MNN. January 5, 2007. All Katenies [gaw-den-yes], a Kanion’keha:ka/Mohawk, did was ask Her Majesty the Queen to explain how all her foreign corporations got jurisdiction over her and her land. They won’t tell her because they can’t. They have claimed power over her in a way that violates the principles of international law that Canada has agreed to uphold.

This youthful looking grandmother has had it up to the eye balls with the colonial abuse that our people continue to suffer. Katenies obeys the laws of the land meticulously. The problem for the colonial Canadian courts is that the laws she follows are the legitimate laws of the land. They are founded on the Kanion’keha:ka participation in the Rotinhsonnion:we/Iroquois Confederacy.

Katenies never had any problem with the law before and is being attacked with everything the colonizing corporate-judicial-military forces can throw at her. Her crime! She simply pointed out that the Queen is guilty of genocide, violations of our freedom and our inherent right to self-determination. She ordered her to return to us all her stolen money, trusts, lands, rights and possessions that were made or taken from our lands.

On December 27th, 2006 Katenies received a document that had a medieval name. It seems to be an artifact of some quaint customs that were brought here on the sailing ships by the colonizers. It is a Notice of “Estreat”. Apparently it’s a copy from their records which they will use to extract everything she has. The Court Hearing is to be in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Katenies will be sued for every question she?s asked about their illegal actions.

The Queen’s corporation has ordered her to appear at the Cornwall court on January 18th 2007 to [have a cup of tea with her and] tell her why she shouldn’t throw all the books at her. Katenies told her that we own Canada, lock stock and barrel. Their document has stamps, dates, numbers, signatures and fingerprints of the Queen’s slaves all over the paper and envelope.

In effect, it’s just another paper noose being put around our necks at gunpoint. Will the Queen be at the execution wearing dark glasses and taking pictures with her phone to be shown on the internet?

On January 3rd 2007 Katenies received a letter dated December 18th 2006 from Ronald J-L Turgeon, the Crown prosecutor, informing her that she has been charged under ?this and that? [S.11(1), 153 (c) & 153.1] of the colonial Custom’s Act. At the hearing on December 18th 2006 they quickly closed down the court when she read her questions and charges against the Queen. she had already filed and served to everyone involved. She did appear, refused to stand and then left. She then sent her document by mail to the Queen and the Governor General of Canada.

The court jesters got all flustered when she refused to stand up according to their master-slave protocol. The letter to her stated, “As you left prior to your matter being dealt with” [which is not true. They were busy ejaculating all over the courtroom and pretended she wasn’t there]. Justice of the Peace Stewart has a Bench Warrant for her arrest. Does this mean they’re going to handcuff her to some bench, or hit her with a bench?

Katenies was told that if she does not “relinquish” herself she will be jailed probably until her trial on August 10th 2007 in Alexandria. What’s this supposed to mean? It sounds like they want to institutionally rape her and beat her into submission. If these guys didn’t wear those medieval black robes, the “character” of their actions would be clearer for all the world to see. They want to confine her for their own perverse pleasure to torture her.

These weird voyeurs even asked Katenies to bring along witnesses for their “peep show” of “See Katenies in Bondage”. What is the purpose of this circus? They want to prove that they have might by pointing guns at us and being able to imprison us. This is so they can distract attention from the fact that they simply do not have jurisdiction. Corporate Canada, the charge is rape.

This whole thing started in 2003 when she was driving through the checkpoint to visit her daughter as she does every day. Then they started to harass her daughter. Why these rapacious predators decided to land on this ordinary grandmother is really difficult to understand. Now they are even scaring her 6 year old granddaughter by making her sit outside in the cold while they harass her parents. The guards want the higher ups to give them guns to make their scare tactics more effective. We can expect worse. That checkpoint should never have been there in the first place. They constantly advise us to go along with it to “make it easier on ourselves”. What do you think?

What is going on here? Katenies wants to be at the forthcoming birth of her grandchild. Are they trying to make her the female “Deskahe”? In the 1920’s he asked a similar question about the Indian Act being ultra vires the constitution of Canada. He went to the League of Nations. Canada would never let him return to Six Nations. He died in Tuscarora near Buffalo New York in 1925.

We Onkwehonwe are confronted by the US-Canada-Mexico border every day. We don’t need passports to travel freely anywhere in the Western Hemisphere. One condition of tolerating the colonial presence was that we would continue to travel anywhere on Turtle Island. We all have some kind of ID. Only we can decide how we will identify ourselves.

The AFN [Assembly of First Nations] wants us to use their government-issue “Indian status” cards. A lot of us who are real Onkwehonwe don’t have such a card. A lot of imposters do. Many of us refuse to be incorporated into Canada and become’ members of a foreign company. Incorporate means “in”. A corporation makes Canada into a “body”. We don’t want to become part of the polluted body of Canada. It all smells awful to us and we want no part of it.

Traversing our homeland is a birthright, not a “privilege” granted by them. We demand that the colonists stop interfering with our travel over their imaginary line. The Jay Treaty 1794 was a trade agreement between the United States and Britain. Ever since then the colonists have been trying to make us “walk the line”, to impose that phony line on us. They haven’t been able to do it. So now they’re trying to tie it around our necks and squeezing it as tight as they can. They are trying to drive us to desperation. But it’s not working.

No one can make us citizens of a nation we don’t want to be citizens of. No nation has a right to denationalize another nation. As independent Onkwehonwe nations we have a right to deal with such issues based on our own laws.

Under International law, we are not members of any of these colonial foreign corporations. Therefore, we cannot carry passports of foreign corporations of which we are not citizens. These drooling jackals are trying to make us commit an illegal act. If all the mystification were removed everyone would see that this all grand standing. They are creating illegal policies to determine our existence as a people. They have no right whatsoever to do this. It’s an international issue. We know many Canadians an Americans have good sense and want to belong to a decent law abiding entity.

Legality requires proper procedures and remedies. Katenies raised a legitimate legal question which has to be answered. She asked where they got their jurisdiction. The Queen and Governor General have not answered. According to law, they have to meet us on a nation-to-nation basis to polish the Silver Covenant Chain and dust the Two Row Wampum Agreement. We have to stop the ongoing theft of our lands and resources and the destruction of the environment.

Why is this ongoing bullying and threatening of Katenies continuing? The policy is probably to give resisters and their families a hard time. If these people believe in the rule of law, the next procedural step is for them to produce the proof that they have jurisdiction. That’s it!

To help and for comments, contact katenies20@yahoo.com

Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies