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MNN. Sep. 15/23. September 14, 2023. Quebec Superior Court, District of Montreal. Oral submissions by Kahnistensera vs SQI, McGill et al. Judge will make a decision next Monday: REGARDING 20 T0 70 FALSE POSITIVES  FLAGGED BY THREE DOGS & GPR [ground penetrating radar]. Mohawk Mothers. face ‘denialism’, ‘disbanding’ of Expert Panel, and other questionable actions.

Kwetiio,  Bear. Clan: “A grave matter brings me here which. is about to get disastrous. The last time we were here was to discuss the findings, by Historic Human Remains Detection Dogs (HHRDD), of the scent of decaying human remains in front of the wall of the Hersey Pavilion, the Nurses’ Residence of the Royal Victoria Hospital. Since then, in several public releases – and again in Pierre Major’s affidavit filed yesterday – McGill University quotes a study underscoring between 20 and 70 percent of false positives for HHRDD. What McGill doesn’t mention is that this number is exponentially reduced when other dogs alert. At the Hersey pavilion, three dogs flagged. McGill’s communications also didn’t mention was a 12-year-old study, which specifies that dogs become more efficient with further training – and HHRDD have gotten much better since 12 years. They don’t mention either that the study’s sample was only three dog teams, that it was only based on teeth, and that it defined false positives,: “based on alert distance from target, it is important to recognize that these false positives do not necessarily translate to the equivalent of a dog alerting in a blank area”.. They don’t mention either that the dogs in this study were not HHRDD but HRD, which smell recent human remains instead of historic, older ones, and which have an entirely different training. Another study, this one from 2021, that was cited by the Panel of archaeologists but not by McGill, states that “the probability that two dogs would have a false positive at the same box is less than 0.06%”. This is from “Applying Canine Detection in Support of Collaborative Archaeology”, by Grebenkemper et al.

We sent the full exhibit this morning and we brought copies of the relevant pages for all parties. Right in front of the wall of the Hersey Pavilion of the Royal Vic, not two but three dogs alerted. Calling this an absence of evidence is outright denialism and rejection of science. Last time we were here, Mister Justice, the Defendants denied that there was any evidence of remains. Now they are stating the same notion publicly, that no evidence has been found, that the investigation is over. They don’t mention the woman’s dress – that was handled without any forensic care when it was taken out of the ground and that was admittedly almost put in the garbage. They don’t mention the old children’s shoes, all the allegedly “animal” bones, the ball of hair or the very concerning so-called slag, this purple/maroonish substance poured all over a layer of soil, which was apparently used to “sanitize” it, and as we recently learned, perhaps also to decompose organic matter. That we don’t quite know, because the Defendants and their contractors did not deem advisable to study it further.

We were told that HHRDD dogs can detect human DNA even after bodies are decomposed. This has to be looked into. But it wasn’t done, in the absence of the Panel to recommend it. For the same reason we were not able to investigate the horrid fetid smell coming from a layer of soil, that slowly dissipated when it dried in a pile under the sun, nor the smell that came from the pipe protruding out of the Hersey building, exactly where the three dogs alerted.

Denialism is what we are facing. It is sad, sorry, and for us, retraumatizing. Constant gaslighting. The Panel and dog handlers all suggested searching a 10 meter radius around the spot. Ethnoscop asked about entering the building. The SQI refused. End of the story! They claim the investigation is over, there are no remains!  In addition to the 9 potential graves detected, of which we ended up having a (rather botched) report yesterday – not as a report shared with us, but as an exhibit shared by Mrs. Mayes from SQI after the 4pm deadline.

The GPR survey by GeoScan detected a great number of unknown anomalies in the Priority Zone which have never received any attention, even though GeoScan’s report deemed that they could be graves of children or graves without coffins, like our ancestors did. Those anomalies have been entirely pushed to the wayside by the Defendants, and silenced in all their communications. A cluster of potential graves and unknown anomalies is situated immediately next to where the Defendants started heavy excavation work on Tuesday, in defiance of the upcoming court hearing. on Sep. 14/23. Mrs. Mayes’ affidavit also includes another piece of information which we were never made aware of, even though we were the very instigators of this whole process. In Exhibit SMC-15, Mr Whiting, from GeoScan, responds to the SQI complaining that their report suggested the numerous unknown anomalies could be unmarked graves, by saying: “What I usually recommend in these cases is to absolutely approach the “potential” graves as if they are in fact graves, and investigate with full archaeological protocols. In the case of the “unknown” features, these are normally approached with a sampling strategy. In particular I usually suggest archaeological excavation/testing of the closest Unknown features to the features we ID as “potential”, say within a 10 m radius of each potential. If any of the unknowns turn out in fact to be burials, then expand the radius another 5 m and continue testing unknowns until all are negative. There may also be some unknowns or clusters of unknowns some distance away from any potentials that should be tested. Especially if they look rectangular in map view”.

Mr Whiting of GeoScan then suggests drafting a sampling strategy. The SQI do not respond to this professional advice, nor will it ever, as it is now to be assumed, because SQI executives are not experts in searching for unmarked graves, and are not qualified to manage this investigation. In fact all their actions indicate they do not wish it ever happened at all. They refused to share the data with the Panel who asked and who. were jointly selected with them through painstaking negotiations. The settlement agreement specifies that all parties must be guided by the Panel’s recommendations as to who should analyze the data. A clear breach of the agreement. They refused to share it with the Canadian Archaeological Association’s Working Group on Unmarked Graves, the top experts in Canada, for a peer review, as asked for by the Panel too. This is McGill, a world class institution and the SQI, a public body from the Quebec government, doing this. Refusing expertise. Disbanding the Panel, to simply take over the whole process.

It is unexplainable that any credible investigation would operate without project managers who know what they are doing and have expertise. Agreeing on three experts to provide recommendations was the bottom line of the agreement. To stop arguing, and let the experts decide what is the best to way to find, protect and respect human burials on the site of this hospital. This is where some of worst medical experiments in human history took place. We repeat again it: we are here to find our children, to find the truth of what happened, and who is accountable.

Cherry picking which of the Panel’s recommendations they would implement came to define the defendants’ methodology. The Panel asked to carefully excavate GPR targets and sift the soil? The Defendants rather used mechanical excavators rushing through 8 holes in a single day and immediately refilled them back, unsifted. The Panel asked to use S4 Probes in the Soil. It wasn’t done. On July 25th we were literally attacked by the SQI’s security, who grabbed our camera to erase images of their racially charged insults of Indigenous elders on the site. McGill and SQI gave us their best assurances that they would not be there anymore. Last Sunday, who do we see on the site where GPR was being done? The same security guards! After the assault we couldn’t return there for three weeks and the piles of soil excavated around the dog’s target were just left to the rain, unattended. The Panel wrote to say they should be covered.

That’s the value of having a Panel overview an investigation. The Panel also said at that time that it would be necessary to involve a forensic specialist with the Panel to protect the chain of custody of evidence. The Defendants simply dismissed their recommendation, refusing to treat the search for unmarked graves in any credible and professional way. Many other Panel recommendations that were rejected by the Defendants emphasized that it was necessary for the Panel to follow up on the implementation of the recommendations, to adapt to the reality of what is happening on the ground. The Panel reported that it needs “to be informed of the outcome of any related work – Archival research, HHRDD investigations, GPR survey, S4 probe and monitoring. The Panel will review these reports and provide updated recommendations (if warranted) within 1 month of receipt of each report”. A Panel member explained that it was a professional and ethical obligation to follow up on their recommendations.

SQI and McGill decided to manage everything themselves, through contracts and non-disclosure agreements, to be judge and jury, and to manage and argue that somehow it’s a good thing that experts are not involved and have no say. McGill University submits that the agreement has not been breached, that only monitoring was required in the zone where they excavated last Tuesday, and that there is nothing to see. “Just trust McGill”, they said in this Court last October. The Defendants do not dispute, apparently, that the spirit of the agreement was breached many times by them as well as their letters. McGill and SQI suggest that the agreement limited the mandate of the Panel to selecting archaeological techniques, and that they had no say in how they would be applied. Mcgill and SQI would entirely take over the investigation. We strongly disagree with such a distorted interpretation of the agreement. However, the Defendants state that the only way the Panel could come back would be under Section 17 of the agreement, which provides that “if following the execution of the Techniques, there are no graves identified in a given area, the excavation work can begin on a rolling basis, in a sensitive manner with appropriate monitoring that will allow a prompt reaction in the event there is some unexpected discovery, at which point McGill, SQI and the Kanien’keha:ka Kahnistensera will seek the advice of the Panel as to how to move forward.”

The last time we were in this Court after the dog’s finding, McGill and SQI argued that since this was an unexpected discovery Section 17 would apply, and they deferred to the panel asking to excavate a 10 meter radius around the target. A 10 meter radius from which the Defendants somehow managed to exclude inside the building, even though the target is just next to the wall. Now they entirely changed their interpretation, and they say that Section 17 does not apply and that there is no use bringing in the Panel. We could think that they’d rather rely on the expertise of the service providers, like GPR technicians, but that’s not even the case since they dismissed GeoScan’s recommendation to investigate unknown anomalies that are the closest to potential grave anomalies.

The Defendants now suggest that the only “unexpected discovery” that could bring back any sort of expert in the picture would be after a body is found, after a backhoe or an excavator hits human bones. Yet the SQI admitted, in an email by Sophie Mayes shared on August 1st (Exhibit MM-8), that there is no way that the Panel could be involved if a body was found: “If Ethnoscop’s professionals identify human bones on site, the latter will be legally obligated to immediately inform the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications and the Montreal Police Department (including the Coroner). Consequently, in the event of such discovery, neither Ethnoscop, the SQI, the Panel, McGill nor the Kahnistensera will have control over the following steps.” Therefore, the SQI ruled out the possibility that the “unexpected discovery” bringing back the Panel as per Section 17 of the agreement applies to human burials. The only other possible interpretation of Paragraph 17 is that an “unexpected discovery” actually means something three HHRDD alerting on human remains, or Ground Penetrating Radar yielding concerning unanalyzed data like what was unexpectedly found in the zone immediately adjacent to where the Defendants have started excavating Tuesday.

Article 13 has also explicitly been breached. It provides that “SQI, McGill, and the Kanien’keha:ka Kahnistensera agree to be (…) guided by the recommendations of the Panel as to the specialists to carry out the techniques and analyze the relevant data”. The Panel recommended the Canadian Archaeological Association CAA and themselves to analyze the data. The Defendants have simply refused. Article 1 states “that archival and testimonial work will begin immediately and the results of such work will be communicated to the Panel (defined below) on an ongoing basis to inform their work.” Given the termination of the Panel’s mandate, they won’t have time to do this, so the Defendants have breached this article. As they breached articles 2, 3 and 4, where McGill, the McGill University Health Center and the Attorney General of Canada promise expedited access to their archives, “including restricted files.”

Canada is still slowly processing an ATIP request we made more than a year ago, while McGill’s most important files on their psychiatrists’ potential involvement with Indigenous people need approval from the Canadian Army- still now, 70 years from the fact. The McGill University Health Center has provided no record at all, not even finding aids. As Kahentinetha will explain later, article 9, that allow us to appoint Cultural Monitors to oversee the respect of Onkwehonweh protocol on site, has been breached by threats to our security. And finally, by disbanding the Panel, the Defendants breached Article 11, which states that the “The mandate of the Panel is to assess and identify the appropriate archeological techniques to be used on different areas of the site to detect whether there are unmarked graves.”If its mandate is terminated, it is impossible for the Panel to assess and identify the appropriate archaeological techniques, except if we define “to identify techniques” as simply selecting them.

This is what we call a sharp dealing, breaching the spirit of reconciliation. We submit that these breaches to the agreement are prejudicial to all searches for unmarked graves throughout Turtle Island. It will affect all indigenous people for generations to come in setting precedents that will have implications for the overall relationships between us. We have a protocol called the One Dish and One Spoon. It unites all Indigenous peoples and played a huge role in the Great Peace of Montreal in 1701. The story is in the Kaianerehkowa, the Great Path that we follow as the Rotinonshonni confederacy. The Peacemaker Dekanawida showed a big dish, saying that all people share it. It’s our shared territory, our mother, that provides our subsistence. Dekanawida said that when sharing the great dish with one spoon, nobody should use sharp objects, so as to not hurt each other.

Canada has admitted genocide. At the National Gathering on Unmarked Burial in Montreal last week, the Attorney General of Canada said that “we cannot deny and we should not deny what happened in residential schools or their effect on many generations”. Our relationship has to change. Everyone wants it to change. We asked this Honorable Court to help the Defendants, all the institutions that verbally commit to reconciliation, to make that step in the 21st century to truly change the way we live alongside one another. Our duty as Kahnistensera (life-givers) is to caretake the land and the children of past, present and future generations. We are following our own law, the Kaianerehkowa. It is the way we have conducted ourselves since time immemorial to keep peace on this land and to help creation continue and grow. This place, Tiotiake, is our land, where our culture originated. Tekanontak (Mount Royal) and what is now the campus of McGill University contains the remains of one our biggest villages in all the land of the flint, Kanienkeh, our territory. Our people and children were murdered in order to get the land, to cut the connection between us, Kahnistensera, and the land. It is the greatest power: the power of the relationship between a mother and her children. We have the right to accomplish our traditional duties as Kahnistensera. It is not only the appearance of a right, it is our responsibility. The irreparable harm is not only certain to happen in the short term, it was already partially started when the Defendants started excavating, even refusing to wait until the court date. Once they disrupt those pipes which are, as McGill and SQI admitted, PERFECTLY FUNCTIONAL AT THIS TIME, they will necessarily have to excavate the whole Priority Zone area, including where the dogs detected remains. We hope that the damage already done is not too great, but it is certainly not something that anything else than a halt to the work and a reassessment of the situation can buy.

Nothing can compensate the loss of the trust of our people, of all Onkwehonwe, in the responsibility of McGill, Quebec and Canada to protect the basis of our human rights. To halt excavation until the origin of the scent of human remains is found, and until the GPR findings are studied in a serious way is the only honorable thing to do. For these reasons, I ask the court to grant the declaratory relief and safeguard order which will allow us to search for our children in a peaceful, professional, fruitful and therefore timely manner. NIAWEN:KOWA O:NEN

The late Willie Dunn put together words, ideas and laments to remind us to keep going:  O Canada:
Our home and native land
One hundred thousand years
We’ve walked upon your sands
With saddened hearts
We’ve seen you robbed and stripped
Of everything you prized
While they cut down the trees
We were shunted aside
To the jails and the penitentiaries

O Canada
Once glorious and free
O Canada
We sympathize with thee
O Canada 


thahoketoteh@ntk.com MNN court correspondent

box 991, kahnawake que. canada J0L 1B0 kahentinetha2@protonmail.com




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PRESS RELEASE For immediate publication.

Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) kahnistensera@riseup.net 



September 12th , 2023, “Mohawk Mothers Return to Court Thursday As McGill and SQI Drill Holes At Royal Victoria Hospital” Tio’tià:ke (Montreal) –

The Mohawk Mothers held a press conference at the corner of Pine and Peel sts. on September 12, 2023, at 2:30pm.

The Kahnistensera filed an Emergency Motion to halt drilling and excavation at the Royal Victoria Hospital site, which will be heard on Thursday September 14 at the Montreal. Superior Court. The Emergency Motion details breaches to the Settlement Agreement by McGIll and the SQI that the Mohawk Mothers repeatedly raised in direct talks about the way they are handling the archaeological investigation ordered by the Quebec Superior Court to search for unmarked graves of victims of medical experiments.

The Kahnistensera are shocked that McGill and SQI have pressed ahead with construction on September 11, 2022 by drilling a large number of holes marking the beginning of a series of excavations.

The same day, McGill University issued a message to all its staff and students, declaring that the investigation of the zone is complete and that no evidence of graves was found. The Mohawk Mothers see these as major provocations, as the investigation is far from complete. McGill’s message emphasizes favourable findings while concealing or downplaying several discoveries that confirm the possibility of unmarked burials at the New Vic site. These discoveries require further follow-up to determine whether the New Vic work can safely proceed.

On August 29, 2023 the Mohawk Mothers filed a motion for a safeguard order to enforce the settlement agreement signed by all parties in April 2023. This follows a landmark injunction stopping work in October 2022. The Kahnistensera flagged several breaches to the letter and spirit of the settlement agreement: McGill and SQI disbanded the panel of three archaeologist experts agreed upon by all parties to make recommendations on the findings.

The Kahnistensera’s court files show that McGill and the SQI refused to follow several recommendations from the archaeologists, such as sifting the soil of areas where anomalies of potential bodies were located. Court documents also reveal that the SQI refused to share data from Ground Penetrating Radar GPR with the Canadian Archaeology Association CAA and the panel of experts. They silenced numerous “unknown” anomalies that the GPR report say could possibly be graves of children without coffins. Several artifacts, including a dress, children’s shoes and bones excavated in a zone where search dogs detected the scent of human remains have not yet been examined by experts. The origin of the scent of human remains picked up by search dogs has not been established.

The Kahnistensera state the SQI and McGill have refused to allow the search dogs to return to the site to sniff the piles of soil that were excavated or to determine whether the smell came from inside the building, where archaeologists were denied access.

“Since disbanding the Panel, McGill and SQI have basically decided to take over the whole investigation. They have been opposed to it even happening from the start,” said Kwetiio, a Mohawk Mother. “Their behaviour goes against the court order that this would be Indigenous-led”, she said, “This could have been done the right way and provide closure to survivors and the families.”

On July 25th the work stopped for three weeks after the Mohawk Mothers and Cultural Monitors were attacked by security guards working for the SQI. The guards assaulted a person to take his phone and erase a video, while someone else recorded racist insults and threats against the Mohawk elders and cultural monitors.”

According to Kahentinetha, “On September 11 we saw these same two security guards on the archaeological site. The SQI told us they had been removed”. Even though the settlement agreement allowed Indigenous cultural monitors to be on the site and monitor the work, Kahentinetha says they now fear for their safety. “The security guards who attacked us are still there, while SQI and McGill want to rush in large-scale excavation for their New Vic project. In fact they drilled those holes yesterday without us being present. They didn’t even give us safety training for working in zones under construction with heavy machinery, and we don’t have the proper equipment. The settlement agreement said we have to be there, but the conditions are extremely dangerous.” The Kahnistensera had already flagged violations of construction safety regulations such as masonry material stacked higher than 1.8 meters next to an unsanitary toilet that cultural monitors were expected to use. “Are we still being treated like animals, like a problem to get rid of, in the heart of Montreal, where the villages of our ancestors sit,” said Kahentinetha. “But we will not take genocide anymore, both Canadian and Mohawk laws affirm this,” she said.

The Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) is a Kahnawake-based group that helps Indigenous women carry out their traditional cultural duty as caretakers of the land, to protect all life, including their children and ancestors. They have been engaged in a legal challenge with promoters of the New Vic project to stall future excavation of the former Royal Victoria Hospital site until a proper archaeological investigation is conducted, using the traditional protocols of the Kaianere’kó:wa (Great Peace).

Let us look at the kahnisensera portrayed as ‘Dixie’ in this song, “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”, by The Band. “Virgil King is the name and I ride the Danville train. Til Stoneman’s Calvary came and tore off the tracks again. It was the winter of ’65. We were hungry and barely alive. I took the train into Richmond that day. It was a time i remember oh so well. Chorus: The night they drove old dixie down and all the bells were ringing. The night they drove old  Dixie down, and all the people were singing. they were ….”

Quebec Superior Court #500-17-120-468-221 kahentinetha et al v. SQI, McGill et al.

The Band - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

SEE https://www.mohawkmothers.ca/

Contact for press: kahnistensera@riseup.net Kahnawake, P.O. Box 991, que. canada J0L 1B0



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MNN. Sun. Sept. 3, 2023. 


Our brother the eagle landed on the highest point of the McGill Women’s Pavilion on September 3, 2023., with a message! A crew is digging the place in front of this building where three dogs found human remains. The kahnistensera and cultural monitors are staying on the path that leads to the great peace and finding our children, who were the victims of the MKULTRA and other experiments. No one will take us off that path.  

McGill is on the land of the kanienkehaka since time imemmorial. No land can be sold, transferred or in any way taken from the original people who have been placed on onowarekeh by creation.  Our mother, turtle island, belongs to the unborn children. All life is dedicated to caretaking the land for the forthcoming happiness and dignity of our children. Intruders who do not live by the way of natural life as created by the kasatenserakowa saoiera have no place on turtle island. 

One of our belated Mohawk brothers, Robbie Robertson, said it perfectly: “In circles we gather. Moonlight fires are healing. Taking us back, make us go back. Beating hearts as one, this is indian county. You’re in indian country. [Robbie Robertson and the “Red Road Emsemble “Stomp Dance”].

Stomp Dance (Unity)

contact: court correspondence thahoketoteh@ntk.com mohawknationnews.com box 991, kahnawake Que. Canada J0L 1B0

info: mohawkmothers.ca



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MNN. July 22, 2023. Kahionhatatie Cree 13, an Onkwehonwe from the Kanienkehaka territory of Kahnawake, was denied access to play with her soccer team “Eastern Door and the North”, at the North American Indigenous Games in Halifax this week. She trained all year, then a provision was made that athletes required a COVID19 vaccination upon registration in December. I submitted a letter for exemption based on our traditional standing. At 10pm on July 22, six hours before her bus was to depart to Halifax,  Jessie Messier, phoned me informing me that my daughter could not go to the games and if she did she would be given a bus ticket and sent home. She then apologized.

When I got the call, I was in Listigui meeting with Indigenous peoples from the surrounding regions of Gespe’gawa’gi. I was heartbroken for her. The time and effort she put into her training and team building was deflated. The excitement for her long awaited, first solo trip with her teammates was crushed. I could not be there to comfort her nor break it to her father, Garrett Cree, who volunteers ALL his free time to kids in sport. we were angry.

The Mi’gmaq at the meeting were in complete disbelief. They reached out and made statements to whomever they could contact. One person stated that North American Indigenous Games is one of the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Another said that the vaccine is no longer mandated. Many thought it was disrespectful to not honor our uses of our medicines. Most were disappointed that they would do this to a child.

The Health Services Manager who called and told me of my daughter’s ineligibility said that it was decided that day in a Halifax court. Lawyers spent five hours pleading for an emergency injunction.

The dorm would not accommodate her, Dal.ca/summerhousing. even though there is no vaccine mandate requirement there.

The job and volunteer positions posted on the NAIG 2023 website listed no vaccine requirements. 

The HALIFAX Jazz Festival taking place now until Sunday, July 16th showed NO VACCINE MANDATE requirement.

What does Fiona Fitzpatrick Parsons have to say about this fact denying my daughter a right to take part in NAIG?

Was the board involved in this decision? What were their thoughts?

Who are these games really for?

Is NAIG helping the colonial institutions of Canada to continue to deny the existence of the only true natural people of turtle island and our ways?  

What was the reason behind Judge Peter Rosinski’s decision to deny the injunction?

Was she singled out? By whom?

My daughter and my people are not invisible. We need answers! 

When I returned to Kahnawake, I spoke to my family for guidance. I was reminded that  I am Kahnistensera and my duty is to protect and care for my children. She is ALL children.

Kwe’ti:io – Kahnistensera

Deep Purple said it right with “Sweet Child in Time”:

Sweet child in timeYou’ll see the lineThe line that’s drawn betweenGood and badSee the blind manShooting at the worldBullets flyingOh, taking tollIf you’ve been badOh, Lord, I bet you haveAnd you’ve not been hitOh, by flying leadYou’d better close your eyesOhBow your headWait for the ricochet
Sweet child in timeYou’ll see the lineThe line that’s drawn betweenGood and badSee the blind manShooting at the worldBullets flyingOh, taking tollIf you’ve been badLord, I bet you haveAnd you’ve not been hitOh, by flying leadYou’d better close your eyesOhBow your headWait for the ricochet
Source: LyricFind


Pierre Trudeau get’s booed at NAIG.


MNN Mohawk Nation News 


Box 991, kahnawake, quebec canada J0L 1B0


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MNN. July 8, 2023. Ayonwaehs – War Chief of the Mohawks, Ateronhiatakon – Francis Boots, Snipe Clan, 73, peacefully passed away on July 5th, 2023. He will be presented at the Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonsesne [longhouse] located at 570 Route 37 in Akweswasne, starting on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 2pm, until the funeral service on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 10:00 am. Burial will take place at the Jocks Cemetery on 136B Jock Road in Akwesasne [NYS]. Funeral arrangements are with Donaldson’s Funeral Home. Donations can be made to the Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonsesne. 

He was born October 27, 1948 at the home of his maternal grandparents Katie and Paul Caldwell. He grew up on Cornwall Island of Akwesasne. He married Lisa Thomas, and was later in a relationship with Margie Marquis. He is survived by his children, Kawenniiosta (Joe), Teioronhiate (Crystal), Mandaque, Sohahiio, Karatohon (Cheryl), Konwanietawi (Zane), his grandchildren, Kai, Nora, Reese, Lita Jane, Odessa, Mskwaa-desiinh, Cala and Kanerahtine. He is survived by his siblings, John, Diane, Harvey, Anna, Yvonne, Jake, Emily and many nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his siblings, Peter, James (Julia), Joseph (Barbara), Catherine-Lena (Ray), Margaret (Peter), Elizabeth-Betty (Carl), Fredrick, Richard, Angus (Harriet) and Stephen (Beverly) and in-laws, Harriet, Patricia and Beverly.

Ateronhiatakon, attended Cornwall Island Day School, East Front Public School, St. Lawrence High School and Mater Dei College. In the 1960’s he travelled with the “White Roots of Peace”. He was always prepared at a momen’t notice to help the people. He shared his vast knowledge and experience, teaching our language, and officiating ceremonies. He was a true gift to the people. His kindness and his way of communicating made everyone comfortable, even in uneasy situations.

Francis honored all his teachers, people of the Confederacy, elders and community members with whom he shared his deep knowledge of our traditional ways. 

Aterionhiatakon was always optimistic, “I’m confident that we will survive. In the future I believe that we will not allow our way of life to be tampered with by the colonial powers. The settler peoples have got to understand they too have these instructions to be kind to Mother Earth, to be kind to the rivers, to be kind to the trees and all life. They seem to have forgotten that, and that’s where the conflict is. They too have to come home now. From”The Mohawk Warrior Society – A Handbook on Sovereignty and Survival, Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall”.



Aterionhiatakon was a great aserakowa whose role at all times is to maintain the peace. Another great Mohawk, Robbie Robertson has something to say about Francis:

The general rode for sixteen daysThe horses were thirsty and tiredOn the trail of a renegade chiefOne he’d come to admireThe soldiers hid behind the hillsThat surrounded the villageAnd he rode down to warn the chiefThey’d come to conquer and pillage
Lay down your armsLay down your spearThe chief’s eyes were sadBut showed no sign of fear
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children dry your eyesIt is a good day to die
And he spoke of the days before the white man cameWith his guns and whiskyHe told of a time long agoBefore what you call historyThe general couldn’t believe his wordsNor the look on his faceBut he knew these people would rather dieThen have to live in this disgrace
What law have I brokenWhat wrong have I doneThat makes you want to bury meUpon this trail of blood
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children don’t you cryIt is a good day to die
We cared for the land and the land cared for usAnd that’s the way it’s always beenNever asked for more never asked too muchAnd now you tell me this is the end
I laid down my weaponI laid down my bowNow you want to drive me outWith no place left to go
It is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)Oh my children don’t you cryIt is a good day to die (It is a good day to die)
And he turned to his people and said dry your eyesWe’ve been blessed and we are thankfulRaise your voices to the skyIt is a good day to die
Oh my children don’t you cry (don’t you cry)Dry your eyesRaise your voice up to the skyIt is a good day to die

Contact.  kanonsesneh@gmail.com

Mohawk Nation News. kahentinetha2@protonmail.com



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MNN. Wed. July 5, 2023. This is a discussion with the men’s fire about standing up to the HCCC [Haudenosaunee Council of Chiefs] and HDI [Haudenosaunee Development Insttute] which are private incorporated companies. This is the intervention by the men’s fire against HDI and HCCC to settle all the Ontario and Canada land claims by Canada. They did not ask the people if they could do this because they know all the land is not for sale. The onkwehonweh [natural people of creation] have been given all the land of Turtle Island. The people discussed the responsibilities under the kaiaerekowa of each and every one of us.  

How the corporation system is suppose to work!


The Weather Girls are giving us some insight into the coming storms on the horizon:

For more information on the court case see :  MohawkMothers.ca

Contact: thahoketoteh@ntk.com MNN Court Correspondence, box 991, kahnawake quebec canada








____________For immediate publication______________

MNN. July 4, 2023,

Following the recent discovery of the scent of human remains by Historic Human Remains Detection Dogs (HHRDD) on the grounds of the old Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) appeal to McGill University and the Government of Quebec to apply the same precautions for protecting potential remains on other similar sites. “It is our understanding that several other institutions in Quebec may contain unmarked graves of our children, not only in Indian Residential Schools or hospitals, but also in former sanatoria, orphanages and correctional homes,” said Kwetiio, one of the Mohawk Mothers.

The Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera have obtained the first injunction ever granted to self-represented Indigenous people on October 27th, 2022, halting excavation work for McGill’s “New Vic” Project in the former Royal Victoria Hospital to search for unmarked graves following the testimonies of survivors of the MK-Ultra psychiatric experiments on mind control. During the hearing, McGill University and the Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI) had started excavating the very same area where the dogs now found human remains, declaring that nothing had been found by archaeologists and that the New Vic construction project could begin.

According to the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera, it is very likely that the human remains would have been destroyed by construction work if they did not intervene in court, despite lacking resources and legal assistance. “We should not have to go to court for this. Taxpayer money should not be spent on litigation against survivors and their family members who want to identify, protect and investigate the unmarked graves of victims of medical experiments”, says Mohawk Mother Kahentinetha, “they should collaborate from the onset to treat human remains with respect as responsible institutions would do”.

The human remains were independently detected by three separate HHRDD handled by Kim Cooper, of the Ottawa Valley Search and Rescue Dog Association, on June 9, 2023, following a lengthy court process which led to a Settlement Agreement being homologated by the Superior Court of Quebec on April 20, 2023. Kimberly Murray, the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burials Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools, who intervened in the court proceedings, noted in her recently released Interim Report that “There is a need to expand the scope of research beyond Indian Residential School sites. … Current investigations are beginning to reveal how the systems and patterns of colonial violence that existed in the Indian Residential School system extended to [other] associated institutions. …

Understanding the full scope of the forced transfer of children from one institution to the next and the conditions that led to their deaths will require significant time, funding, research, and long-term commitment to finding the truth.” The Mohawk Mothers urge McGill University and the McGill University Health Center to pause excavation work and large-scale renovation plans for hospitals and medical research centers who may contain the graves of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children as test subjects in the past. This includes not only the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, but also its main campus in downtown Montreal, where Iroquoian Longhouses and gravesites were repeatedly discovered, including at the intersection of Peel and Sherbrooke streets in 2018.

On June 30th, 2023, the day following a court date where the HHRDD discovery was discussed, the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera were shocked to learn that McGill University had launched large-scale archaeological inventories next to the McLennan Library. McGill had not informed the Kahnistensera even though they had repeatedly expressed their vested interest in protecting the remains of their ancestors buried under the university in court. McGill University did not express whether Indigenous monitors and specialists in human burials were present at the archaeological site.

Regarding the more recent remains of medical experiments, the Mohawk Mothers are concerned that Quebec is not taking its responsibility regarding the widespread abuse of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous children such as the Duplessis Orphans in the past century. The Mohawk Mothers recently asked the Quebec government and the CIUSSS to halt the sale of the Hôpital de la Miséricorde, a former house for unwed mothers, to investigate the probability that it contains human remains; a meeting with the CIUSSS to discuss the demand will take place in Kahnawake on July 6th, 2023. “But we can’t run after the government all the time to make sure none of these sites where medical cruelty happened get desecrated or sold to get rid of them and the terrible evidence of the past they contain, says Kahentinetha.

According to the Kahnistensera, the same type of agreement and investigation that resulted from the Royal Victoria Hospital Court Case should be followed in all other similar sites. In particular, the institutions that should be investigated and protected can be found in both the list of sites that Indigenous people requested to be included in the settlement process for Residential Schools, and that were not accepted because they were not schools operated by the Federal government, and in lists of orphanages, psychiatric wards and institutions attended by Duplessis Orphans (see attached documents). Approximately 200 institutions may be concerned. According to anthropologist Philippe Blouin, who accompanies the Mohawk Mothers in court, there was widespread abuse of children in Quebec until the late 1960’s, and strong connections between the treatment of Indigenous children and Duplessis Orphans must be investigated to help survivors find closure while it is still time.

Mohawk Mothers kindly remind you to keep your promises.

The Government of Canada should also follow suit with hospitals under Federal custody in Quebec, including the Parc Savard Indian Hospital and the veterans’ hospitals in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue and on Queen May Road in Montreal. Finally, the Kahnistensera insist that respecting human remains is an issue of public interest and that proper capacity funding must be provided to Indigenous investigators seeking to protect burial sites. The Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) is a Kahnawake-based group that helps Indigenous women accomplish their traditional cultural duty as caretakers of the land, to protect all life, including their children and ancestors. They have been engaged in a legal challenge with promoters of the New Vic project to stall future excavation of the former Royal Victoria Hospital site until a proper archaeological investigation is conducted, using the traditional protocols of the Kaianere’kó:wa (Great Peace). https://www.mohawkmothers.ca/ Contact for press: kahnistensera@riseup.net Kahnawake, P.O. Box 991

Mohawk Robbie Robertson of the Band could have been writing about the perils of Mount Royal:

When I get off of this mountainYou know where I wanna go?Straight down the Mississippi RiverTo the Gulf of MexicoTo Lake Charles, LouisianaLittle Bessie, girl that I once knewAnd she told me just to come on byIf there’s anything she could do
Up on Cripple Creek, she sends meIf I spring a leak, she mends meI don’t have to speak, she defends meA drunkard’s dream if I ever did see one . . . .
The Band "Up On Cripple Creek" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Kahnistensera Press Release July 4 2023

List institutions – 1

List institutions – 2

List institutions – 3

For updates see MohawkMothers.ca  Court Correspondent Thahoketoteh@Ntk.com

Box 911, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0   kahentinetha2@protonmail.com

For updates, see MohawkMothers.ca


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MNN. June 30, 2023. 

It was revealed in Montreal court on June 29 2023 that three well trained cadaver dogs identified the older of human remains at the Hersey Building of the Royal Victoria Hospital of McGill University. Last October the province of Quebec and McGill University insisted that “there were no signs of remains”. On June 9, 2023, the historic human remains detection dog team executed techniques under the “Settlement Agreement” and found remains.  

The reason the kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers went into this colonial court system using their own traditional way was to make the defendants accountable to their own laws and actions. Judge Moore made an order to find the remains of the children buried on the grounds of McGill university before building the mass Mount Royal renovation. The problem is the defendants disregarded the kahnisteneras and survivor warning that the site contained human remains. and started building their project violating the respect for human remains.  The rule of law does not seem to be for everybody in Canada.. Their own corporations, provincial governments and institutions can pick and chose when to follow the rule of law. The autocracy does whatever they want without consequences, while others are expected to follow them. Our concern is for our children and our sacred land. and accountability. Their remains could be buried anywhere on Mount Royal. Our children want to continue their final journey and not to continue to be violated. On June 30, 2023 the defendants of the Royal Vic Project advertised in the media that they [representing the perpetrators of the crimes] are going to carry out the investigations to which all parties agreed would be indigenous led. The kahnistenser have not been informed about this and wonder why.

Stonewall Jackson, the great predictor, sees what’s coming when he sings about “Waterloo”: 

Waterloo WaterlooWhere will you meet your Waterloo?Every puppy has his dayEverybody has to payEverybody has to meet his Waterloo
Now old AdamWas the first in historyWith an appleHe was tempted and deceivedJust for spiteThe devil made him take a biteAnd that’s where old AdamMet his Waterloo
Waterloo Waterloo . . . 
Little General Napoleon of FranceTried to conquer the worldBut lost his pantsMet defeatKnown as Bonaparte’s RetreatAnd that’s when NapoleonMet his Waterloo


In English





In French




MNN Court Correspondent thahoketoteh@ntk.com 


box 991, kahnawake Que. Canada J0L 1B0


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MNN. June 27,  2023.

Here’s how it goes. A band council entity is set up. They offer to help their people. Somebody or a community group get some monies to “benefit the community”, but the band council or its nominee own all the assets from it and can tell us what we can or cannot do. The band council and its entities use our funds to ingratiate,  enrich themselves, get into conflict of interest situations and possible fraud.

Remember, the band councils are corporate agents of Canada that were set up on Oct. 25, 1924 to help Canada take and control our land and resources.

                            Said the onkwehonweh to the canadien!

For example, an incorporated community association [the band council] invites a so called non-profit society in to build a community hall for the people. In the end it benefits mostly them and Canada, not the people.

The meeting is held at a band council building. The main host is a guy who works for the band council, who is directly involved with the process. Canada and the provinces have millions of dollars in program funds they offer to support projects they deem will ‘benefit’ the community!  

As a part of the band council corporate apparatus, the  nominee employee helps push the grant application forward. He gets their documents together and registers them to be a not-for-profit society in order to receive the funds.

The host suggests they build a structure that would cost $500,000. There will be taxes for each household because this incorporated association is no longer indigenous. 

The mentor asks for $300,000 for the logs; $800,000 for the lock up; then another $200,000 for the construction of the building, then transportation and putting it together on the site, plus expenses to hook up the water, electricity, and sewage. If they do not get the initial grant, then the costs for the project somehow rise to $1.5. to $2 million which has to be borrowed by the villagers.  In most cases most of these enterprises are not needed.

When the mentor, on behalf of the association gets the grant, he owns and leases it to the society for $1 a year. The purpose is not to benefit the community as mostly they never see the money. 

 Public funds are being used to enrich the corporate non-native band council entity. Out of the $1.5 million or more granted or loaned, the building costs $500,000 and who knows where the rest goes.

The band council cannot be part of any community since they are a foreign for-profit crown corporation.  The employee/mentor dupes the people. 

The conflict of interest is because the band council employee cannot have anything from this grant application process for himself.  It was his idea and he has been working with his ‘band council superiors’ to push this project  through.

The Supreme Court [Beverly McLachlan] unanimously ruled that the tsilhqot’in does have a claim of 750 sq. Km [680 sq. mi.] of land. This decision is a precedent for all turtle island.

The colonial Supreme Court held that aboriginal title constitutes a beneficial interest in the land, the underlying control of which is retained by the Crown. Why? We are caretakers of turtle island. Indigenous people are sovereign and have all duties and  responsibilities to decide everything. Also, to proactively use and manage the land, including its natural resources. But the foreign entity, the Crown, gave themselves the right to override aboriginal title in the so called “public interest”!!

This scam is practiced on every native until all our land is completely taken from us. Everything the intruders do is void as no land can be conveyed. A foreign for-profit private crown corporation does not have any right to deal with the “general public”, including band councils. A private company can only deal with their own employees, property and dependants. “Public” funds are used to enrich themselves by requisitioning this legitimate native property without using their own assets to do it. In fact, the funds could be coming from our “Indian Trust Funds”.

The band councils work dilligently for Canada. 

Sections 35/52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 and its band councils do not exist according to our way. Original people are caretakers and sovereigns of all turtle island for all future generations. The Crown has no claim on anything.

This is a new way to genocide us by “reconciliation ” with Canada through forced citizenship without physical slaughter as they did in the past.

Rumormillnews 224893 CGI’S empyyreal:CRD in Sook BC, Canada engaged in money laundering, unjust enrichment and fraud with proof. Sat. 24-Jun2023H

Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs had an insight into the goings on of Indian reservations in Canada in the “The Ballad of Jed Clampett”: 

Come and listen to a story ’bout a man named JedPoor mountaineer barely kept his family fedThen one day he was shooting for some food,And up through the ground come a bubbling crude(Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea)
Well the first thing you know old Jed’s a millionaireKin folk said Jed move away from thereSaid California is the place you oughta beSo they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly(Hills that is, swimming pools, movie stars). . .  .

 MNN Court Correspondent thahoketoteh@ntk.com 

Box 991, kahnawake, que. canada MNN kahentinetha2@protonmail.com 




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MNN. June 18, 2023. Kimberly Murray BA, LL.B, IPC

“I am honoured to have been entrusted with being the Special Interlocutor… to support the work of Survivors and Indigenous communities to protect, locate, identify, repatriate, and commemorate the children who died while being forced to attend Indian Residential Schools”. 

Kimberly Murray BA, LL.B, IPC

She was appointed for two years as Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools. She is a member of the Kahnesatake Mohawk Nation.

THIS IS THE PODCAST of Ms. Murray presenting the Interim Report, “Sacred Responsibiility: Searching for the Missing Children & Unmarked Burials”.

Interim report on the search for missing children and unmarked burials | APTN News


Part 6 of the report begins to lay the foundation for a new Reparations Framework to address the gaps and barriers within Canada’s current legal system, which is ill-equipped to provide accountability and justice for Indigenous Peoples in the face of genocide, colonial violence, and mass human rights violations. It defines an Indigenous-led process and explains why such a process is essential to the search and recovery of the missing children and unmarked burials. It concludes by outlining ten elements of reparations that will form the basis of the Final Report. Summaries are included throughout to illustrate the barriers communities are facing, as well as emerging Indigenous-led practices that have been applied to advance search and recovery work in accordance with Indigenous law and protocols. 


Helen Reddy knows the energy of someone like Kimberly Murray:

I am woman, hear me roarIn numbers too big to ignoreAnd I know too much to go back an’ pretend‘Cause I’ve heard it all beforeAnd I’ve been down there on the floorAnd no one’s ever gonna keep me down again
Yes, I am wiseBut it’s wisdom born of painYes, I’ve paid the priceBut look how much I’ve gainedIf I have to, I can do anythingI am strong (strong)I am invincible (invincible)I am woman
Helen Reddy -  I Am Woman (Official 4K Video)
MNN Court Correspondent thahohketoteh@ntx.com 
Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com
Box 991 kahnawake quebec J0L 1B0