The big gambling houses that buy and sell stocks in New York City are in jeopardy. The U.S. corporation known as the “government” is extracting $750 billion of the taxpayers’ money to pay off these thieving loan sharks. Of course, it must be remembered that the people of U.S. and Canada have made their money through the exploitation of Indigenous resources and destruction of our environment. The “bail out” looks like a way to get control of Indigenous territory by grabbing our land in lieu of unpaid housing mortgages and businesses of the unsuspecting U.S. people. There is very little public outcry over this highway robbery except on the internet. These obscene carpetbaggers make the robber barons look like boy scouts. In this credit and borrowing “shake down” the oligarchs hope to snatch $4 trillion worth of our real estate. It’s illegal. It’s fraud. It’s a power grab. The outcome will be financial tyranny on the populace. The Indigenous owners of the territories and resources have not been consulted. We would never give our consent to setting up a “king and feudal” system. Everyone has to eventually deal with a simpler lifestyle of less consumption to save the planet. As Malcolm X said, “Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker”. He meant that capitalism needs the blood of the helpless and the earth to suck on to stay alive. If the nations of the world free themselves from capitalism, it has less victims and less to suck on. It becomes weaker. It tries to get a transfusion but the blood is just not there. It’s only a matter of time before it will completely collapse. The consequences of the colonial visitors’ actions are making themselves felt. When persons do wrong, the “pay back” might not be immediate. There has been too much greed and corruption in the past. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. It couldn’t happen to more deserving people. It is the evil of the holocaust on Turtle Island that caused the downfall of the U.S. and Canada as world powers. We are seeing how the murder, enslavement and theft are now bringing colonial America to its knees. We hope that all traces of their gluttony will be removed from this planet for good. The U.S. and Canada are going to pay for their abuse of humanity. This western European Christian world they created has come to the end of its rope. They are losing their power to covertly steal, oppress and exploit. They have no shame. They’re doing it out in the open. We all can see their dirty underwear. Their last ditch stand to continue their lost cause is pathetic. They look like scurrying vermin as they come in and out of that room on Capitol Hill in Washington. They’re trying to figure out how to make off with as much as they can. They don’t intend to destroy the wealth. They just plan to take the money and run. [The Ryder trucks are standing close by.] Colonialism is supposed to be dead, according to international law. Capitalism is in its death throes but still can do a lot of harm. Now they’re more dangerous because they’re desperate. They want to bomb somebody as soon as possible to take the peoples’ minds off the economic disaster their greed has caused. The end of the world means the end of their idea of civilization, which is made up of “have-nots” and “have-mores” as U.S. President George Bush arrogantly told his supporters at a function. The U.S. elite refuses to study, reflect and learn from its own history. It invents history. It corrupts government, politicians and the people. The people are guilty too for embracing this colonial system. Many are going down with this last ditch stand. “Spin doctors” have been hired to try and fool their own people into thinking they are going to save them. We Indigenous know about these “spin docs” who are hired by the colonial governments to pose as our friends and leaders. They work at smearing and destroying us. Their job is to make us think that integration into this doomed colonial society will solve all our problems. In fact, they’re trying to push us into the “quick sand”. The main interest of all these politicians is to stay in power and keep getting their checks for a lifetime and not to share one stinking thing with anybody. Where will they put all this stolen money when all the banks might be closed up? The Indigenous are being used by politicians. They’re called democrats, republicans, conservatives, liberals, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, Green Party and Independents. They are Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, labor and protestant liberals. They all work together to help each other over to the Indigenous trough. Our sell-out token “Indian” leaders who trail along behind are mentally dead. The struggle is all based on the land that we Indigenous people are part of. It’s who we are. The colonists who came to visit us are landless. We cannot compromise or negotiate with these landless enemies. They are trying to hold our people in check and to keep us in their grasp by creating “leaders” for us. We have no leaders. We have the truth. It’s always an in-your-face tip-off when the government endorses one of our people. [A friend of our enemy is our enemy.] They own Phil Fontaine and the other so-called stooges lock, stock and barrel! Now that the colonial economic show is over and they purport to have found a solution that will benefit the few bankers and their political hacks, the people are still going to be without food, property and homes. The women, children and elders will continue to be victimized. Canada and the U.S. are now being judged by their own beliefs and actions. In our opinion, they must atone for their crimes before there can be any turnaround. This could be the beginning of harsh consequences coming down upon their heads, followed by worse calamities. The murder of 115 million of our people, of 1 million Iraqis, the slaughter in Central and South America, the wanton killing of untold numbers of Afghanis and others is being pushed under their contemptible table. Subconsciously they know they are guilty and suppress the knowledge. The guilt over these murders to steal our possessions and that of others is deeply buried in the minds of the Canadians and U.S. people. Will their own beliefs engineer their own punishment and downfall of themselves and their whole system? They may deeply feel they have to become a poor third world society or worse to make amends for the horrors they’ve perpetrated. Or psychologically they can’t exist without thinking they are better than others. They are afraid of being treated as badly as they’ve treated others. They have to redeem themselves for what they’ve done to us and humanity. If they don’t, we’re all sunk. Otherwise, life is going to be a living hell created by them. When the mortgages, loans and taxes come due, let’s see what happens to those who sat back and didn’t try to stop it. Today we are experiencing the economic “melt down” engineered by the financial czars of the world. Next comes the “hard kill”. Karakwine & MNN Staff Note: Current border challenges are costly. Your financial help is needed. Please send donations to PayPal at, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen thank you very much. Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News | ||
poster: katenies | ||