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MNN. Feb. 6, 2021. Spying is one of the biggest industries in the world. The United States is the Republic of War. Spies help plan and set up wars. The “Economic Hit Men” are the spies who go into a country and bribe the headman to do business their way, or else. Then the spy goes in to set up the payoff or the war.



The intelligence agencies in each country recruit, train and run the spies. MI5 in London controlled by the bankers runs all the spying conducted by Western intelligence. The “Five Eyes” controls CIA, et al. agencies of he Western empire.    

The United Nations is a private corporation owned by the Rockefellers. All countries are corporations that are signed on to the UN corporation. The Vatican is the CROWN, the world’s first corporation set up in 902 AD. the same year as Roman Catholicism was introduced. All the corporations are under the Admiralty system.  

They all have corporate numbers from the Vatican. ISO International Standards Organization numbers for corporations and companies come from the Vatican. Without this number no one or no company can get a bank account to conduct business. Everybody who works for money works for the bankers. 

Every spy works for money, ideology, blackmail or ego. All are expendable. North Americans are vulnerable because of their lust for money. US and Canada are corporations and not naturally part of the Western Hemisphere. 

The current covid restrictions keep everybody from trusting each other. Victimhood is an essential ingredient. Spies work together to keep the war going and keep people unsettled. The bankers keep everybody under surveillance.


During peace spying is unnecessary. We onkwehonweh figured out how to live in peace. We do have security to defend ourselves. If there is international peace, the most powerful agencies of the world would all go out of business. There would be no fear of the bankers, military, bombs, and so on.

Spies develop the business plan for “the war plan”. They know each other and work the same play from different sides of the stage. Their bosses in the “war room” take all their information and create the war. Without spies there would be no creation of war.


Russian Alexi Navalney works for MI5. He went to Yale for 6 years, the home of the Bavarian Illuminati, in America.  

Spies protect the country for the bankers. On turtle island, immigrants come from all over the world to help themselves to our resources and protect the indigenous property and resources they are helping to steal. They do all the dirty work. Americans make bombs and weapons and others set them off. The bankers finance it all. 

Spies carry out clandestine maneuvers, like hiding messages in human DNA or murdering the messenger or setting up killings of innocent men, women, babies and children.  Their handlers tell them how far to go to keep a lid on the ongoing war.

As an open society we conduct diplomacy openly. We learn each other’s languages, speak to each other and transmit messages well understood by all parties. 

Middle Eastern fighters disappear into the fabric of their society and disperse. It took 10 years for the US to find osama bin laden using informants and surveillance. This could have been done in a short time by a small operation.

Today the electronic setup to manipulate the earth is artificial intelligence. In Machine Warfare robots, machines, super sonic guns are used by trained assassins. Remotely operated robots fight each other so they never have to look directly at the face of the innocent victim.

The protagonists want our land and resources and to remove us because we are in their way. The manipulators are spectators sitting in their living rooms. Their drones see the target and a button is pushed to take them out.

Cryptologists Anonymous

Cyber cryptography is to shut down electrical systems. Large Western nations are vulnerable as they own the electronic based economy. They can turn off electronics, computers, info networks, send viruses, deny service or encrypt pre attack chatter. The big bankers own the broadcasters, governments, ministries, parliaments, ATMs, internet, militaries. Smaller targets in the West who defend themselves are called “terrorists”. 

They can shut down gas, food, medicines, infrastructure, power grids, water supplies, communications, transportation, financial services, nuclear power, power to houses, fridges, etc.

Something is developed in spies so they can carry out these unnatural atrocities. The evil shame of paedophilia develops an energy which can be manipulated. Eventually it becomes mundane, gross and bizarre so they can’t make that evil energy they need. It is not drugs, womanizing or even murder. The white man has learned to develop the energy to be fiercely evil through artificial means. Being nice is a facade conditioned by training, religious zealotry, and dangling carrots in their faces. When natives learn white ways like the government’s elected band councils installed in indigenous communities, they loose their native energy and goodness and betray their own people. The job of the spies in our midst is to take information to their handlers in Indian Affairs throughout turtle island. 

Oligarchs and their protege agree to do this. Our energy is placed in us by creation to protect and defend our mother.

A long time ago the peacemaker brought us the good message. In order for us to survive, we had to co-exist according to the kaianerekowa, great peace, and we had to bury the weapons of war. The invaders arrived uninvited. They were told they had to live by the great peace. They saw all the riches they could steal and started wholesale slaughter of the original people from east to west, pole to pole.

The master spy, Maxwell Smart, would probably say, “It’s time for the cone of silence, Chief”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News thahoketoteh & kahentinetha2@proteinmail.com  For more news and to sign up for MNN www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0




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MNN. Feb. 4, 2021.  In 2008 A native judge [Murray Sinclair] helped set up a company known as the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission Inc.”  It’s similar to the Warren Commission on the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination. The commission was authorized by our butchers, the CROWN, to remove the genocide charges of the indigenous people which is holding back CANADA from having a real country. Every lawyer makes an oath to the Temple Bar in London to become a bar lawyer.  He is an agent of the CROWN.

Murray, tell me who you didn't get!

Judge: “Have you got me covered.” 

The Commissioner’s mission is to protect the companies and settler colonists, who are the beneficiaries of the theft and genocide of indigenous and the ongoing economic sanctions that continues to this day. Since the Commissioner and CANADA are connected entities, the right hand cannot wash the left hand. 

Now Perry Bellegarde, formerly of CANADA’s AFN, wants to be the next Governor General, the CEO of the Corporation of CANADA. 

We are direct descendants of the only natural people of ono’ware:geh, turtle island, tied to our mother through the women. Foreign usurpers can never have this relationship. Their helpers, the  incorporated INDIANS known as the elected band council, take an oath or are contracted to help complete the CROWN’s business plan [the Indian Lands Acts of 1924] for total termination of the original people of turtle island by 2024. 

Judge Sinclair, can i have your autograph?

Perry Bellegarde is vying to be a bigger traitor than Joseph Brant, who died alone at his mansion in Burlington, so poor all he had was money.  

To be at peace they must go home to their mother across the ocean. They arrived here sick physically and mentally. We and our good mother took care of them. We helped them plant and live, as long as they lived by the great peace and the two row, which they violated. These squatters must leave so they cannot continue to rape and desecrate our mother for the bankers. The bankers own outright each citizen through the banking document known as the “birth certificate”.  They are also sole trustees of all the municipal incorporations throughout the land.

Canada murdered our children in Residential School “Death Camps”

kaia’nereh:kowa, the great peace, our constitution, is the way of onowarekeh, turtle island. Only the original people have jurisdiction which cannot be sold, conveyed or transferred.

Sky Woman landed on the turtle’s back and created the first land out of the water, turtle island. The red man was created to care for turtle island. Then she created the four races of man here on turtle island. When the other lands came out of the water, she placed the yellow man in Asia, the black man in Africa and the white man in Europe. 

The women saw them as iah onkweh ti [they are not natural people] and suggested they return to their origins. On turtle island they were dishonest, ruthless and ignorant. The white man returned, created the United States of America, and committed the greatest crime, chopping down the tree of peace in onondaga in 1779 and creating the Republic of War that has terrorized the world. 

The ‘company’ wants to keep coming for our men, women, girls, boys, babies and elders.

We saw their paedophilic ways and knew we could not trust them with our children. They kidnapped our children and put them in death camps called Residential Schools. TRC Inc. was designed  to keep the genocide issue out of the International Court in The Hague. Presently the culling of the indigenous people is known as “missing and murdered women and children”.    

All humans, animals, plants and natural life on our homeland are meant to sustain us. The white man has tried to take over the role of mother nature with their man made corporate Admiralty statute law. 

Their business plan continues to put economic sanctions against us, criminalization, targeting, denying us use of our lands and resources and interfering with our efforts to support ourselves. They refuse to fix what they broke.  



We want a better future for our children as intended by creation.  We call on our international partners of the world to apply pressure on the corporation of CANADA and hold them accountable for the crime of genocide.

The black wampum is the last offering of peace. All animals in nature avoid conflict. Bear, wolf and others will try to run away from a fight. When they are put in a dangerous situation, they will defend themselves. All natural life has the right to self-preservation.

These two traitorous men, the TRC Commissioner and the one who wants to be the Governor General, want to help the murderers forget their killing spree of 150 million indigenous people and help them get off scott free. The band council joins the pyramidal control structure of the whites as judge, jury, executioner. They choose to help our enemies deny their responsibility, and to forget our suffering. The TRC Commissioner got them off. Mr. Bellegarde wants the brutal killings to continue! His pipe dream is for the rest of the onkwehonweh to become like him, a corporate fictional INDIAN who can share the scraps of his white masters.

As George Thorogood lets us know how these traitors are; “On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered ‘round. And they gazed in wide wonder at the joy they had found. The head nurse spoke up, said “Leave this one alone”. She could tell right away that I was bad to the bone!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@proteinmail.com  For more news and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

TRC 93 extermination recommendations.


PERRY BELLEGARDE WANTS INDIGENOUS TO BECOME “GOOD CANADIENS” [ SQUATTERS] https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/perry-bellegarde-indigenous-governor-general_ca_60135671c5b6bde2f5bdeb38

MURRAY SINCLAIR QUITS SENATE [TO WRITE BOOKS] https://globalnews.ca/news/7488332/murray-sinclair-resigning-senate/