kaianerekowa, the great peace. 

We are the spokespeople of the dead.  We’ve seen the ovens. Know of the tortures, the hidden bodies and bones. Those millions who help themselves to our resources can be prosecuted. We cry out everywhere and our voices are not heard. The Hitlers cannot sit as the judges of their own crimes.  

As Led Zeppelin says brilliantly “lyin’ cheatin’ hurtin’,   that’s all you seem to do”. [Your time is gonna come].








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