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MNN. Feb. 4, 2015. To scare us Prime Minister Harper says we are at war with the Islamic State!! That “a great evil has been descending over our world”. Does he mean himself? That shoot out on Parliament Hill really scared him even though it was a false flag. To “protect” himself he’s turning spy agency CSIS into a secret police force, like the Gestapo.

Harper:  "No more 'nays' to my anti-terror bill?'

Harper: “No more ‘nays’ to my anti-terror bill?”

Harper, with his non-existent foresight, will decide the threats to himself and to corporate rule. INDIANS, environmentalists and anyone can be construed as terrorists. The bill protects the corporate theft of our resources. He will decide what are espionage, interference, terrorism and who appears to undermine his authority. It has nothing to do with Jihadists.

Intelligence-gathering was separated from police work 30 years ago when the RCMP routinely breached the law and civil rights. Now CSIS can do it all. Agents can break into someone’s home, seize and copy documents, install, maintain or remove any thing, like computers and monitoring devices, or do what a judge thinks is “reasonable”. Those questioning them or resisting their law breaking can be arrested and face 5 years in jail. Internet providers are installing interception systems to collect user data, give it to the government, who will take whatever information they want without warrants. The anti-terror law is a blanket law to do as they please, like the US Patriot Act. They don’t need a reason to stop you and can jail you for as long as they want in their private prisons.

CSIS secret intelligence service is being given Nazi storm trooper powers to stop and punish opposition. Canadians are being encouraged to report critics of government policy. Without being charged, their civil rights will be suspended and they will be sent to private concentration camps.loose-lips-sink-ships-300x218

Those who discuss or think about terrorism “in general” will be criminalized. Why does the home invading CSIS [Gestapo] have no oversight?

In 1933 after the “false flag” Reichstag Fire Hitler passed the Enabling Act. Like Harper, he made his own laws, set up the Gestapo, banned trade unions and opposition parties. He declared himself the Fuhrer and eliminated democracy. He promised that his totalitarian powers would be for a short while until he carries out the necessary measures, without saying what those are. Harper is following the blueprint that Hitler left. He’s showing the world that Canada is a corporate fascist dictatorship.

What about what our drums are thinking and saying?

Henh! Our drums speak. Will they go to jail?

Those fascist laws apply only to their corporate citizens and incorporated INDIANS, who are in their Admiralty ship. Every band council’s job is to select the INDIAN inmates for their new concentration camps. We the natural people will always remain lawful and stay in our canoe.

Harper is singing about the enabling act, like the devil in the Stone’s song: “Stuck around St. Petersburg when I saw it was time for a change. Killed the Czar and his ministers, Anastasia screamed in vain. I rode a tank in a general’s rank, when the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Harper’s new anti-terror bill.

Anti-terror law threatens basic freedoms.

US Patriot Act.




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MNN. Oct. 25, 2014. The false flag gunfight on Parliament Hill was Hitler’s Reichtag fire of February 1933. Canada’s new anti-terror law is the model for the Nazi takeover of the world. Within days democracy was shut down. Now martial law can be declared, armed soldiers sent into residential areas, free radio and TV stations and personal computers taken over, passes restricting travel, which was done to the Indigenous, and “activists” taken into custody or disappeared for their thoughts. Thousands of Indigenous women have been disappeared already. Interpol Internet Cyber Crime Unit

General Harper to Bibeau.

Herr Harper radicalizing the Islamists. 

How Canada is a Nazi state: a terrifying secret enemy is invoked. Canada’s version of thePatriot Act or Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933, was passed. Canada has no constitution. It’s a military corporation. The fake global “war on terror” is to keep people in constant fear so they willingly give up their freedoms.

Even though Canada is at its lowest crime rate ever, Prime Minister Harper is building massive private super prisons. At first troublemakers, spies, “enemies of the people” or “criminals” are jailed without charge. Then civil society, like labor activists and alternative journalists will be targeted as new inmates.

Is this what Harper's false flag was all about?

Is the false flag?? 

Thugs like the “pipeline police” are contracted to scare, control and murder citizens for the corporations. These private armies are recruited globally and free from prosecution in the jurisdictions they’re sent to. Harper’s “Hail Mary” is the Patriot Act for the new world order team he is quarterbacking. Canadians have been given a version of the genocidal Indian Act that Canada exists on to this day. He wants all Canadians under his new Indian Act, which is, assimilation flipped backwards. They will fill his “prisoner-for-profit jails”! The thought crime potential has been announced. Watch for the new Indian agents trolling every community/reservation to harass, beat and disappear millions of Canadian boys and girls as threats against corporatism.

Streamline surveillance. Cell phones will be routed through local police. Neighbors will spy on each other as per George Orwell’s “1984”.

Infiltrate and harass citizens’ groups. Investigate their taxes. Leave Nazi supporters alone. Anti-war, environmentalists and other groups are infiltrated. Maintain a database of peace and any protesters. Terrorism is whatever they decide. Anti-war marchers are potential terrorists and put on a watch list. Once you are on the list, you on for good.

Civil servants who don’t agree with the fascist ideology will be purged. Hitler passed the Reich Law for the Re-establishment of a Professional Civil Service on April 7 1933. Harpers’ omnibus bills eliminated scientists, environmentalists, legalized the genocide and re-wrote history.

Ministry of Propganda is the mainstream media. Goebbels and Hitler are cheering Herr Harper from the grave. Soon the new anti-terrorism law will require that citizens raise their left arm and shout “Heil Harper”. Dissent is treason and criticism is “espionage’. The penalty is life imprisonment. There is no rule of law and no constitution. Only a police state.

3 steps

Canada was never a country. It has always and still is ISO #3166-1. Under international law they legally don’t have a land base or language and are thus not sovereign to Great Turtle Island.

The Canadian citizen is the new “Indian”. To survive they have to follow the white roots of peace, the Guswentha and discover the Kaianerekowa, the key to peace on earth.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Read: Guardian comment on false flag.

Read: VO: Harper knew about false flag beforehand.