MNN. Sep. 27, 2024. October 25, 2024, will be the “100 year” anniversary of Duncan Campbell Scott’s Proclomation that his Indian Advancement Acts would be the 100 year plan to be rid of the “Indian problem”. The plan was spelled out in the “Indian Lands Acts “of October 25, 1924” that created all of the indian reservations in the colony of Canada, the imposition of blood quantum legislation, the residential school death camps, etc… which was recently removed from CAID.Ca.
In 1923 DESKAHE Levi General of the Grande River at Six Nations was sent to the original convention to form the League of Nations in Hague. It was to be the highest world body for peace in the world at the time, the precursor to the United Nations. Deskahe was sent by the Haudenosaunee’onwe to bring the Iroquois Confederacy into the League of Nations as the world’s first and oldest democatic confederacy on the planet.
The Iroquois were sponsored by 16 plus countries worldwide. Canada was not invited as they were a colony. Canada’s response was brutal and swift. They pulled out the colonial dagger. Deskahe was never allowed to return to Canada and was murdered in 1925 in Tuscarora near Niagara Falls by the assassins of Canada. His body has never allowed to be returned to his home at Grande River.

“Our object is to continue [their disappearance] until there is not a single Indian in Canada”. Duncan Campbell Scott.
The Six Nations made an international case for its autonomy from the government of Canada. Deskaheh began appealing Canadian policies such as the Enfranchisement Acts to the Department of Indian Affairs. Canada wanted total sovereignty of turtle island. They still have none. Six Nations continue to be independent allies of Britain, that Canada had no right to enforce its laws or the enfranchisement act on its people. READ DESKAHEH’S FILES ON THE SIX NATIONS APPEALS TO THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, 1922-1931.
Steve Winwood chants the farewell song to DCSCOTT: