

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. JUNE 28, 2015. The City of London controls all Admiralty courts worldwide. It forces its laws, commercial, political, language and culture on people globally at our peril. Red-X, the inter-dimensional ongwe’hon:weh being, looks out for us. He says that the phrase “the empire on which the sun never sets” was stolen from us. Our worldly purpose of the Great Peace was perverted.

Test your media savvy!The powers-that-be feed off of negative emotions promoted through their ownership of mass media. Media acts as their food production plant. They will starve without it. They promote fear, anger and hatred in everyone of their news stories to get the masses wound up emotionally. This is the fuel for their male hierarchy. Red-X tells us, “Many ongwe’hon:weh are murdered to feed this beast. The more blood, killings and suicides, the better for them”.

Red-X warns us, “The vampires exist only from negative emotion. Through their Babylonian divide and conquer strategy, they expect total domination of all people for their new world order. The vampiric control grid consists of the banksters, Free Masons, Illuminati and all the other esoteric hierarchical groups. The vampires enjoy flaunting their wealth and their assumed status amongst the regular populace they feed off of.

They try to scare us by telling us, “I have magic which will hurt you” to keep alive their collective negative man-eating energy. Their institutions put their instruments of fear in our minds. Red-X knows their cheap tricks. Like the magician, they make a great gesture with their left hand. With the right hand they pick our pockets and stab us.

"Quick! Run! The tekaneronkwatsera is gonna get us!"

“We’re hungry! Maybe there’s fear this way, honey!”

When the people use the strongest medicine in the world, tekaneron’kwa:tserah, [the true one love] the vampires will wither and die. Peace will follow. Red-X asks, “Are you going to let their collective destructive thoughts come into your mind?” Our earliest ongwe’hon:weh were kidnapped and taken to Europe. They saw dirty, unhealthy, starving people in a living hell. The vampires always will be searching for more blood. They still want our land, resources, and to kill us. Red-X says, “We can overcome them with knowledge and speed of thought”.

Look at yourself and your family. Our intelligence is activated by the great medicine, tekaneron’kwa:tserah.

Red-X mounted his silver bird, “I will come back and enter our minds when I am needed to remind us not to stray, remember our wisdom for our children, carry out good actions and for everyone to nurture the Great Peace”.

pontiacThe vampires greatest victory is to have you believe they do not exist. Red-X gives the solution: “Keep a good mind by allowing no fear. Stay on the path that leads to the Peace. The vampires will starve to death”.

As Jace Everett sings: “When you came in, the air went out. And every shadow filled up with doubt. I don’t know who you think you are. But before the night is through, I wanna do bad things to you!”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0eQL5R3bw4

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com For original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Jane Fonda, still fighting for us.

Our lands we must free.

Harper fear merchant.

Untangled gathering.






Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 27, 2015. The CROWN put Joe Norton back in as chief of Kahnawake. The previous chief did not deliver the goods on time. In the pretend democracy the incorporated band councils, also called “hang around the fort INDIANS”, obey the CROWN that makes the rules and decisions. The bankers out of London have been running a Ponzi scheme ever since they got here. They lend money to their carpetbaggers to come here and steal what they can from us. The bankers get a return on their money that should have been paid to us for our resources. The illegal Vatican monetary/military matrix was set up to create classes of haves and have-nots. They stole through every means possible with nothing to back it up but force, intimidation and genocide. The band council INDIANS are set up to help them.

He owes us?

He owes us!

The colonial matrix is the protection racket. The loan sharks lend money at high interest or a promise to protect us from them. Their military collection agency has been collecting from us by threatening to break our legs, burn down our homes or murder us.

The CROWN wants to remove Kahnawake as a tax free zone. Norton and his backers made previous attempts to bring in a casino and taxation. The people said “No” twice. In the casino matrix, controlled by Canada, the workers don’t pay taxes at first. After 15 to 20 years, the tax department comes in and demands taxes for the past years. 100% of the profits go to a small group of sell-outs and the corporate government. If we don’t pay them, our land, homes and resources are confiscated. We are arrested or removed.

Norton & friends: "We have to do it our way!"

Norton & friends: “We’re gonna  have to do it our way!”

In the Akwesasne people’s casino issue, the outside white population saw our prosperity. They pressured Albany and then Washington to shut us down and pass laws restricting all our economic growth. For us Ono’ware:geh land, waterways and airways are tax free zones.


Our people are given the idea that our education, health and social services are being given to us by the colonial settlers. It is our funds being doled out to us. All Ponzi schemes collapse when the resource owners start resisting. There is only one business here for the CROWN on ono’ware:geh/Great Turtle Island, that is the theft of our resources based on genocide. The ongwe’hon:weh are exposing and resisting the “bag men” who try to collect the CROWN’S “protection” debts.

With the help of the incorporated band council INDIANS, the CROWN plans to exterminate us and control all our businesses through removing our clans and the law of the land, kaia’nereh:kowa. Many of our business people with their outside backers violate our sovereignty by going to Ottawa and Washington to beg for permission to set up businesses. Nations don’t do that! The CROWN is at our door. Every ongwe’hon:weh knows who owes who!

custer sawAs Floyd Red Crow Westerman sang: “For the lies that were spoken, For the blood we have spilled, For the treaties that we broken, For the leaders you have stilled. Custer died for your sin.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com For original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Unistoten camp BC. Resistance.



See Incident at Oglala.