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MNN. May 10, 2014. The Corporation of Canada refuses to investigate the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous girls and young women in Canada. Our girls have no political value to them and an investigation into their disappearance may uncover a connection to law enforcement involvement.

Nigerian girls on their way to school.

Nigerian girls happily on their way to school.





Same girls captured by Boko Haram. Photoshopped.

Same girls captured by Boko Haram! Photoshop takes over the world? 

Canada is hastily sending to Nigeria a team of “avengers” to hunt down the kidnappers of 200 missing or murdered Nigerian school girls who have been captured by the Boko Haram guerillas. Harper said, in effect, “We don’t want any harm to happen to the girls who may be raped, put into slavery or prostitution”, like Aboriginal girls in Canada which he refuse to investigate. Why doesn’t he investigate the thousands of missing and murdered girls and women he’s been elected to do by his people?

Prime Minister Harper brought lying to a whole new level. He will fight such evil and barbarity. Canada, US and France are sending in advisors, surveillance, weaponry and thousands of troops to find these girls and to fight terrorism and Islamic militants in Nigeria. Nigeria is offering to trade them for releasing some Boka Haram.

The Boka Haram gang was established so that the West can go in and destabilize all of Africa, so they could have many wars to beef up their artificial economy. Nigerian leader, Good Luck Jonathan and his wife Precious are assets of the corporations registered through the Vatican. The military is trained, funded and armed with US weapons.

Historically, our Indigenous women have been targeted for elimination from the beginning of the genocide program. On October 25, 1924, the Indian Advancement Act created “Indian reservations” which are the prisoner of war camps for the Indians. The Residential Schools were to ensure they could accelerate the killing of our babies, the sterilization and elimination of our women and breakup of our clans. We were to be Christianized or killed!

The Truth & Reconciliation Commission set up by Prime Minister Harper to investigate the Residential School Holocaust concluded that the “crown” [Vatican] committed genocide under all legal descriptions. Laws against crimes of genocide.

It is time for the Crown Corporation called Canada to be tried for the crime of genocide against the Indigenous people in a non-Vatican controlled International Court of Arbitration. International Court of Arbitration.

Missing murdered: "Mr. Harper, we see you can't walk in our moccasins".

Missing murdered: “Mr. Harper, we see you can’t walk in our moccasins”.

Sarah McLachlan’s new song tells it like it is: “Walk out. Walk in your own shoes. Lay down your footprints wherever you chose. Leave it all behind and move on. You are your own woman”. In Your Shoes.

Nigeria asks for help.

Canada helps Nigeria combat Boko Haram.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Military knew before attack.





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MNN. May 9, 2014. While imperialists push for war, let us learn about peace. MNN posts a 7-hour video and accompanying book on peace, in Mohawk and English, free for everyone! In 1993 Karonhiaktajeh, Kahentinetha and Ganyetahawi filmed all 117 wampums of the Great Peace, Kaianerekowa. You can watch or read or download them and circulate the philosophy for worldwide peace!  MNN Free “Great Law” Video. 

Kaianerekowa/Great Peace is for everyone.

Kaianerekowa/Great Peace is for everyone.

The book, “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace” as brought to the Confederacy of the Iroquois by Deganawida, the Peacemaker is available to follow the video word-for-word. MNN Free “Great Law Book” accompanying video.

Also Free is “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”. The Masters Thesis of Kahentinetha explains the natural philosophy of the Great Law and the Christian religious basis of the Code. 

Womens Councils asserted in every community will bring peace.

Womens Councils asserted in every community is the basis of peace and an end to war.

The following are interviews of Mohawk Elders:

TEKARONTAKE: “We will never get justice in US courts” -Apr. 12, 2014. Part 1: Voice of Russia Radio interview.  Part 2: “Monsanto is stealing and patenting Indian products”. Part 2.

MARK MARACLE: “Americans owe Native Indian People over $700 trillion” Voice of Russia: Who owes who?

KAHENTINETHA: “Indians seeking Russia’s 1700 peace treaty belt”. Voice of Russia: “Mohawks seeking 1700 peace belt.” 

“Obama resources claim ridiculous”. Voice of Russia: “Obama Claim Ridiculous.” 

Banksters: "Everybody knows. There's no place for us to hide!"

Banksters: “Our action will reveal who we are and no one will give us shelter!”

Aretha Franklin and Tom Jones tell the oligarchs: “It’s time you wind up this masquerade. Just make your mind up, the piper must be paid. Yes, the party’s over…” “The party’s over”. Yes, it is!

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit








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MNN. May 6, 2014. We own Indian tobacco! “Organized Crime” is the courts, police and all of the corporations masquerading as sovereigns in our territory. They are cracking down on a business essential to our economy in this matrix they have created. This attack is a declaration of war! They are attacking our only economy to feed our children. They are ripping off the Canadian public to continue the monopoly of corporate “big tobacco” who charge $10 a pack. We only charge $5. So they attack us and call us criminals. The main object is “get rid of the f—king Mohawks!” The bankers have been trying to do this since 1609 when they sent over their agent Champlain.

"Champlain & your buds. Get out of here before I drop the black wampum!"

Ahserakowa: “We told you, Champlain, a time will come when we will have to drop the black wampum!”

“Tobacco raids”.

“PROJECT LYCOSE” had 400 officers from RCMP, CBSA, Akwesasne Indian Council Police, municipal forces and US Homeland Security. Canada spent $91.7 million on radar, sonar, unmanned ground sensors, choppers, other sensors, mobile posts, long range thermal video cameras and all kinds of other high tech weaponry.

Remember, we won French & Indian Wars.

Remember, we won the French & Indian Wars.

We have a right to live here on our own land under our own laws. The heavily armed enforcers for the London bankers are trying to illegally stop any economy that helps us take care of ourselves. Tobacco is one of the many stolen items from our people.

This uninvited occupying force has no business here. Their authority is invalid. The ever-growing $900 trillion Indian Trust Fund is the only reason that the Corporation of Canada exists. This consensus process in this pretend democracy is fatally flawed. The white roots are laid out for the people who want to know what true freedom is.

We don’t want handouts. Only what is ours.

bugs bunnyJimi Hendrix reminds the oligarchs: “You got my pride hanging out of my bed. You’re messin’ with my life. So I bought my lead. You’re even messing with my children. And you’re screaming at my wife. Get off my back if you wanna get out of here alive!” “Freedom”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

See Video: “Oh Canada, our bought-sold land”. It’s about the shareholder of Canada.














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MNN. May 3, 2014. On May 2nd Sean Atleo courageously stepped down as head of the Assembly of First Nations to return to the natural direction we call “tion-heh-kwen”.  sean atleo resigns

AFN is an agency of the Corporation of Canada. It is not from us. it is from them. Their job is to pretend to speak for the Indigenous people. They illegally sign away our land, resources and rights.

We are watching to see what the other band and tribal councils are going to do now.

Band/tribal councils getaway: "Quick! Get rid of evidence of what we are really doing and sail to our offshore bank accounts."

Band/tribal councils: “Quick! Get rid of evidence of what we are really doing and sail off to our offshore bank accounts.”

Without this grid, the corporation of Canada will no longer exist. Will the corporate Indians step down and stand with the true natural people as Atleo did? Can they renew their relationship with creation? Mother earth, water, plant life, fish, birds, four legged, the winged ones, all of our natural relatives. If so, the corporation and its shareholders will have no access to us and our natural resources. The world will have to stop doing business with the criminal entity known as Canada. The band council is the fake corporate Indian grid that presents to the world a sense of legality when they extract our natural resources.

The band council theatre helps to pull the wool over our eyes to keep us in constant servitude to the shareholders of the corporation of Canada. The Corporate Injuns stand aside while our land and all our relatives on it are pillaged and raped. Their main job now is to be the last line of defense for the Vatican [Crown] not be criminally charged with genocide regarding the residential school holocaust. They propagate the “owistah” disease in our mind. The problem is me. The solution is we, through the Kaianerekowa.

Keep an eye on those Corporate Injuns.

Keep an eye on those Corporate Injuns.

For Sean. “The mountain is high. The valley is low.  And you’re confused on which way to go. So i’ve come here to give you a hand. And lead you into the promised land. So come on and take a free ride!” Edgar Winter. “Free Ride”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit 

“Atleo quits AFN”