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Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News


MNN. AUG. 19, 2024. The Court of Appeal’s Decision Late Friday ruled in favour of McGill University and the SQI [Quebec] on whether the Independent Panel of archaeological experts overseeing the investigation should be called on after human decomposition was detected on-site. McGill and the SQI contracted people to survey the site with GPR, ground penetrating radar, multiple teams of historic human remains detection dogs, and a probe that can detect human decomposition in soil. Up to now, these methods have confirmed the likely presence of human remains in three different areas of the old Royal Victoria Hospital.

We can’t disclose these locations at this stage, but we’re worried that without the oversight of the Panel, which was our clear intention in the Settlement Agreement, these burials might get damaged and destroyed by construction work. That’s what happened with the first target identified by the dogs: the soil was moved around, left outside exposed to the elements, and then sifted by an industrial machine used for mining. Only after using that big mechanical sifter, the archeologists told us that it made the bone fragments too small to identify.

The two other places where the dogs and the probe found evidence of human remains haven’t been investigated yet so we’re extremely concerned about that. McGill and the SQI’s decision to not address any of these findings publicly, and to ignore these results so as to continue their development project, is extremely disappointing. Some of the site has been surveyed with the mandated search techniques, but they only search the areas they’re just about to build on, so a lot of the area still hasn’t been investigated.

It was clear from the start that the Settlement Agreement would entrust an Expert Panel with overseeing the investigation. A few weeks after we all signed it, McGill and the SQI signed contracts with the Panel members without telling us, while letting the Panel members think we were involved in writing them. The contracts had an end date that was not in the agreement, and breached the agreement, which stipulates that the Panel was jointly appointed by us and the developers.

After numerous breaches to the Panel’s recommendations, we submitted these violations of the agreement to the Superior Court, and Justice Gregory Moore agreed with our understanding and said McGill and the SQI’s interpretation of the contract was too narrow. Now the Appeal Court overturned this because of technical problems. But the Appeal Court did not say we were wrong in what we saw or that McGill and the SQI did respect the Agreement. It simply refers to corporate case law related to the court’s jurisdiction in overseeing contracts, and does not address the larger and substantial issues regarding the breaches to the agreement, the failure to implement it in a spirit of reconciliation and the honor of the crown.

The Court of Appeal’s decision to overturn the safeguard order put in place in October 2023 is worrying given the recent findings. A huge obstacle in our fight to protect unmarked burials and find missing children is that our “law” doesn’t work with theirs. The decision they made relies on legal technicalities and precedents set in corporate contractual cases. It doesn’t account for the sensitivity and urgency of the matter here, which is the search for and protection of our children. This is just another example of how the legal system discriminates against us by imposing colonial law on us. It’s the same laws that resulted in our genocide, which goes on still, even after it was acknowledged by the Prime Minister.

Basing this case on corporate law is incredibly inappropriate, because our dispute involves our duty as Indigenous women, Kahnistensera, to protect and find our dead loved ones. The agreement was not a contract between businesses, but a wager for a new relationship between Indigenous people and Canadians. The legal system does not seem ready to appropriately address cases like ours that are about reconciliation and our rights as Onkwehonwe Indigenous people.

We are also hurt and emotionally triggered by the way our search for our children is being ignored for the convenience and financial benefit of these large corporations and the government. If state corporations and the courts set precedents that reinforce the notion that our concerns matter less, it could have catastrophic consequences for Indigenous peoples and their rights worldwide.

The crimes committed against us cannot be investigated by the same institutions that committed them in the past. That’s why we need independent bodies of experts to guide these investigations. We will not stop pushing for our sacred duties to be respected. This is far from the end of the story.

Pigment Markham reminds us in “Here Come the Judge” of what goes on in court:
Hear ye, hear ye
This court is now in sessionHis Honor, Judge Pigmeat Markham presidinHear ye, hear ye, the court of swing
It’s just about ready to do that thingI don’t want no tears, I don’t want no liesAbove all, I don’t want no alibisThis Judge is hip, and that ain’t all
to lay down the law to them that brought it
I’ll bust some head because I am the judgeHe is the judge, he is the judgeWho’s there? I is. I is who?I is your next door neighbor
Order in this courtroom, order in this courtroomJudge, your Honorship, Hi sirDid I hear you say “Order in the Court?”Yes I said order in the court
Well, I’ll take two cans of beer, pleaseHe is the judge, he is the judgeEverybody knows that he is the judgeI had a chat with Ho Chi Min
With cheap rice wine and chased with ginWon’t take long unless I miss my guessI’ll have you out of this doggone messI sent a cable to Bob and Mac
Let them know I’m comin’ backSit right down with Rock and NickTeach them boys some of Pigmeat’s tricksOh, oh judge, your Honor, Pigmeat said
“Don’t you remember me??”No, who are you, boyWell, I’m the feller that introduced youTo your wife… to my wife?
Yeah, life! You son-of-a-gun youCome November, election timeYou vote your way, I’ll vote mine‘Cause there’s a tie, and the money gets spent
Vote for Pigmeat Markham, PresidentI am the judge, vote for PigmeatI am the judge, vote for PigmeatNow, everybody knows I am the judge
He’ll give you time if you’re big or small
All in line for this court is neatPeace brother, here comes the JudgeHere comes the Judge
Everybody knows that he is the judgeEverybody near or farI’m goin’ to Paris to stop this warAll those kids gotta listen to me
Because I am the judge and you can plainly seeI want to big ’round table when I get thereI won’t sit down to one that’s squareI want
Come November, election timeYou vote your way, I’ll vote mine‘Cause there’s a tie, and the money gets spent
Vote for Pigmeat Markham, PresidentI am the judge, vote for PigmeatI am the judge, vote for PigmeatNow, everybody knows I am the judge
Here Comes The Judge - Pigmeat Markham (1968)
Thahoketoteh, MNN Court Reporter thahoketoteh@htk.com
box 991, kahnawake que. canada J0L 1B0
The Legal Decision


MNN. Aug. 8, 2024. On August 2nd, 3rd. and 4th, 2024, The Kahnawake Hunters faced the Elora Ontario Mohawks, a non-native team of the Ontario Junior B Lacrosse League at the championship finals. The non-native parents and fans showed the spectators  their method for beating their opponents, the real kanienkehaka/Mohawks at that game.  The appeared t be using a formula of acting out some of their culture with rude behaviour. Lacrosse is a traditional game of the natives who follow strict sportsmanlike behaviour.  This kind of behaviour would not be acceptable at their ultimate sport event, the Olympics, which is presently taking place right now in Paris?

At  some recent games some of the settler mothers waited outside of the arena and yelled at and spit on the faces of our children. Definitely not acceptable.

One spectator from Kahnawake stated in a facebook post, “I came to Elora to watch the Kahnawake Hunters and I was genuinely shocked by how the crowd was behaving. I started recording their chants ’cause i also thought it was funny that these white kids lacrosse team was called “Mohawks”. They sure weren’t acting like their namesake, the Mohawks. I got yelled at by one kid, “Turn your fucking phone off!” Personally, I think they were just embarrassed by their terrible actions.” If they call themselves Mohawks they should play the game like true Mohawks, the kanienkehaka, as it is a community game of respect and healing, to bring everyone together with the good message that here on this planet we are all brothers and sisters with the same mother and the same father. TAKE A LOOK AT SOME OF THEIR ACTIONS at a game we call “the game of creation“. 





Be inconspicuous!



The late and great Hank Williams advises these pretend Mohawks, hey “move it on over”: 

Move It on Over Lyrics

[Verse 1]
Came in last night at a half past ten
That baby of mine wouldn’t let me in

So move it on over (move it on over)
Move it on over (move it on over)
Move over, little dog
‘Cause the big dog’s movin in
[Verse 2]
She’s changed the lock on our front door
My door key don’t fit no more

So get it on over (move it on over)
Scoot it on over (move it on over)
Move over, skinny dog
‘Cause the fat dog’s moving in
[Verse 3]
This doghouse here is mighty small
But it’s better than no house at all

So ease it on over (move it on over)
Drag it on over (move it on over)
Move over, old dog
‘Cause a new dog’s moving in
[Verse 4]
She told me not to play around
But I done let the deal go down

So pack it on over (move it on over)
Tote it on over (move it on over)
Move over, nice dog
‘Cause a mad dog’s moving in

🎙 Hank Williams Sr  🎙 Move It on Over 🎙 Lyrics

Tanakerahneh MNN Sports Columnist

mohawknationnews.com Box 991, kahnawake, que. Canada J0L 1B0 





History of residential school cemeteries is evidence of genocide, interlocutor  Kimberly Murray of Kanehsatake issues historical report, as an ‘antidote to denialism,’ as she works toward her final report.


Antidote to denialism: “Each residential school burial is a burial site against humanity and is genocide. These mass human rights violations can be prosecuted. Government and church officials made decisions and created all of these that lead to deliberate desecration of the burial sites of indigenous children. Government and church made these policies that lead to deliberate desecration of the burial sites of indigenous children.  At times these officials even actively participated in the desecration through both their actions and failure to act. Government and church created the crisis of missing and disappeared children and unmarked burials that survivors face today. This is meant to be an evidentiary piece of the genocide and crimes against humanity that supplements, complements and supports what the survivors have been saying for decade. Sites of Truth, Sites of Conscience



Joe Cocker sings “Woman to Woman” about female intuition: 

Woman to woman (woman to woman)
Hardache to hardache (hardache to hardache)
Lover to lover (lover to lover)
Woman to woman (woman to woman)

Woman to woman
Ev’rything I say ev’ything that’s happening
Seems to come your way
You don’t care if it rains or shines
Long as you know what’s in goin’ down at the local rodeo
Woman to woman (woman to woman)
Hardache to hardache (hardache to hardache)
Lover to lover (lover to lover)
Woman to woman (woman to woman)

Lover to lover
Well, I’m brown as brown can be.
Don’t let it get on me.
You talk about money, honey
And then you pray child.
But I don’t wanna be alone no more.
Woman to woman (woman to woman)
Hardache to hardache (hardache to hardache)
Lover to lover (lover to lover)
Woman to woman (woman to woman)

Hardache to hardache
Don’t let it break so fast.
Think about all you have
And let it last.
I can’t take no more teardrops from you,
But that don’t give you no right to shout
Woman to woman (woman to woman)
Hardache to hard-ache (hardache to hardache)
Lover to lover (lover to lover)
Woman to woman (woman to woman)

Joe Cocker - Woman to woman (1972)



Residential school burial sites are evidence of crimes against humanity and genocide. These mass human rights violations can be prosecuted. Government and church officials made decisions and created all of this that lead to deliberate desecration of the burial sites of indigenous children. Government and church made these policies that lead to the deliberate desecration of the burial sites of indigenous children. At times these officials even actively participated in the desecration through both their action and failure to act. The government and church created the crisis of missing and disappeared children and unmarked burials that survivors face today. This is meant as an evidentiary piece of the genocide and crimes against humanity that supplements, complements and supports what the survivors have been saying for decades. 



 Joe Cocker sings “Women to Woman” about women’s intuition: 

Woman to woman (woman to woman)
Heartache to heartache (hardache to hardache)
Lover to lover (lover to lover)
Woman to woman (woman to woman)

Woman to woman
Ev’rything I say got labeled and has happened
Seems to come your way
You don’t care if it rains or shines
Long as you know what’s been goin’ down at the local rodeo

Woman to woman (woman to woman)
Hardache to hardache (hardache to hardache)
Lover to lover (lover to lover)
Woman to woman (woman to woman)

Lover to lover
Well, I’m brown as brown can be
Don’t let it get on me
You talk about money, honey
And then you pray child
But I don’t wanna be alone long before

Woman to woman (woman to woman)
Hardache to hardache (hardache to hardache)
Lover to lover (lover to lover)
Woman to woman (woman to woman)

Joe Cocker - Woman to woman (1972)