Algonquin ‘Nohawks’ get ready to be taken over
In October 2007 Whalebone had already minted her own currency known as “Doreen Dollars”which she claims is at par with the Canadian dollar. As far as we know, she’s not native. We real Ongwehonwe have our own lawful trade and commerce customs for dealing with the colonists. Her money can only be used at participating merchants of her choosing in the shopping mall she’s thinking of building up at Sharbot Lake. Doreen announced that she is going to try and set up these bogus banks in other Indigenous communities. What is “Doreenged” using to back up her “Doreen Dollars”? It is only worth pennies. She appears to be making our Haudenosaunee Territory as her own “reserve” and using it as collateral. It could be development of the area as a tourist site with casinos, which is one of the biggest fronts for money laundering, we hear. In November 2007 the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada issued a warning, No. 79, regarding the Anishinabewampum Bank, “They are not an authorized federally regulated institution”. They ordered this fraudulent entity to cease and desist from holding itself out as a bank. 1-888-495-8501 Yet Mother Joan Holmes who fraudulently creates “Indians”, ambulance chaser, Robert Plots, and the rest are still “churning the butter”, as they say. This whole scam needs to be criminally investigated, charges laid and people sent to jail. Today, the “Anishinabewampum Bank” website came down before we even had a chance to write about it. Lol! [But we have a copy of it.] Just like Coreshellgroup” [J. Patrick Howe] suddenly stopped its internet bragging, all their affiliate cohort websites came down within a day of the MNN story. Hmmm! How can a “desolate front” be set up to transfer large amounts of money without being monitored? Through a shell game, of course! We found some of the peas! We believe that the U.S., Canada and other shady agencies and individuals always need a way to send their dirty dollars or money laundering somewhere else. This is “dirty ops”. These corporate cons could have come up with an idea like setting up “Indian” banks to give a few dollars to the “Indians” and then send the rest somewhere else. Doreenged has set up the Anishinabewampum Bank with an office at 110 Railway St., Kingston Ontario K7K 2L9 T613-541-1703 It is a small two storey brick building with one-way looking glass windows like in a cop shop. There was nothing in the rooms except a few desks and chairs and some old men roaming around like refugees from the nearby Milhaven Maximum Security Penitentiary with nothing to do, or waiting for the big “pay-day”. Some of the names are Doug Raymond, Ext. 227; Al Baldwin Ext. 226; Patricia Raymond Ext. 222; Greg Raymond Ext. 228; David Baldwin Ext 553; Cindy Mills Ext. 554; Shawn Raymond Ext. 550. There are others like “John” who did not want to give his last name; and “Brenda”in the office. Both Doreenged and John described their operation as a “clearinghouse”!! When anyone phones them, a machine answers and asks for a message or instructs you to dial an extension. Anishinabewampum Bank shares the same address and phone number as the “National Savings Club”, which is a “private” buyer’s club. They said they are not looking for new members and they will always “protect” their members!!! [websites ] An innocent investor went to Kingston on Friday, April 4th, to open up a bank account with Anishinabewampum Bank. They were asked for a minimum $6,000 deposit that was supposed to be used in an “off-shore” system in New Zealand. They later denied saying this and said, “It was just a misunderstanding!” This perplexed the investor. We think they saw him as a “Tonto with a JR complex” and decided to shake him off quick. In 20 minutes Tonto got surrounded and was “cautioned” to leave. New Zealand has tax free “special purpose companies”, asset protection trusts, off shore companies, off shore corporations and banking. In other words, New Zealand is an off shore haven “for the rich”. This could be the “Algonquin trust” or “mistrust” that Robert Plots of Blaney McMurtry of Toronto may have set up with Doreenged Davis. We hear that Mother Joan Holmes is now trying to pass her off as a “Metis”!!! Doreenged looks more like a “Maytag” [money cleaner] than a “Metis”. These Joan Ho memberships expire in 5 or so years! Virtual Algonquin Nohawks could sign away our Haudenosaunee land, make joint ventures with the mining and casino companies and set themselves up. Then their “Indian” or “Metis” cover expires, “We can make money and then disappear because we’re not Indian or Metis anymore! Whoopeee!” The trust and its beneficiaries are non-taxable except on income made in New Zealand. They make money by avoiding taxes. That’s why all these “Metis” have a “Maytag” [money laundering] complex. Indian Affairs put $405,000 of seed money into setting up the “Algonquin Trust” which is really a “club”. The recent Supreme Court of British Columbia decision of Madam Justice Ann MacKenzie is that “clubs” are legal but “gangs” are not. [#522 Mar. 27/08] To a lot of people it looks like a money laundering operation is in the making. The head of the club is probably the Queen who thinks she owns all our land and can appropriate our resources if she wants to. She then converts it into money and puts it into another commonwealth country. As we see it, if someone was washing dirty money, they could funnel funds through something like Anishinabewampum Bank. An address of a main office is needed. Involved could be drugs, arms, prostitution or corporatized black ops like “Blackwater Inc.”, etc. Whoever they are don’t want people snooping around. Could organized crime benefit from this phony Haudenosaunee land claim? They might even think of going forward with legal gambling operations on our land. As we have heard non-native business people say, “It’s always good to have an Indian friend to run an illegitimate business underneath them”, so they can use our sovereignty to their advantage and avoid taxes. If you don’t have a best Indian friend, you can create one”. In the end it is seen as an “Indian” organized crime. Greed and larceny are not part of our traditional culture. Colonists see the loop holes and abuse them. It’s the fake Mother Joan Ho “Indians” who get blamed for criminality which then reflects unfavorably on the rest of us. Let’s not forget the “ Vichy ” Indian collaborators who work hand in glove with these fraudsters. As we have seen, it’s set up so we stay poor, they take everything we have and get off scott free! People like Joan Ho have experience in creating Indians in hot spots for Indian Affairs, like Kanehsatake to control the election results and Lubicon Lake to get around resistance to a land claim. The threat of uranium mining exploration and drilling could be a diversionary controversy. To “legalize” land theft under NAFTA, the corporation sets up a board of directors and then sets up the business with the government. This agreement stands forever. It’s a typical magician’s sleight of hand. That’s when the gangster element and all their hit men become apparent. It’s possible that Indian Affairs and the rest of the “bottom feeders” may be getting paid under the table. They help set up something that looks legal, run the money through bogus banks and bogus bank accounts and quietly line their pockets. We’ve had our fill of their Grand Chief Phil “Many Fortunes” of AFN who helps them sign away everything we have! We are fighting big beasts. The greedy and rapacious golden serpent and the silver serpent are going to devour everything in their path and each other. In the end they will be devoured by the red serpent from the north who, like us, has the same ancient principles underlying their philosophies. We’d do well to put our wampum in the Bank of Hong Kong and not in Doreen’s purse! Kahentinetha Horn Click on “News” and see “Sharbot Lake” | ||
poster: katenies | ||