MNN. Dec.29/24

Every source  of power is based on true facts, such as the philosophy of the Kaianerekowa great peace.

The teiohateh two row wampum affirms we are a separate from the invaders. Do these intruders to onowarekeh turtle island think they are better than us? We are different. Most people are good. Sometimes they do something they know is bad. Some are bad and they struggle every day to keep it under control. Others are corrupt to the core and just don’t give a damn. Evil is actions they justify. They knowingly separate violence from their conscience. They are unconscionable, no matter what toll it takes. These uninvited entities are always disguising the truth and at the same time adding up their evil actions.  

We want peace. We cannot have it as long as the evil doers are out there and have not fixed the harm they did from their genocide and theft which continue to this day. Such information can be found in the Indian Affairs ‘war room’. 

Circle of the families.


We are forced to be obedient to those foreigners who put us in POW camps called reserves. Trust is eliminated to turn us over to the power of the state and so-called religious orders, who make their man-made power structure’. First they try to indoctrinate the youth who are now either dead or survivors. They forced  us to read and write in a foreign language so as to be obedient to the power structure or face further genocidal punishment. We are forced to learn French, English and Spanish, to have menial jobs, pay taxes to the state to produce money for the dictatorship. The enslavers do not want well educated people to become their rivals. Basic literacy and propaganda is taught to ensure there is no challenge to their unbending dictatorship. Everything is through deception and hate. True history is not taught in their so-called education system about the real way the invaders landed on turtle island and saw everything there was to steal. That is why our culture of peace, truth and justice is so threatening to their existence. No geography for us to look around the rest of the world. No foreign languages to talk to each other. Women are put in minor roles in the hierarchical system to serve the men because sovereign women are seen as very dangerous to.them. Everything is run by the military occupying force.  If there is peace, there is no need for military. 


Canada supports the set up separatist , colonial  and apartheid regimes in Canada and elsewhere in the world. Our resources are illegally extracted to make weapons and train armies to kill people worldwide.   

THEY WANT IMMORTALITY AND ABSOLUTE POWER TROUGH THEIR ELITE CULT ALLIANCES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD such as NATO, United Nations, International Court of Justice in The Hague, all government institutions, health agencies, police and spy agencies, swat teams, and national guards trained to help keep dictatorships go unchallenged. These are totally unnatural with no wisdom or virtue to help indigenous people or anybody of like mind.


Kahnistensera – Women’s Nomination Belt

The indigenous people have the duty to caretake all land throughout the world. We cannot ever give up our inherent responsibilities. These intruders travelling about destroying our mother earth must return to where they came from. Creation never wanted our lands to be taken from the original natural inhabitants. 

For the intruders stating the truth is inconvenient because truth invites debate. In Canada the military used arms to execute unarmed indigenous people. A total false claim for onowarekeh turtle island was made by declaring we were “savages” and wards of the state to so they can destroy us with impunity and to take our possessions. The state justified their right to attack us and claim our lands. In the future these trespassers will be on the run. They cannot win the fight they started with us because they do not have the truth. Their decisions and actions are based on lies. Their information is based on disinformation, continuous propagandizing of propaganda and other tricks. Their homeland is thousands of miles away where they belong. If soldiers were not sent by the state to fight their power wars, there would be nothing but peace.


Canada constantly rewrites their so-called foreign laws and history. He who controls the info controls the future, except for the natural knowledge of creation. The military establishment enforces their laws. Our culture is based on peace which cannot allow a foreign military industrial complex to exist in a culture of peace. The military establishment that is forced on us is counter to our culture of peace. This costs trillions of our Indian trust funds and the invaders’ taxpayer dollars. Also taken are our lives, property, and hope of peace. Our ways are imposed by nature. Canada and US are Republics of War imposed by fear. Canada constantly wages a war to control the truth, by controlling the channels of information and pushing their own narrative.  

Outsiders minds are seduced. Censorship constantly advances the political agenda. Science is corrupted.    


The church and state oversee the murders and never face penalties. They select scapegoats, such as refugees, to work for them. Almost all businesses in Canada are owned by the intruders on the land of the indigenous. They evade taxes, funnel money out of turtle island, and work against the original people by weaponizing their law to keep us in line. There is no justification. They run colonial state power. The law is made against the scapegoats, us. The judiciary pass decrees. These intruders must return everything they took from us and vacate our land which is all of turtle island. Their system is of no use to us. There shall be no economy for them here on turtle island.  

There shall be no violation of the kaianerekowa.  

The intruders and their beneficiaries who run the “regime of death” must go. 


Dish with one spoon wanpum

Indigenous shall:

  1. Declare that all of turtle island is sovereign only to the indigenous people who adhere to kaianerekowa, the natural order since time immemorial to infinity.
  2. Karonhiatajeh’s “Manifesto” shall be published in Mohawk Nation News.
  3. Those who wish to stay on turtle island must follow the great peace.  
  4. The great peace is the supreme law of the land.
  5. All foreign laws and military conflict shall be eradicated.

The horror of slaughtering the indigenous people is over. Everything about these crimes shall be revealed. True indigenous sovereignty bows to no one. Canada’s plan has always been to keep us afraid. Chiefs, elders and clan mothers never let us live in fear. We knew the intruders were murdering us to build their empire by exploiting our land and resources. Their cover-up is over.   

Anyone who wants power will have to get on the ship and return to where they came from. No more kleptocracy, stealing the resources of our mother earth. Creation decides what’s right. 

Spirit asks the questions we want answers to:

box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


Sitting Bull: “Money is soon gone. Land is forever.”

MNN. DEC. 19. 2-24. Only the women of the rotinoshonni have the duty to make important decisions relating to rotinishonni lands, whereas the rotianer and warriors have the direction from the women to act in the protection of our territory and to assert our sovereignty. 

Some Akwesasne people can’t find their way home. They have forgotten who they are. Steve Winwood sings about being lost: “Come down off your throne and leave your body alone. Somebody must change. You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years. Somebody holds the key. Well, I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time. And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home. I can’t find my way home. But I can’t find my way home. But I can’t find my way home. But I can’t find my way home. Still I can’t find my way home. And I’ve done nothing wrong. But I can’t find my way home.”

box 991, kahnawake, quebec, canada j0L 1B0


TRANSLATION FROM SPANISH: Mohawk Mothers fighting in Canada to uncover cruel CIA experiments 60 years ago; Author, Leire Sales; Image caption BBC News World’s Correspondent in Los Angeles Twitter, 12 December 2024:

“Our children were taken and experimented upon and many were never seen again”, says Kahentinetha. “So our case is very simple: we want to know exactly what happened to them, who is responsible and who is going to pay for it,” states this 85-year-old indigenous woman from Kahnawake, a Mohawk community located southwest of the city of Montreal (Quebec, Canada), tells BBC Mundo.

We are looking for the truth, says Kwetiio, 52, a Kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera, which is Iroquois language for the ‘Mohawk Mothers’.

These indigenous women are convinced that the track on the fate of those missing children could be underground; specifically, in the land on which McGill University, with the support of the Quebec provincial government, plans new construction. They are based on files and testimonies suggesting that unmarked graves of minors lie at the site of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal and the Allan Memorial Institute, a neighbouring psychiatric institute.

Mohawk Mothers Kahentinetha and Kwetiio have been in court for more than two years trying to delay work on the grounds adjacent to a former hospital and psychiatric institution in Montreal. Behind the walls of those institutions, in the 1950s and 1960s, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) funded a sinister and ultra-secret human experiment program called MK-Ultra.

In the middle of the Cold War, this consisted of subjecting patients – including indigenous children – to electric shocks, sensory deprivation and providing them with hallucinogenic drugs with the aim of developing effective brainwashing procedures and drugs. With that in mind and armed with the responsibility of protecting the inherent children of their people, the Mohawk Mothers have been engaged in a legal battle for more than two years to try to delay the construction. “If we don’t stop it now, for generations to come the truth will be much harder to recover,” Kwetiio says.

Known as the Allan, the institute was under the direction of the Scotsman-American Donald Ewen Cameron, who was considered one of the most eminent psychiatrists in the world, and was at the epicenter of some of the most extreme practices of MK-Ultra.

The program came to light more than 45 years ago, when the CIA was forced to publish documents that confirmed what some already suspected: that the agency had financed mental control experiments, often without the consent or knowledge of the victims.

Image source, Getty Images Photo Foot. The Mohawk Mothers believe, based on testimonies and archives, that the graves lie under the ground on which they want to build.

It all started in the early 1950s, with the Cold War in full swing. When some prisoners of war released in Korea returned home defending the communist cause, the U.S. intelligence services were alarmed. Fearing that the Soviets and the Chinese had developed mental control techniques, and that their agents or prisoners of war could reveal information to the enemy, the newly formed CIA allocated $25 million for psychiatric experiments on humans.

“The idea was to try to figure out how to question people and weaken them, and also how to protect their staff from those techniques,” psychiatrist Harvey Weinstein told the BBC Witness program a while ago. Weinstein authored “Father, Son and the CIA.”

The agency used organizations as a front to approach more than 80 institutions and scientists in the US, UK and Canada.

“It was the most secretive program ever run by the CIA,” historian Tom O’Neill told the BBC. There are still many unanswered questions about the program today. “There is a lot of secrecy around the medical experiments, as much of the documentation was destroyed,” Philippe Blouin, an anthropologist who assists the Mohawk Mothers in his research, tells BBC Mundo.

And the only places where there is evidence left (where it existed) are in the memories of people, survivors and the community, he emphasizes.

Meanwhile, McGill University and the Quebec Society of Infrastructure (SQI) – a provincial government agency, which manages the site, argue that neither the Mohawk Mothers nor the special interlocutor appointed for the legal case have identified patients who disappeared after being treated at the Royal Victoria Hospital or the Allan Memorial Institute. 

In the courts in October 2022, the women managed to get the court to issue a court order to temporarily suspend the works of the multimillion dollar project, which includes the renovation of the old existing buildings and the construction of a new university campus and a research center. The women did it without lawyers, representing themselves. “We use our ways, because no one can speak for us,” Kwetiio explains.

This was followed by a conciliation agreement in April 2023, which, in addition to guaranteeing the Mohawk Mothers access to the archives of McGill University, included an archaeological plan for the site guided by a panel of experts selected between the parties, which would recommend the techniques and procedures to follow.

Thus, in the middle of last year, using track dogs and specialized probes combed the vast and ruinous buildings of the property. They managed to identify three areas of interest for excavations. However, both McGill and SQI – also a signatory to the agreement – argue that to date no human remains have been discovered.

In addition, after the panel gave its last report on 17 July 2023, the work of the panel ended, as established in the agreement. However, the conciliation agreement indicates that, if an unexpected discovery occurs, McGill, SQI and Kahnistensera will seek the advice of the panel, the university confirmed to BBC Mundo.

And he reiterated: “To this day no unexpected discovery has been made.” Echoing that statement, SQI stressed that it always intended to “rain light, in a spirit of collaboration,” about the allegations surrounding the presence of burials, but that none were found today. And in an interview with the Canadian media CityNews, they added that they continue to respect the conciliation agreement and that they adhered to all the recommendations of the panel.

Mohawk Mother Kwetiio passes in front of the dedication plaque of the McConnell wing of the Montreal Institute-Neurological Hospital on July 17, 2024, in Montreal, Canada. However, the Mohawk Mothers accuse both parties of failing to comply with the spirit and the letter of the agreement, and therefore went back to court. They gave themselves the power to lead the investigation of potential crimes committed by their own employees in the past, Philippe Blouin, an anthropologist who assists in the search driven by the indigenous women, tells BBC Mundo. There is at least one conflict of interest. Indigenous people also point out that McGill and SQI selected only those recommendations from the panel that suit them, while rejecting others, and claim that there is evidence that was lost. After a setback in an appeals court this October, they decided to take the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, the country’s highest court. “Our children are part of us. We were born with that, each of us, as women, with that responsibility,” Kwetiio explains. “That must be said also in the Supreme Court, because there is the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that says that we need to be heard and that the truth must come to light, so that there is reconciliation.”It was not until a few years ago that in Canada the atrocities committed for decades against the native people came to light. Generations of indigenous children were interned in Canadian Residential Schools where they were stripped of their language, culture and identity in what the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in its 2015 report described as “cultural genocide”.

Between 1831 and 1996, some 150,000 minors were taken from their homes and placed in 139 of these centres. Thousands of them never returned to their home communities.

They took them and we didn’t see them again, or they would return after being subjected to procedures, and spent the next few years sitting on the porch, in the care of their relatives, tells Kahentinetha to BBC Mundo. We all have those indelible memories.

A sign reading “Colonialism is Forbidden” and pieces of orange cloth hangs on the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital before the demonstration and march “Every Child Matters” on September 30, 2023 in Montreal, Canada. The march was intended to draw attention to the atrocities that occurred during the time of the residential schools system. (Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV/AFP via Getty Images)

In May 2021, the discovery of anonymous graves of 215 children at the Kamloops Indigenous Residential School in the province of British Columbia gave way to a national reflection on this dark chapter of Canadian history.

And it also led to the search for more such burials across the country. It was not just about boarding schools, but also hospitals, sanatoriums, churches and orphanages, Kwetiio reports.

They wanted to exterminate us,” Kahentinetha adds. “But we are still here, and the truth has to come out so that it does not happen again.”

Willie Nelson and Ray Charles collaborate in this epic song, ‘There were 7 Spanish Angels at the alter of the sun’: 

He looked down into her brown eyesAnd said “Say a prayer for me”She threw her arms around himWhispered “God will keep us free”They could hear the riders comin’He said “This is my last fightIf they take me back to TexasThey won’t take me back alive”
There were seven Spanish AngelsAt the Altar of the SunThey were prayin’ for the loversIn the Valley of the GunWhen the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throneAnd seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
She reached down and picked the gun upThat lay smokin’ in his handShe said, “Father please forgive meI can’t make it without my man”And she knew the gun was emptyAnd she knew she couldn’t winBut her final prayer was answeredWhen the rifles fired again
There were seven Spanish AngelsAt the Altar of the SunThey were prayin’ for the loversIn the Valley of the GunWhen the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throneAnd seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
There were seven Spanish AngelsAt the Altar of the SunThey were prayin’ for the loversIn the Valley of the GunWhen the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throneAnd seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
Alright ya’all help me nowThere were seven Spanish angelsAt the Altar of the Sun (Oh I believe)They were prayin’ for the lovers (Yeah they was)In the Valley of the Gun (Well, well, well)When the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throne (Oh, yeah)And seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Troy Harold Seals / Eddie F. Setser


box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


MNN. DEC. 12, 2024. 

Announcement on DeHorning.jpeg


MNN. Dec. 7, 2024. The ‘salad bowl effect’ is to bring all kinds of people to onowarekeh turtle island with different mindsets and ways and  putting them into a “mixing bowl” with all their clashing ideologies. In order to populate turtle island, the perpetrators emptied prisons, insane asylums, poor houses, orphanages, gathered prostitutes, debtors, mail order brides now called white collar workers, and anyone they wanted to get rid of. The resulting population of out-of-place people is lost imported people who don’t belong here in the land of peace. Many even call themselves “Heinz 57 Variety”. It is a sordid history. They are all descendants and beneficiaries of the atrocities started by the Vatican. To stay these people agreed to follow the kaianerekowa great peace. As most now know they broke all the agreements made with us. 

Canada and the Pope have admitted the role of church and state in committing genocide on the original people of turtle island because of their indigenous group membership, race, ethnicity, religion, language and their desire to own beautiful onowarekeh turtle island. Politicide is murder of any person by a government for a political purpose. Mass murder is the indiscriminate and targeted killing of any person or people by a government or institution. This is how war is created by these intruder governments for power, greed and corruption. They came here to take over. Their plan was to surround the natural people, destroy nature and all life on our land to annihilate and take over all of turtle island. They poisoned our water, animals, people and all our natural world so they could build their artificial system and commercial empire to benefit themselves.

One time we had all the necessities of life. The kaianerekowa great peace tells us that we do not fight until we die. We must fight until we win! The invaders continue their genocide plan. Our lives were made miserable so as to make us want to die. Today many of us feel more alone among whites than if we had been left on our land to care for our people and our mother earth. Everything we do is twisted to mean something else and then penalized us for thinking otherwise. Our voices are not heard. What is said about us is false.  

These intruders brought some very bad spirits with them to our land. They forced us to live on small plots of land, hardly enough space for us to live the way creation intended  with less animals to feed us, toxic water to make us sick and kill us and hardly enough trees to heat our homes. 

We try to understand the intruders. Many people like to watch tv shows about serial killers. Maybe these could  provide us some clues. The serial killers enjoy what they do or they wouldn’t do it. They have no regrets about it and spend their time covering up their crimes. The police have a hard time catching these serial killers, so we’re lead to believe. In our situation where the church and state admit the mass murders by the intruders, few have been charged for these crimes because their institutions made cover-up laws allowing them to murder or disappear us until eventually there would be none of us left. The killers made plans on how to cover up what they did to us. It seems to be a game between the killers and the police who pretend they are looking for them but rarely find them. They called us “savages” which is the beginning of fake news and misinformation. This is one way Canada empowers themselves  in a sick way. They don’t understand why we cannot reconcile with serial killers.  

These shows are popular because the benefitters of the genocide are learning how to get away with it. They don’t feel guilty, only fear getting caught. The serial killers get ideas on how to do it again with better ways on getting away with it.

Such killings could be a mental illlness or a symptom of psychopathy. It certainly isn’t natural to us. To them it is a necessity and they set up institutions and people to run the annihilation and theft program with impunity. They lack remorse and guilt otherwise they would not do it on such a grand scale. Criminologists and policing authorities surmise it could be impulsiveness and difficulty in controlling something so random. It could be predatory behaviour on the part of a few where, in our case, the intruders searched out and studied us and then wrote out an extensive plan of action to murder us out of existence. The intruders have no empathy for us for murdering our children and babies from which they are benefitting.  They are unconcerned that they kidnapped our children and sent them to state and church run slaughterhouses known as ‘Indian Residential Schools’. 

The intruders keep bringing people over here to run their abattoir system. The intruders’ laws continue to allow them to kill us, to hide us, to build on top of our bodies in order to steal our land and carry on the degradation of our mother earth. They have a severe thirst for violence. 

In the United States 82% of serial killers are of the white race [99% are males], known as “hunters of humans”, 15% are black and 2.5% are Hispanic. The US has the most serial killers, the total surpassing the next ten countries combined. Canada is in the top 10. When the intruders first arrived there were massive murders because there were more of us to kill then. They put bounties on the men, women and children. They have not stopped. They have no regard for our rights and feelings. All these people and their so-called government have no authority on turtle island. They need full true knowledge about the original people of onowarekeh. When anyone comes to our land we need to meet them upon their arrival to teach them the truth about turtle island and their duties to us. 

In the beginning they sat with us in council. The kaianerekowa great peace was explained to them to learn and understand the existing laws of turtle island and the two row agreement which they agreed to abide by. Ownership of the land was not a concept of the indigenous people. They were given a choice to accept the kaianerekowa or return to where they came from, just like every country in the world today. When they saw the resources that existed here they decided to stay and start the extermination process to make money from exporting our resources, which continues today. The order to totally exterminate us was never rescinded in the entire Western Hemisphere. It is still the order. Their laws to murder us and steal all our possessions and resources are criminal acts in their imported legal system. If the intruders/benefitters don’t vote against these laws, then they too are perpetrators.  

The late Mohawk singer, Robbie Robinson, sings about a call to kill the original people of onowarehke turtle island: “What law have I broken, What wrong have I done, That makes you want to bury me. . . 

The general rode for sixteen daysThe horses were thirsty and tiredOn the trail of a renegade chiefOne he’d come to admireThe soldiers hid behind the hillsThat surrounded the villageAnd he rode down to warn the chiefThey’d come to conquer and pillage
Lay down your armsLay down your spearThe chief’s eyes were sadBut showed no sign of fear
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children dry your eyesIt is a good day to die
And he spoke of the days before the white man cameWith his guns and whiskyHe told of a time long agoBefore what you call historyThe general couldn’t believe his wordsNor the look on his faceBut he knew these people would rather dieThen have to live in this disgrace
What law have I brokenWhat wrong have I doneThat makes you want to bury meUpon this trail of blood
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children don’t you cryIt is a good day to die
We cared for the land and the land cared for usAnd that’s the way it’s always beenNever asked for more never asked too muchAnd now you tell me this is the end
I laid down my weaponI laid down my bowNow you want to drive me outWith no place left to go
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children don’t you cryIt is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)
And he turned to his people and said dry your eyesWe’ve been blessed and we are thankfulRaise your voices to the skyIt is a good day to die
Oh my children don’t you cry (don’t you cry)Dry your eyesRaise your voice up to the skyIt is a good day to die
It's A Good Day To Die


MNN. Dec. 3, 2024.

Canada creates and uses the instruments of suppression, murder, destruction and genocide. One of the biggest weapons against fascism is the truth of which there is little in supply among the intruders.

Canada passed laws to kill us because they considered us less than human and therefore able to kill us without any punishment from their god and false state. They decided we were wild animals to be hunted down and killed because we were sub-human and savages according to their so-called leader and prime minister. Presently we are suffering PTSD due to their continued efforts to annihilate us. The world is well aware of the genocide. Canada has apologized so we can forgive them. We can’t reconcile with genociders. What they must do is fix it. They never asked us if we agreed with their system of slavery on our land, mother earth. Their system broke the two row agreement. Therefore, legally we have to start over again. We own everything. They are squatting on our land. It was planned genocide from the beginning. They came here to become filthy rich on stolen Indian land. 

The Illuminati families control everything on both sides of the fake Canada/US border we call the “imaginary line”. It’s all a show where the US is the villainous Bat Man and Canada is Robin, along with the host of villains who are acting out their part of the plan. The greedy few make laws to betray everybody, to kill us all or make us irrelevant. We were told in the cowboys and indians movies that we were to be killed off because we were animals to be killed like the buffalo. We were supposed to lose.  

The Buffalo. The world’s biggest annihilation of animals.

There is a worldwide movement to stop killing off all the animals of the world. It’s time to stop treating the natural people as if we are in zoos for tourists to come and look at us and throw scraps at us. The original plan was always to kill us all and build their villages on top of our people’s dead bodies as if we never existed.

The Europeans had ships to sail around the world and start their new empires. 42 of the signatories on the US Declaration of Independence were high ranking Free Masons in 1776. The all seeing eye is their symbol. It is the biggest secret society in the world. The invaders came here to make a universe that has no consequences and clothe their guilt with anonymity. They made a world filled with strangers, a life of secret interconnects and disconnects. These corrupters co-opted our identity and made us into non-entities. They tell us you can be anything you want as long as you lose your true identity. The intruders’ official story is that we have disappeared, that we just left one day and never returned. The invaders covered up the killings and programs to destroy us. It is all about getting the land and the Indian Trust Fund. 

They thought they could make everybody forget our people, bury us, like we never existed. Secrets are great  for criminals until they get caught. It was supposed to be the perfect murder which was planned out carefully, with the right ingredients at the right time until we no longer existed. Creation does not allow this.  

TRUTHFUL WORDS: “o cana’jon, you squat on native land. with greedy minds you do the banks command. you pay them tax and shop around on onowarekeh. on turtle island the land of our birth. no more TRAPS TRICKS OR GENOCIDE. the great peace is the only way. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth. o cana’jon you must fix mother earth.”

Canada is not a legal country, according to the Montevideo Convention 1932. They have no land, no indigenous languages and no natural culture. They are a corporate entity that has fraudulently through historical fake treaties made with the British Crown taken over our right to deal with all our land mass known as Onowarekeh. They are doing a bad job covering their crime. Canada thought they had everything lined up to keep their true past quiet. We need to get rid of these murderers and imposters to protect our mother earth and to survive. They need to become aware of the work of creation which we are part of.  Nature will never allow fraud  to cover up truth and justice. Truth will utimately prevail.

Through all of this sadness we are till here. 

Credence Clearwater Survival sings about how war is for some and not for others:

box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


MNN, Dec. 1, 2024. One of the Kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers made the following remarks to McGill Law School students on Nov. 25, 2024:

“Welcome to the land of my mother, onowarekeh turtle island, and welcome to my school, McGill University, which was paid for with our stolen Indian trust funds and never paid back to us. I am in the 85th year of my life, a knowledge keeper with a responsibility to set the record straight. Thank you for inviting me.  And please don’t take what I am going to say personally. 

I’ll begin with what happened here in 2015. Almost 10 years ago a group of Palestinians and the Demilitarize McGill group came to Kahnawake with over 600 pages of Freedom of Information documents to show us how military research was being carried out at McGill on behalf of weapons monopolies. This included drone warfare, missile guidance, domestic surveillance, explosives and air combat. They told us about the strife in Palestine and the role McGill was apparently playing in it.

On the following Saturday I decided to seize McGill University according to my responsibility as a progenitor of the soil of turtle island and my duties to the great peace. I served  my seizure notice by Registered Mail on September 12, 2015. Here is the seizure notice. I was ignored. But it did not mean that I was wrong. McGill is on kahnienkehaka land and they are violating the kaianerekowa by assisting in making weapons to kill people and I ordered them to stop and also to meet so we could talk about it. No answer. Several law students told me that they received a copy of my seizure notice and had to write an essay on it. In the end the professors said if this notice went to court, I would win. The students were told that it would be set aside and not spoken of again. Almost immediately plans were announced that there would be a huge renovation of McGill University, to dig up the grounds and put new buildings on it.

A few years later another Kahnistensera Mohawk Mother and I decided to write to the boss of McGill of tekanontak [Mount Royal] and ask again to meet with us to discuss our concerns. Still ignored. Then we decided to take a court action to inform them that we were serious. This is now going into its third year and has now been filed in the Supreme Court of Canada, SCC File No. 41502. We Kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers have no funds and no lawyers. We are conducting our own case by our traditional concensual decision making process of the kaianerekowa, the great peace. 

Great White Pine
The Tree of Peace

Then recently another group of students decided to plant the Great White Pine behind the Roddick Gates of McGill. This tree is our symbol of world peace. Before the tree planting ceremony the knowledge keeper from Kahnawake walked over to McGill security and asked them, “Where are you from? Why did you come here to our land.” They told him of the hardship and strife they and their ancestors had suffered in their foreign homeland.  Then the knowledge keeper asked, “So having left all that, why did you come here and mistreat us on our land?” They did not answer. Later while the tree planting ceremony took place the security stood by and quietly watched the procedure. The same night the tree was uprooted by McGill Administration. The next morning they called the Student Union to “come get your tree”. It was taken to Kanehsatake. No decision has been made yet as to the next course of action.  

Everyone needs to understand that our court case is meant to present a peaceful solution, not to get into a fight with our opponents. Our actions are based on our natural will to survive and love for our land, Kanenronkwatsera. 

Sections 35 and 52 of the Canadian constitution of 1982 are Canada’s words that support the existence of kaianerekowa, the great peace and the two row agreement, which have been here since time immemorial and will remain until infinity. We are part of creation. Our ancient ways on turtle island do not need your affirmation. Creation affirmed our existence because that is who we are. You are bound to your imported man-made laws that have no bearing on us or turtle island.  You seem to chose your laws and change them at will.  Our way provides that since you have intruded on our land without our invitation you too must live by the great peace. Instead you shut down our voices. No one owns our mother. We are her caretakers. The intruders system is based on 51% winners and 49% losers, or various parties attacking each other, otherwise known as a failed democracy where 49% have no voice. 

We would never abuse or let anyone take us away from our duties and responsibilities to care for our mother earth and then let their foreign military take us to live in death camps called “reserves” where we have no rights or freedom. We are part of the natural gift of creation. The intruders show us every day they cannot take care of our mother. They rape, pillage and destroy her constantly.

Your laws are made to put fear into you backed by threats of punishment or death. We all know about the goodness of the great law of peace. We see that you don’t want to abide by our ways. Even some of our own people have been mislead into following the wrong path.

One of the problems is that you don’t know the truth about us, then you make up misinformation to hide your crimes.  Then you refuse to reveal the truth. You are living on generations of disinformation. We can tell what we know and what we see. It seems you let a few control which you allow to continue. When you realized that our way of living is for peace, your goal became to destroy those who got in your way and tried to stop the continuing systemic theft, enslavement, annihilation, genocide, ecocide, ethnocide and crimes against humanity by church and state for your benefit. 

The invaders are squatting on our land that they can never own. You have set up a process to completely annihilate or assimilate us. We have no say in this.  No, don’t mention your band councils who work for you to carry out your deeds. Everybody knows right from wrong. You study, write your exams, pledge allegiance to a foreigner and his family and then get a job in the corporate system to carry out the corporate agenda.  

Backed by the military.

Why are so many terrified of the truth? When you arrived on turtle island, you agreed to live our way, just as you would when you go to any other country in the world. We welcomed you. You knew that our way could not destroy or subjugate you if you followed our kaianerekowa, great peace. Then you changed. The time has come for you to learn and accept the truth about your violations of the great peace.

You were to live here according to the great peace and the two row, you on your ship and us on our land. You stopped us from being stewards of our land. You are supposed to care for the land just like us. The “Indian lands act” of Oct. 1924, called the “100 year business plan”, was enacted to remove us totally from our mother. You did not want to live side by side with us in peace. You wanted it all and had to annihilate us. You used foreign laws to pass your laws to kill us and to carry out the theft without punishment. These are still the laws of the invaders.

You acknowledge that McGill University is on unceded kahnienkehka land. You now have to undo the wrongs you have done. Truth and reconciliation do not mean anything when you ignore our agreements. Only when you accept the whole truth can you start to create the balance. 

The truth of the harm you have done to us goes very far back. How and why did your people place yourselves here? “Manifest destiny” and “terra nullius” are meant for you invaders to take everything and get everything for nothing. You were told the land was stolen and that you could come here and get rich. 

We are still trying to reconcile with the genociders and the benefitters. Section 35 of the constitution affirms our presence since time immemorial to care for our mother and that our ways are the laws of turtle island. Those who don’t follow the kaianerekowa, the great peace, do not belong here. We are not an historical footnote to be forgotten. Canadians are from Europe which we do not want to be. You are not sovereign here. Turtle island is not your original land from the beginning of time. Your languages, religions, and cultures are foreign to this land and aren not welcome here.  

As we part I thought I’d let you know that I went to your law school a long time ago. I lasted one semester because to me the false retributive justice system was all horse —-.  Nia wen for listening to me”.

The Rolling Stones can’t get no satisfaction but maybe the Mohawk Mothers might get some in the Supreme Court of Canada:


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MNN. Nov. 17, 2024.

Activists planted a pine on McGill University's downtown campus to promote peace.Activists planted a pine on McGill University’s in  downtown Montreal campus to promote peace.

Great White Pine
The Tree of Peace

On Sunday activists planted a tree in “hopes for justice for all oppressed peoples around the world.”

Katsi’tsakwas Ellen Gabriel said the great white pine is a symbol of peace. The small tree was brought from Kanesatake to be planted to promote peace among all people. The tree planting ceremony was conducted by the Traditional Longhouse people on the university’s lower field, where a pro-Palestinian encampment stood for over two months last spring.

All injunction requests that were filed in Quebec court were rejected. McGill hired a private security firm to dismantle the camp in July. Activists felt that McGill has been suppressing students’ free speech. 

Though McGill told Gabriel and other activists that they were not allowed to plant the tree on campus, security didn’t stop the activists.

Many donned keffiyehs and carried Palestinian, other flags and the Mohawk Warrior Society flag. Gabriel said the tree planting was “a gesture of solidarity for all those who are fighting for peace for people everywhere. It’s important to promote this message of peace. We want wars to stop. We want peace for everybody.” said Gabriel.

McGill was informed twice that a group planned to plant the white pine as a “permanent monument.”

In 1779 George Washington’s favorite general, John Sullivan, marched with 13,800 men through Seneca country to Onondaga to chop down the white pine, the great tree of peace. Natives of north and south America knew about this tree of peace. It was the greatest crime ever committed by the settlers on turtle island, and they doomed themselves to forever become the Republic of War. 

“When we were told that this plan would not be approved, we received a reply stating ‘We reiterate that we will be planting a tree of peace on Nov. 17,’ and that ‘We will decide what to do on our homelands,’” 

McGill had “various reasons” to reject the tree’s planting. “McGill’s commitment to the spirit of reconciliation is enduring” through other university initiatives. Okay, let’s plant the tree together somewhere else for the next seven generations to behold our joint act of peace today? Gabriel reminded McGill that “You are on our homeland, and we want everyone to act peacefully.”

“The tree is a symbol of peace that the world badly needs,” said Gabriel. McGill and the people could together plant it elsewhere. 
Listen to the two main speakers: tekarontake and katsitsakwas:
Margaret Whiting in the 1940s sang a beautiful song about a tree in the meadow. Let us plant the indigenous white pine somewhere so that we all can watch it grow into beauty and power:  there’s a tree in the meadow with a stream drifting by, and carved upon that tree I see ‘I’ll love you until I die. I will always remember the love in your eye… but further on down lover’s lane a silhouette I see. I know you are kissing someone else. I wish it were me by that tree in the meadow…



MNN. NOV. 12, 2024. Akwesasne 8 DISMISSED. NY Power Authority fails to produce documents necessary to move forward. The charges of Conspiracy to a Felony, and Trespassing against the six of the Akwesasne 8, who appeared today, were dismissed today at Massena Town Court. The District Attorney stated that New York Power Authority (NYPA) did not produce appropriate documents to move forward. Researchers for the Akwesasne 8 had gone to the St. Lawrence County Office for Deeds and Records to find a Deed/Land Title showing NYPA ownership. There is no record. When discovery documents were offered to the Akwesasne 8, each asked whether the documents contained a Title to the land on which the Akwesasne 8 were arrested. The District Attorney implied such documents were not part of the discovery packets.

In March 2022, Federal Judge Kahn of the Northern New York District of US Federal Court, ruled that New York State possession of Mohawk land is a violation of the Nonintercourse Act which prohibits land transfer of Indian land to non-Indians without Congressional approval. On May 22, 2024 eight Kanienke’háka were arrested for Trespassing at Niionenhiasekówahne (Barnhart Island). Seven of the eight were charged with Conspiracy to a Felony. One person was charged with a Felony. There is a long history of Onkwehonwe relations to Niionenhiasekowá:ne (Barnhart Island) – from the Dish With One Spoon Agreement, to Onkwehonwe families living on the island, and continue today through Kanienke’háka assertion of hunting, fishing, tree tapping, and medicine gathering liberties.

The Akwesasne Mohawk Land Claim Settlement agreement seeks to sever Onkwehonwe relationship to Niionenhiasekowá:ne, formally ceding the island’s title to New York State for $70 million and subjecting our hunting and gathering rights to foreign governments. The Onkwehonwe that began construction at Niionenhiasekowá:ne acted in assertion of Kanienke’háka inherent and original rights as well as the pre-existing governance of Kaienerekowa. “The Band Council, Tribe, state and federal governments are outside Kaienerekowa governance as younger governmental entities cannot and will not ostracize us from our lands and waters.” Said one of the Akwesasne 8. “We are going back to Niionenhiasekowá:ne because it is Kanienke’háka land.” A group of the Akwesasne 8 stated.

Johnny Cash sings about our love for the Big River:


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MNN. Nov. 5. 2024. The key components of the Crime of the Century by survivors as living witness has been documented by Kimberly Murray of Kanehsatakeh Mohawk Territory and head of the Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children & Unmarked Graves & Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools. The astounding report released on November 30, 2024 in Ottawa Canada documents the “Plan for the Indigenous-Led Reparations Framework for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children in Canada”. 

To Find and Protect the Truth and Counter Settler Amnesty by Expanding the Truth, the key components are: Upholding International Obligations; Amending Canadian Laws; Establishing a National Commission of Investigations; Exercising Indigenous Sovereignty and Rights; Applying Indigenous Laws; Supporting Indigenous Approaches to Healing.


  • Fully implement TRC Calls to Action 71-76 and expand the scope to include cemeteries and burial sites associated with other institutions,
  • Provide long-term, sufficient and flexible funding for indigenous-led investigations and support Survivor Gatherings and the recording if Survivor Truths. 
  • Amend or enact legislation to establish an Indigenous Burial Site designation to protect burial sites and include robust enforcement mechanisms.
  • Enact federal Right to Truth legislation requiring all records relating to Indigenous Peoples to be registered in a National Records Registry and establish moratorium on the destruction of government records.
  • Review, amend and modernize federal access to information system to align with UN Declaration Joinet-Orenlicher Principles, and the right to truth, and ensure no records are destroyed without the free, prior and informed consent ofo indigenous Peoples.


  • Establish a National Commission of Investigation tha adapt the human rights-based forensics guiding principles of tge UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances.
  • Publicly acknowledge Indigenous children as victims of enforced disappearance and provide full reparations, including compensation to families and communities. 
  • Sign and ratify the American Convention on Human Rights and accept the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court on Human Rights. 
  • Sign and ratify the International Convention for the Protection of all persons from Enforced Disappearance; Codify Enforced Disappearance as a crime under the Criminal Code and Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.
  • Refer the enforced disapearance of Indigenous children to the International Criminal Court. 


  • Uphold Indigenous Peoples’ human rights, including the right to reparations for genocide and mass human rights violations by fullu implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 
  • Support and respect Indigenous Peoples’ inherent right of self-determination including the right to apply Indigenous laws and legal systems.
  • Establish a National Indigenous Data Sovereignty Strategy  Action Plan. 
  • Appoint an independent panel of experts to investigate the history and legality of land transfers of burial sites and rematriate these lands.
  • Enact an Indigenous Repatriation Act and develop an Action Plan for implementation. 
  • Establish ethical guidelines, and a certification process for archaeologists, anthropologists, and other professionals, asnd include powers of investigation and enforcement for breaches of regulatory requirements.


  • Establish healing lodges and centres in Indigenous communities and provide sufficient health and wellness supports.
  • Issue apologies for the harms of genocide , colonization, and mass human rights violations. 
  • Enact commemoration laws to protect against historical negatism and the spread of hatred and regulate educational curricula. 
  • Include provisions in Bill C-63: An Act to Enact Online Harms, to address forms of denialism and amend the Criminal Code, making it an offence to promote hatred against Indigenous Peoples. 
  • Universities, media, medical organizations and professional associations investigate their past complicity in mass human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples, including their knowledge and involvement in human experimentation on Indigenous children.

Supertramp sings about the crime of the century asking the same questions about who are the perpetrators:

Crime Of The Century  - Supertramp - with lyrics



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Sites of Truth, Sites of Conscience Unmarked Burials and Mass Graves of Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children in Canada

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

1.OSI-Sites of Truth Sites of Conscience

______________________________________________________________________Upholding Sacred Obligations Reparations for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada Volume 1

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

2a.OSI-Upholding Sacred Obligations-VOLUME 1


Upholding Sacred Obligations Reparations for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada Volume 2

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

2b.OSI-Upholding Sacred Obligations-VOLUME 2


Executive Summary Final Report on the Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada

Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools

3.OSI-Executive Summary

______________________________________________________________________FRENCH VERSION

Lieux de vérité, Lieux de conscience

Sépultures et fosses communes anonymes et enfants autochtones disparus au Canada

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

1.BIS-Lieux de verite Lieux de conscience


Faire respecter les obligations sacrées Réparations pour les enfants autochtones disparus et les sépultures anonymes au Canada Volume 1

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

2a.BIS-Faire respecter les obligations sacrees-VOLUME 1


Faire respecter les obligations sacrées Réparations pour les enfants autochtones disparus et les sépultures anonymes au Canada Volume 2

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

2b.BIS-Faire respecter les obligations sacrees-VOLUME 2


Résumé Exécutif Rapport final sur les enfants autochtones disparus et les sépultures anonymes au Canada

Bureau de l’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante pour les enfants disparus, les lieux de sépulture et les tombes anonymes liés aux pensionnats indiens

3.BIS-Resume Executif
