MNN. May 14, 2010. On November 7, 2007 the Women Title Holders presented the Mohawk position to the Indigenous ‘Border’ Summit held at the Tohono O’Odham Territory. A wall is being built through the middle by Mexico and the US. Arizona’s new illegal laws on racial profiling and censoring truth in Arizona is trying to declare war on Indigenous and international law. They are destined to lose.

TO: The invaders of Great Turtle Island, all their criminal agencies and their international terrorist allies.

RE: Rotino’shonni:onwe freedom to traverse Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island, and beyond without hindrance from the invading aliens and their agents; and to conduct trade and commerce without interference.

PREAMBLE: Only we, the original peoples, have sovereign authority on Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island. We cannot forfeit our natural birthright. We survived mass murder, chemical and biological warfare, starvation, physical and mental torture, lies, ignorance and genocide.

Fabricated colonial nations of Canada, US and Mexico and other corporate ‘franchises’ of Europe are squatting on Indigenous lands that leech off our peoples and resources.

WAMPUM 44 Kaianereh’kowa [our constitution]. We the Kohtihon’tia:kwenio – Women Title Holders – are the caretakers of the land, water and air of “Onowaregeh”; we have the duty to preserve and protect the land for the future generations.

a.WHEREAS the Two Row Wampum Agreement and Wampum 58 of the Kaianereh’kowa, the Great Law, stipulate that no one shall restrict our freedom of passage on our lands and beyond; these imaginary lines [borders] were created by foreign capitalist corporations named “Canada”, “US” and “Mexico”. They illegally usurped and divided up our lands and resources, without our knowledge or consent; and we will continue to assert our sovereignty and alliances among our nations as we have done since time immemorial.

b.WHEREAS respect for our rights to our land are acknowledged in the “constitutions” of Canada and the US; they are not sovereign because they can never have our land.

c.WHEREAS the Charter of the United Nations requires respect by all members for equal rights and self-determination of all peoples; and to resolve differences peacefully.

d.WHEREAS these three colonies must respect our political rights as set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other international legal instruments.

e.WHEREAS General Assembly Resolution 1541 [XV] requires the informed consent of the people before they are included in another state, as affirmed by the international Court of Justice in the Western Sahara case. Sovereignty rests only with the people. We cannot become part of the colonial states that are squatting on our land. Canada, US and Mexico cannot force us to become citizens without our knowledge and consent.

f.WHEREAS according to article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Sections 1 and 2, every nation has a right to its nationality; and no nation can change another nation’s identity by imposing restrictions to travel, trade and commerce throughout all of the Americas.

g.WHEREAS these immigrants to our lands are committed to uphold equality of all peoples.

h.WHEREAS Canada, US, Mexico and all other colonial states cannot legally encroach on the true Indigenous people; and our perspectives on us, our land, resources, air and water cannot be ignored.

i.WHEREAS foreign invaders cannot force us to carry alien passports and other identity; we have agreements and identification to travel the lands of our Indigenous allies. The “Haudenosaunee Passport” is for travel outside of Onowaregeh.

j.WHEREAS the Two Row Wampum Agreement provides we are free to pass and re-pass by land or inland navigation or by air onto our territories; to carry on trade and commerce with each other; we may hunt and fish anywhere on our territory; foreigners cannot extort taxes, duties or fees from us; and we shall have free passage over all toll roads and bridges that have been built on Onowaregeh.

k.WHEREAS human life is sacred to us; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides that every human being has the inherent right to life and fundamental freedom; these three colonies must stop murdering and detaining our people for crossing their illegally imposed economic borders.

l.WHEREAS the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been adopted by a majority of 144 states; we claim as collectives and as individuals all the human rights and fundamental freedoms provided in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international law, without forced assimilation, destruction of our culture and undermining of our nations.

m.WHEREAS torture is intentional, premeditated, systemic and scientific; it is designed to break down our dignity, social fabric and foment terror within our Peoples.


Canada, US, Mexico and other colonial franchises must cease and desist their attempts to violate our authority; they must deal with us on a nation-to-nation basis as required by our inherent rights and international law; these foreign entities must go through proper diplomatic channels, which are the Governor General of Canada and the Presidents of the US and Mexico.


1.Respect our inherent rights, laws, ancient customs, traditions and agreements.

2.Be held responsible for murder, torture and theft, which are violations of the Great Law, Two Row Wampum, the first laws of the Americas and international law; disarm, stop detaining, murdering, torturing, raping and robbing us; and stop imposing their illegal judicial harassment and prison system on us.

3.Put away their guns and corporate by-laws so we can resolve our differences peacefully by rediscovering the spirit of the Two Row Wampum and the Covenant Chain that affirmed our international relationship centuries ago.

4.Disband their puppet band and tribal councils; restore proper diplomatic relations with our inherent traditional governments; and respect their agreements with us and their obligations under international law.

5.Abuse of people on any basis, especially race, religion, nationality, belief or membership in any social group in unacceptable; colonizers must become partners with us to end the cycle of abuse, criminalization of our people, and to extend dignity, equality and a voice to all.

6.We extend our message to all peoples oppressed by colonizing forces.


Kahentinetha, MNN Mohawk Nation News




MNN. Dec. 7, 2006. Ottawa cuts education and basic health care to, as some people say, “pamper their pigs at the trough”. We prefer to refer to them as “taming the rez dogs”.

Band councilor of the colonial government are not just lap poodle show dogs. When our backs are turned they’re vicious junk yard guard dogs that will go for the jugular if any little kid happens to roll under their fence. They want to keep what they’ve got and they don’t care who falls along the side of the dirt road as long as their master is protected.

What went on in Ottawa at the Assembly of First Nations AFN conference was a disgusting display of raw colonial greed. Jim “Jonestown” Prentice must have been jumping with joy when he looked at the sea of former rez dogs yapping at his heels. They are the well-fed photo-op dogs that have come to sign whatever their master tells them to. The real rez dogs are back home in the poor Indigenous communities. At least these rez dogs are still roaming free.

It was said that you can tell the conditions of an Indigenous community by looking over the rez dogs. If they’re shaggy, dirty, skinny and mean, then the band councils have done a good job of keeping the people down. Over 100 Indigenous communities don’t even have decent drinking water. The most basic human right that the United Nations, another colonizing outfit, is attempting to ensure is decent drinking water in third world countries, those that have not been co-opted by the colonizer’s agenda.

Canada has one of the highest standards of living in the world. You just have to wonder how it manages to have so many communities without basic human necessities that were here for everyone before Turtle Island became polluted by white “civilized enlightenment”. They look away from our Indigenous children who have to live in these horrible conditions.

Mongrel “Heinz 57” Prentice just cut education expenses. He’s hoping the current generation of educated indigenous activists will die off and that there will be no one with enough education to take our place. So they don’t want us to get out and see what’s really going on.

These well groomed rez dogs are trying to pass themselves off as high society lap dogs. They are wearing colonial style clothes made of the best leather and carrying fancy empty brief cases which they hope to fill with money from selling out our people. They wear artfully tailored suit jackets designed to make it look like the real imaginary Indians that every white person hopes to meet. They’re wearing so much “Indian” jewelry they look like a Christmas trees with turquoise and silver dangling all over them. It’s Hollywood gong show time! We poor Indigenous people back home have to be satisfied with homemade porcupine quill and beaded earrings and chokers, or nothing. Most of us have to wear hand-me-downs or hand-me-ups.

They’re staying in the very best hotels of the very best chains, which are all savvy about what’s going on. They’ve positioned themselves to cash in on the Ottawa peanut scramble.

In Ottawa the hotel suites have open liquor bars. There is an endless supply of fancy alcohol – no “Baby Duck” here. Then there are white women groupies stashed around the room. You can be sure that when the accounting is done, the cost of all these luxuries is going to be lumped with education and health care to try to prove there just isn’t enough money for basic necessities. The Canadian people will be lead to believe one more time that Indians are a parasite on the economy which will be heavily promoted by the corporate media.

In other words, Indian Affairs is run like a corrupt third world dictatorship. We do not mean to insult the African or Asian or Latin American people when we say this. All we’re saying is that these are tried and true techniques. Its part of a well known colonial strategy honed in the third world where corrupt dictators are kept in power to oppress the people. Behind all this is the military backed comic book super heroes who come in and pretend to straighten out the mess they’ve created. It’s really another take over.

If there is any resistance by the Indigenous people, you can be sure they get out the guns and declare martial, just like they did in Venezuela in 1994 and elsewhere. Speaking of dogs, don’t forget about what happened at “Abu Graib” prison in Iraq. The U.S. soldiers used shepherds and doberman to control the naked Iraqi inmates and to break them down to get information.

Here the fancy lap dogs are the only so-called “leaders” that colonial Canada will condescend to deal with. They want those who will party hearty in high style without raising any uncomfortable questions. These are the ones who have caught the “Jim Jonestown syndrome”. Watch out for the kool aid, folks, its spiked.

Meanwhile back home people are living in rat infest molding houses and drinking poisonous water with ten times the incident of diabetes 2, and other infections. That’s where a mother of 4 with a brand new baby is forced to stay in a shack because there’s no where else to go. She can’t make a living because of the imposition of the artificial lifestyle. The band council is too busy jet setting around and living it up. They have no time to roll up their sleeves, pick up a hammer and do the hard labor that’s needed to ensure that there is decent housing, clean water, a functioning school, health care and all the basic necessities, never mind keeping up with the standards enjoyed by the colonists.

What kind of a nut runs around primping and preening all day long. These chiefs suck, sniff and lick the top dog’s ass while chasing their white concubines. Every man should be providing for his own women and children of his community.

Indian Affairs loves the AFN. They’re such good pimps. They both pressure native girls to go to the parties when the Indians come to town. They always need a few Indian princesses to decorate their cake. We know this from first hand experience. One attractive mother with teenager daughters did not want to go to those parties. She was pressured to attend and to neglect her family responsibilities. That’s the game in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, San Francisco, Washington and wherever the colonists throw their parties and where the honey flows.

These are not Indigenous people. We can’t even call them “apples” anymore, red on the outside and white on the inside. They’re white through and through. They’re moccasin-less colonial puppets wearing chicken feathers, with their guns pointed at their own children and the seven generations to come. They are nothing more than hired assassins who will do anything to keep the despots on the throne.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
Please sign our petition

poster: Thahoketoteh