


MNN. Feb. 19, 2013. In June 2006, US Border Patrol and ATF [Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms] were caught monitoring the Six Nations standoff at Caledonia. There was no outcry. Our men were charged with interfering with these foreign agents.  Was this part of the groundwork for the future US invasion of Canada?

Is Prime Minister Harper the ‘Trojan Horse” for the US? When Hitler went into Austria during WWII, he had sent in secret agents to take over all levers of power, corporations, government, police and military. Then the Austrians welcomed him with open arms, parades and waved German flags. Will the US take over Ottawa, amidst waving Stars and Stripes, without firing a shot? 

Who's helping you this time?

Remember who helped you last time!

US and Canada know that they cannot exercise true sovereignty on Great Turtle Island without our consent, or our non-existence. Bankers and multinational corporations in England want control of our land, resources and funds. They will fail to get our cooperation, will try to eliminate us legislatively, or they will declare martial law on us. 

Disinformation is a strategy to create a confrontation. They need something sensational and traumatic to compare it with  conflicts showing bombs, riots, blockades and mutilated bodies, especially of children. [Sandy Hook, Aurora, Syria]. Mainstream media’s main role is to promote fear and anger subliminally to the population. In the past we never saw dead bodies on media. Now the norm is front page news picturing dead babies and crying women. We are being conditioned to see this as normal.  

We remember all those taken away.

They are still here.

To break down our resistance, our women and children are targeted. Indian Affairs takes our children from northern communities, places them in cities like Thunder Bay to be “educated’, and then organized gangs kill them. Police even admit their racist behavior.  CBC on Thunder Bay racism

Children’s Aid Society, law enforcement and military are closing in on our communities. The military is hiding on the outskirts of some of them ready to invade at a moment’s notice. The social services are set to declare an emergency and grab our children. 

A totalitarian regime is being put into place. We are the initial targets to frighten the public so no one will dare to resist. To commit martial law welfare recipients are the most vulnerable.

Our corporate band and tribal councils slyly help their masters make our society dependant, frightened and fearful, with no place to turn. These totalitarian schemes have been tried before.  They fail.  Prime Minister Harper does not object to this violation of Indigenous rights.

US and Canada, you will deal with us as a free people, the rightful guardians of unsurrendered Great Turtle Island. We created the perfect reality, which was interrupted 500 years ago.   

obama_harperHarper and Obama, we see through your masks. As Dylan said in “Masters of War”: “Come, you masters of war, you that build the big guns, you that build the death planes, you that hide behind walls, you that hide behind desks. I just want you to know I can see through your masks.” Masters of war

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0













MNN.  July 21, 2012.  The Aurora theatre killer, James Holmes, grew up in San Diego California.  His mother sent him to Denver to study for his Phd in neuroscience. 

Americans are horrified about the chaotic, horrific, tumultuous and bloody mass murders in the movie theatre showing “Dark Night Rises”.  Yet they live unconcerned over the top of our graves. This hemisphere is soaked in our people’s blood, all killed by psychotic mass murderers.  

Aurora is 100 miles from the site of the Sand Creek massacre, November 29, 1864.  Old Denver families were behind this mass murder of Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women and children.  


In the spring of 1864 the Cheyenne and Arapaho were ready for peace.  They met with US Officers, Evans and Chivington, at Camp Weld outside of Denver.  No treaties were signed.  The Indians were offered a sanctuary at Fort Lyon.  Black Kettle and over 500 Cheyenne and Arapaho travelled south to set up camp on Sand Creek, near Eads, the town later built on top of the massacre site.  Some dissenters headed north to join the Sioux.  

General Samuel Curtis sent a telegram, “I want no peace till the Indians suffer more”.  700 Cavalry volunteers called “100 Dazers”, assembled in Denver.  The camps of Chief Black Kettle, White Antelope, Left Hand and others, lay in the valley before them.   Chivington, with mostly drunken troops, headed to Sand Creek with 4 Howitzers.   Black Kettle raised both flags of peace.  Chivington raised his arm for attack.   Cannon and rifles pounded the camp.  The Indians scattered.  The frenzied soldiers hunted down and murdered the men, women and children.   A few warriors managed to fight back.  Silas Soule of Massachussets did not allow his soldiers to fire into the crowd.  

Troops continued the murders all day.  One bragged about killing 3 women and 5 children who were screaming for mercy.  They murdered all the wounded, mutilated and scalped them.  They cut open the pregnant women’s bellies and laid the fetus on the bodies.  They plundered tipis and divided up the herd of horses.  Black Kettle’s wife was shot 9 times and survived.  The Cheyenne Dog Warriors who opposed the peace treaty provided sanctuary for the survivors. 

The Colorado volunteers returned to Denver as heroes, with scalps of women and children.  Colorado residents celebrated.  Chivington appeared on a Denver stage telling war stories and displayed 100 Indigenous scalps, including pubic hair of women.  Many of the elite of Denver society today are the children of these murderers. 

Eye witnesses came forward and reported the murders.   Silas Soule testified against Chivington, and was murdered by Charles Squires.  It was found to be a carefully planned massacre.  Asked why kids were killed, “Nits make lice”, said Chivington.  

As word of the massacre spread, the Indigenous resistance to white expansion stiffened.  This massacre led to the Little Big Horn battle on June 25-6, 1876 where General George Custer and his men were wiped out by the Lakota lead by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. 

In December 29, 1890, the US 7th Cavalry commanded by Samuel M. Whitside lead the massacre of over 350 Lakota at Wounded Knee Creek. 

We have had to live with these horrors since the arrival of the invaders, while they send their “cry babies” to doctors for counselling.   

That mindset to slaughter people was brought here.  80 are shot and killed daily in the US, not counting stabbings and death by other means.     

Orders always come from the top.  On December 26, 1862 Lincoln sanctioned the hanging of 38 randomly picked Indian men and boys without trial, the largest mass hanging in US history.  One week later, January 1, 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves.  The Blacks then formed the regiment called the Buffalo Soldiers who proudly massacred the Indigenous for their masters.  Today both races celebrate their plunder with medals and the theft of our land.  

Was James Holmes trying to mimic the mindset of those Denver people? If he is insane, then Washington, Grant and Lincoln, and all the other presidents who gave orders to totally annihilate us, are all insane as well.    

The Americans must be reminded of this continuing genocide.  If they don’t know their history, it is bound to repeat itself.  The lesson is: be careful what you ask for,  you might just get it.  

The movie-goers went to the theatre to see murder, death, chaos and plunder.  Then they got it for real!

As Bob Marley sang about, “Buffalo soldier, dread-lock rasta.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0









Communal Culture: Don’t Worry, Be Happy

MNN Sep. 11, 2011.  According to a recent study, the short allele in the serotonin that transports genes makes communal people more prone to depression.  The long alleled people tend to be leaders and standouts.  They are anxious loners, another form of depression. 

Sharon Jayson of USA TODAY and Sujata Gupta of Psychology Today wrote about a study in 29 countries by Northwestern University in Evanston Ill on how culture may shape genes.   

Most people of color carry the short allele.  When they leave their people, they can become depressed.  To protect themselves, they don’t stray from their group.  Or they join a similar group.  Immigrants from faraway places may be prone to depression, as they don’t have access to their group. 

Psychologist Joan Chiao, said communal cultures value social harmony and working together.  Such cultures protect individuals with depression.

Is that why the Mohawk ironworkers came home every weekend?  If they remained part of or in contact with their people, were they protecting themselves from depression?

Highly individualistic cultures such as the USA and Western Europe “value uniqueness over harmony”, having their way rather than agreement or understanding.  They see themselves as unique from the group.  They don’t see the communal perspective.    

Members of individualistic cultures have a need to assert their leadership over others or force them to submit to them.  If they can’t control or be superior to somebody, they become anxious.  Their own people don’t jump to their aid. 

Western culture is more concerned with “me”.  Communal cultures focus on “we.”  They think communal cultures should be changed.    

When a group must work together as equals to survive, Westerners may find themselves alone.  Who would listen to them, look after them or do the work for them?  

In the end, will they try to eat us, as depicted in the movies “The Road” or “Alive”? These films were long allele responses to apocalyptic events.  The white people lacked the natural urge to take on a group identity.  

The fast decreasing Western population fear having no one to dominate.  In a catastrophe [probably of their own making] their victims may turn their back on them.  

Have long allele people become expendable?  Is nature weeding out those who have harmed the earth? 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to help pay legal fees and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy.





Study available online in journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 29 countries studied, including Eastern and Western Europe, South Africa, South Asia, East Asia and South America.