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MNN. Apr. 8, 2020. WE HAVE TO GRAB AND THROW AWAY THE KEYS TO THE NEW KINGDOM. The aware people such as the indigenous can lead a revolt on this war on the people. Noam Chomsky said, ‘It’s ironic that the most oppressed people in America, the natives, are the ones who are going to save the land called America, and the world will be a much better place”. The concept of the great peace will spread throughout the world.


The onkwehonweh spilt blood to fight tyranny and destruction of turtle island for five centuries. The invaders from Europe saw that there was a paradise on earth here where the people lived in absolute harmony with nature. We want our paradise to return. 

The invaders wanted this paradise for themselves. That’s why they had the first false flag war called the “American Revolution” between the UK British and the US British to destroy the law of peace and harmony so they could create the first “republic of war’. 

There have been many biological attacks upon us since the Jesuits arrived here in the 1600s in the subsequent genocide of over 90% of us. Along with this is the worst continuous virus of greed and violence. The cover-up for this fascist materialistic program was designed. The truth of their history and current behavior have been totally hidden. People are hypnotized and conditioned to prefer comfort, not facts.  

Their minds are full of fictional myths about their ‘greatness’. A society of blindness to the truth and non-thinking has been created.


We survivors of the biggest holocaust in all humanity are cautious and fearless. turtle island belongs to us, our mother, creation and our unborn children. 

The criminal gangs of thugs took over our land and imposed their will upon the world through war. They claim we don’t understand them. We understand them only too well. Like our ancestors we survived to carry the message. We are in the hilly country to heal. The black serpent will say they have no fight with us. 

We will not back down. We rest and then carry on our duties another day. We are aggressors for peace. We must spread kaianerekowa to the entire world. When we are brought into the private Admiralty Court system for infractions, we are asked if we understand what’s going on. We say, “I don’t understand any of this. All I know is that this is my land”. 


COVID19 virus is sweeping the world. The people’s immune system is being compromised by technology. The UN Agenda 21 of fear is happening. COVID19 pandemic is becoming a military exercise to implement martial law. Soon the people will demand a solution. Then we will see who is behind  this. It is the fascist UN United Nations and WHO the World Health Organization, an incestuous part of the UN. 

The old people appear to be targeted because of their knowledge. They die alone so we don’t know what caused their death. We assume their pensions are being redirected. The tyrants promise freedom if we respect their power and keep our mouth shut! 

The tyrants are using their obedient handmaids to birth the New World Order. We,  the real natural people of turtle island, will not go barehanded towards their guns. They will pay dearly for what they did to us. 

Get ready. The economy will collapse. The world has changed since the train blockade. They briefly saw the power of creation.

February 2020 the world saw us and our allies block the trains from eastern to western Canada. No arms were used. They saw the power of our mother and the passion of our people. We stood by the tracks together and the world stood with us. Canada wanted us to fire the first shot so they could bombard us with gunfire.


The traitors among us were helping them. Our defence was our minds.  

We have no time for fools who say they are craving for truth but who turn away when they are shown it. We don’t want equality. We cannot be equal with murderers and thieves. We have the means to build a world of justice and equality. kaianerekowa will stop their 500 year war. It will start at the Eastern Door of turtle island and go across the globe.  

The will of the people is that those who use their minds shall run the world. We are being drowned in a swamp of the war of tyrants. The kaianerekowa does away with our betrayers. They will cease to exist. The capitalists will be gone. We think of our children and what is ours which will be returned to us to be properly cared for.  

The people lose their power when they chose deceptive and larcenous tyrants to be their leaders. 

turtle island is our motherland. We have nothing to declare or admit! Canadians and Americans have a different motherland to where they will return should they refuse to live by the great peace. 

The agenda 2030 worldwide New World Order of the UN can abolish the concept of motherland but not for the indigenous people who are the children of the mother where creation placed us. 

Canada and US do not follow the will of the people. A scrawl on a piece of paper called a “treaty” is not our will. They are signatures of the ‘indian’ traitors who sold land that belongs to our unborn babies that can’t be sold or conveyed. When they leave turtle island metaphorically or literally, they will take all their meaningless papers and band council puppets with them. 

We will defend ourselves, which is the human right of all people throughout the world. We have been put in this vortex of massacres and thievery many times. It is over! 

Soon Canada will be deserted of the fascist settler colonists.  Many allies can join us by living according to the kaianerekowa, great peace. We have never been defeated. We have always strived to throw off the yoke of world capitalist tyranny. 

We will not retreat. We will always speak for our mother. Cowards, self-seekers and traitors will be no more. The great peace has no place for them. 

Our resistance will create many liabilities. We have to know what people are made of. We never wished to be leaders though we have the kaianerekowa, the great peace. Fear will eat them from the inside. We are watchful of those who will betray us and when.

What’s more important. Truth or the procedure. We have a choice to win or die. The genocide was for their historical need. There will be no more drops of our blood. If so, there will be a river of theirs. Who survives, us or them? Maybe all of us. We won’t stop. Eventually their will to do evil will be broken. 

In their society the one who owns the media owns the mind. Papers are instructions from the devil’s world based on their fictional unreality to fit their made-up theories. Even a fool won’t doubt. Conspirators are always disposed of. Fear, repression and force are the tools of a weak authority.

The ideas of our ancestors are immortal. We are immortal. We indigenous will set the world aflame with ideas on peace. The way of the wicked is dark. They can’t see or realize what they are tripping upon.

Tracy Chapman sings about resistance: “Don’t you know talking bout a revolution. It sounds like a whisper. Poor people gonna rise up and get their share. Poor people gonna rise up and get what’s theirs.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


Open 5g system https://www.encqor.ca/2019/07/03/canadas-first-5g-wireless-network-for-open-innovation-is-open-for-business/?fbclid=IwAR1zQKAAqH1JSkZVleffl_lJJKBpSPiWTe-ALT7IYWtDyCWEfQupWGVmwO4

TOP-DOWN SYSTEM OF CONTROL: AGENDA 21/30 PLAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PrY7nFbwAY&feature=youtu.be

RATIONING OF SEEDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOrnVJ23aLQ

WHERE’S THE VIRUS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwal7RriJsk&feature=share

Video Twilight zone ‘we serve you’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOrnVJ23aLQ



CORONAVIRUS 5G CONSPIRACY https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11320198/coronavirus-5g-conspiracy-theory-masts/







5G DATA COVERAGE MONTREAL https://www.nperf.com/en/map/CA/6077243.Montreal/5651.Rogers-Wireless/signal/?ll=23.241346102386135&lg=-125.85937500000001&zoom=3







MNN. Apr. 8, 2013. Prime Minister Harper keeps throwing his corporate Indians at us and the public to make himself seem legitimate. Corporations are managed by people without moral conscience. This is how our band and tribal councils fit into the World Health Organizations “psychopath checklist”: psycho chickens

1. Callous unconcern for others: they will put our blood in a jar and offer it as collateral for their benefit. 

disnformation2. Can’t maintain enduring relationships with us: Their corporate masters are told about our weaknesses and failings. They even attend our Longhouse and make notes for their bosses. “Pseudo traditional” bodies like the “Iroquois Caucus” are set up to usurp our inherent constitutional powers. 

3. Disregard safety of others: The colonial masters are briefed on our minds and ways to attack and undermine us secretly. Our families are pitted against each other. Outside police forces are invited in. The doors to foreign ventures, taxation, confiscation, imprisonment, privatization and violence are opened by them.  

4. Repeated deceit, lying and conning: disinformation is spread. Propagandists and agents infiltrate every forum around, especially bars. Corporation critics are attacked. 

5. Using others for profit: our sovereignty is used to get financial gain for themselves and their accomplices. The corporate tribal and band council open doors for non-native entities to enter our communities and operate businesses abusing our collective rights. 

rez cops6. Unable to experience guilt: they bring in courts, police, armies, law and order and conduct “low level warfare”. Their master’s methods are copied to create cheap Indian labor so they can set up sweatshops for low wages and no benefits.  Law enforcement keeps us living in fear, loss of our children, jobs, houses, benefits and services. 

7. Fail to conform to social norms regarding lawful behavior: they hate being called “sell-outs”. They refer to themselves as sovereign “nation” or “chief”. Just enough of our cultural infrastructure and identity is stolen to pass themselves off as traditional. As Bob Marley sang: “Build you penitentiary, we build your schools. Brainwash education to make us the fools. Hate is your reward for our love. Telling us of your God above. We gonna chase those crazy bald heads out of the yard.” Crazy Baldheads

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com   thahoketoteh@hotmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 WHERE EAGLES DARE TO SOAR available from MNN.