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MNN. May 1, 2019. turtle island is the soil of the ratinakeri, the natural people placed in our original habitat. No race has any natural right to invade and exterminate other races. W73. The aliens are not following the teohateh, two row. Canada is creating loss, doing wrong, causing suffering to the onkwehonweh, the only true original people. The aliens were told not to control, interfere with or injure the rotinoshonni’onwe. The people may call the aserakowa, war chief, to cast out the offenders who will convey the following message: “You must look for a path and lead away all your people”. W74.
April 30, 2019
TO: Assembly of First Nations, 55 Metcalfe Street Suite 1600, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L5. Phone: 613-241-6789. Toll Free: 1-866-869-6789. Fax: 613-241-5808.
I am a sovereign onkwehonweh’onwe, the true original people forever of onowarekeh, turtle island. My corporate Indian name is Audrey Horn. My real kanionkehaka’onwe name is kahentinetha. Canada/AFN is in the process of extinguishing me, who has been placed on turtle island by creation.
Assembly of First Nations AFN and band councils are paid agents of the private corporation of the “Government of Canada”. Trudeau threatened First Nations if they don’t sign away everything, he would cut off their funds. AFN has usurped illegal jurisdiction over me and my property without my knowledge or consent. AFN corporate registration is: NATIONAL INDIAN BROTHERHOOD 053108-1. BUSINESS # 133649848RC0001 Date modified 2019-04. This is personal unlawful and voluntary surrender to Canada.
Canada and AFN never got my permission to speak for or represent me in any way, which violates the kaianerekowa, the great peace, and international law.
A certificate of Indian status No. 0——–1 was forced by the private corporation called the “Government of Canada” on me. The AFN and First Nations are secretly carrying on business on behalf of Canada to extinguish my birthright without my knowledge or consent. They are fraudulently signing Framework Agreements to terminate me and assert unlawful Crown title on my property known as onowarekeh, turtle island [North America].
I do not vote for the AFN or the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake as they are an illegal entity that tries to exercise dictatorial power over me. I have never been given an account of AFN’s unlawful disbursements of my funds or property or their disregard for my sovereign rights, violating its fiduciary duties to me.
I wish to discuss this unlawful activity with you face to face at the earliest convenience. I request a written report with a list of the shareholders of the AFN corporation as is my right.
To protect my sovereignty I have a right to represent and speak for myself at all AFN meetings with the Government of Canada and to any and all information pertaining to myself. I am presently concerned about the private Canadian company known as the “Assembly of First Nations” signing the fraudulent framework agreement. As a sovereign onkwehonweh, I am vehemently opposed to this latest unlawful attempt to extinguish me and all onkwehonweh and to steal our inherent title to turtle island.
People of the past, present and future,
Audrey Horn Indian Status number 0——1
As Stephen Tyler and Arrowsmith nail it about dealing with AFN. “Get yourself cooler, lay yourself low. Coincidental murder with nothing to show. With the judge, constipation will go to his head. And his wife’s aggravation, you’re soon enough dead. It’s the same old story, same old song and dance, my friend”.
cc. AFN Head Office, 167 International Road, Unit 5, Akwesasne Ont. K6YH 0G5; Privy Council, 85 Sparks St., Room 1000, Ottawa Ont. K7A 0A3 613-957-5153;
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, Rideau Hall, c/o Program Planning, 1 Sussex Drive, Ottawa Ont. K1A 0A7;
Leader of Opposition Andrew Sheer, House of Commons, Ottawa Ont. K1A 0A6 613-992-4593;
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Assessment & Investigation Services Branch, 10 Wellington, Gatineau, QC K1A 0H4;
Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada 613-941-6900;
Corporations Canada, CD Howe Bldg., 235 Queen St., Ottawa On. K1A 0H5 1-866-333-5556;
Jagmeet Singh, NDP, 300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa On. K1P 5J9 613-236-3613;
Carolyn Bennett House of Commons, Ottawa On. K1A 0A6 613-995-9666;
seamus o’reagan
P.O.Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0